#you love to see it






So. The bitcoin conference was a complete failure. AND what’s even better. There was a ball pit.

People think this is a joke but it’s real

get fuuuuucked

A collection of my favorite tags from this post



Waiting literally a year for your epic revenge is the most teenage girl move ever.

Regina George would be impresesd, frankly.




If this Starbucks can unionize, your local Starbucks can too. Use this link to find the contact information for your nearest local chapter of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). They’d love to talk with you about first steps for setting up a union drive at your workplace


can you imagine living in 1963 Dallas and you’re just minding your own business, probably on the way to do errands when you find the largest human being you’ve ever seen in your entire life being yelled at by a child in a fancy school uniform, and said child just blurts out I’M THE DADDY HERE with all the conviction in his tiny body, and later on, just when you think things can’t get any weirder, you find out on the news that the man is a suspected terrorist/kidnapper/killer with four other accomplices and the child is apparently their hostage, i mean really what a wILD DAY

just found out that one of his students tried talking badly about me to him and he got very defensive. don’t hmu this is all i’m gonna think about. head empty only b.






teal and orange truly is the greatest color combo in the world. like name one better combo

this is spiritually healing to me

a platypus palette?



i found the definition of happiness in this photo series


A classic rinse

Someone pointed out Lydia has a wedding ring on in the bts photo with Jackson & now Derek has a son. Sterek shippers keep losing.

Spotted these adorable babies the other day and had to get some pics! Look how cute they are

Baby bots on their way to school, requested by Chantelle!


Also may I just say that I love how Stormfront’s death came about?

Her downfall came from A-Train, a black man who she was explicitly racist to and was kicked out of The Seven to placate her.

Kimiko (an Asian woman whose brother she killed), and Maeve (a bi woman) - and even with Annie (a woman whose sexual assault Stormfront belittled) fucking curb stomped the shit out of her.

And then she got killed by the kid who she DEFINITELY thought was gonna be their “pure” white savior or some shit and on top of that, she died because of what SHE taught him to do, to focus that energy on someone he hated.

She died directly because of her own racist bullshit that allowed these characters to destroy her and they said multiple times that this was happening because “she’s a Nazi and fuck her that’s why” and that is the type of thing I like to fucking SEE
