#francis scott key fitzgerald



  • His family was huge, and military through and through, starting with both his parents. 
  • He’s the baby of the family, with three sisters and two brothers. His siblings are all close to each other in age, but he’s at least six years younger. There are thirteen years between him and his eldest brother. 
  • His family is military, but he was a late surprise, so he never dealt with frequent upheavals. Both his parents had retired from active duty by the time he came along. 
  • Heneverhad any desire to go into the military. He had his heart set on being betterthan that, no matter what. 
  • Plus, he never did well with being told what to do. 
  • He was mainly home schooled because no school was able to keephim there, and if he could slip out, he was liable to be gone for days, even at a young age.
  • His family tree is rife with ability users. His mother had a rare healing ability, while he and his siblings all took after their father and had combat-class abilities. Even his cousins were, by and large, ability users.
    • Most pertained to enhanced strength or durability. 
  • He was estranged from his family by the time he was fifteen, having been routinely running away to escape the instability of their household. His parents’ tough love approach backfired tremendously, and only left him more sure that he wasn’t wanted there. 
  • Truthfully, it was a clean break, as both his parents had gotten tired of him coming home in police cars.
  • He latched onto Herman Melville because Melville was nice…something he hadn’t really experienced from his own family.
  • He kept in touch with his siblings, but they were usually out of the country or in another state, so they rarely synced up long enough to visit. 
  • Hisfatherwas on The Guild’s radar for some few years during his military service, but Fitz was never aware of that. Melville buried the record before he could find it, knowing that it would make him doubt why he was there at all.
  • When the Great War broke out, his entire family was enlisted and deployed. 
  • Within two years, he had no family left. No parents, no siblings, no cousins. 
  • Fitzgerald has sunk to some indescribable lows in his career, but he has always been adamant in his refusal to work with the military - not in the States, and not anywhere else. It’s a hard line adopted by The Guild as soon as he took over leadership.