#fma lust


Long time no see!

Here are some fma ladies in suits I finished today

How about a little Lusty? Yep. I had another one of these ready for you guys, because truly, if you’re looking for badass yet layered female anime characters, the FMA franchise is one of the best places to look.

(Also, I needed to do as many sketches as I could for you guys in a short amount of time before my joints flared up again. It just so happened this time I was in an FMA kinda mood.)


The face you make when someone swipes your claws.

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Blorbo doodles from day two of Cardiff

Hello it is 2020 and I am continuing to do the thing where I re draw this picture I first drew in 20

Hello it is 2020 and I am continuing to do the thing where I re draw this picture I first drew in 2010, see the last two versions HERE

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klacie-r:食べていい?Pixiv ID: 49735694Member: 角字 permission to repost was given by the artist


Pixiv ID: 49735694

permission to repost was given by the artist

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Lust Headcanon 04

One of Lust’s hobbies is wood carving. She decided to learn it when she was young as a way to demonstrate that her Lances could be used for something other than just destroying things. Plus it gave her something to occupy her besides just killing people, especially those who might be useful.

The first thing she carved was a dodo from a wine cork, inspired by the live dodo she saw at an auction house, and the wood block prints she saw on display there as well. Later on she also began carving stone sculptures when collecting the debris from Sloth’s birth (he ran into a wall), and by 1914 she is in the middle of crafting a chess set out of ivory, alabaster and marble in her spare time.

Father has made use of her talents as well. Shortly after Greed’s capture – and the discovery of Izumi Curtis – he instructed Lust to create the figurines that serve to represent the current potential Sacrifices (Edward, Alphonse, Dr Marcoh, and Izumi). At this time Father was not aware of Hohenheim’s location, so the one that later represents Hohenheim instead represented Dr Marcoh.

Lust is very excited to use her skills to create something so important, not only because Father asked her, but because it gives her ample excuse to closely examine the transmutation circle on Father’s table. No one has to know about that just yet, though. She’s just being a dutiful daughter.

More headcanons

some ✨scrust✨these r not direct illustrations of, but they were inspired by conversations with @butcsome ✨scrust✨these r not direct illustrations of, but they were inspired by conversations with @butc

some ✨scrust✨

these r not direct illustrations of, but they were inspired by conversations with @butchscar​ & reading her incredible wonderful fanfic Real People


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