#beomgyu imagines


pairing: beomgyu x reader

genre: fluff

word count: 0.4k

warnings & notes: there’s like one kinda suggestive mention but it’s very brief lmao, sorry aish I had to- I haven’t written in a long ass time, so this sucks and I didn’t proofread anything :D oh also hi, lmao, you probably didn’t except this.

happy birthday to one of the best people I’ve met @scintillasofbeomgyu . no words are enough to express how much you mean to me, I hope you know that no matter how little or a lot I say, you’re one of the best things to have come out of my life in tumblr. I love you.

You could feel Beomgyu looking at you.

Staring at you with those love filled eyes under his long eyelashes. You didn’t turn to face him, not yet prepared for this moment to end and another one to begin, so you kept your eyes on the starry sky you could see from your bedside window and let your boyfriend continue his staring.

The way he looked at you always made you feel warm inside. It’s almost like his eyes held entire galaxies and every single one of the stars in them were only directed at you. You were his one and only, his best friend and his lover, his one true soulmate. Everything you were to him, he was to you and more. He made you feel loved and cared for; treating you with the gentlest of intentions, lightest of kisses and roughest of- well, that wasn’t a subject appropriate for this train of thought.

”Y/n”, his voice was deep when he whispered and you could already feel the smile on his face as he spoke out your name. You stared at the sky for a bit longer before turning to him, seeing him there in his element.

An oversized hoodie and sweatpants hung around his figure, long-ish brown hair with blond highlights tied into a small ponytail behind his head. He was staring at you with that smile that made him look so young and playful, but the way he presented himself was only serious. There was no joking in this moment, only the heartfelt feeling of love coating the entire room.

He leaned over to you and no matter how many times you experienced it, your heart still did somersaults inside your chest every single time. His lips met yours in a sweet exchange, lips slightly chapped because of the evergrowing cold weather. But it still tasted better than any pastry you’d ever had the pleasure of tasting.

Your eyes were closed when he leaned back, a chuckle escaping past his lips as he was presumably looking at your starstruck expression. Right as you were about to let your eyes meet with his again, he pecked you again, this time shorter but filled with just as much meaning.

”Happy birthday, Y/n”, he smiled at you, one of his hands coming over to wrap around your shoulders as he turned you two to face the window again.

No shooting stars were in sight, but that was okay. You already had everything you could ever wish for.

beomgyu hard thoughts ☁️

pairing: boyfriend!beomgyu x f!reader

tw: very soft smut

wanting to watch your favorite movie at home but still being needy, leading to beomgyu requesting you to cockwarm him, wasn’t that unusual.

he would be very gentle with you since he knows that you have been wanting to watch the movie all day long.

y’all are actually in joggers, so the access to his dick is (fortunately) very easy. mid movie you decide to just tag along with his idea and sit on his lap. you weren’t wearing any underwear, so was he, and quickly you slipped his swollen dick into you.

at first it took all of you two to not fuck each other but soon you adjusted to the stuffed feeling and focused on the movie in front of you.

he pampered your cheeks with kisses while your head was resting against his shoulder, the palms of your hands resting against his hoodie-covered chest. his arms were snug around your waist.

„you comfy?“, he would ask and you respond with a nod.

„very much actually“, you added and raised your head to glance at his cheeky grin. you gave him a small kiss on his rosy lips to which he replies with a loving giggle.

maybe, just maybe you weren’t able to finish the movie

(song recommendation) <3

Pairing: Choi Beomgyu (TXT) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Dirty talk, hand job, blow job, the use

Pairing: Choi Beomgyu (TXT) x fem!reader


Contains: Dirty talk, hand job, blow job, the use of cock ring, creampie, vaginal sex, masturbation, exhibitionism

Word count:3344


“Are you sure you’re feeling well?” you ask eyeing him with concern.

It’s already the third time you asked him this question during the last twenty minutes.

“Y–yeah, I’m fine, really,” Beomgyu answers with a rather tense smile on his face.

