#fushiguro megumi x you


ADORE YOU. ||fushiguro megumi

out of breath, you run down the stairs of the train station, praying with baited breath as you hope for some kind of miracle that you make it down there in time.

you softly bite your tongue, flying off of the last three steps and thankfully landing on your feet. so with your last muster of power, you run into the doors of the train and just as soon as you get in the doors behind you shut close causing you to yelp in surprise.

your eyes are wide open, a bit rattled by the sudden shut of doors that could have been the potential cause of your death whereas the people buzz around you. but your surprise it dies quick when the train moves in an instant causing you to move somewhere else with closed eyes and be pressed up against something.

“shit.” a quiet curse is what you hear right infront of you when you get pressed up against something, potentially someone. you open your eyes to look at who cursed, and when you do open your eyes, your eyes instantly meet with ocean blue eyes.

awe is written in your hues as you look at the dark blue lashes that adorn these ocean eyes. you‘re captivated like a criminal behind bars in these eyes. it’s beautiful like the sky on a clear summer day, making you feel like you’re being rained by sunshine and happiness. however, your adoration is cut short when the beholder clears their throat and looks away.

you finally snap out of it and realize how much you‘ve been staring. you mutter a low apology underneath your breath, looking away. however, you look once more and see the whole face of the person who stands before you. you study their features quietly, marking them one by one and adoring how much they compliment each other. from the blue eyes, dark blue lashes, pointed nose, red lips, perfect jaw, he definitely looks like a model. much like the man who had been occupying your mind these days.

it surely does look like him. maybe next time you see each other you‘d tell him about this person who looks like him. you smile to yourself hoping that you’d see him again, though you hold that though and look at the person once again.

wait a minute.

“… megumi?”

surely it‘s him. you cannot be mistaken. how could you be? it‘s the infamous fushiguro megumi from your wednesday and friday math class, the one who got assigned as your project partner for the last semester‘s project, the very same man who has been in your head all day long.

“hi,” shyly he responds to the uncertain call, his eyes avoiding contact with yours. you raise a brow as you wonder what could be wrong with him. just a few weeks back, both of you would have been chatting at a nearby café, yet here he is looking away, not even greeting properly.

“how‘re you?” you strike up the conversation starter, hoping to talk with the pretty boy before you leave for your stop and never see him again. yet your attempts fall in vain when he does not even speak a word to you, simply nodding and muttering silently to himself; not even to you.

a frown makes its way to your face as you wonder what had happened between the time you weren‘t together for him to not even speak a word to you. had you doke something wrong? or something to upset him? you do not know.

as thoughts clog your head, you don‘t notice how a certain dark haired man looks at you. he too, is mesmerized by the way you look. it hasn‘t been too long since you haven’t seen each other, yet megumi thinks it‘s been centuries.

after having spent time with you, he can‘t seem to forget the way your eyes glimmer when you look at him. or the way you purse your lips and furrow your brows when you make a mistake, and most especially the way your eyes shine bright like stars when you‘ve done something right.

and it doesn’t help that earlier this morning he had thought about bringing you your favourite sweet— that you had mentioned before— to class tomorrow, and here you are right in-front of him in the most awkward position possible.

“‘m sorry if i‘m cursing to much,” he can‘t help the apology that falls past his lips. meanwhile you don‘t know what he‘s apologizing for. so with a cocked brow, you look up and show a confused face.

“i‘m a bit too close and this train is too tight, so— uh— our situation really isn‘t the most comfortable one.”

“wait, too close?”

and then it dawns upon you. you look down and around to see the amount of people around, it actually is crowded in the train. but that is not where your attention lies at. you attention lies in the proximity between you both.

you hadn‘t noticed earlier, but now you have. you‘re back up against the door with megumi standing right in-front of you. you‘re caged between him and his right arm and left as he tries to back up a bit to not be so pressed against you, but it does him no justice as the train moves too much, and with every little movement the more he is pressed against you.

“oh.” in realization of the situation, you mutter. megumi can‘t help but chuckle at the face you make as your cheeks heat up and so does the tip of your ears. suddenly, you‘re hyper aware of what is going on. “haha.. don‘t— worry..”

