#fnaf x reader


Hello guys!

To anyone who has recently sent in a request and you have noticed that I haven’t published it is because I’ve been really busy recently. I also have some exams coming up in a month that I have to revise for!

So if you’re request/requests take a while for me to finish please keep in mind that I’m really busy at the moment. Thank you! Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night!


I’m sorry for not posting for ages but requests are gonna be on hold for a while because of school getting in the way. Meaning that any requests sent will probably take longer for me to complete.

Hope you all understand!


Her name is Matilda Sullivan! Feel free to send any questions about her! I would love to answer them!

Hey guys! It’s me once again!

I just wanted to say I may take a small break on writing for blueycapsules for a while. Ever since blueycapsules ended their hiatus it’s been hard for me to get back into blueycapsules because of their break(which they definitely deserved)

I may write for blueycapsules again if I do manage to get back into I will probably start writing for blueycapsules again!

Any blueycapsule requests I’ve been sent won’t be deleted don’t worry! I will just be focusing on my other requests.

Have a good day/afternoon/night guys!♡


Old Fan - Mangle & Chica

if it’s not a bother, can i request some hcs of freddy and foxy with an s/o who was a regular customer when they were a child? like they knew the two when they were a child but for some reason they had to move away and now they are back as an adult to visit the pizzeria.


Doing Heidi’s/ @honks-stuff ’s old prompt with Mangle & Chica bc I wanted to write more FNAF stuff out of the blue. I have some darker headcanons that I’m developing into “one-shots” for this. Just needed a base to start a few of them.


Old Fan (Mangle w/ a long running “fan”)

He was still in the same place, despite everything that place has put him through

Even with his back to you, have the urge to just leave after knowing everything that happened to him, even what you witnessed

Mangle.”Yes? “Hi, my name is Y/N. I just wanted to say… that I’ve been a really big fan of you since I was little.“ "A fan, how sweet. Sad to say I didn’t have many of those back when I started.” “Yeah, I…I remember. I’m sorry if I’m bugging you.”

Before you could even run he had ahold of your wrist

“Nonsense. I’m actually quite glad you’re here. Though it’d be a shame for you to run off before I got to hear why you’re really here.” “I told-” “Yeah, I heard what you said, I’m saying I don’t buy it dear.”

Admitting to him what you remember actually makes the grip on his wrist tighten

“So you’ve simply come back to see if I was dead or not.”

He was much more bitter than you remembered, but after working with a staff that let the kids and adults treat him how they wanted for 10 years, you couldn’t blame him

“To think you’d come back to check up on me after so long. It’s almost sickeninglysweet.”


Old Fan (Chica w/ a long running fan)

Chica was actually much harder to find than you thought she’d be, as Fazbears had replaced her with a fresher face about 3 years earlier to your visit

Strange enough you found that she started working as a waitress at a diner you and your family frequented when you were young, centered in the middle of town

Chica?”“Oh honey, I haven’t been called that in years.” “You’re a hard woman to find, y'know that?” “I haven’t left town yet sweetheart, now, can I get you seated to eat?”“Sure.”

She was extremely delighted to know you were and still are a fan of hers

“The day they officially told me I was fired was the day that I crashed.”“Crashed?”“I guess I was just holding onto that job a little to much, I thought I’d work with kids forever y'know?” “You still can-” “Afraid not hon. I barely graduated high school when I got that job in the fist place.”

She had left that dream behind a long time ago it seems….

She must’ve liked you, since she gave you her number

“I hope you’ll come back to chat with me again, gets a bit lonely in this town. Seeing the same faces everyday is enough to drive a girl crazy.”


These headcanons are brought to you by Ame.

The Fear Known As


  • ‘The Fear Known As ___’

is a series in which a girl goes exploring with her best friend in an abandon megaplex and ends up discovering a broken animatronic. She decides to make it her job to fix the thing she has brought into their home.


Part 7 > The Fear Known As Dystychiphobia


Pairing: Sunnydrop/Moondrop x Fem!Reader

Au: Abandoned Au

Warnings Are On The Masterlist

  • This is NOT your normal Sunny, and I don’t want him to be like his original self. He’s been abandoned for years after all.


Your eyes gently fluttered open to the warmth of what you assumed was your bedroom, rays of sun against your skin. The white ceiling overhead is the only visible thing in your line of sight. Was it morning already? What happened? The soft movement of the blanket as you shifted was the only sound you could hear as you attempted to sit up. A sharp pain however flooded your left arm, the kind that made you hiss under your breath. Your eyes flicked over to it, it was bandaged up, what? You don’t recall having the time to do that.

So who did?

As if on cue, the Sun animatronic walked in. His gold and silver swirls and key-like chest piece gleamed in the daylight. He was carrying fresh gauze, a washcloth, and what seems to be a bottle of antiseptic. Those white eyes hitting the light in such a way for a moment he didn’t feel real. He stared, silent and unmoving in your cracked doorframe. At least for the time being. A low hum slipped from his voice box as he finally walked over, placing everything on the end of the bed before his hands met your cheeks. He held you still and you sat in silent turmoil.

“Uhm…Sun?” Your voice sounded strangled and dry as you finally spoke. It was almost foreign to you despite it still being your voice. Just how long had you been asleep?


“What are you doing?” His head dipped, rays and faceplate shifting with the movement. He remained quiet for a while before nodding to himself and grabbing your damaged arm gently. His cool silicone fingertips hold your skin as though you were made of porcelain.

