#foot pain


2020 Jan 13 and 14 Jazzercise Strength 60 and Dance mixx

Got new shoes. New Balance 860 (I think). They are supposed to help stabilize feet, hoping it will help with pain. I am not wearing the old orthotics with them, trying them just straight to see how it goes. Also spending time at night while watching TV to foam roll legs and stretch and also rolling a ball under my arch, even though it’s the outside of my heel/ankles that hurt.

No dancing last night, but lots of standing on one foot, which hurt. Lunges are almost impossible they hurt so much, but it wasn’t as bad as it has been afterwards.

This morning’s class was 40 min of dancing. Again not as bad as it has been, so maybe shoes are helping? Lateral movements are the worst, along with lunges in the strength section. I tried to concentrate on keeping my ankles good and straight so my feet didn’t roll out . I mean, there was pain with each step, but not as bad as it has been.

So, gonna keep up the stretch and rolling, new shoes, but mostly I have got to get some weight off. Every time I think I’m winning, I backslide. So frustrating and annoyed with myself.

2020.01.09 Jazzercise Flip fusion

Feet felt better today. Took an ibuprofen last night and this morning, which i just never do. Also foam rolled the hell outta my calves. Still hurt , but not to the point I can barely walk, at least. Any lateral moves suck as do lunges. I also took my orthotics out and just used regular insoles. New shoes should be here before Monday, see if they help. If not, off to the Doctor.

2020.01.08 Jazzercise Dance mixx

My feet are absolutely killing me. I thought I had the problem figured out, but after class Monday they started getting worse and haven’t stopped. I changed to new workout shoes in October, I replaced the old yard shoes that I thought was the problem as well. And my feet were feeling better, but we had lots of days without class over the holidays, now that I’m back to regular schedule, they are worse than ever.

I ordered more new shoes, this time a type that is supposed to help with supination, which I think is the problem, but I may have to break down and go to a doctor cos they are very painful now, even just sitting they hurt. Been also trying to stretch my calves a few times a day, which hasn’t helped yet.

This sucks!

I have orthotics, and I wear them, but they are old, so maybe, again, a trip back to the Doctor is my only option.