He doesn’t look fine at all in your opinion: his cheeks are deeply flushed, he’s constantly licking and biting his lips, not to mention that he’s sweating quite noticeably. Since you don’t want to come of as nosy, you don’t inquire further, but something seems to be off about his behaviour today.

“Are you ready to discuss the next paragraph then?”, you ask deciding that it’s better to change to subject to your shared work.

The fact that he looks deeply relieved makes you feel even more confused. You can’t tell what he’s thinking at all, and it sparks your interest: you want to be able to read him.

“Sure. Frankly speaking, no matter how many times I read it, I absolutely cannot agree with those statements,” Beomgyu answers leaning back against the chair.

His posture looks like he’s trying hard to appear relaxed, but you can see that his muscles are way too tense for it to pass as such. Sighing internally you decide to ignore it: you have a project to do, so it’d be better to focus on it.

“Why?” you ask tilting your head slightly, curiosity evident in your voice.

If there was something you liked in group projects, it was learning about the perspective of people you usually didn’t have much contact with. Choi Beomgyu was especially interesting in your eyes because of his public image: a kind and polite young man always ready to help others, not a party type of guy but with a wide circle of friends from different backgrounds, deeply interested in music and literature. Most of the time people spoke about him like one could spoke about a talented and well-behaved child which made you feel intrigued: is he truly such an innocent person as they say or is there something that outsiders don’t notice? Is his public image the same as the one reserved for those who are close to him?

“To put it simply: in my eyes those characters are completely unrealistic. They’re one–dimensional with their uncomplicated thoughts and defined views on what’s right and what’s wrong, while it’s obvious that the reality is much more complex than that. I’d be perfectly fine with that if it was philosophical fiction such as Voltaire’s satires, but it’s not. The personalities of people are much more complicated.”

You smile nodding slowly as you think about your answer carefully. It’s barely your third or so project with him, but you like to work with Beomgyu. That excitement and curiosity in his expression, as if he’s genuinely interested in your opinion, it makes you feel more motivated to properly analyse things out and truly understand the problem.

“To be frank I’m not sure what this story was aspiring to be, or even what the author wanted it to be. To me that story only shows that you can write thousands of words and still say nothing interesting nor smart,” you say rolling your eyes good-naturedly.

“However, in case of the creations of the characters I agree with you only partially. Yes, most of them are rather boring to put it mildly, but there are also those that deserve to be looked closer at. Take the brother of the female protagonist for example: don’t you think his motivations are not exactly as moral as he believes them to be?”

It’s Beomgyu’s turn to nod now. His eyes lose focus as he turns your words over in his mind – it seems that you just gave him a perspective he didn’t thought of before.

“But what does it mean to you to be moral?” he asks tilting his head with a smile on his lips.

He looks quite provocative this way, and you have to admit that you like it. It almost feels like he’s testing you, but you can’t tell on what exactly. Maybe it’s about you self-control because every time he does that you feel like your patience is being tested. Even though you try to ignore it, you can’t help but imagine him in situations that are suggestive no less.

“Well, not to be that person, but my morality isn’t exactly a model one,” you chuckle leaning back against your chair.

“There are things I’m more prone to do than the majority of the people.”

Beomgyu smiles slightly at your words and looks down at his book clearly lost in thoughts. Once again you can’t tell what he’s thinking, and it frustrates you: what’s happening in that pretty head of his?

“My morality isn’t a model one either,” he starts slowly as if not sure if he should continue.

“But I think it makes people more interesting, you know? When you can’t tell right away what they’d do, where are their boundaries. They can surprise you thanks to that.”

You can’t help but smirk hearing his words.

“And with what you could surprise me, Beomgyu?” you say resting your elbows on the tabletop and leaning towards him.

It’s so easy to make him blush, really. Your mind starts to wander: how flushed would he become if you played with him a little? You have to press your thighs together just from the very though and to be frank you find your body reactions quite ridiculous. Yeah, you want him, but to this extent? Maybe you overestimated your self-control after all.

