#diasomnia x reader



I’ve decided that I’m not happy with how “Going Going Gone” turned out, so I will be rewriting it and separating it into different parts. Hopefully it will turn out actually decent this time.


Your request has been received!

I can relate to this. I peel my skin all the time. I also know it’s bad but I just need to do it-

Also I think I’ll give male reader a try because all my fics are gender neutral.


Questions for my ocs are open!

I unfortunately can’t do requests atm due to time constriants, however I can answer questions or small interactions with my twst ocs Finn and Quinn. Anything goes, have fun!

Tagging:@cupids-chamber@urala@honey-milk-depresso@twisted-wonderland-but-gayer if you would like to ask questions/interact as well!

300-400+ Followers Event!

Slice Of Life

Thank you all so much for your support! This particular event is just fluffy slice of life for your soul.


▪ONE character at a time! You can request more than once!

▪NO angst or yandere, this event is just fluff

▪If you want to be anonymous, I’m afraid you’ll have to message me privately and ask me to blur your name since I have no anon option

▪Choose ONE scenario from the list below (since it’ll be long becuase I’m excited):

Rainy Day

Beach Trip

First Date




Meeting the Parents


Love Language

Their Behavior Around You Vs Other People


Moving In Together

Babysitting For A Friend

How You Met


Wedding Planning

Wedding/Getting Married

Pre-Wedding Jitters

Starting A Family?

Have fun and enjoy!



I got this canvas print of Azul for Christmas last year.





Ruggie is hidden :(

Does that work better???

I dunno I’m just happyyyyy!

Tagging:@cupids-chamber@honey-milk-depresso (Azul haha) @twisted-wonderland-but-gayer@rozengrotto


『feelin down so…—』

Diasomnia with a chubby gn!s/o that’s insecure about the way they look

tw// a little angsty, fat shaming, body insecurity

Malleus Draconia

  • Who said these things to you?
  • He found you standing in front of a mirror with your arms wrapped around your torso with a look of pain across your face.
  • “My dear, what ails you so? You’re holding your stomach, are you perhaps in pain?”
  • You look up at him with a look of sadness.
  • “Mal, do you think I’m pretty?”
  • His head tilted a little in confusion.
  • What? Of course he does! In his eyes you’re the only color in the world. How could he not think you’re a rare gem amongst diamonds?
  • “Well, what makes you ask this? Of course I do. You’re beautiful, no matter what form you take.”
  • Was he flattering you to make you feel better? Was he complimenting you to be sweet? You couldn’t read him.
  • “But I’m… my family thinks less of me because of the way I look. They all poke fun at me because I’m fat, and that I’m lesser than the others in my age group. My cousins, by siblings… at least that’s how it used to be before I came here.”
  • His eyes widened in shock.
  • He knew that humans could be so shallow at times, being only concerned with material things. As a fae, the things you speak of weren’t important to him. Your health was though, and he wanted to seek and being out the best you! But if this was who you were, generically geared to be built like this, there would be no changing that.
  • “My dearest… I apologize to hear that you’ve gone through that. By the Great Seven, humans can be so fickle at times… regardless of your appearance, I will love you. To be very frank, I don’t care if you take the form of a stick, or a marshmallow, or a pear, or a strawberry. You are you. Uniquely you. From the crown of your head down to the heels of your feet, you are beautiful in your own way. Do not let the words of others cut you… or I’ll cut them.”
  • A tear laden smile crossed your lips as you hugged him, burying your face in his uniform.
  • He let you cry in him as he hugged you close.
  • Some cuddles ought to do the trick to ease this sadness, would they not?


