#movie theory


Spoilers for the movie ‘Fresh’

When Steve says that he first tried human meat when he was 18 or 19 I was slightly confused on how he would have been able to get his hands on it. I started thinking to myself and came up with this theory.

I think Steve and his wife are both Cannibals and that she isn’t a past victim. I think they may have been young loves and they ate her leg. 

Steve also said that he could never really talk about it to anyone so they both married each other because of it and when his wife realized that he may be getting feeling for someone else she gets insecure and that is probably why she came to the house at the end of the movie.

Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness: Spoiler Review and a Thor Love and Thunder Theory

Saw Dr. strange and the Multiverse of Madness. I thought it was pretty good. Maybe it was eight years of rooting for Regina on Once Upon a Time but I liked Wanda as a villain and still wanted to see her happy. It needed a few more scenes explaining how she got from Westview to being corrupted by the Darkhold, but it wasn’t jarring. And yes we got cameos from Mr. Fantastic and Captain Carter and Professor X, and Captain Marvel and that black bolt guy, (never saw that show) but they were so short that it felt like a tease. A good tease. But still a tease. But the suspense after the Illuminati got killed off was good. And I liked Dr. Strange’s character arc. He had to travel the multiverse to realize that no matter how much he loved Christine, they just weren’t meant to be. You don’t see that kind of message in movies often. Plus the overall story pacing and the payoff with zombie strange was very well done. And yes it is a very Sam Ramni movie, but it’s not super scary like they were building it up to be. Might be scary to little kids. Kinda like his Spider-Man movies. Few jump scares but mostly cheesy fun quips.

Now onto Thor 4. Matpat on Film Theory speculated that the song in the trailer “sweet child of mine” might be giving away the plot like the song in Thor Ragnorak did, but he was bringing up comic book lore. While I have to wonder. What if the big twist in Love and Thunder is that Thor and Jane have a kid? Apparently Thor does have a daughter in the comics. And Jane could have had her after they broke up and after meeting Odin probably didn’t want him involved in her child’s life. Thus she never tells Thor. But after getting diagnosed with cancer, she goes to New Asgard to find Thor only surprise! Mjolnir decides she’s worthy and she’s healed . But only in the armor. So her goal in the movie is to figure out how to make the cure permanent. And when she can’t, she introduces Thor to their kid. And now suddenly Thor has something worth fighting for against Gorr the Godbutcher. And when he has to say goodbye to Jane because of the cancer, Thor is left to raise their child. Thus officially retired from hero work. And when his kid is older, they join the Young Avengers since she’s technically a Demi god. I just think this would be a nice albeit bittersweet way to end Thor’s story. While still leaving the door open for his return in future avengers movies.

And now we return this blog to simping over Moon Knight. Cheers.

Sigh…he’s so pretty…


Just had a thought. If Strange found a way to seal the multiverse besides make everyone forget Peter Parker, couldn’t one of the other Peters swing through as Spider-Man while Peter is giving an interview to make people think they’re two different people?
