#rant post


Comicbook women

I don’t know why but women in most mediums don’t really feel all that interesting as characters compared to male characters and I feel like this is more so the case in comics.

As the female in stories are just never really as compelling, such as love interests they can be kinda bland or pretty quickly summed up. It’s possible that I just haven’t really been up to date with following those kinds of characters or they’ve never really been my favorite. When I look at characters like Harley Quinn as they’ve been churned out, I feel like whatever depth she had, to begin with, has been stripped down to “hot mess badass clown lady” like if her story is about the joker’s abuse it seems like it’s a passing footnote of her backstory now, she was just always crazy and kickass.

I think these characters come in 3 flavors:
- villian that can fuck/flirt with the hero and it’s not gay
- love interest
- There you have a female role model will you stop bugging us about it now?

With flavor 1 villian that can fuck/flirt with the hero and it’s not gay, I think that if your other characters seem better fleshed out and intriguing, with better chemistry or potential for banter or angst, that’s how gay pairings just seem more interesting than whatever lady love interest they throw in there. Like I can see batmanxjoker or batmanxharvey being more intriguing plot relationships than Selina or Talia, just as they are, or even Harley or poison ivy. If we want to pair Bruce with a clown who’s more interesting Joker or Harley? I think Joker-like they’re both toxic and half the time writers are saying they’re just made for each other. Poison Ivy? she’s probably her least interesting when she’s trying to seduce Bruce.

I feel like this archetype is just made for the “step on me dommy mommy” fetish or “let’s stick the dick in crazy” and not much else. I don’t know if it’s because of stock melodrama that’s just dulled the appeal of straight pairings or the completely borderline toxic behavior from it, that those stories just don’t stick or feel genuine as a legit interesting romantic option.

flavor 2 love interest, it generally seems like this character is usually an accessory. If the male hero is with a lady love, you know there’s no way you can call them gay no sir no homo here so don’t try to pair him with any of the guys because he’s already with someone. This is the case that the female love interest is not really a character other than she’s pretty and the main man likes her for some nondistinct reason (she’s nice). What’s her name or general disposition towards the male main character? I dunno doesn’t matter, does he care about her? of course! why like who even is she? uhh… These characters if they serve a plot are usually fridged or baby mamas and then fridged because parents must be executed unless they can serve as an antagonist or be the bad abusive parent.

I feel like Talia is done the greatest disservice here, where she just exists to give context to why Damian is a very skilled fighter and not just a normal kid and her character gets further assassinated so Bruce can be the better parent without lifting a finger. As if you can’t be the bad parent if mom is a murderer training a little murderer that you use in your fight against crime, just because the little gremlin came pre-trained he’ll be alright on his own you don’t need to interact with it, the kid’s a killer and that ain’t on you.

flavor 3, There you have a female role model will you stop bugging us about it now? this includes basically a gender-bent what would have been a dude character, but this is more of a character that just “I’m badass too and I don’t need no man” character. I personally find them to be really bland like they just hate guys because they’re strong and independent and not much else because all we’re looking for is an empowering female character, not an interesting one. This character to me feels like the equivalent of slamming two action figures together until one of them breaks, but one of the action figures is traded out for a barbie. Like it’s not bad because it’s barbie and she’s pretty, it’s bad because it’s still boring.

I’m not more excited for the outcome of the fight because the power level is now over 9000 and I’m not any more impressed because a woman is the one who wields the power of over 9000. These characters because they’re so strong and more importantly independentdon’t feel like they have any bearings with everyone else around them, if they die no one in the universe would really mourn them other than maybe losing a strong team member (which would be unlikely for them to die because they’re the only female representation and women would riot or the team comp becomes a full sausage fest with no, assumed completely necessary, sex appeal for the straight male audience to enjoy, maybe it’s a loss for lesbians too but I don’t know how real the thirst is for you guys) and if someone else dies around them it’s a 50/50 chance that they let out a singular tear and then move on. This is applicable to boring too manly to care about anybody male characters, this just makes a boring character.

All in all, I’m not calling for more female characters, or more female writers (You can be female and still suck at writing). This isn’t about a sexy lamp test or negative or lack of diverse representation. These characters are just boring. I’m fine with 1 to 3 characters like this male or female, it’s just weird that for female characters I need to wrack my brain for characters that aren’t just 1 or 2 of these flavors. I think the only extra secret flavor of the female character is the “need to take care of the baby” which is just the damsel trope, which is not even a bad trope so I don’t really count it.

