#ftwd nick x reader


No One Like You - Nick Clark

Requested by @heyitsreece44
Pairing: Nick Clark x Reader
Summary: After almost losing her best friend to a drug overdose, Y/n finally reveals her feelings for Nick.
Warnings: Fluff, friends to lovers, mention of drug use, slight angst if you squint

The hospital hallway was like something out of Star Trek. Everything that could shine, did shine. The floor was made from sleek stainless steel and the art on the walls were paintings of all-natural images in colours as bright as glacier melt-water or spring flowers. The air had a pure fragrance, not sterile, just clean. Music played in the background, at just the right level to give the patients and staff an emotional lift.

Your knee bounced in anticipation as you sat in the waiting room outside Nick’s ward. Your mouth stung from the countless times you had gnawed down on your lower lip, almost drawing blood. You didn’t know how long you had waited, it could have been five minutes or five hours, all you knew was that your best friend had almost died from an overdose and was in critical condition in the room next to you.

It was around eight o'clock when you got the news. You were preparing for a busy night serving at a popular local restaurant when the phone rang. It took you a while to calm down Alicia who was in a mess over the line before you got a straight answer from her. Dropping everything at your feet, you rushed straight to the hospital and just prayed that Nick would pull through.

The road to the Hospital was a familiar one - you had travelled it many times, during the day and late at night. It wasn’t the first time Nick had overdosed, he had survived at least three times, but you knew it was only a matter of time before his luck ran out. If you were honest, you didn’t know what you would do if Nick died. You had been best friends through thick and thin and always seemed to get each other out of every bad situation you both would inevitably wind up in.

And through it all, you began to develop feelings for your best friend, though you had vowed to never tell him because you were sure he would not reciprocate those feelings. You convinced yourself that he thought of you asjust a friend and nothing else. Before you fall deeper into the rabbit hole of your thoughts, a door squeaked open and a nurse, followed by a blonde woman stepped out into the hall. You quickly stood up and made your way over to Madison and the nurse lady.

“How is he?” You asked, skipping the formalities.

“He’s a little shaken but he is stable.” The nurse said as she scribbled something on her clipboard. A sigh of relief escaped your lips and you turned to Madison.

“Can I go in?” You asked (even though you were pretty sure that if she said no, you would find a way to barge in any way).

“Yes, of course, you were the first person he asked for when he woke up.” Madison gave you a wink before nodding her head to the vending machine. “I’m going to grab a snack, so you go ahead in. Just don’t get up to any mischief.”

You wasted no time and swung the door to Nick’s ward open, revealing a familiar room room that was dimly lit by the gentle glow of a lamp on his bedside table. By the window lay Nick, who looked pale and tired and was hooked up to multiple machines. 

“What took ya’ so long?” Nick grinned, looking up from the book that laid on his lap. 

“Oh be quiet, or I’ll unplug your…whatever the hell that is.” You huffed and pointed to the beeping machine that conected to Nick’s arm through an IV.

“That would probably put me in a coma.” Nick smirked, waving his arm at the stool beside his bed. “Take a seat.”

“So,” You said, perched on the wobbly stool. “How are you feeling.” 

“Better now you’re here.” Nick flashed you a bright smile which you did not return. You could read Nick like an open book, no matter who he managed to fool with his humour and charm, you could always see right through it. You could tell he was hurting inside, and his witty bravado was all an act. 

“I’m being serious, Nick.” 

“So am I!” 

Nick.” You fought off the smile that was creeping onto your face and folded your arms. “You don’t have to pretend around me. You can tell me what’s going on.” 

“There really isn’t anything I can say.” This time Nick’s smile faltered and his eyes flicked down to his hands that lay fidgeting in his lap. 

“Did you OD on… purpose?” Your voice wavered a little. It would kill you inside if that was true and he tried to take his own life. 

No,” Nick grabbed one of your hands. “It was nothing like that - it was an accident. I don’t want to die. Besides, who would I hang about with in the afterlife? My chess-obsessed grandpa?” 

A faint smile graced your lips as you looked down at your hand in his. It was a habit Nick had formed a few years back - whenever you were upset he would hold your hand in his as a form of comfort.

“There it is, the smile I love to see!” Nick laughed, giving your hand a squeeze.

“Shut up, you idiot.” You tried go fight off the heat that rose to your cheeks. “I don’t know what I would do if you were gone.”

“You’d find someone else.” Nick trailed his thumb over your knuckles. “There are plenty of low life crack-heads out there.”

“Don’t talk about yourself like that.” You scolded. Lowering your gaze, you mumbled. “There is no one else like you.”

You expected a sarcastic reply in return, but you were greeted by silence. You pulled your gaze back up to meet brown his eyes, and found that he was staring at you with an unreadable expression.

“Do you mean that?”

“Yes,” You started to worry if you said the wrong thing or somehow offended him. “What I meant was that you-”

Before you could finish your sentence, a pair of warm lips pressed against yours. Breath caught in your throat and your eyes widened as you processed what was happening. Nick was kissing you. Nick Clark, your best friend, was actually kissing you.

Your eyes fluttered shut and you began to reciprocate the kiss, moving your lips gently against his. Just when Nick wrapped his hand around your neck to pull you closer, the door swung open and you jumped back as if Nick had burned you.

“I got you two some coffee - oh.”

Your head whipped around to see Madison standing in the doorway, clutching two cups of coffee with a smirk etched onto her face.

“I’ll just leave this here,” Madison said, placing the coffee on the table. “I’ll be out in the waiting room if you need me.” She quickly cast you a wink before shutting the door.

“Well that was awkward.” You turned back to face Nick with burning cheeks. But he seemed unabashed and was grinning from ear to ear.

“There is no one like you either, Y/n’
