#football headcanons


Here is part 2 of My Number 19! Should I do a part 3 of their wedding? Let me know ☺️

Can also be read as a stand alone, but I would recommend reading part 1.

Feedback is always welcome: HATE IS NOT ✨

“My Number 19” - Part 2

Mason Mount x Female Reader

Warnings- Mentions of anxiety and PDA. Fluff

1.5K words


It has been three days since Mason proposed to me and I am still in disbelief. Three days of this ring on my finger, three days of constantly seeing this physical symbol of our love. I couldn’t stop glancing down at it.  I watched as it would glisten in the sunlight and watch as it still shined brightly in the moonlight. With Mason’s return to the club for preseason looming, the both of us decided on a last minute trip to Ibiza, with his family expecting to meet us out there. Mason insisted on keeping our big news a secret until they arrived.


Mason wasn’t a morning person at all so finding his side of the bed empty and seeing him up and about before sunrise on the day of our connecting flight surprised me.

I rub my eyes, clearing my vision to see him pacing across the room by the foot of the bed.

“Babe? Are you okay?” I ask him, muffling a yawn with my body still battling off any remaining thoughts of sleep.

His head shoots up and I see that he is clutching his phone.

“Mum says she and the others are boarding their flight soon. I am so nervous to tell her about us!”

I see that he slowly beginning to spiral so I pat the bed and beckon him over. He sits on the edge of the bed, his back facing me as I get up to massage his shoulders. He begins to lean into my touch and relax slightly.

“We are going to be just fine Mase. If my dad approved, then your mum definitely will”

Many hours later, after a flight, another hotel check in and some time to change Mason and I are reunited with his family. Both his mother and father had flown out including his older brother Lewis, their sister Jaz, her husband, and their little baby girl Summer (Mason’s niece). I was welcomed with opened arms like every other time I see them.

My finger felt bare without my ring, but I hadn’t wore it so that I didn’t ruin the big surprise. Mason held onto it and promised that it will be back where it belonged very soon.

Keeping the news, a secret was harder than I expected especially when Jaz and Debbie would joke around about how much Mason is in love with me.  I would see their smirks when they would tease him about how sweet he acts when he is around me and how perfect we are for one another. Meanwhile his brother and father would tease him for being ‘clingy’.

Yet If I was being honest clingy Mason was one of my favourite sides to see. With his love language being touch he always near. Some touches were subtle, like how he would simply hold my hand while walking or touching your leg, thigh or knee while sat down, drawing patterns in that area.

Other touches were big displays of PDA like kisses on camera after a winning game, hugs from behind whether or not we are around friends and family and when drunk his obsession with my arse would come into play. Sometimes he would just hold it instead of my hand, tease me by giving it a squeeze or even give it a cheeky smack as I walk by.


If I wasn’t with Mason then I could be found babysitting his Niece, Summer so that Jaz could spend some alone time with her husband. Babysitting was easy as Summer is a naturally happy baby who loved exploring. It only took her a couple of hours before she crawled over to use me as a pillow for her nap of the day.  

Taking her out of the sun so she doesn’t burn or end up too warm I put her under our beach umbrella and lie with her on a chair. She snoozes peacefully as I loose myself in my most recent book. I look up a couple of chapters later to see Summer still sleeping onto of me and Mason in his chair beside my own.

I smile softly at him, still shielding myself from the sun as I ask if he okay.

He just nods, content in his surroundings as he presses a kiss onto the top of my hand.

“You are good with her you know.” He speaks lowly, his voice slightly gruff, as if he has just woken up from a nap himself.

My eyes subconsciously fall on Summer at his comment, as I brush her tiny baby hairs away from her eyes.

“Can you imagine us with a family of our own one day?” I watched as his Adam’s Apple bobbed with nerves.

“One day. You would be an amazing dad babe” I lean over to plant a kiss on his lips as he smirks.

“I said one day Mount, don’t you be getting any ideas now”

He laughs at my response just before I hear a whisper fall from his lips.

“One day … the Mister and Misses with mini Mounts”


Later that evening, my nerves started to get the better of me as I waited to head downstairs for the family meal. I constantly smoothed down my red silk dress, found myself playing with hair over and over while pacing the length of the hotel room multiple times.

Mason came up to me from behind and held me tightly. He often does this to help calm me when my anxiety plays up. He peppers me with gentle light kisses as he whispers sweet nothings into my ear.

“We’ve got this darlin’, they are gonna be so happy for us. I can’t wait for you to take my last name”

He pulls out my ring and it slides perfectly back onto my finger.

The action takes me back to the day of his proposal and the same words fall from my mouth all over again.

