#friends au


Character A has disappeared; when they come back to their friends, they’re surprised to find out that they’ve somehow been replaced by a doppelgänger, Character B.

Character B has been suspecting that there’s something wrong with them for quite a while. They’ve had a hard time relating to their friends as well as a harder time remembering thing, and have felt more on edge lately. That’s when Character A shows up.


Welcome to the twenty-seventh day of AAC. Here, we will have the next post for our annual writing challenge, so buckle up and start writing! (Remember that the completed speed writes of around 700 words are due by 11:00 a.m.ESTon December 29th! [Also we’d recommend giving your work a title to make it really jump out to those who are reading them via the links provided {if you are posting to Archive of Our Own, remember to use our collection!}])

[Click Here for the Main Post]

Boarding (Or Lack Thereof) AU

After hours of waiting in the airport for their flights back home, Strangers A, B, C, D, & E find some time to bond in the airport as each of their flights are inconveniently (or ominously) delayed.

Compiled List of Fics From the Previous AU…

  • No More ” by @writewritebaby {OC’s} [PG-13: tw for abuse, homophobia mentions, and mental illness mentions]