

These are just some of the 100 flavors of pasta from Pappardelle’s Pasta Company here in Denver, Colorado. All of their pastas are made on site and they are delicious and wonderful to eat with most dishes. I personally prefer the Southwestern Blend as it has a nice kick and great flavor.


It’s finally summer, time for warm weather and cool drinks!

Vintage ad’s for 7up promoting their product by recommending you make an ice cream float with it by adding ice cream and 7up in a cup together!

Ice cream floats were very popular during this era, but the well known way now to drink a float is with Root Beer.

Circa. 50s - 60s

Flavors in Spanish

What’s up guys ✌ I’m back from my hiatus and back and better. I will try to post everyday if it is not a toll. XO Erin

  • umami (flavorful); sabroso
  • sweet; dulce
  • salty; salado
  • fruity; afrutado
  • spicy; picante/sazonado
  • bitter; amargo
  • sour; ácido/agrio
  • tangy; agridulce
LOS ANGELES: juicy colors.LOS ANGELES: juicy colors.

LOS ANGELES: juicy colors.

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