
More pictures from #WrightsFieldAlpine like a month ago: #FritillariaBiflora / #ChocolateLily, featu

More pictures from #WrightsFieldAlpine like a month ago: #FritillariaBiflora / #ChocolateLily, featuring a very green colored bloom in photos 1 & 2! Photos 4 & 5 are #AlliumHaematochiton (maybe A. marvinii but those may be the same species). 6 is that weird #SaniculaBipinnatifida / #PurpleSanicle again. 7 & 8 are a species of #Amsinkia / fiddleneck which I am not so good at telling apart.
#californianativeplants #californiawildflowers #wrightsfield #alpineca #savewrightsfield #greenflowers #sanicle (at Wright’s Field)

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#FritillariaBiflora / #ChocolateLily. I’m in love. But there’s bad news. These grow in Wright’s Fi

#FritillariaBiflora / #ChocolateLily. I’m in love.

But there’s bad news. These grow in Wright’s Field, in which the County of San Diego inexplicably wants to build a sports complex/skate park. It’s absolutely baffling and would be an ecological disaster for this irreplaceable and rapidly disappearing grassland habitat. There are other beautiful uncommon and rare species of plants there and it’s important to birds and wildlife as well. There are vernal pools (a habitat that has almost been completely destroyed in California) nearby too. There’s no demand for such a park in Alpine and no infrastructure to support it!
#SaveWrightsField #WrightsField #SanDiegoCountyParks #AlpineCA
#californianativeplants #sandiegowildflowers #californiawildflowers #fritillaria #fritillaries #lilies #liliaceae (at Alpine, California)

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