#for honor

[Angry Chinese noises][Angry Chinese noises]

[Angry Chinese noises]

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TheUbisoft conference is being streamed in our studio’s largest room, on two giant screens. I’m sitting with a few of my colleagues – about 300 of them – waiting for the segment for our game to start. We’ve all been cheering and celebrating all of the announcements so far, but the most exciting moment for our team is of course going to be when For Honor makes an appearance, first in the form of a new cinematic trailer, then with our creative director Jason VandenBerghe setting the stage for the world of For Honor, followed by game director Roman Campos-Oriola playing through a level.

I’ve excitedly watched E3 – the game industry’s biggest show – from afar for years and years, but this year was special in that it was my first time taking in E3 while having a personal investment in what was going on.

I’m working on a game that was taking part.

As I say each year, I always hope that this will be the one where I actually get to go to E3, but despite not going, it was definitely the most exciting one I’ve experienced so far. I had a great time as always watching all of the keynotes, while getting excited for the big game reveals, but following it all while you have something “in the ring” just makes it that much more special.

And even better, people seem to really like our game. As I write this, the 3rd and final day is coming to an end, and already we’ve received a “Best of E3″ award from GameSpot. I’ve also watched a few videos and read some hands-on write-ups that seem to be really pumped by the gameplay that was experienced. 

So what next? As the fantastically funny Aisha Tyler announced at the end of our segment during the Ubisoft conference, you can go to the For Honor website to register for upcoming Alpha and Beta access. 

The game’s release date was also announced: February 14, 2017 – Valentine’s Day!

thevertigomastercontent: Spent too long on a shitpost that only my discord server would get. Now it


Spent too long on a shitpost that only my discord server would get. Now it doesn’t look like a shitpost.

This one does tho

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 Spent too long on a shitpost that only my discord server would get. Now it doesn’t look like

Spent too long on a shitpost that only my discord server would get. Now it doesn’t look like a shitpost.

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Jonny’s Journey in Kingdom Come Deliverance continues! https://youtu.be/0nRKJoVjo2s

Jonny’s Journey in Kingdom Come Deliverance continues! https://youtu.be/0nRKJoVjo2s

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I learned how to edit video just to make this

#for honor    #hitokiri    #jormungand    #1 hour reeee    

Hello, it has been awhile.
I’ve recently opened a ko-fi page as well, feel free to check it out if you’re feeling generous, it will help me a lot! ^^

**The Tower**
Upright: Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening

Reversed: Personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster

At first, at the name of the card, my impression for it was the Shugoki, tall and towering. However, the shugoki’s lore suggests that he was not a destroyer, but rather a guardian who possess great strength and adamant mind. Not to mention he is one of the two only characters in the game who possess “rock steady” feat, therefore making him the tower would be ironic.

On the other hand, the raider, not only does he loom over many with his height, he is “ruthless, fearless and made for battle”. His presence can “summon an army”. He’s made for war and destruction. “ These relentless warriors embody the Viking ideals: boundless bravery, spotless integrity, and unbridled passion. They know the moment of their death has already been chosen upon birth, so no Viking fears to follow their destiny. Of course, they all intend to bring as many foes with them as they can”.

Another interesting point is the role of Raider in the story mode. His appearance at the end, along with the rest of the viking, snuffing out the likelihood, no matter how small, of a possible peace treaty between the Samurai and the Knight, and plunging all three factions into war.

**The Star**
Upright: Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality

Reversed: Lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection

This one is quite a hard card to pick. In the card, a naked woman is seen kneeling by a small pool, pouring water, representing nourish the earth and continuing the cycle of fertility (the container that pours onto the earth) and the five senses (the container that pours into the pool). The woman has one foot on the ground, representing her practical abilities and good common sense, and the other foot in the water, representing her intuition and inner resources and listening to her inner voice

The warlord, from what we can learn from his lore, bears a shield that is as versatile as it is strong, a lethal sword, and his title is an earned one. “ To become a Warlord means service to all who need it, for life. They are the shield of our people… and they will not fall ”. Like the woman who ensures the flourishing of the earth, the warlord ensures the flourishing of his people. Like the woman who bears sharp mind with practicality and keen intuition, so too does the warlord, for a leader isn’t just brute strength. “ Not born into leadership. They’ve had to earn it through blood, sweat and steel. To be a Warlord means a life of service to their people ”

More on the DD for honor mod. It was put on hold for my exams. Then when I came back, the art just d

More on the DD for honor mod. 

It was put on hold for my exams. Then when I came back, the art just didn’t sit well with me anymore. So I am redrawing everything from the start.

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Violets: Humility, modesty, faithfulness The flowers also have deep roots in Christianity, representing the modestry of Virgin Mary. With lots of her emotes and themes around honor and humility, I think the flowers represent Warden well.

A friend requested I draw Stone n the Warden. I’m not too pleased w the result but she seems to likeA friend requested I draw Stone n the Warden. I’m not too pleased w the result but she seems to likeA friend requested I draw Stone n the Warden. I’m not too pleased w the result but she seems to like

A friend requested I draw Stone n the Warden. I’m not too pleased w the result but she seems to like it.
+A little tut on how I did it as well.
I should make a separate blog to dump all the art request like this  

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This project is still going on but realll slowly. Here is a quick look, and… tutorial? Of som

This project is still going on but realll slowly. Here is a quick look, and… tutorial? Of some sort.
I wan’t happy w the initial design and went back to edit. Took me quite sometimes, then there is also some other stuffs going on. But I won’t stop until I have my incredibilis roman

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Happy early April fool for the unfortunate soul who has to see this.Stab my toes and raider charge m

Happy early April fool for the unfortunate soul who has to see this.

Stab my toes and raider charge me off a ledge, please.

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WIP Centurion class for Darkest dungeonStay tuned

WIP Centurion class for Darkest dungeon
Stay tuned

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Another look! This time it’s Kensei as the blacksmith.I’m doing re-skin for the npc first, before mo

Another look! This time it’s Kensei as the blacksmith.
I’m doing re-skin for the npc first, before moving onto playable heroes.
> Since both blacksmith and guild are ready to be uploaded workshop. Should I upload them separately right now? Or should I wait until I’ve finished w all the skins and upload them all in one post on steam later on? Let me know what you think.

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I’m making a simple Reskin mod in Darkest dungeon, with For Honor theme

A knighty Art of mine, drawn in the style of Darkest dungeon“If you want peace, prepare for war”

A knighty Art of mine, drawn in the style of Darkest dungeon
“If you want peace, prepare for war”

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Also, heres a hint of one of the many commission there are in queue.

Also, heres a hint of one of the many commission there are in queue.

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