

Disenjangle (VERB):

The process of stripping your belt of favors, pouches, bells, tokens, drinking vessels, weapons, etc before visiting the toilet. Necessary to avoid piddling on one’s accessories while wearing garb.

I’ve been working on a Landsknect kit for my kender-character, Ilsa. I made this stupid hat for HearI’ve been working on a Landsknect kit for my kender-character, Ilsa. I made this stupid hat for Hear

I’ve been working on a Landsknect kit for my kender-character, Ilsa. I made this stupid hat for Hearthlight’s Siege of the Azure Castle, so every photo of me from this event is me grinning like mad because I’m so pleased with it. :D

It actually lasted throughout a whole day of fighting in the field and woods! At the end of the day, during the ladies’ tournament, Aella Greywolf flicked it off my head, and you could HEAR the crowd go “ooooh.” 

Photo 1 by Tungsten. Photo 2 (and alphabet magnets, which she stuck to my armor) by Mariner. Thanks, friends!

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Because it is like, the worst.

Keep reading


  • If you’re on hormonal birth control pills, and you have an upcoming event that coincides with a placebo week and thus a period, you can SKIP YOUR PERIOD by just starting your new pill pack early. You go straight from week 3 of your active pills in your old pill pack to week 1 of your new pill pack. You might have to ask your pharmacist to refill your prescription early, but it’s TOTALLY WORTH IT. Here are more detailed instructions! 
  • If you’re caught with cramps while you’re out camping, fill a hard-sided water bottle with hot water for an ad hoc heating pad. (You can use this same method to sleep warm during cold-weather campouts– water holds heat for a LONG time!) Just make sure your bottle has a sturdy, trustworthy lid, so you don’t drench your sleeping bag or clothes! I use a big 32 oz Nalgene, and it works perfectly. 
  • Build yourself a Bag of Necessity! This is just a little kit of things I often desperately need but always forget, all stored together in a waterproof container. Mine is a quart-sized Ziplock that fits into my in-character shoulder bag. It contains many small necessities (hair ties, bandaids, gum, etc), but for uterus-emergencies, the relevant items are:
    • a tampon
    • a pad
    • hand sanitizer
    • ibuprofen, and 
    • chewy ginger candies for nausea.

Fighting while being on your period isn’t enormous fun, but it doesn’t have to be awful. Do your best to be prepared, and help your fellow uterus-havers out!

I’ve been fighting in Dagorhir for eleven years, so it breaks my heart to see the national DGBA board consistently refuse to pay attention to diversity, player safety, and the voice of women. I can’t ignore it anymore, and I’ve decided that I can’t attend Dagorhir events until the national board makes substantive changes.

I sent the following to the DGBA Facebook post,the Dagorhir page, and [email protected]. I encourage you to do the same.

Thanks, y’all.

Eorl Ilsa of Drentha

I stand with all our female fighters and players when I say that the removal of female administration is unacceptable. In light of recent accusations of violence against women in Dagorhir, and the negligence of the DBGA, I demand that our female representatives be reinstated. At this time I am leaving Dagorhir for my safety and the safety of women within the game.

Until such time as the DBGA shows that it values the voice and safety of women, I will not attend a Dagorhir event and call for others in joining me by walking out from this group and the game as well.
