

Hey everyone! So you might have noticed (probably not lol) a severe lack of content. And there won’t be any for a bit. I’m not making excuses, but this past week I lost a friend of mine and just haven’t had the motivation to draw. I am planning to push myself into it a bit more in the next week but I won’t have internet to post with. If you have an idea please share cause the art slump is real. I love all of you so stay safe! If you want some more clone wars especially Rexsoka here are a couple recommendations:


And many more. I’m forgetful. Please feel free to add on.

Headcanon Time!

  • Order 66 doesn’t happen cause why suffer when you can gave happy AUs
  • Ahsoka calls Anakin and they talk everything out during the Siege of Mandalore
  • Kix avoids being kidnapped clonenapped? and him and Anakin go to the Jedi Council
  • Palps is executed and Bail Organa is the new Chancellor (they wanted Padmé but she turned it down)
  • A ceasefire is called with the Sepratists and the clones are given rights with some being rehired as militia/secret service type jobs
  • Rex is hired as a drill instructor for the new army
  • The Jedi Order changes many of their stances after finding out how close they were to disaster
  • Jedi are allowed to marry, pushed mainly by Masters Kenobi and Plo
  • Ahsoka rejoins the order after the many policy changes and helps Anakin form a new force of Jedi tasked with freeing slaves throughout the galaxy
  • Rex and Ahsoka begin dating soon after the war ends and get married 5 years later
  • Ashla is born a year later and Dral 4 years after that
  • Ashla means “The Force” and Dral is mando'a for “Bright”
  • And yes, Dral’s onesie was a gift from Rex’s brothers mostly Cody

Sorry this is so long it’s been in my head for awhile

@cuteshinymew ’s OC Jaig Tano

I’m a sucker for hand holding.

You guys know he ships it

Anyways, I’m getting back into drawing since I’m waaayyyyyy out of practice and I came across this gem of a ‘draw the squad’.

Yeah semi my own art! I did use a template to get the proportions right but still low key proud.



I’ve been seeing a lot of Rexsoka and Maulsoka content after the premiere of the finale…

Can’t believe we gotta go through this again.

  • Clones mature both mentallyandphysically twice as fast. They are not boys, they are men. Stop acting like they’re teens in men’s bodies. They are not. Because of this, Rex would be 26/27 during season 7.
  • Maul is around Obi-Wan’s age, which is at least 38 during season 7. I shouldn’t even have to say more.
  • Ahsoka might have become more mature than your average 17 y/o during the war, but thats not a fucking excuse.If you use it, you’re disgusting.The idea that underage girls can be in relationships with grown ass men because they’re “more mature than other girls” has been used to justify too many gross, abusive relationships in the world. Don’t even go there.
  • Rex calls Ahsoka “kid”. He first met her when she was 13/14, and he was 20/21. She looks up to Rex, and treats him like she does Anakin (who she views as an older brother). Stop twisting a beautiful familial bond/relationship into a romantic and/or sexual one just because you think they look good together.

Tldr: Ahsoka is a girl. Rex is a man, who is technically ~9 years her senior. Maul is a man who is ~18 years her senior. Stop shipping a child with them. It’s disgusting.

So…. I’m not normally this person but here goes nothing

1) So leaving out the whole mental maturity (which by the way is VERY important) TECHNICALLY in Star Wars lore (canon lore mind you) Ahsoka is an adult to her people. To the Tugrutas on Shili killing your first Akul is a sign of adulthood. She has obviously already killed one because she wears the Akul tooth headress in TCW seasons 1-5. And we have no way of knowing for sure because she is an alien. Biological maturity could be wayyyy different. I mean come on, ‘Baby’ Yoda is 50…

2) Star Wars canon has bigger age gaps. For example, Han and Leia (if I read right) are 11 YEARS APART! Heck in the prequels Padme tells Anakin she has always loved him… they met when he was 9 and she was 14. If my timelines are right, they were married when he was only 18. Not that big a gap but her maturity was way over his. After all, he was a kid and she was queen of a whole kriffin planet.

3) Now for the big one *inhales* STAR WARS IS >FICTION< gasp the horror, I know. You might just have to live with the fact that their sociatal views are different. Real world Earth has millions of different cultures. Now multiply that by millions of planets and your not gonna have the same views we do. ALSO, even so it wasn’t that long ago our great grandparents were having kids at that age.

4) In certain dialects the nickname kid is one used towards someone less experienced. When I was a leader in my band, I called people 'kid’ or 'children’ that were older than me. Also, Rex calls her kid a couple times in season 1 but stops. It only comes back up in season 7 because of emotional trauma and RELIEF that she wasn’t dead.

5) Again (for the people in the back), 》Fiction《. I haven’t seen anyone all in an uproar about the canon pairings in GoT? And in anyway Tumblr is supposed to be about acceptance, be that our gender, sexuality, culture, religion, and yes, our SHIPS there shouldn’t be bashing ESPECIALLY not in OUR TAG (shoutout to everyone who uses a different tag). There is enough hate in this world without you. I’ve dealt with a LOT of crap in the last few weeks (a broken wrist, my mom is sick, my dad hurt his back, and my friends 12yo brother just died) and Tumblr is supposed to be SAFE. Gonna be a hater? Go somewhere else. We are people too. And I’ll be honest, as an avid Rexsoka shipper, the only smut I’ve seen is in writings which means you would have had to read them. Wanna debate? Cool that’s fandoms, not everyone agrees. But DO NOT start putting people down and CURSING at them. We have our corner go find your own.


Rough sketch I did over a year ago…miss these two so much. They’re my comfort characters.EditRough sketch I did over a year ago…miss these two so much. They’re my comfort characters.Edit

Rough sketch I did over a year ago…miss these two so much. They’re my comfort characters.

Edit 1: Cleaning this up today, thought I’d share the process as I slowly work through it. :) 

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nottonyharrison: Hoooo boy thank you so much to @stargateinmybasement for commissioning this one it


Hoooo boy thank you so much to @stargateinmybasement for commissioning this one it was very very fun and I may have the Rexsoka brainworms once again. Not that they ever went away. Gosh. Fuck this ship I hate it (overly affectionate)

ANYHOO, you can view the full huuuuornayyy version on the tweet machineorAo3

Post link
Hoooo boy thank you so much to @stargateinmybasement for commissioning this one it was very very fun

Hoooo boy thank you so much to @stargateinmybasement for commissioning this one it was very very fun and I may have the Rexsoka brainworms once again. Not that they ever went away. Gosh. Fuck this ship I hate it (overly affectionate)

ANYHOO, you can view the full huuuuornayyy version on the tweet machineorAo3

Post link


— And there was her heart, breaking all over again for love of him.

Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit — Siege.

Very censored scribbles

Uncensored on Patreon link in pinned post

Full version on Patreon (warning, here lies the het butt stuff)

Full version on Patreon (warning, here lies the het butt stuff)

Post link

— And there was her heart, breaking all over again for love of him.

Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit — Siege.


Hey, Auntie ‘Soka and Uncle Rex didn’t get the Tupperware like they were supposed to >:(

No Order 66, Palpatine dies during ROTS where the elevator squashes him and the last thing he saw was Anakin’s ass and an unconscious, upside down Obi-Wan, they take out the chips the moment they find out every clone has them, and now the war’s over!

Oh, Skywalker dinners are open to all and they all have their designated chores but SOMEONE isn’t doing theirs.

I can’t believe I’m only noticing this in my drafts, I forgot to hit reblog.

But, fellas, this wonderful fic inspired by this piece @searchingcassiopeia wrote is amazing!! Go have a look!!

getting some zzzzz after hours of doing rebel work