“i hope its fine—”

“more than fine!” you say, albeit too loud. your eyes go wide once more and then you finally realize what you had said, immediately you start to ramble every excuse that pops into your head. “i mean— it‘s okay. don‘t worry like it‘s natural the train is packed, like don’t apologize really! there’s nothing to be sorry for, this proximity does not disturb me. in fact, we can even go like to a date after this—”

“you want to go on a date with me?” megumi cuts you off mid ramble and you look up at him, meeting his eyes as you once again realize you had spoken without filtering your words. but now, there is no taking it back anymore, you‘ve gone to far in and there‘s no way of return.

“.. i mean‘t what i said..” you nod slowly. and then, when you least expect it, a smile makes its way to his face. there‘s a glint in his eyes as he nods at your words, leaning in a bit more as he presses his lips softly against your cheek.

“i‘d love that.”

i didnt edit this.


REPOST! because I think I got shadowbanned

❀ Summary: First Date with Megumi

❀ A/N: sorry if this is bad, I still have to learn how to write headcanons lol

❀ Warnings: Grammar Error / Fluff / Milk – Coffee

❀ Published:25.02.2021


✧ I love this boy so much

✧ but let‘s be real, Megumi would be too shy to really ask you out

✧ it would be more like “Hey (Y/N), you wanna catch some coffee?”

✧ will definitely act like it’s not a date, but deep down he really wants to ask you out properly

✧ his excuse would be that he wants to talk to you about the upcoming mission

✧ he would take you on a walk to a really nice and rather small coffee shop

✧ the walk would be quiet at first, Megumi has some problems talking to you because every time he glances over to you his ears would turn red

✧ he’s just not trusting his voice right now

✧ so it’s your mission now to start a conversation

✧ I see Megumi as a milk-coffee kinda guy, so when you two enter the coffee shop he gets two milk-coffee’s – he insists to pay (he wants that date feeling… poor buy is just so shy)

✧ “wait! do you even like milk-coffee?”

✧ “yes, that’s totally fine” you said while trying to hide a small giggle

✧ it would be so obvious that Megumi is nervous, pls just go with the flow and take the milk-coffee

✧ after you two got your order you sat yourself at a small table with only two chairs in a rather quiet corner

✧ it would be up to you again to start a conversation because poor guy Megumi is just starring at his coffee, grabbing it with both his hands

✧ do be fair, the conversation wouldn’t be that romantic – you both would probably talk about different fighting styles, Megumi would tell you about that new cursed weapon he borrowed from Maki

✧ he would love to just sit there and listen to you talk about life, so when you told him a story about that one prank Yuuji and you pulled on Satoru last week he zoned out, starring at your hands laying on the table

✧ he just wants to grab and hold them so so bad

✧ decides not to, because he doesn’t want to ruin the situation

✧ (just tell him that you like him so he can hold your hand damn it)

✧ when you both finished your coffee the sun already started to set

✧ so on your walk back to school it got kinda chilly

✧ “are you cold?” he’d ask you, eyeing you up and down

✧ “nah it’s fine”

✧ but he could see that you tried to warm up your hands by sliding them under your arms

✧ sadly Megumi couldn’t offer you a jacked because both of you are only wearing a hoodie (boy should have been prepared)

✧ “give me your hand” he said surprised by himself

✧ you hesitated for a second but stretched out your hand that’s on Megumi’s side

✧ but instead of holding it, he grabbed it and put it in the pocked of his hoodie together with his own hand

✧ now it was your time to turn red “t-thank you” you stumbled over your own words

✧ he didn’t say anything but the smile on his face said everything – still insecure he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand

✧ back at the dorms you just looked at each other, not knowing what tho say

*should I just say “bye”?* (no Megumi you should not)

✧  you wrapped your arms around the boy in front of you, hiding your blushed face in his chest

✧ he instantly tensed up, but after a few seconds he was able to slowly hug you back

✧ tomato Megumi

✧ “so… was that a date?” you mumbled in his chest

✧ “ a – a date?”

✧ “yeah, a date”

✧ “do you want it to be one?” he asked you quietly, still hugging you

✧ you just nodded you head, not trusting your voice

✧ so he just hugged you even harder and put his chin on your head

✧ “well… then I guess it was a date”


I hope you liked this headcanon. If you know things I could do better, feel free to DM me. I always want to improve myself and my writing.