Lilia Vanrouge

  • “Little bat, what has gotten you all upset?”
  • They were just minding their own business, just floating around Diasomnia like the curious old fae he was. He spotted you with a gloomy look on your face.
  • “Oh, hi Lilia. It’s nothing for you to worry about, really.”
  • They feigned an emotional wound. He floated up around you, seeing you suddenly grip your body.
  • Somethings wrong. They’re not stupid. They’ve raised three kids— you are no different. They smiled, a fang showing through their lips.
  • “Ah, but I’ve seen this body language before! You can’t help the fact you’re the way you are, the beautiful and stunning you. Listen, lemme tell you a little story.”
  • You looked towards them with a curious, yet nervous glint in your eye.
  • They ushered you to slowly walk by him as they floated along, slowly and smoothly through the air as they spoke.
  • “There once was a woman known as Aphrodite. The goddess of love, fertility, and beauty. Such a divine woman she was, the woman that came from a shell out of lake water in a pure forest. Broad sunlight shown across her body, extravagance showing in her golden auburn hair and beautiful orange silk loosely covered her shoulders. But what society didn’t notice about this young beauty is that she was also a rather plump woman. So, this is what I like to tell people: If Aphrodite could rock body rolls, so can you. You don’t have to be ashamed of yourself, as you are you. You were made this way.”
  • A blush crept onto your face when they brought up Aphrodite. You weren’t sure whether or not they were comparing you to her or not, but you took it as a compliment in a story nonetheless.
  • “As well as in many cultures, your body type is considered very beautiful. So don’t be afraid to go get it!”
  • You flashed a smile and a small laugh. You thanked them for cheering you up and kissed their cheek, which made them spin circles around you playfully. You giggled at their little hyper episode, allowing them to flash you a wink and taking your hand in his own.
  • “Hey, let’s go get some coffee. I know a little brewery not to far from here— the best in all of Briar Valley. Let’s go, gorgeous!”


Sebek Zigvolt

  • You didn’t show up to the Diasomnia dinner party.
  • Angry croc is angry. You disrespected Waka-Sama-Senpai!
  • “Oi, human!! You didn’t show for dinner! You know Waka Sama called us all down to have dinner with him and you were invited, you should have done your duty and made yourself known! Have you no sha-“
  • You were already crying, looking in the mirror with a distressed look in your eyes. The mirror had a few cracks in it and your reflection looked shattered in the glass.
  • He stopped, and took a moment to analyze the situation. He’s not good with this stuff.
  • Especially when people are crying.
  • Maybe that approach about his beloved senpai his waka sama was a little too much.
  • He kinda panicked and stepped towards your crying body just haphazardly meandering around eggshells.
  • “Hey… are you okay?”
  • At that point you didn’t really wanna see anyone, let alone this loudass. Tbh he looked kinda ashamed.
  • He wouldn’t hear the end of it if this got to Malleus’s ears, so he had to make up for this. Quickly.
  • But how? He’s not good at this.
  • “Uh… I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have yelled, that was inappropriate timing. Seriously, as you okay?”
  • He’s told of your concerns, people have been bullying you!
  • He wants names.
  • How dare they come up on you like that? You are unique in your own way! He has decency you know.
  • He’s not just a screaming cabbage man.
  • He’ll see to it that you’re protected, just like a good knight.
  • He’ll make them all pay, and then he’ll help you accomplish your goals. He wants to help you lose weight. He’ll set up meal plans for you and log what you eat each day.
  • He may or may not bring up caloric deficits too, depending on how serious you are. Again, no pressure though!



  • As a human himself, he’s more familiar with the insecurity of one’s body.
  • He doesn’t really have to ask to know what’s going on. The way you’re holding your stomach, the way you look at yourself, he’s seen it at NRC with some of the basketball players as he roams.
  • He’s a lot more nonverbal with his affections.
  • He’ll get anyone that bullies you and push em down six feet under. He’s normally around you, pretending to be asleep, listening what others say to and about you.
  • He’s trying to protect you, albeit it’s a little creepy at first.
  • He’ll often try and make you food, low in calorie of course, and if you’re up for it, he’ll let you train with him. All for the cardio.
  • You’ll get what he’s trying to do eventually, and you ask about his recent behavior changes.
  • “Well, you’ve been sad recently about the way you look. People have been making comments about you which is also worse. I want to help you.”
  • You’re astonished.
  • The sleepy silver haired male, normally cold and aloof, is getting close to you!
  • He wants to help!
  • You stick with his routines, telling you to avoid those supplements that Cater would try and give you.
  • “It’s best for you to work out and lose weight naturally. But if all you need is a confidence boost just say the word. I’ll try my hardest for you.”
  • He does his best to make sure you feel beautiful. Even though he was raised by fae, and therefore may not be familiar with all human concepts, he will try, with the second nature he has of relating to you.
  • “…Thanks, Silv. You’re the best.”
  • “No problem, lovely.”