“Did you read the fifth paragraph already?” he asks pulling you out of your dirty thoughts.

“Sorry, give me a sec,” you answer with an apologetic smile before looking down at your book.

You can’t focus on the words at all: not only is your body acting out because of the man sitting in front of you but also said man started to act weirdly again. You can hear Beomgyu squirming in his sit uncomfortably, his breathing accelerated and shallow once again.

“Holy fuck,” he moans softly all of a sudden.

You simply look up at him raising a brow in question. He gapes at you with the expression of absolute horror on his face in return. The pink on his cheeks deepens slowly as you just stare at him wordlessly until he finally breaks and answers your unsaid question.

“It’s nothing, really,” he murmurs with eyes glued to the tabletop but even the tips of his ears are flushed bright red now.

Your patience must be at its limit: his behaviour irks you way too much to just let it pass now. In fact, you’re simply way too frustrated with him to do so, so you decide to set things straight here and now.

“I don’t think so,” you huff folding your arms.

“You acted weirdly from the very start of our meeting today. Just spill the tea, for the love of god, so we can finish our work and go home.”

Even though the tone of your voice sounds unaffected, irritated even, you’re screaming inside. Your underwear’s surely quite damp already, and you feel more and more uncomfortable as time passes. Damn your vivid imagination and his goddamned moans, really.

“W–well, I, um,” he manages to say before he falls silent, his face resembling a ripe tomato.

You sigh deciding to call it a day when he whimpers quietly and his eyes roll back as if involuntarily. Finally, you get it – you saw enough guys acting like that to know that right now Choi Beomgyu is being pleasured in some way. You can’t help but smirk – an innocent child, huh?

“I–I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s happening, um, let’s just finish this and go home like you said,” he babbles nervously tugging at the hair on his nape, not looking at you.

But you can’t. You can’t just let it go like that. Just as Beomgyu said: life’s not a Voltaire’s satire and people’s personalities are complex. With those very words in mind you decide to chance your luck. After all, in the long run there’s nothing to lose and a lot to gain, you tell yourself.

“Beomgyu,” you say in a calm voice that makes him look up at you carefully.

You make sure to look him straight in the eyes before saying:

“Stand up.”

His breath hitches audibly at that unsubtle command, and you can barely sit still as he slowly does as you told him to. A thrill of excitement runs down your spine: you didn’t expect such obedience from him, but you’re absolutely delighted to see it. What makes you feel even more delighted is the fact that even though the fabric of his pants is of good quality it leaves nothing to the imagination outlining his cock just right for you to see. And it’s not like his dick’s half-hard or so, no, it’s fully erect judging by the way the fabric of his pants is bulged.

“D–don’t look,” he murmurs quietly covering his crotch with his hands, but you can tell he’s excited too.

It’s the way his upper body’s leaning in your direction, the way he’s observing you from under his eyelashes – it’s as if he was waiting, hoping even, all this goddamn time for you to take the action, to call him out. But you can’t speculate freely like that about his thoughts – you have to confirm your suspicions.

“Come here, please,” you say simply gesturing to the space next to you.

It’s so quiet that you can hear the rustling of his clothes as he rounds the table and stands where you told him to. He stands over you, towers over you in fact, yet somehow it feels like you’re the one looking down on him not the other way around.

“May I?” you ask looking up at him with a smile.

“Yes,” he answers breathlessly.

It takes Herculean effort to reach out towards his belt in your own sweet time, to appear unaffected by the tension in the air as you unbuckle it and slowly unzip his pants. You can’t help but huff out a laugh at the sight.

“And what do we have here?” you hum quietly looking up at him with a smile playing on your lips.

No wonder you could see the shape of his cock this clearly – he didn’t have any underwear underneath his pants to begin with. What surprised you more, however, was something else: a thin purple band around the base of his cock was something you definitely didn’t expect.

“Naughty, aren’t we?” you laugh shaking your head slightly before hooking your fingers over the hem of his pants and pulling the fabric further down his hips.