The only character I can think of that isn’t one of the aforementioned flavors is from more recent kid shows because you can’t sell sex in those

I wish I could just not get emotionally attached to the first person that shows me kindness. I feel like I’m about to go into my depression again. I feel like I always depend on other people to pull men out of my sadness. I finally pulled myself out. But it’s happening again. I know it’s normal for that to happen. But I’m so tired of being sad. I’m so tired of being hurt. I just want things to go right. I want someone to love me just as much as I love them. I want someone to appreciate me an treat me with the same respect I would give. I love everyone I meet with my whole heart and that’s why I get hurt so easy. Maybe one day ill meet someone who won’t take me for granted. Someone who won’t use me. Or maybe I won’t.

I hope yall know that when you talk about erotic fanfiction or the concept of it at school that people hear about it right? Don’t talk about how your “hand hurts” because of doing you know what because of fanfiction at school. People hear that stuff and roast you in front of everyone in other classes. You aren’t invisible to the outside world, we hear and see you! It is uncomfortable for everybody.

im really confused because i thought i felt good on this medicine but it turns out my motivation is so low that i almost flunked several of my classes and am having to turn in assignments late last second. or like holy shit am i just that lazy ?? i really would like to hope not, because i used to be a good(?) student. i have never missed so many assignments in my life, and i have never taken so many naps in my life. im so goddamn tired, yknow? im really hoping this isnt me

reading feedback on the paper that you ASKED for and feeling like you’re honestly about to throw up and cry < anything else

Terminally online people piss the the fuck off. They take things that are actually serious topics and skew them so far in the wrong direction it’s actually ridiculous. No tiktok, kawaii is not a slur. No Twitter, someone that happens to be wearing something frilly isn’t p*dobaiting.

Like ffs way to take actual serious issues and make them look like a fucking joke.

So at around 7:40ish i was standing outside my workplace(obviously very dark) waiting for my parents to pick me up and there was this man there holding a baby (young dad, probably in 20s  and Im assuming he was waiting for his wife or fam that were still inside and after a minute he started talking to me (im assuming he assumed I worked there cuz of my clothes and I had my purse)

Like how they love going to the store cuz you can find everything there and whatnot and he mentioned the baby a few times so ofc I said the baby is adorable (cuz he was adorable) and he says the baby is 7 months (still normal convo)

AND THEN he goes “I like it (parenthood) …feels like it/he gives me something to live for ya know?”

And I smiled and nodded cuz aww thats adorable but I was thinking WHY IS THIS STRANGER TELLING ME HIS DEEP THOUGHTS  AT NIGHT IN THE DARK OUTSIDE

An update on the situation

Alright so a lot happened these last few days so I’m gonna summarize it as best I can and elaborate if questioned bc I’m tired so yeah


  • Took Mom to dentist (worked out a payment method so we don’t lose electricity)
  • Accidentally set the backyard on fire trying to do my chores
  • Had to fight the fire all afternoon, had panic attack that almost made me pass out
  • Broke the garden hose, broke the garden spigot
  • Lost access to running water


  • Dad drove all over God’s creation to find parts to fix the plumbing, borrowed $900 from grandmother to pay for it. Spent $800 on shit we didn’t even need that we can’t return anymore.
  • He spent all afternoon trying to fix things that weren’t broken, still no running water
  • No progress
  • Someone donated $40 to help buy groceries! (More on that in a bit)


  • Didn’t sleep worth a shit, stumbled around like a drunk on a sailboat trying to help Dad dig up the pipes that were busted
  • Turns out all he needs is a single part that caps off the PVC pipe to return the water pressure to normal
  • I have to drive 30mins to get the part, I bring Mom and she buys groceries with the money Dad and I gave her
  • The part cost $1.07 and I am seething with rage
  • We go home and make pizza, the first, “actual” meal we’ve had in a while.
  • We finally have running water (for the time being)

Bit of rant and Encanto spoilers:

So we all know that Mirabel doesn’t have a special power but why the heck has she been living in the nursery her whole life? Like yes, it shows that the way they get their rooms is on the 5th birthday with their powers. But it had been 10 years since the ceremony for Mirabel. AND SHE STILL LIVED IN THE NURSERY! Like Casita couldn’t make her a room? Or the family couldn’t? No wonder she felt like she didn’t belong in the family.

