#jack grealish imagines


Lie Again

Anyone You Like
She should just keep saying all the sweet things she always tells him. Lies, sweet lies, white lies, he’ll take it, because he doesn’t want to know the truth about the love she’s had before. [Inspired by “Lie Again” by GIVEON]

He wished that he hadn’t asked the question. Because he was now completely up in his mind, thinking about her answer.

He’d asked her whether the rumour was true, the gossip that went around at the club between the players and the staff a while ago, that she was dating a “coworker”.

She’d just chortled and slightly shook her head. “Do you really want to know?” was her answer and he’d been spending hours thinking about what it could possibly mean. The more he thought about it, the more he was sure that it was a suggestion that the gossip was actually true. She worked very closely with the first team. So to think that “the coworker” could be one of his teammates made his stomach twist and turn in the most uncomfortable way.

He’d brought her to Ibiza for a short getaway. They’d been seeing each other for a couple of months and he thought that this was the perfect time to finally go for a holiday together, just the two of them. In one of their conversations, some words had escaped her lips, “Well, I went here last summer”, and last summer was the time that the gossip went around; that was why he got reminded of the gossip and decided to ask about it.

He was waiting for her to get ready. They were going to go to the beach. He himself had put on blue floral pants and a simple white shirt that he’d unbuttoned all the way through. He was just lying idly on the bed, trying to catch glimpses of her in the bathroom—she was doing certain things to her hair.

After spending a few frustrating hours trying to remember which ones of his teammates that went to Ibiza last summer, which ended up with him not liking the names he came up with, five minutes ago he’d said to her, “It was true, wasn’t it?” followed by “I feel like I need to know” that didn’t sound so convincing. She’d just responded with a brief glance at him, probably surprised that he brought back the topic.

His nervousness built up as he waited for her answer. He watched as she tied her hair in a ponytail; he thought that it looked cute, but she let it loose in the end. He followed her every movement, feeling his heart jumping when she walked out of the bathroom.

“It was just a summer fling,” she said suddenly. He gritted his teeth, laying his eyes on her beautiful figure, holding his breath because the view was almost too much for him; she was wearing the coral red two-piece that he gifted her. “It didn’t even last two months.”

His heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach instantly once he’d processed her words. So it was true.

“I got over it so fast. I think he did too. The spark was gone so quick, you know, we just weren’t a match,” she continued, posing beside the nightstand as she grabbed her charged phone. “It was just so insignificant. I barely told anyone, so I was upset when everyone found out, I don’t know how they did. Maybe he told someone, I don’t know.”

So it was really true. He bit the bottom of his lips. He’d prepared himself for the worst answer and this wasn’t even the worst, but apparently it was still hard to take in.

“Do I know the guy?” He couldn’t even stop himself from blurting out the question.

She shifted her eyes from her phone to him. “You sure you want to know the truth?” His face appeared serious as he pondered. But when he didn’t answer after three seconds, she turned her attention back to her phone, typing in something quickly before setting her phone back on the nightstand.

Without any words, she got on the bed and shuffled closer to him. Locking her eyes with his, she straddled him and sat on his lap, and naturally, his hands found their way to her hips. As he wondered what she was doing, she leaned in and captured his lips with hers—and even in a confusing moment like this, the electricity he felt from the kiss was still so strong, almost overwhelming this time.

But then his stomach did an uneasy dip, when the disturbing thought came back. The thought that she’d probably done this with someone he knew.

“You think I won’t like the truth?” he asked as soon as she pulled away, searching for her face.

She stared at him in silence, carefully running her fingers through his hair, tilting her head slightly. “I don’t know. But I just don’t see the importance of you knowing the truth,” she shrugged. “Like I said, it was just a fling. I didn’t fall in love, I don’t think it was special or anything.”

He didn’t know whether the last bit she said was true, but even if it was a lie, he wanted to believe it.