Beomgyu’s quiet, so you look up at him once again and that’s enough to learn that he’s clearly enjoying the situation. His pretty face’s flushed adorably, pouty lips slightly ajar as his chest rises and fall rapidly under his white shirt. The way he looks at you makes you feel even more aroused than you already were: almost as if he wants to devour you here and now.

“Ah, fuck,” he moans throwing his head back, his hips bucking slightly as the quiet sound of vibration finally reaches your ears.

No wonder he looked uncomfortable before: you can’t even imagine what it must have to feel like to him to wear a vibrating cock ring in public, a hard cock trapped in tight trousers. You hike his shirt higher to take a better look at his crotch and to your surprise he immediately grabs it to hold it up for. What a good boy he is, your sweet Beomgyu.

“It appears to me that you don’t like it easy,” you say softly as your fingers curl loosely around his swollen shaft.

Beomgyu shivers visibly when your fingertips wander over the popping veins.

“W–well, it’s not as pleasant when you can get it right away,” he murmurs bashfully as his grip tightens on fabric of his shirt.

“Yeah, I get it,” you chuckle before wrapping your lips around the flushed tip without any warning.

Beomgyu cries out your name sweetly in the answer, and you can’t take it any more – you slip one of your hands past the waistline of your skirt. Your clit must be already swollen, but you aren’t really the type to go for it as fast as you can, no, you like to drag your pleasure out as long as possible. After all, what’s better than teasing yourself while simultaneously teasing a gorgeous man?

“Please, it feels so good, don’t stop,” he begs quietly, his knuckles white from the effort of keeping his hands to himself.

“I love how responsive you are, love,” you sigh happily before placing a kiss on the swollen head.

“Just for you,” he chokes out in the answer.

“None else can make me moan like that.”

You can’t help but smile hearing that and lick his cock from base to the tip in a sign of appreciation. However, his choice of words sparks your interest.

“Tell me, love, have you planned this?” you ask spiting on your hand before spreading your saliva over his swollen length.

“Um, no, not exactly. Although, oh, I can’t say that I wasn’t hoping for, um, similar outcome.”

“So you thought about such situation before,” you muse as you start to pump his cock lazily.

Even though you’re still playing with yourself with your free hand, you can already tell that it won’t be enough to come. Despite the fact that you’re highly aroused right now, you need something stronger than that to get the orgasm you want. Something like a dick you’re currently playing with.

“Yeah,” he answers shyly as his hands rise involuntary to cover his face, white fabric falling down his waist.

“You can tell me, you know. I mean, I’m currently giving you a handjob, Beomgyu, I hope you’re not going to get shy now,” you chuckle twisting your wrist around his reddened head.

He moans your name sweetly, and you speed up the tempo of your movements just a little as a reward. He looks at you for a moment as if lost if thoughts before he starts talking.

“The vibe you give off makes me go crazy, you know? I can’t help but, ahhh fuck, but wonder what it’d feel like to be your man, to have you look at me like you used to look at your ex when you were together. Um, damn, to have your hands all over my body, your lips, ohh, pressed against my skin, your words, your praises, fuck, directed only at me.”

“Is that why you decided to wear a cock ring to a meeting with me?” you ask almost innocently as you grab his shirt in one of your hands before pulling it up.

Beomgyu laughs in the answer rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.

“I wasn’t exactly prepared for that outcome but yeah, I was hoping you’d notice at some point. And, well, you did, and you took charge of the situation just as I imagined you would if that were to happen.”

You look up to take him in properly and to be frank he’s as sweet as always: all that adorable blushing and flustered expression, the way he’s toying with his fingers nervously as if he’s afraid of your reaction to his words.

“People like to say that you’re such a sweet young man and I have to agree, however, I don’t think we’d be thinking about the same thing,” you say with a smirk before carefully taking him into your mouth.

