#finn clearcove x reader


Questions for my ocs are open!

I unfortunately can’t do requests atm due to time constriants, however I can answer questions or small interactions with my twst ocs Finn and Quinn. Anything goes, have fun!

Tagging:@cupids-chamber@urala@honey-milk-depresso@twisted-wonderland-but-gayer if you would like to ask questions/interact as well!

Mermay Day Four: Family Business

The Coral Sea was a dangerous place. It was not for the weak or faint of heart. Nor was it for loners.

Under the icy depths of the sea, there was strength in numbers. Even if there were only two of you, you had am advantage.

Family works in tandem with this fact. Families were well coordinated and tightly knit, very rarely interacting with each other or getting involved in their private business.

Family businesses were common, since often you could trust no one else with your work. Some were ordinary, some were shady. Overall it didn’t matter. Your family was everything.

The Leech clan’s front was simple trade of valuable goods. So innocent. But if you dared to dig deeper, things would get much more complicated.

Simple trade does not make your name feared and respected.

Jade and Floyd Leech were definitely going to inherit the business. Their parents had not planned for twins, but it was a pleasant surprise nevertheless.

While Jade always seemed like the best candidate and the most reliable, he and Floyd are a pair. Separating them is a bad idea.

The Ashengrotto clan were restaurateurs. Mrs Ashengrotto ran one of the most famous restaurants under the sea. Her second husband was the Leech clan’s lawyer, and they were both well respected.

Azul Ashengrotto took after his mother and opened his own restaurant at his college. But he also used the knowledge from his step father to his advantage.

He was only seventeen, but business was was booming. With the help of Jade and Floyd, he lured in many poor unfortunate souls. He had an extraordinary amount of power.

The Clearcove clan were the merfolk equivalent of butchers. They lived on the edge of the city, hunting prey and prepping meat to sell to the Ashengrottos, Leeches, and other families.

Mr Clearcove was in charge of their small business. His husband had worked with with the Leeches before he died, and so he himself got a lot of support from Mrs Leech, a good friend.

Their family had a middle ground. They weren’t famous or rich or influential, but they were feared and respected for their species and connections.

Finn was the middle child, so it was more likely that his oldest sibling would be taking over their father’s work when he retired, so he was left to do his own thing.

Finn had a passion for art and music. Not only did he assist in the design of Mostro Lounge, but he also performed in the evenings, playing e such as the saxophone, piano, clarinet, and so on.

Fast forward five years.

Azul had opened a new and improved Mostro Lounge to the public in a seaside city. It quickly gained popularity and became one of the most famous restaurants in Twisted Wonderland.

Jade had taken over the Leech business and- while expanding in their trade of rare mushrooms- formed a partnership with Azul and sponsored Mostro Lounge frequently.

While Floyd handled the grittier bits of Jade’s work, he ended up working at Mostro Lounge too, as the head chef. It turned out he had quite a passion for food.

Finn was Jade’s fiance, land often assisted him and Floyd in their “work”. He had also become a musician, and continued with performing at the Mostro Lounge.

They four of them were a well-oiled machine, working together perfectly. One might even say they were… a family.

They were tightly knit, and did not appreciate outsiders getting involved in their business.

“ My my~” Said Azul, smiling at his newest client. “In trouble with the Leech clan, are you? Whatever did you do~?”

His client- a leader of a small gang, though he wasmore of a wannabe than anything- squirmed in his seat. “I stole a bunch of their stuff! Look, I know it sounds stupid, but they were planning on cheating me out on an important deal!”

“Really now? How unfortunate.” Azul tapped his fingers on his cane. “I can’t help but wonder why you came to me. I work with the Leeches after. What can you even give me in return, if I help you?”

They gnashed their teeth, frowning. “No one else would help. Listen, I know you went to school with the brothers ‘n all, but really, who’s to say they won’t cut you out of a deal too? They’re nothing but cheating bastards. My businesses is much more reliable. If you get the Leech twins off my back, I can be your new and much more profitable partner.”

Azul’s lips curled into a thin smile. “Hmm. Very tempting.” A lie. Azul knew this person was as reliable as Floyd in a bad mood.

“Alright. I’ll take you up on that offer. But first I need to ask you a question.” “Yes?” “You didn’t just steal cargo, did you?” Their eyes widened, and they looked almost offended.


“A mer with a reputation such as yours wouldn’t settle with something as petty as stealing cargo. I’ve heard many a tale about your methods. Tell me the truth, and I promise your life will be smooth sailing from here.

They shifted, going quiet before repenting. "I nabbed the parasite.” They mumbled. “…What?” They shrugged their shoulders. “I was caught by their Cookie Cutter when I broke in.” “Clearcove?” “Yeah. He’s a pretty big asset and seems real close to Jade Leech. I thought I could use him as leverage. Getting him wasn’t that hard. I’m a stonefish, you see. Ah, don’t worry, he’s not dead.”

Azul’s already cold blood froze. This… mangy street gangster took Finn? Nevermind revenge, he mustbe suicidal to do something as stupid as that. Who in their right mind would try that?

Azul straightened up and stared at his client for a minute or two. Not saying a word. Debating. Debating. Debating…

“I believe I’ve heard enough.” He said finally, and -as if on cue- two sets of laughs echoed throughout the room. One low and malicious, the other high-pitched and maniacal.

The client paled.

“Oya, so that’s what happened to my dear Finn~?”

“Ne, you’re got guts, hurting 'im like that.”

Two voices penetrated the sudden silence. The owners of said voices stepped out of the shadows of the room, joining Azul’s side.

“Y'know it was a pretty stupid move to come to Azul for help.” “You should know we are more than simply old schoolmates. Besides, both Floyd and Finn work here.”

The mer gulped. “Well I… just thought that was a part of your… your partnership.”

“So you’re stupid.”

They bristled at Floyd’s comment. “No! I am an incredibly competent-” “Ne, looking at your mess of a 'business’ at the moment, that’s pretty doubtful.” “Look I-”

Jade cut him off with a loud sigh and a shake of his head. “You’re very disappointing, I just say. Stealing whar was going to be a wedding gift, sabotaging our shipments, kidnapping my fiance, and now trying to trick poor Azio into betraying us.”

He clicked his tongue, looking the stonefish up and down with distaste. “You truly seem to be making a habit of meddling in family business.”

Azul chuckled. “You poor unfortunate soul. You’ve swum right into the shark’s den. Speaking of which…” He exchanged a look with the two moray eels. “You better tell us where you put ourshark.”

When the client didn’t say anything, Jade leaned forward and smiled, revealing every sharp tooth poking out from his gums. “I advise you to tell the truth. I would hate to force it out of you.”

They glared and Jade sighed. “Shock The Heart. Where is Finn and our cargo?” They squirmed and gasped, eyes bulging. “Down at the d-docks. Warehouse 16!”

“Mmm, thank you. Floyd, squeeze him all you like.” “Hahahahaha! Yes! Yes! C'mere, little fry!’

"No wait! I- Shit- stop! Why me?!Youbroke the damn deal!”

Floyd’s head tilted. “It’s your fault. We warned your before.”

“Don’t get involved in our family business…”


A/N: I am… so late. I apologise haha. Anyways, I looked at this and thought: Well what about both family business (the business the family runs)andfamily business (the private family matters or events) so I had fun with that. @bakujho Here you go!
