#for our business tycoon birb boyo


Recently I’ve been having trouble opening the Obey Me! app to play. I can’t get passed the opening screen without the game freezing and shutting itself down. Gotta loveAndroids

Somehow though, ya girl got to play a little bit of the Three-Legged-Crow event and I saw this precious cinnamon birb-

And then I got to this bit right here:

This low-key kind of confirms my theory that I made here about Karasu being beloved by the inhabitants of the Devildom.

Resident Best Birb Boi ™️ Karasu is so popular and loved, that this birb became an entire tycoon and is living the high life.

Nobody opposed the idea of a crow being a whole ass tycoon, much less a successful one at that and I love to see Karasu be acknowledged a little more by the Obey Me! team.