As you take him deep into your throat, the cock ring vibrates mere centimetres before your eyes, and you can’t help but wonder who’s controlling it, if anyone. The pattern of vibration seems to be quite random – Beomgyu must really like surprises.

You bob your head up and down in a rather fast tempo until your jaw hurts, swallowing around him from time to time and making him moan sweetly. Beomgyu’s thighs are trembling from the effort as he tries his best to not thrust into your mouth, and you cup his balls gently into your free hand as a sign of appreciation. Judging from his fucked out expression, he’s definitely loosing it already, so you move away slowly.

“Although I really like your cock,” you start after clearing your throat.

“I like my pussy even more, and let me tell you that it’s practically dripping now. Not to mention that it’s all because of you, love.”

Beomgyu just breathes heavily, observing wordlessly as you stand up from your chair with a smirk before motioning for him to sit on it instead. You can hear him swallow thickly when you slip down your legs the shorts you always wear underneath your skirts along with your underwear. His big hands immediately find your hips when you straddle him after hiking your skirt higher up your waist.

“I honestly cannot believe this is happening right now,” he pants out, his trembling hands caressing your sides gently.

“If not, you have really pleasant dreams,” you answer smugly as you position the tip of his cock at your entrance and slowly start to slide down.

Thankfully both your pussy and his length are slippery enough at this point for this to be more or less comfortable, otherwise it’d have been pretty painful ride down. You embrace his neck tightly, marvelling over the feeling of his dick filling you up as you finally bottom out. It feels so good to have him inside you that you can’t help but teasingly tighten your muscles around him.

“Ah, fuck, fuck,” he whimpers hugging you tightly in the answer.

It’s just so easy to tease him.

“I’m going to move now, is that okay?” you whisper into him ear as you rake your fingers through his hair.

“Yes, please, I don’t care as long as you feel good,” he chokes out into your hair.

“I appreciate your need to satisfy me, but there are two players in this game, love, and,” you start, but your words are cut off by a moan that escapes your lips when the cock ring starts to vibrate against your pussy.

“Goddammit,” you sigh bucking your hips at the pleasant sensation.

“See? I told you! Surprises are great,” he huffs with a laugh, and you can’t help but follow.

“If it means that I get a pretty man with a pretty cock then sure, why not,” you murmur rising your hips until only the tip of his dick is inside you only to bottom out again mere seconds later.

Beomgyu starts chanting your name like some kind of mantra when you find a steady rhythm of riding him that satisfies both of you. His fingers immediately find their way under your skirt and quickly localize your clit: his soft fingertips start to draw patterns on it that make you lose your mind in no time, and he’s definitely aware of that judging from his smug expression. It doesn’t take long for either of you to orgasm – after all you were teasing each other for quite some time before getting to the penetration. Beomgyu comes inside you with a soft moan, and the cock ring starts to vibrate once again just as you reach your own high. An additional source of stimulation makes your body tremble from pleasure as you slowly ride down your orgasm.

“How was it? Better than what you were hoping for?” you pant out trying to catch your breath.

“My fantasies cannot hold the candle to that, believe me,” he laughs softly hugging you.

“But worry not, we’re not finished yet. After all, I have to clean up your pussy.”

You have to admit: Beomgyu’s indeed a really good boy, just not in the way people think he is. Thankfully, you’re perfectly fine with their lack of knowledge on that matter.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fifteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fifteen

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

wc: <1000 , no warnings, just kind of angst bc rip the growing bond between beomgyu and star

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A knock on your door brought you out of your thoughts as you got up off of your couch to open the door. If you were to have any bad morals, you would’ve instantly shut the door in their face had the person not been your mother. You could already feel it in the pit of your stomach that she was only here for no good, but nevertheless you let her in as if you had a say in what she was truly here for, watching as she strode along to the middle of your living room with a look of intent written on her face. 

“Did you do it yet?”

Those five words alone made you want to throw yourself across the room, almost tearing up at her wanting for you to break your soulmate bond with your supposed other half. However, the words cannot form on your tongue at this very moment as her eyes were shooting daggers of glares in your direction, sending chills up your spine as you wanted to know why she had wanted for you to break yours so badly.

