#friend stuff

zmakesgames: Hello everyone!I’m happy to announce that there is an official “Zmakesgames” Discord se


Hello everyone!
I’m happy to announce that there is an official “Zmakesgames” Discord server! 
Everyone is welcome to join if they would like to. ;v;/

Official Discord Link

In addition to the Discord link, we have hit +400 followers! ;v;/
I never would have expected so many lovely followers to be interested in my work! Thank you all so much. I really do hope that you all have a wonderful day and as thanks for all of the followers, a little gift for you all.

Thank you so much and please take care, I hope to see you in the next update.  ✨

Ko-fi  ✨

OvO/ Congrats Z on 400 followers also please check out the server, It’s made by a wholesome bean.

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Welcome to Friend Hunt, a short rpg maker game made by @choko-flan in RPG Maker 2003, where we play as Cinnamon, a yellow rabbit that lives in a rabbit house on their own, though one day they meet a hunter who is someone who we least expect, a tale of friendship in a cute form with art that’s without a doubt a marvel to behold.

“Friend Hunt is a very short RPG Maker 2003 game. The game deals with a bunny name Cinnamon as the find themselves trying to befriend someone. Who is out to kill them.”

Friend Hunt: https://choko-flan.itch.io/friend-hunt-
Demon Tea: https://choko-flan.itch.io/demon-tea
Desolate(d) Village: https://choko-flan.itch.io/desolate-village

OvO/ Thank you so much for playing the game.  Also check out flare’s videos, he’s a cool dude. Like maybe his patreon if you like his videos. https://www.patreon.com/flareblitzedyt

sheyshen:Amongst the stars


Amongst the stars

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not exactly gonna tag much else

fore-seer:“i have this power for better or worse, and i know how to fight. don’t ask me to sit by wh


“i have this power for better or worse, and i know how to fight. don’t ask me to sit by while my friends, my family, and my country are in danger.”

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Soooo I forgot to post some pictures of my greatest fabric masterpiece. Was joking with @knighttimeart at TFCon about how Optimus is absolutely the type of guy to be a grill dad with a funny apron, and, well, I just had to make one. Some of my model kit mecha got to dress up all pretty before I sent it to him, and Megatron was even showing off the big pocket. I’m glad it didn’t get lost in the mail, I think I would’ve cried if it had.


After many months of hard work, I’ve finally self-published my first novella! It involves two of my brand new characters who I’m very excited to reveal: Harper and Atlas.

The title is Stage Fright, and here is the synopsis:

21-year-old Harper Valentina is a bubbly, hardworking student at one of the most prestigious art academies in Australia, SilkenArts. Together with her 22-year-old dance partner, Atlas Holatia, they form the top grading pair in the ‘Masters in Dance and Performance’ class.

Things go awry with Atlas’s sudden relocation to another town, right before the end-of-year ceremony for the SilkenArts students. With a somewhat accusatory mindset towards her partner, Harper must come up with a plan to make up for Atlas’s mysterious circumstance.

Will the partnership stand strong, or will they both have to deal with stage fright alone?


For those interested in reading it, you can find it on these two sites.

Google Play&Gumroad

The video above also has links in the description! I wrote the music in the video so give it a listen if you want -v-

If you do end up reading it, I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please leave a review! ^^ Please reblog and share this if you can! Thank you everyone!

You won’t regret taking a look at my friend’s wonderful art, characters and story >:0!!!

Happy Birthday to tha legend themself, @palvanic !You’re really cool I can’t believe u wanna be frie

Happy Birthday to tha legend themself, @palvanic!

You’re really cool I can’t believe u wanna be friends with lil ol’ me that’s wild… Anyways here’s our Borderlands OCs Artemisia and BK. Thanks for being born it’s made my life a lot better. <3

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bwa bwa

nibble nibble
