#frude sex lives


Rated: T

Words: 2.4k

Status: 6/13 


“So, this Alicia. She’s now really a friend of yours…” Frude observes, writing out a few notes from what Leighton told him, how Alicia had comforted her after dinner, pulled her into a hug and refused to let go until she was sure Leighton wouldn’t fall apart without being held.

“Yes, a friend, Frude.” Leighton rolls her eyes, emphasizing the word. “When two women speak to each other that are possibly gay, that doesn’t automatically mean that we’re going to fuck.”

“You’re always so polite,” he replies dryly, as unconvinced as he can be while remaining a semblance of professionalism.

“I’m just saying,” she tells him. “We’re barely Instagram mutuals! Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Frude quips back, much to Leighton’s annoyance.

(Or, the news of Leighton’s new friend starts to get around.)

[read it on ao3]