Anyways, here is a gif of Mirabel

Ok so I’m sad and having all kinds of feelings and I’m going to vent. I took in my friends sister and baby nephew and helped them navigate the DCS system so their family wouldn’t fall to pieces. I won’t go into the details, but i will say that they would have lost the baby without my help. It’s been 7 weeks and there’s all kinds of stressful system navigating going on as well as the mother (my friends sister) has several undiagnosed health problems going on so there’s that as an added complication.

I’m tits deep in their family situation, I completely rearranged my life to help them and now my friend is being a jerk and giving me the silent shitty treatment because I’ve been setting boundaries with him. Before it was just fun buddy hangout stuff, but taking on this guardian role and dealing with the state has changed my general outlook on life so hanging out with him isn’t fun anymore. We do not see eye to eye anymore and I’m resentful because his behavior was part of the problem which caused DCS to take the kid. When he comes over it’s less helpful than one would like. He won’t change a diaper, he won’t wash bottles. He’s technically not even supposed to be alone with the kid without a DCS approved Responsible Adult there too. He does bring over resources however and I’m grateful for that, but when he’s here he’s a distraction. He holds the baby and talks at us about all kinds of stuff that takes more brainpower than any of us want to use. We need rest and a chance to relax, we don’t want to entertain him. He makes bold and frustrating statements that generally make me uncomfortable and then if you have a different opinion then he debates you on its legitimacy. It’s just not fun having him around. I’ve been more brusque with him than I ever have, I could have been more graceful with the way I set boundaries with him. I could have just nodded and said “oh that’s awesome” and patronized him when he’s talking about things that trigger my PTSD. I can’t do that shit anymore. I thought our friendship was strong enough to endure me telling the truth to him but apparently it’s not.

Another thing that should be mentioned- I was and still am vehemently child-free. I would have never done this for anyone besides who I considered to be a Very Good Friend. For him to be consistently inconsiderate and entitled is very hurtful. I’d never do that to a friend.

The kid is great though and loves me so that’s kind of nice.

So I just saw this on Twitter. I cannot even begin to explain how this makes me feel. None of these

So I just saw this on Twitter. I cannot even begin to explain how this makes me feel. None of these are okay. The only “okay” time to rape someone is never. There ya go. How there are females out there who even said yes to any of those is fucking beyond me. And on the flip side what man would say yes to any of those ? Oh yeah no man would but sick in the head little boy sure the fuck would.

Even if the question had been reversed to the male gender the same answer to all those should’ve been no. Never. It’s never okay to rape anyone.

I’m just amazed at the sheer stupidity the people who participated in this obtain. I mean what the actual fuck were you thinking answering yes? What if your mom or little sister or brother or you or your significant other had been raped but they fell under that category? Would they deserve it then? Because they’d been drinking they deserved it, going by that poll.

The people who said yes to that poll at all need to go reevaluate their lives and then go kindly fuck some common sense in to them selves because THE ONLY OKAY TIME TO RAPE SOMEONE IS NEVER!!!!

Rant over.

Post link

ISTG all the countries of the Indian subcontinent would be besties if they were headed by Desi Tumblrinas

A quick rant bc I can only seethe for so long, but one thing that is steadily making me foam at the mouth about pro-life rhetoric is that if you try to ask why they’re so pressed on conception, it’s a bunch of religious packaging that switches over to a vastly oversimplified “well, science says—“ when it comes to any of the tough questions

And I mean, who doesn’t like science, right? Except that’s the only time they care to evoke it, and they end up neither being scientific nor religious with some fucked up ouroboros of smug self-serving deflection. Like how convoluted do you have to make your reasoning to protect yourself from the fact that you’re making shit up and calling it godly, all because you’re desperate to put yourself back into a position of control and do whatever you want without the threat of opposition? How can you both reference and simultaneously completely ignore two different modes of thinking at the same time, just so you can pretend to be a “good person” while sacrificing nothing of yourself?

If you stick to either one of those ideologies, there’s no foot to stand on, and I have yet to see any policy that claims to be religious that actually is—it’s a relief at least that if Christianity is “The Answer,” all these ppl who twist it for their own comfort and advantage and call it “gods word” will be fast tracking themselves to hell faster than any of us ever will

The vicious, never ending cycle

Cultivating relationships



Time after time

Self sabotage

I’m undeserving

Caos waiting to break through

So I sever ties

Rebuild the walls broken down

Hurt myself by hurting them

And convice them of the same

“ Still here


Are despicable,




Mortifying and truly…


Just because I may have ‘forgiven you’,

Doesnot mean I have forgotten,

I never have and never intend to forget,

So beware,

Watch out,

I am still very much here, so,



I want to be ‘she’ in the way a shy, 5'2 punk with short messy hair and a flat chest is 'she’; but I also want to be 'her’ how a badass, immaculately dressed businesswoman, who knows what she wants and always gets it, is 'her’.

