#for dylan


… ボムギュ? あなたは私の小さな花です。 ( ˘ ᵕ˘(˘ᵕ ˘ ) ¥17.00 ☆゚.*・ 私はあなたをとても愛しています。私が表現できる以上に。 そして、あなたが思っている以上に。0417 ⭑ุ


[James (@/jamesissmiling): Day 61 of being a girl!

Dylan (@/dylanmulvaney): Excuse me! That’s kinda my thing but we can do it together!

Both: Day 61 of being a girl! And we are in fact, two different people!

James: Some people on tiktok don’t believe that we’re not the same person!

Dylan: We’re here to set the record straight!

James: We’re queer.

Both: What is it about us that people find so similar?

Dylan: Is it our brown hair?

James: Is it the same sunglasses?

Dylan: Is it our smiles?

James: Is it our crop tops?

Dylan: Is it our musical theater degrees?

Both: (singing the same high note) Ahhhh! (blows kiss) Love ya!]