He sighed as he ran his hands on her thighs. “I just hope it wasn’t one of my teammates…”

She smirked, dropping her hands to his shoulders before they quickly travelled to his bare chest. “Well, you know I’m quite… Selective. I’d only choose the best one, and I chose you.” She leaned in and pampered him with kisses along his jaw which earned her a little groan from him.

If what she’d just said was a lie, it would be the sweetest lie he’d heard and he also wanted to believe it.

He secured his strong arms around her, holding her tight, and buried his face on her shoulder for a moment, before he placed a kiss at the crook of her neck. “Thank God you chose the best one,” he mumbled as her giggles tickled his ear. He let out a long sigh. “But this one is special, innit? This one with me… Not just a fling?”

She pushed him gently by his shoulders and he leaned back again on the pillows. “You’re kidding me.” She got a sharp questioning look plastered all over her face. “Do you want this to be just a fling?”

He shook his head immediately, scared that he might have actually planted the idea in her mind that he didn’t want this to be serious. “No. Hell, no.”

“Good. ‘Cause I won’t let it be just a fling.” She stared at him. Upon her words, he felt relief washing over him as he caressed her waist with his thumbs. “Just because I did it doesn’t mean I’m doing it again with you. Aren’t we together because we both were looking for something serious?”

“Of course, of course we are.”

“Right. We are.” Her face faltered and his heart sank as he watched a frown start to appear; she dropped her gaze in the process. “This is why I didn’t want you to know about it. Yet. I’m afraid that you would change your mind.”

“What do you mean?”

She gave him half a shrug. “You might think I’m just a player, who likes to go around dating my colleagues.”

“Come on, I would never think like that.”

“Even now?”

He sighed as one of his hands travelled to her chin, slightly lifting it up so he could find her eyes again. “Even now,” he said, staring at her before his eyes shifted to her lips for a moment. “I’m sorry, okay? We don’t need to talk about it.”

“Okay.” She simply nodded and he mirrored the gesture. Without saying anything else, she leaned in for another kiss. And this time, with his heart pounding hard on his chest, he deepened the kiss.

But even after that talk, even after the best two hours that they’d spent out on the beach, after so many gazes from her that pretty much said “I’m in love with you”, after the heated and passionate moment that they had when they’d gotten back to their hotel room, he still couldn’t stop thinking about it.  

That she’d done this before, that someone else had had her like he did before. He absolutely hated it. He kept wondering who had shared this—this connection, this intimacy, this passion—with her before.

She was now sleeping so peacefully beside him, a faint smile was graced upon her lips. He lied beside her, keeping a thin space between him and her, as he traced his gaze on her face, taking in her every beautiful feature. He could feel how hard his heart was pounding as he let the intense feeling wrapped around him—that he was in love with her.

But at the same time, his insecurity was eating him up.

Because somewhere in this beautiful land, she’d done all these things that they were doing, and what if it was more memorable than this one he tried to give her? What if, despite her saying that it wasn’t special, she compared him to that man she had a fling with? What if when she stared deep at him just an hour ago with her glimmering eyes as she laid on his chest saying “You’re the best thing that I’ve ever had”, someone from her past still crossed her mind?

He wished that it had only been him. But it simply couldn’t be true, so he figured that maybe he didn’t need the truth about everything—not about that colleague she had a fling with, not about any romances she’d had before. She should just keep saying all the sweet things she always told him; even though some of it could be lies, sweet lies, white lies, he’d take it. She didn’t need to be too honest and could just lie, lie again, until he believed that it had only been him to feel how wonderful it was to be kissed and touched by her.

Because he’d never fallen so hard like this, never wanted someone so much like this. He couldn’t even bear the thought of her being loved by someone else. So he’d just pretend that it had only been him to love and have her, because he knew that he could do it better than everybody else could.

so, i have a love/hate relationship with this one. but this is the best i can do and i hope it’s not too bad for you!! tell me who you imagine this with~

My Masterlist
