#fm radio


November 6, 1935: The development of the FM radio band in announced by Edwin Armstrong. During the first presentation, attendees were puzzled by the sounds emanating from the FM dial, prompting many to ask, “What is a Led Zeppelin?”


also! does anyone play with slime? i want to try some slime after finding a little container with some little fruit charms, so i’m looking for a slime thats easy to just absentmindedly play with and has lots of crunchy sounds to it

any recommendations, i mean? :3c

also! does anyone play with slime? i want to try some slime after finding a little container with some little fruit charms, so i’m looking for a slime thats easy to just absentmindedly play with and has lots of crunchy sounds to it

so i talked to Neil last night and nya left the blog, just due to pups personal choice, nothing happened or anything, but i just want to give a heads up that i may be really really inactive, but i’ll do my best! i may not take any more requests from here on out, but i have intentions on finishing the ones in my inbox
