#furys life


I have been seeing this motherfucker on my drive home for weeks and honestly thought it was just some weirdass placeholder character for some new art collective.

Yesterday, I learned about Poppy Playtime and started watching jacksepticeye’s LP. (Dear Lord, this game is chilling).

Then I thought the billboard might just be a viral marketing campaign?

So tday, I decided to see if this billboard showed up anywhere else in the country.

It doesn’t.

Freaked me out for a hot minute before I tweaked my search terms a little.

Turns out the creators are from my city. And they really do just wanna hire more locals. Go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

But I did discover a new horror game out of it.

Thank you all for the prompts and requests! I will be getting to these this weekend.

… I gotta say, I’ve been pretty surprised by the reactions from my family about me losing my job.

Mom: upset and immediately telling me I need to do temp work, then apologizing for seeming overly harsh.

This was expected, to be honest. She pushes harder for me to have consistent work than anyone else. And she worries. A lot.

Dad: “these things happen”

This was surprising. I thought he’d freak out from having 3 under-to-unemployed kids. But, yeah. He was remarkably chill. We’ll see how long this lasts.

Older sister: do you actually want to be a lawyer? Follow your passion! You love to write, to play video games, and to analyze things! Do something involving that!

…sometimes you just need your big sister in your corner. Her enthusiasm for me to be happy

I think tomorrow I’ll open up my word processor to write for the first time in months.

Decided to do some physical labor today and work on the yard.

I got really close to finishing the project I was working on.

And then I bruised my palm. Right in the pad of my thumb. I cannot use gardening tools for the rest of the day…

Literally 4 sq ft left to clear.

Coffee shop. I need to go get a coffee.

Then I’m gonna read or write a bit while I enjoy my coffee.

Then I’ve got yard work to do.

Then I’ve got jobs to apply to.

Then I have to call my big sister, because with everything else I may have forgotten to tell her I lost my job.

*sigh* the downsides of a big family.

So when I was packing up my office yesterday, I forgot to click one of my pens and… well…

…yeah. At this point, I’m not sure if I should try to undo until there’s new blue left in the shawl, lean in and add more color once it’s finished, or just frog the whole thing and start over with the next skein.



So, yeah. Lost my job. Will update later, I suppose. But pray for me please.

God, I need to tell my family.

Well, mom freaked out. More in a “I’m upset for you” kind of way than a “I’m disappointed in you” kind of way.

Dad was… remarkably chill about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The last person who Needs To Be Informed is my sister. I’m just gonna wait until she gets home.

Until then, snacks and a hard cider while I job search.

What kills me is that I got like, a hundred little signs from the universe, and none from my bosses, that this was coming.

I mean, today I…

  • Lost my fidget ring
  • Left my earbuds at home
  • Hit weird not-exactly-traffic and arrived late despite leaving 10 minutes early this morning.
  • The building’s HVAC was broke, and every door I tried to open was pressurized against me.
  • The first two elevators I tried to use didn’t work.
  • I woke up too early and with the certainty that something bad was going to happen.

On the other hand, my bosses’ bosses gave me no warning, no probation, no chance to improve or explain. This was so out of left field that the woman I reported to directly was blindsided.

The work I do is good. I know that. But my medication issues this last month made every task take me twice as long and attorneys are at-will employees. I understand why this happened, but it doesn’t make it easier to accept.

So, yeah. Lost my job. Will update later, I suppose. But pray for me please.

Shower taken, breakfast currently being eaten, next is my medication. Concerta. For ADD.

The grey sky has cleared, like it always does, and I’m enjoying a bagel on the patio in the sunlight. My goal is to send out 3-5 applications today, and to get a tracker set up so I don’t accidentally apply to the same place twice.

I’ve also got a lot of yard stuff to do while the sun is still out. Flowers to plant, roses to trim, baseboards to strip.

But first, I’m going to take my meds, I’m gonna meet up with friends at the coffee shop, and I’m going to have a pleasant start to the day.

Good morning!

It’s been 1 week since I lost my job.

Life is hard and the sky is gray, but my cat purred when I picked him up and my dog crawled into my lap for snuggles when I woke up.

So I’ll say a morning prayer, take my meds, take a shower. I’ll call my mom and follow my big sister’s advice. I’ll paint for my niece and knit for myself.

Life is hard, the sky is gray, but love is gentle and warm.

I’m going to be okay. 




Rainy day. Unemployed. Already sent out more applications.

So I shall clean my desk so that I may write in peace.

And I shall organize my office so that I can paint to my heart’s content.

And I shall go to Michael’s cuz mom has offered to reimburse me for craft paint if I touch up some of her garden pavers. :D

I’m less than a week in, so I’m still more worried about filling up my days than being unemployed.

Finally finished wrapping up the ink-stained yarn. I did not clean the ink as well as I initially thought, but it’s still massively faded compared to what it was. Hopefully, when it’s time for blocking, the remaining ink will wash out.

With that, a good chunk of my desk has been uncovered. I’m going to take a little break to work on an art project, then back to cleaning.

Screw it. I’m going to Michael’s. Craft paint does not keep as well as artist paints, so I need to grab some for myself as well as for my mom’s project.

I got. So many little craft paints. (FYI, there’s a Michael’s coupon for 20% off every regularly priced item until the 25th.)

I can’t work on mom’s project since I forgot the paver at the farm. So instead I worked on mine. I got a set of desk organizer boxes at target a few weeks ago, and decided they looked too bland. Now?

Tada! Now they match the decor.

That and making dinner (and job searching, don’t worry) has been most of my evening. I will spend the rest of my night playing switch and knitting.

Rainy day. Unemployed. Already sent out more applications.

So I shall clean my desk so that I may write in peace.

And I shall organize my office so that I can paint to my heart’s content.

And I shall go to Michael’s cuz mom has offered to reimburse me for craft paint if I touch up some of her garden pavers. :D

I’m less than a week in, so I’m still more worried about filling up my days than being unemployed.





Public School really does just train you to be a good little worker drone huh

Not entirely unconvinced that private schools don’t do the same thing

They do it just costs more

Idk man I went to a private school. Not a lot of original thinkers

Depends on the school. Hell, it can vary from teacher to teacher within the school.

(I went to private school 1st through 12th grade.)

My Freshman English teacher took points off if your opinion differed from hers.

Senior ethics/religion (catholic school) taught biased to her opinion for social issues, but would grade fairly even if you disagreed.

American history teacher did grade to his biased version of history. (Nothing pissed me off more in HS than being told to answer “in your opinion” and then being told that my opinion was wrong.)

Sophomore geometry teacher was delighted every time I came up with a shorter proof than the textbook.

Junior/senior world history teacher gave bonus points for how well you could argue with him or bs your way through a presentation.

Plus, when we had an absolutely shitty algebra teacher, she was fired mid-semester and they brought back the best math teacher we ever had (who had retired the year before) to finish the year.

To be fair, my parents were the kind who fostered a “question everything” mentality in their kids, and there were several kids in my class who just parroted whatever the teacher taught.
