#fullmetal alchemist brotherhood fanart


Last one done! I have a few more paired up, but I don’t really feel like drawing them. Also, to get this over with…

I am so sorry. Chihiro doesn’t deserve this, I know. But neither did Nina.

I would like to do some alternate ones next since I feel like there were some characters that could have worked just as well in diffrent places. For example, I paired Peko with Lanfan, but she could have worked as Hawkeye as well. Let me know if you have any suggestions or any characters you would specifically like to see me pair. Also, be sure to go look at all the previous ones! Part Three:

How about a little Lusty? Yep. I had another one of these ready for you guys, because truly, if you’re looking for badass yet layered female anime characters, the FMA franchise is one of the best places to look.

(Also, I needed to do as many sketches as I could for you guys in a short amount of time before my joints flared up again. It just so happened this time I was in an FMA kinda mood.)