“I’m reading your vitals, making sure you’re not irreparably damaged.”

“Have you been checking on me this entire time?” He didn’t answer the question and instead began to slowly unwrap the damaged arm. As he did you began to see splotches of red bleed into the white, it was dark red though, so it’s at least dried by now. He slid them off carefully to reveal your arm. It looked almost bruised, an odd purple-ish red and clear strain on the skin from the stitches you assumed he’d done. They were neat and precise though, as to be expected with a bot.

“Did Gregory come home?” You whispered it and yet still felt his hand tense ever so slightly around you. The stillness that followed was deafening as he pulled away, silicone hands grabbing the cleaning supplies and washcloth. You watched with wide eyes as he gently poured some on the towel before clutching your arm again, cleaning around the stitches. His movements were careful so as to not get into the gashes or touch the material holding them together.

“He did.” The sun mutters under his breath after cleaning away all the dried blood. You smiled ever so slightly at the news of your best friend being home. You needed to ask him some questions, sure, but that could wait. He was home now. Actually, the more you thought about it, the more you realized just how much there is to this animatronic. He’s in your lives now, and obviously he has a dislike for Gregory. Plus, the damage done to you may remain as a scar. It doesn’t matter much oddly enough, the pain has mostly subsided as long as you don’t move it too much.

“Who was that?” His head tilted up to your face as though he was looking into your eyes, his rays seemingly sinking into his faceplate at the question.

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean,” you glanced at your well-butchered arm and right back up to his eyes. He paused, seemingly contemplating telling you before letting out a quiet huff. One hand putting the towel to the side and reached for the fresh gauze as he began to speak again.

“That was Moon, I guess I should have told you about him. That’s my fault.”

“No, don’t blame yourself for that. You weren’t expecting the lights to shut off.”

“You could say that, but it’s still the least I could’ve done, I’m just- look. You’re not awful…for a human. That doesn’t mean I like you. Regardless, you aren’t a threat when you’re injured and you’re letting me stay here. It’s only fair that I open up a bit in return.” He began to wrap your arm and for a moment you hesitated. Was this his way of saying you had his permission to ask anything you wanted? Alright fine. Let’s play some get to know you.

“Why did you help me, you know, after I blacked out. I thought you hated me?”

“I don’t hate you. I just don’t like you. I’m not going to just let you die, I may be metal but I’m not heartless you know.” He continued covering your arm, face turning down to make sure he didn’t press on the mostly fresh wound harder than needed.

“And what of Moon, why is he so…odd?”

“Odd?” The sun chuckles and shakes his head at your choice of words, he almost seems amused. It’s weird considering this is the same animatronic from yesterday. You hope this softness will last, maybe he’ll open up enough to know his story. There’s no way he got that damaged by himself, right?

“Yeah, odd.”

“If you mean why he attacked you, he’s just aggressive. He’s sort of like a mean guard dog I guess. Doesn’t like people, barely stands me.”

“Wait, do you talk to each other?”

“Sure we do, two independent Ai, one body. We talk all the time.”

“Are the conversations interesting?”

“Depends, is he going on about how irritating the room is or how irritating the people are?” Was…Was that a joke? He sounded so cheerful, animated, almost like what you expected from someone named Sun.

“So he’s just bitchy is what I’m hearing.”

“Oh, don’t let him catch you say that, he’ll blow a fuse.” The sun laughed and you laughed right along with him. His rays spun as he continued to laugh, almost creating a fan, it even ruffled your hair a bit. So they spin when he’s happy! That’s an awful cute design- wait- cute? As he slid down from his pleased high, the rays slowed and he finished up the bandages. A gentle pat over the gauze as he completed his work.

“There, now it won’t get infected.”

“Thanks Sunny.”


“Oh I’m sorry, do you not like-“

“No no, it’s…it’s good. Don’t worry about it.” There was a delicate pause as he gave you what seemed to be a once-over before standing again. His hands reached out, plucking the things he had brought with him off the bed before he began to make his way to the door.

“Wait!” He turned towards you at the sound of your plea, his head bent over his shoulder. Those same white eyes glow once more by reflecting the sun’s rays.

“Can I ask just one more question?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why don’t you like Gregory?” His entire body went rigid and for a moment you worried he’d snap back to the same animalistic energy he’d given off in the beginning. You knew you shouldn’t have asked. There’s something there that he hasn’t been saying and it’s not any of your business! It doesn’t matter if you saved him, he has his right to privacy! You spiraled for a while in your head before he spoke up. There was a distant sound to his voice, as though he was mentally elsewhere.

“We have history, one I don’t think you deserve to hear from me. You know he wasn’t always such a fun kid to be around, a hassle to keep under control. Not that it matters. I’m just an old bot thinking about old memories. Ah, but that’s enough questions for now.” His voice picked up in that same soft contentment from when he’d talked with you moments ago. It sounded significantly more bland and hollow now though, fake even.

“I’ll tell him you’re awake.” With that, he left, closing the door behind him. You remained staring at your door and cracked doorframe in silence. You had to know what that history was. Whatever happened, whatever damage had been caused, had left a permanent imprint on that animatronic. If it was that heavy you needed to know, not just for rehabilitation and selling purposes. No, now you’re sure if it. You’re emotionally invested in this, in them.















If you asked to be on the tag list, but don’t see your name here that’s because I couldn’t @ you!

