

My most toxic trait is that TSLOCG gave us a perfectly good w|w ship and I still instantly decided I would ship Leighton with Whitney and that’s now where i’m at ✨

Rated: T

Words: 2.5k

Status: 7/13


Leighton’s eyes snap open earlier than usual. Her alarm isn’t meant to go off until 7:30, which isn’t for another twelve minutes.

It’s Christmas Day, which means she’s setting up to do… absolutely nothing. Well, nothing other than picking out some animated movies — both new and old — for her and Nicki to watch and scheduling a takeout order of Chinese food when their favorite place opens at ten.

Padding down the stairs, she heads into the kitchen to make herself some coffee, surprised when her phone pings. None of her friends usually call her today, knowing the usual complications and traditions, so it could only be one person.

(Or, holidays with the Jackson-Murrays!)

[read it on ao3]

Rated: T

Words: 2.4k

Status: 6/13 


“So, this Alicia. She’s now really a friend of yours…” Frude observes, writing out a few notes from what Leighton told him, how Alicia had comforted her after dinner, pulled her into a hug and refused to let go until she was sure Leighton wouldn’t fall apart without being held.

“Yes, a friend, Frude.” Leighton rolls her eyes, emphasizing the word. “When two women speak to each other that are possibly gay, that doesn’t automatically mean that we’re going to fuck.”

“You’re always so polite,” he replies dryly, as unconvinced as he can be while remaining a semblance of professionalism.

“I’m just saying,” she tells him. “We’re barely Instagram mutuals! Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Frude quips back, much to Leighton’s annoyance.

(Or, the news of Leighton’s new friend starts to get around.)

[read it on ao3]

a white flag waves in the dark (between my head and my heart)

Rating: T

Words: 3.3k

Status: 12/13


Leighton can’t sleep. After several attempts at settling into bed when the house becomes quiet – both Nicki and Aidan crashed around eleven, side by side on the pullout bed downstairs, even after declaring they were going to stay up in time for Alicia’s late-night arrival – Leighton has settled at the kitchen table, paying bills and working her brain with the crossword from yesterday.

Admittedly, she isn’t great at them, but it keeps her awake until the creak of the backdoor starts her out of her semi-focused stupor as Alicia attempts to half shove the door open where it’s sticking due to the cold weather. Leighton smiles to herself as she stands up, remembering one of their phone calls where she told Alicia to come in through the kitchen if she’s coming back late. She’d been listening to Leighton – really listening.

She breezes over to the door, helping to pull it the last bit open and coming face to face with Alicia, who looks both exhausted from her drive and glad to see her.

“Hi,” she greets, lips quirking up into a smile.

Leighton’s stomach flips unwillingly. “Hi.”

(Or, Alicia comes home.)

[read it on ao3]