“I Love you, My Number 19”


I hold Mason hand tightly and do my best to hide the ring as everyone takes their seats. Chat flows easily and food is soon ordered. After the main course we collectively agree that the family have been left in the dark for long enough.

He faces his mother which captures the attention of everyone else at the table.

“Ma, dad, everyone, I have something I need to tell you”

Mason takes my hand and lifts me from my seat. He links my arm with his own so that the ring gleams and is in the eyesight of everyone at the table.

The first thing I hear is Jaz’s squeal as she is the first one to realise what is happening. She quickly covers her mouth as Mason starts speaking again.

“I would like to introduce you all to the future Mrs Mount!”

Tears welled in my eyes as I heard it being spoken out loud in front the most important people in Mason’s life. I watched as the family’s reaction goes from shock to excitement and happiness.

Jaz runs from her chair and tackles me into a hug. Debbie joins in as the boys congratulations Mason. There Is a mixture of small private cheers ranging from “This is amazing news”, “I am so happy for you” and “It’s about damn time”.

The evening continues with new discussions of wedding plans and if we have anything planned yet. His sister and mother couldn’t help but bombard me with all different types of dress, venue, and décor ideas. I didn’t mind much, I’d never felt happier than in this moment, planning one of the biggest day of my life with my future husband and in laws.

After telling our families about the proposal Mason I had both decided to enjoy the rest of the holiday and wait announce the news to the public. While the majority have been supportive of our relationship over the years, we do tend to keep our lives as private as possible, only really posting when we feel comfortable in doing so.

I woke up in Mason’s arms the next morning to find him frowning down at his phone, which seemed to be ringing out incessantly.

I lean up to see what was upsetting him only to have my own jaw drop.

“Mason Mount Married?”

“Did Mason Mount propose to long-time girlfriend y/n? See details here ”

“Mason Mount officially off the market forever?”

“Marriage for Mount, are children next?”

I scanned the headlines rapidly as more and more appeared on the screen.

The secret was out. So much for keeping it to ourselves.

After some investigating, we find that a few fans in the restaurant overheard the news and couldn’t help but take some photographs and share the news. I saw the blurry screenshots of me with Mason, with zoomed in images of my ring and us giving each other large amounts of PDA.

I let out a large sigh and bury myself into his chest. He kisses the top of my forehead.

“I know its not what you wanted but at least we don’t have to worry about telling everyone else. The important thing Is that our closest friends and family know”

I take a deep breath and take in his words, slowly realising that he is right. This is our special moment, and nothing will ruin it.

“I can’t wait to be your wife”


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Feedback is always welcome: HATE IS NOT ✨

“Caring for you” - Headcanons

NeutralReader AND Female Reader x Mason Mount

Warnings - Mention of pain and illness? Fluff

Requested? - Yes.


When you are ill - Neutral Reader:

- When you are ill, Mason always wants to be there to look after you but you hesitate because you don’t want him to get ill. It mainly happens in December as you don’t do well in cold weather.

- Although you hate to admit it, Mason does have the stronger immune system.

- Even though you don’t want Mason to get ill as well he still comes over to look after you and you don’t really have the energy to complain.

- When you go to open the door for him, it takes you all all of your strength to get there and you almost pass out.

- “Whoa, easy now. I got you” Mase catches you before you hit the ground and carries back to bed.

- When you wake up again you find him lay next to you and a warm bowl of soup on the bedside table.

- Over the course of the week Mason stays with you, keeping an eye on your fever until it breaks, making sure you took your painkillers and that you were somewhat eating despite just wanting to sleep.

- Even after a week when your strength slowly begins to return, Mason didn’t want you to rush back into things so he stayed with you for another 7 days.

- When you were 100 percent again, you thanked Mason for his help and promised that you would spend some proper time together soon.

When you are on your period- Female Reader:

- Mason tracks your cycle via an app on his phone, so that if you need products he knows when to get them.

- Mase knows not to take your mood changes to seriously. He comforts and cuddles you when you feel down and gives you your space when you want to be alone.

- If your period arrives unexpectedly or a leak happens he refuses to let you be embarrassed.

- instead he runs you a bubble bath and lets you relax while he strips the sheets and puts them in the wash. (After you taught him how to finally use it properly )

- He often lets you nap on him if your cramps are particularly bad and always makes sure you have a hot water bottle on hand to help you.

- Your appetite fluctuated when you was on your Period so Mason didn’t force you to eat in case you were sick, but he does his best to make sure that you stayed hydrated and if you wanted snacks they were available.

- You are always happy to see the end of your cycle at the end of the month, thankful for Mason’s help and happy for the sign your body is healthy but excited to get back into your normal routine.


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