“Mom, I-”

“That boy will be nothing but trouble for you, Y/N, and you need to stop yourself before you even find out,” She says, walking over to where you were still standing by your front door just seconds until she had grabbed your wrist into her hands.

“This mark will be the best blessing, but also the worst curse of your life.” 

She shows you a newly formed tattoo on your ring finger that you had yet to notice these last few weeks, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion as to when it had gotten there? Was it present due to the fact that you haven’t been able to dream of your soulmate for weeks now? Your stomach churns at the sight of it, wondering what this had meant on your end about who your soulmate was until you locked eyes with her. 

“So you want me to get the tattoo removed, and possibly harm whoever is on the other side of mine?” You slowly say, as if you were talking to a child, just as she tightens her grip that was on your wrist before releasing it to leave without whispering her last words to you. 

The moment that the door shuts behind you is when tears start streaming down your face unknowingly, making your heart feel heavier in your chest as you stare at the tattoo on your finger. There was a small outline of a star on your finger, and you think that it was mainly there because of the fact that people had often called you star. However, the tattoo itself seemed familiar as if you had seen it before, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion while hiccups left your lips. 

Do it, before I have someone do it for you.

You hated how your mother was very controlling of your life, making you wonder why you hadn’t been emancipated yet. But besides that very thought invading your mind, you couldn’t help but think of where you had seen this tattoo before. 

It wasn’t until you saw your phone screen light up to a text message from the boy next door, the same one that had slowly found his way into your heart with no intent of falling for you, with a question asking if you were okay. Your stomach churns at the sight of the text message, realizing why it had looked so familiar and your heart drops. There was no way that it could’ve been him… right? 

And in a blink of an eye, all of the memories from your dreams come back to you as you finally connect the dots, sending a shiver down your back. You didn’t want to believe that Beomgyu had been the answer to every single dream that you had, but were you crazy enough to believe that the universe would make you go through two different bonds all for that one person?

Scarily enough, yes, and you had to get rid of it.

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism@ahnneyong@melodymyangel@yurikkiri@bluesoobinnie@chaersfluff@veno-mous​ (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27 @xoxozainab @luv-ivi

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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’v

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteen

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn  @noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism@ahnneyong@melodymyangel @yurikkiri (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag:@i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27 @luv-ivi


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’v

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteen

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism@ahnneyong@melodymyangel (add yourself to the taglisthereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27 @luv-ivi


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelve

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers @butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism (add yourself to the taglisthereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter eleven

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter tensummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve se

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ten

summary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

wc: <1000 | warnings: mentions about insomnia, argument with a parent



You felt as though everything had crumbled apart in front of you. 

Just a while ago, your mother had just left your humble apartment as she decided that a surprise visit to your place was ideal because she was ‘right in the area’. Your heart was pounding in your chest while you stared at the blank wall in front of you, breathing labored as you were trying to process what had just happened throughout the duration that she was here. 

You couldn’t really remember much, only remembering how you could only see red the entire time that she was here, listening to her ramble about how you were wasting your life away as if you weren’t in college at the moment. Everything was just a blur as you could recall arguing with her about the fact that you were fine without her, bringing up the fact that you had left the house ages ago for the reason that she was here, and it was just mushes of memories all piled into one singular argument. 


The sound of a knock on the door, accompanied by a familiar voice makes you break out of your slight trance as your eyes widened at the fact that someone must’ve heard the whole thing. You forgot that your walls were thin, and the fact that it was Beomgyu who had been at the door made it even more embarrassing as you could feel your ears burning at the thought of it. 

Scrambling to get off the floor, you get up to slowly open the door and slightly peek past it to see him awkwardly standing in front of you and you knew what he was thinking about. He had been at his place for the entirety of your argument with your mom, trying to sleep and possibly find his soulmate that he hasn’t seen in weeks when he could hear what had been going on next door. 