Have a nice day! ♡


Summary: Megumi was hurt on his last mission so you took it in your own hands to take care of him!

A/N: If I mix up the names I’m sorry, I watched Jujutsu Kaisen in three different languages and the names get mixed up a lot. I’m not a native English speaker speaker so there will be mistakes (feel free to correct me)

Pairings: Megumi x Reader

Warnings: Grammar Error / Fluff / Blood / Bad Language




You couldn’t believe it.

Megumi just came back from a mission that Gojo gave him a few days ago but he won’t let you allow see him. He came back a few hours ago and went straight to his room, not even looking you in the eyes. You just wanted to know if he was fine but he kept blocking every social interaction.

All you knew was that the mission included a grade 1 curse while Megumi was a grade 2 sorcerer so this shit didn’t even make sense. You were really worried, not knowing what happened.

“Megumi? Can I please come in?” it’s the fifth time now that you are were standing in front of his closed door. Shifting on your feet you waited quietly until you heard his stern voice replying.
“No you can’t. Now please leave me alone.” Wow that hurt.
A frustrated sigh leaving your mouth. Your best friend could be so stubborn its incredible.

Deciding if you should go to your room or just try again you saw Yuuji approaching you.
“Yo!” he waved at you “He won’t let you in either?”

“No, I don’t know whats going on with him. So you also tried to talk too him?” you sigh, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. Looking at Yuuji you noticed that he also seemed kind of worried. You remember how happy he was when you first met him, this boy has definitely changed a lot.

“Well he told me to fuck off.” he said laughing. “HE SAID WHAT?”

Yuuji let out a loud laugh. “I guess he’s just really exhausted, we should give him a break and try again later”
Thinking about what he just said you bit your lip.
Maybe he was right and Megumi was just really tired. We’re probably just annoying him right now.

“You’re probably right. If he was really hurt he would have went to Shoko. I’ll look after him again in the evening.” you said in a monotone voice.


After the sun began to set you found yourself in the kitchen, brewing some soup.
“If he won’t let me in this time I’ll pour this shit over his head!” you mumbled while stirring the soup.
Grabbing a bowl of the freshly made soup you made your way to Megumis room again.  Hesitantly you knocked on the door again.
“Megumi? I made you some food. I haven’t seen you the whole day, you must be hungry…”
You waited nervously, biting your lip.

What if I just woke him up? Oh shit this punk will kill me.

“Leave the food in front of the door, I’ll get it later.”

Wait? Is this idiot serious right now?

You couldn’t remember the last time you were this angry at your best friend because this shit just reached a whole different level.
“You know what? I give a shit if you don’t want anyone to see you. Get the fuck ready because I’m coming in now”

“Y/N I dare y-”
You stepped into his room, making his words die on his lips. He was laying in his bed while holding an ice pack to his lips.

Walking over to his bed and putting the soup on his nightstand you could make out some bloody tissue papers in his trash bin.

Now inspectating his face more closely you were able to see a big cut over his eyebrow and a dark purple eye. Now grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand with the ice pack away from his face, revealing a bruised lips.

“You could have just told me you were hurt.” you pressed out quietly. “You should go to Shoko”

“It’s really not that bad” he mumbled, pressing the ice against his lip again.

“That bloody shit in your trash says otherwise.” you pointed at his trash bin. “I’ll be right back, just don’t run away.”

“Where do you think I would be going looking like th-” again he was cut off by you leaving his room.

A few seconds later you came back bursting into his room again, in your hand a little package.

“Okay I guess I’ve got everything I need. Can you sit up? And put that damn ice to the side.”

Megumi put the ice on his nightstand and sat himself on the edge of his bed looking around his room. He looked everywhere but definitely not at you.
After you positioned yourself in front of him you grabbed his chin softly, not wanting to hurt him any further.

“You look like shit” you said while getting out the bandages and the alcohol.

“Yeah Sherlock you don’t say” you chuckled at his stupid remark.

Putting some alcohol on a cotton wrap you padded it on the cut over his eyebrow. This angle gave you a chance to have a better look at his eyes. They were so dark, almost like obsidian. They were so deep, you almost got lost into them but Megumis hissing made you snap back.
Ah right, the alcohol.