And I want to 'he’ in the way a man with a full, neat beard who can rock a deep-necked evening gown is 'he’; but also 'him’ how a young, kind-faced, clean-shaven regency gentleman is 'him’.

And I want to be 'they’ how a hot steampunk force of nature is 'they’; but also 'them’ how a fae in the forest, beautiful and ineffable and singing, and dancing, and dancing, is 'them’.

And I want to use neopronouns how a downbeat punk musician uses neopronouns; I want to use them how a gentle, fresh-faced kid who’s innocent of all that’s fucked up in this world uses neopronouns.

I want to be a trans woman, I want to be a cis man; I want to be an enby punk, a genderfluid steampunk, a trans goth guy; I want to be.

My gender is confusing, but it’s my gender, and I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense.

do mainstream authors know that they can make their heroes cry? like, they don’t have to just feel these overwhelming emotions dry-eyed?? and tears don’t make them weak??? it’s literally a natural bodily function that happens when you feel Strong Emotions????? and it’s lovely???????? and I just want more men in fiction crying pls it’s literally all I need????????? I swear it’s like I get blue balls waiting for these men to cry and they NEVER DO IT’S INHUMANE

Okay can I just talk about something.

This might be a bit waffley so bare with but I just need to get this off my chest.

What is it about TikTok that makes people lose all sense of fucking critical thinking and nuance.

Ever since using TikTok and interacting with the people and comments I’ve noticed a concerning thing. And that is that a lot of people on TikTok think that human beings are fucking 2d dimensional beings like poorly written characters BUT WERE REALLY NOT.

For example, someone will say something possibly controversial or even offensive, or someone could say something very widely agreed on and THEY WILL INSTANTLY BE LABELLED AS EITHER GOOD OR BAD. No I’m between just “this person said something mildly offensive = bad horrendous same level as hitler” or “this person said they supported gay rights = they are an angel blessed in this universe who can do nothing wrong”

It’s really frustrating as that’s just not how humans or the human mind works??? I mean come on have these people never heard of the saying “there’s no true evil in this world”

NO ONE is a completely horrible person and it’s important to recognise that ESPECIALLY when people want to learn and grow. I feel like this could be applied to the entirety of the internet but I notice it SO MUCH MORE on TikTok. Now don’t get me wrong is people do something out of line or offensive they should be told and hopefully take it well but that doesn’t mean you get to demonise someone because they made a mistake, because you know damn well everyone’s made offensive comments before because unfortunately we don’t come out the womb fucking omnipotent.

And yes I mean more than one mistake. A lot People act like you have 3 strikes and ur out when it comes to mistakes but AGAIN just not how humans work, people learn and grow and become better versions of them self everyday and when you treat them like shit for making mistakes it’s only going to slow that down.

I think it mainly stems from people just not realising that you truly do not know anything about famous people, whether they put on a persona or not you do not know that person, you consume their content but you just cannot know them personally, therefore don’t assume.

Tl;dr dear TikTok, treat people like actual fucking human beings instead of characters behind a screen thank you.


Hey guys can you do me a huge favor and not try to act and use me as a sex toy, I mean get to know a girl first! Thanks♥ Also just so you know just cuz a girl has a kink or sexual blog doesn’t mean she wants you in her pants!

How pathetic and unhappy do you have to be to say nasty shit to other people anonymously ?I’ve noticed that loosers here like to attack others in this platform using Anonymous asks , you have to be an extreme pussy to be doing that I literally imagine those individuals to be like, totally obese,ugly ,jobless, ( pedo vibes) and living in their mothers basements. If you’re one of those people and you just so happen to see this , suck my dick

I don’t even Want to stop eating to loose weight anymore I’m just tired of feeling controlless and over thinking about food. I’m tired of eating something and right after dictate myself for eating it, or wanting to be different body types nothing like mine every other day. one day my arms are too big, the next day my love handles or too big, the next day my ass is too small. One day I want to work on my muscle and eat protein, then the next day I’m worried if I’m gaining weight cause of the protein, then the next day I want to starve myself then the next day I want to keep my boobs. I’m exhausted. Why can’t I just be enough?