He felt guilty for those times that he must’ve irritated you, making him want to come over and at least try to distract your mind so that he could at least distract himself from the fact that he was about to be borderline insomniac. With the fact that he hasn’t met his soulmate in a while, he was restless where he could’ve sworn that he was insomniac, but he didn’t want to test it and at least try to sleep for a bit; that was before he showed up at your front door with an awkward smile on his face. 

“Do you want to get away for a while? I can drive us to the hill again and we don’t have to talk.” He offers, holding up his car keys with the opportunity for you to collect your thoughts without even talking to him. 

It was really appealing for a moment. 

“Do you want to just come in?”

Your offer caught him off guard, making him question why you were doing so when everything that had happened with your mother had just happened in the same place. He could never do that, and would rather find a getaway place as he stepped foot into your apartment that was almost parallel to his own, structure-wise. You hide back into your kitchen to grab him a glass of water as he found himself comfortable on your couch, but he couldn’t help but wonder what you might’ve been hiding behind your door with only your thoughts to yourself. 

“Sorry that everything looks messy, I-”

“You don’t have to explain yourself, Star, it’s okay,” He interrupts you, making you nod in response as you sit on the other side of him with your thoughts occupying your mind. 

“Are you okay though?” 

He could tell that your mind was elsewhere, making him hesitantly reach out to hold your hand gently into his and you don’t pull away from the slight touch at all. Instead, you hold onto his hand and squeeze it lightly to assure him that you were still present to hear him, but you weren’t sure what to tell him considering the last time that you properly opened up to him was on the hill, where you were both more vulnerable. 

Now you were in the comforts of your own home where you could kick him out at any given time right now, but you hold back against the idea. Maybe you did need some else’s presence to keep you grounded for a bit, before you could even be rational again.

“Do you want the truth, or do you want the sugar coated one that I tell everyone?” You joke slightly, but you see the serious look on his face, making you freeze up for a moment despite the fact that his hand was still in yours comfortingly. 

“Whatever you’re more comfortable with, I’m here to listen.”


taglist:@allyg-onz​​@viastro​​@bbanghoonie​​@wooyoung-a​​@pwttychannie​​@sunwoahkim​​@karsohn​​@escapewriter​​@fylithia​​@biaswreckingfics​​@awfullytiredbuthealing​​@kthpurplesyou​​@i4deonu​​@flrtsbin​​@lilyluvsgyu​​@whereisgyu​​@myluv-yeonjun​​@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach​​@summery-bat​​@allorysayshi​​@nlnkm​​@jannine00742​​@rebsmoonn​​@day6andetcetera​​@jjhmk​​@ilvaussie​​@idontwanttobehereanymore​​@beomgyugyu​​@99cyj​​@pinkheadflowers​​@rebsmoonn​​@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi​​@noempathyy​​@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc​ (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow

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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve s

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter nine

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu @99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi @noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @cowboyjaehyun @soobin-chois


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Voices - hearing your soulmate’s singing [14.2k]

The Prince and the Jackal - prince n a metal bender [11.8k]

Amortentia - hogwarts AU, gryffindor and a slytherin [11k]

Love Love - why is he so upset over your date [3.8k]

You’re Arranged to Marry Beomgyu, the Son of Hades[3.7k]

Journey with You - wandering merchant with a secret [3.1k]

Sunny Day Confessions - you to make the next move [2.4k]

Into the Cold Water - drunkenly kissing your friend [2.3k]

You’re the One That I Want - Beomgyu was endearing [2k]

Just Call Me - when you have a particularly bad day [1.7k]

Plushie Thief - the intern he knew that looked familiar [1.6k]

Needed Silence - “just shut up and let it happen” [1.5k]

Reminiscence - old guitar in his childhood bedroom [1.3k]

Secret Glances - he builds the courage to ask you out [1.2k]

5 Types of Kisses


[main masterlist] [txt masterlist] updated 7-23-21
