#from yesterday



ok i have two more asks that i will answer tomorrow but thank you so so so SO MUCH to everyone who sent an ask and has been talking to me!! you don’t know how much it means to me—thank you so much!! i truly appreciate it very much!! getting and answering asks (especially so many) is just so fun for me and i love interacting with you!! my inbox, replies, and messages are always open!! never hesitate to just come talk to me!! MWAH ILY!

nottonyharrison: Hoooo boy thank you so much to @stargateinmybasement for commissioning this one it


Hoooo boy thank you so much to @stargateinmybasement for commissioning this one it was very very fun and I may have the Rexsoka brainworms once again. Not that they ever went away. Gosh. Fuck this ship I hate it (overly affectionate)

ANYHOO, you can view the full huuuuornayyy version on the tweet machineorAo3

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silkoodles: mcnuggyy:i felt like there wasn’t enough polyam trio art memes so i decided to make my osilkoodles: mcnuggyy:i felt like there wasn’t enough polyam trio art memes so i decided to make my osilkoodles: mcnuggyy:i felt like there wasn’t enough polyam trio art memes so i decided to make my o



i felt like there wasn’t enough polyam trio art memes so i decided to make my own <3 self indulgence be damned


( feel free to share and tag me in any of the cute art you make i would love to see!!! )

I dont have a polycule in mind rn but share with me your ot3s amd maybe I’ll sketch them this weekend

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