

I made this probably a year ago. I was doing a study on how Fern bonded with Flax, the homunculus boy.

I tried to make it natural in a way where Fern is still adjusting to have him around and wonder if he can take care of someone who inherited part of his DNA (and perhaps his own being as well).

As it is a family AU, Fern lives after CAWM.

Finn absolutely losing it over this picture of the Hitman with his kid.Just your average grocery sho

Finn absolutely losing it over this picture of the Hitman with his kid.

Just your average grocery shopping folks. Nothing to see here.

(AKA: Fern takes charge of Flax while Finn and Jermaine went to find Jake. And of course, he dragged the legion along to babysit the homunculus)

Post link

How is Flax (the homunculus) made?

Alchemy + Science :3

Princess Bubblegum does the extensive research in producing him while the boys fetch the ingredients needed. (This was based on the recipe she used to make Goliad and her people, but with switch ups)


Candy Base ====> Tissue Culture Base

Algebra =======> Complex Formulas

Amino Acids =======> Element Reagents (ensures mitosis and meiosis to perform on human-like specimens properly, unlike with Candy people)

Citadel Guardian Blood: Its regenerative properties is useful for improved cell development. This also gives him regenerative properties, though not as quick and instant as when it was in its pure form.

…. I’ve been drawing too much fire lately ^^’ (maybe ‘cause I am on fire oof-)

I like fire so… Yeah.