“I’m sorry, does it hurt that bad?”

“No, its fine. Just hurry please” You nodded, putting the cotton wrap away and grabbing a big band aid to put it over the cut.
“This should stop the blending for now.”

“Turn your head a little bit, I need to see how badly your lips look.”

He turned his head to the side. His lips where mostly bruised but you could make out a little cut.

I can’t really patch that up but I can at least disinfect it.

Grabbing your alcohol and cotton again, you began to press it on his lips.

“Sorry this must hurt a lot”

Megumi kept quiet and just looked at you. His stare made you nervous.

Damn this boy and his beautiful eyes.

“I guess that’s all I can do for now. Do you have any more cuts or bruises I should take a look at?”

you immediately regretted your question.

“I actually got some more wounds, but I guess I can take care of them myself, it’s fine.”
Oh no. If I do my job I do it correctly.

“Can you at least show them to me so I can see how bad they are. They should not get infected, you know right?”

Megumi let out a loud sight. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.
Damn it, I wasn’t expecting it to be on his rips. I thought they were on his arms or some shit like that. So this was the reason why he had troubles getting up. Makes sense now.

You immediately became flustered by the pure sight of his upper body. Luckily Megumi was busy trying to not look you in the eyes.

I have to touch him. Oh please no.

You quietly did your job of disinfecting and cleaning up his wounds. His skin was pale and cold to your touch. Your eyes staring right at his upper body, not daring to look him in the eyes for just one second.
Megumi was just as nervous as you were but after some minutes of acting like all of this didn’t happen, he was able to look at you cleaning his wounds. How careful you were to not hurt him.

“Y/N?” he spoke softly. You instinctively looked up, becoming even more red.

“Thank you for doing this.” he said, still staring into your eyes.

You hectically looked away, fixing your eyes on his almost patched up wounds again.

“You don’t have to thank me for that. I’ll always take care of you. No matter what.”

After you finished patching Megumi up, you packed your things together, strands of hair falling in your face. Megumi pulled his shirt over his head, being fully clothed again. The situation was awkward and even tho you really like Megumi, you wanted to get out of it.

“Guess my job is done here. Text me if you need something and I’ll come over. And eat your soup!” you said smiling at him, pointing at the soup that was still on his nightstand.

You were about to turn around, when Megumi spoke up.

“You know you could just stay here, then I don’t have to text you if I need something” he mumbled while scratching the back of his neck, not even looking you in the eyes.

You heart hammered so loud, you were scarred he would be able to hear it.

Was he serious? He wants me to stay with him over the night. This boy is joking right?

“Are your sure? Like… you want me here to stay?” you mumbled. Not really knowing what to say. You’ve gotten so nervous it’s getting ridiculous.

“Only if you want to, I thought that would be the better option” he shifted around, not knowing if what he said was wrong.

“Yeah, yeah. I guess that would be better.” you agreed by rapidly nodding, almost stumbling over your own words.

This was everything Megumi needed to hear. He lifted his blanked up to signalize you to get your ass into his bed.

Hesitantly you crawled into the bed, now laying next to him.

Megumi was laying on his back. You turned around to face him.
“Can I….. you know. Can I maybe lay my hand there?” pointing at his stomach. You felt ashamed for asking to literally cuddle him, but you just couldn’t help it.

Everyone can sleep better when they cuddle something, right?

Megumi looked at you, surprised that you even asked him that.
“If it helps you sleep, sure.”

You slowly slit your hands up his stomach and rested it right under the wound you just patched up before. Curling into his side you breathed his scent in. He smelled so incredibly good, it gave you butterfly’s in your belly.

“Am I not hurting you?” you asked, referring to the position you hand was in.

“You could never. Now go to sleep, you had a troublesome day with me acting like a completely asshole.” he chuckled, patting your head once, letting his hand rest on your back.

“I guess your right.” was all you where able to say, before slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

Megumi watched you a bit longer, questioning how you both ended up like this. He always had liked you since he first laid his eyes on you. Seeing your sleeping form curled into him, made him realize how much he cared for you.


I hope you liked this imagine. If you know things I could do better, feel free to DM me. I always want to improve myself and my writing.

Have a nice day! ♡
