#food poverty



Hey yall, I wanted to make a PSA about this because it’ll be useful to many of you in the United States. You might qualify for public assistance now, specifically because of rising food prices.

The federal poverty line, the biggest determining factor for public assistance, has been kept artificially low for decades because it was based on the outdated assumption that food was the primary expense for most American households. For decades now, shelter has been the larger expense, but the federal poverty limit has still been determined based on the prices of food commodities.

Because food prices have recently gone up, the federal poverty line has gone up significantly as well. This means if you were previously slightly over the income limit to qualify for public assistance such as food stamps or medicaid, you likely qualify now. I’d like to encourage everyone who thinks they might qualify to apply for these programs. The qualification cutoffs are still absurdly low, so please be assured that if you qualify for assistance, you’re not taking something you don’t need or deserve.

Please reblog this if you think your followers will find it useful. I haven’t seen anyone talking about this, it’s just something I noticed recently, so I want the info to become more public to help people who might be struggling.

Bidenflation: Grocery Store Prices Up The Most Since 1979

American families got whacked by much higher prices at the grocery store in March.

The Consumer Price Index for food purchased for consumption at home rose 1.4 percent compared with the prior month. Compared with a year ago, grocery store prices are up 11.9 percent, the fastest pace of inflation since 1979.

Prices of cereals and bakery products jumped 11.6 percent. Prices of meats, poultry, fish, and eggs were up 14.6 percent. Dairy product prices were up 11.8 percent. Fruits and vegetable prices were up 8.6 percent.
