

之前我曾推荐过我个人最喜爱的 Mac 屏保 — Fliqlo1,但随着 Mac OS X 华丽「换装」进入 Flat Design 时代,Fliqlo 的 Skeuomorphism Design 风格就与之格格不入。


Of couse! 你可以试试 Flat Design 风格的时钟屏保 — Padbury Clock,它由前 Apple 高级 UI 设计师 @Robert Padbury 设计完成,在 OS X Yosemite 上使用棒极了!


与 Fliqlo 一样 Padbury Clock 也没有过多的设置项,用户仅可以选择:

  • Theme - 主题,分为 Light、Dark 和 Alternate;
  • Use 24 Hour Time — 使用 24 小时制;
  • Display Time Separators — 显示时间分隔符;
  • Show on Main Display Only — 只显示在主显示器上;
  • Night Time Mode — 夜间模式(10:00 PM - 6:00 AM 时段用红字显示时间)。

Workspace Show

Free - Download Now

P.S. 顺带再推荐一款同类型的时钟屏保 MinimalClock,感兴趣的朋友可以试试。

coffeeplanner:wallpapers → design love fest→ dress up your tech→ lovely indeed→ breanna rose→ the



→ design love fest
→ dress up your tech
→ lovely indeed
→ breanna rose
→ the sweet escape 


momentum - a chrome extension that is a favourite among studyblrs
fliqlo - a clock screensaver and another studyblr favourite
lanes - a popular alternative to momentum
currently - another extension but this one tells the time and the weather!


forest - a great app to help you focus. available on almost all platforms
evernote - a convenient app to keep all of your notes in one place
tomato timer - a very simple website that uses the pomodoro technique of productivity. you can find pomodoro apps all over
my study life - a one-stop shop for everything to do with your academic life: from a calendar for your classes/breaks to reminders for assignments or exams - made with flexibility and the student in mind.
swipes - a simple to-do list app that lets you swipe a task once it’s finished or postpone it; keeps your to-do list organized by time so things that you can’t do right now aren’t staring you in the face.
 flux - for late night studying; it adjusts screen colour so that it doesn’t strain your eyes or keep you awake
coffitivity - coffeeshop sounds to relax or stay productive


clean out your inbox - a tedious but rewarding task. there is nothing better than a clean inbox. take buzzfeed’s five-day inbox cleanse  
use a calendar app - as much as we love physical paper planners (and we do) nothing compares to being able to check or change your calendar at a moment’s notice. utilize your phone’s built-in calendar app. the sunrise calendar app is another great one
back up your computer - this is especially important if everything you need is on your computer. invest in a good external hard drive (at least 1TB) and back up all of your files every 1-2 weeks
uninstall apps - if you don’t frequently use an app, it’s time to let it go. it’s takes up precious phone/tablet/computer space. you can always reinstall it if you feel like you need it again!
back up documents - never lose a document again! back up all your documents on a usb drive, or upload your documents to your google docs

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