#fucking dumb ass idiots

So I just saw this on Twitter. I cannot even begin to explain how this makes me feel. None of these

So I just saw this on Twitter. I cannot even begin to explain how this makes me feel. None of these are okay. The only “okay” time to rape someone is never. There ya go. How there are females out there who even said yes to any of those is fucking beyond me. And on the flip side what man would say yes to any of those ? Oh yeah no man would but sick in the head little boy sure the fuck would.

Even if the question had been reversed to the male gender the same answer to all those should’ve been no. Never. It’s never okay to rape anyone.

I’m just amazed at the sheer stupidity the people who participated in this obtain. I mean what the actual fuck were you thinking answering yes? What if your mom or little sister or brother or you or your significant other had been raped but they fell under that category? Would they deserve it then? Because they’d been drinking they deserved it, going by that poll.

The people who said yes to that poll at all need to go reevaluate their lives and then go kindly fuck some common sense in to them selves because THE ONLY OKAY TIME TO RAPE SOMEONE IS NEVER!!!!

Rant over.

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