


TITLE OF STORY: Thank You; 45 Minutes.
GENRE: Romance, Erotica
SUMMARY: There’s nothing quite so satisfying as tricking the Trickster himself. Female OC helps her husband, Tom Hiddleston, get into character before his legendary 2013 Comic Con surprise appearance as Loki.
AUTHORS NOTES: This was such fun to write. Enjoy!
(P.S. “Niamh” is pronounced “nee-ev.”)


Friday 19 July 2013

You’re sat at work when your phone buzzes in your desk drawer. It’s just after lunch on a Friday and you’re knackered, aching to go home and pass out on the couch in front of a movie with a book on your chest.

You check your phone; it’s a selfie of Jango Fett walking through the San Diego airport. It’s the weekend of the San Diego Comic Con, so no one bats an eye at the sight of a tall man wearing a Star Wars helmet on his way to baggage claim. If they only knew…

“Niamh, got those reports ready?” your boss chirps from over the cube wall. You slide your drawer closed.


“Before 3, then?” she says.

“Will do.”

You try to hide a yawn as you turn back to your computer, with Jango still on your mind.

God, it’s been ages since he was able to walk through an airport with so little attention. Your chest twinges with envy. He’d asked if you wanted to come but you’d said no, shuddering at the idea of all those fans crowded into the convention center. For someone who lived in London, you weren’t a fan of hordes of people. And work had been intense, and your weekends had been busy for months–you needed a proper break, with or without Tom there.

But that photo… you knew he was grinning beneath the plastic helmet that he’d snagged at Escapade last week, after Kevin had called and pitched him the idea.

“I thought you were getting a Stormtrooper,” you’d said when he walked into the apartment that afternoon.

“They were all out,” he shrugged, setting it on the counter before walking to you. “This was the only one that fit.” You leaned your head back over the arm of the couch to meet his upside down kiss; his fingers brushed your arched neck as your lips met. After years together, his touch still made your pulse leap to meet it. London was in the middle of a heatwave, but your sudden temperature rise came from another kind of sun.

Another message from Tom comes through and you open your drawer to read it.

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