#fittness motivation



The problem with exercising for weight loss alone, is that if you fail to lose weight, it’s tempting to quit because it’s ‘not working’. 

But there are SO many other great reasons to exercise, completely unrelated to weight loss!

1. Because it’s good for your heart!

Exercise improves your cardiovascular health, and helps you live longer. 

2. Because it keeps your strong!

Exercise helps strengthen your muscles, and helps you avoid frailty and injury as you get older. 

3. Because it’s good for your mental health! 

Exercise reduces anxiety and improves mood. 

4. Because it’s good for your brain!

Exercise has been shown to improve memory as we age, and decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. 

5. Because it’s so much fun!

There are so many great ways to be active, you’re bound to find one you enjoy!

There’s are so many reasons to exercise that aren’t related to weight. 

So ditch the scale, and get your body moving for all the other great reasons!

The number on the scale shouldn’t be your main motivator. Do it for yourself And all the benefits it gives you!
