#megumi fushiguro x reader


ADORE YOU. ||fushiguro megumi

out of breath, you run down the stairs of the train station, praying with baited breath as you hope for some kind of miracle that you make it down there in time.

you softly bite your tongue, flying off of the last three steps and thankfully landing on your feet. so with your last muster of power, you run into the doors of the train and just as soon as you get in the doors behind you shut close causing you to yelp in surprise.

your eyes are wide open, a bit rattled by the sudden shut of doors that could have been the potential cause of your death whereas the people buzz around you. but your surprise it dies quick when the train moves in an instant causing you to move somewhere else with closed eyes and be pressed up against something.

“shit.” a quiet curse is what you hear right infront of you when you get pressed up against something, potentially someone. you open your eyes to look at who cursed, and when you do open your eyes, your eyes instantly meet with ocean blue eyes.

awe is written in your hues as you look at the dark blue lashes that adorn these ocean eyes. you‘re captivated like a criminal behind bars in these eyes. it’s beautiful like the sky on a clear summer day, making you feel like you’re being rained by sunshine and happiness. however, your adoration is cut short when the beholder clears their throat and looks away.

you finally snap out of it and realize how much you‘ve been staring. you mutter a low apology underneath your breath, looking away. however, you look once more and see the whole face of the person who stands before you. you study their features quietly, marking them one by one and adoring how much they compliment each other. from the blue eyes, dark blue lashes, pointed nose, red lips, perfect jaw, he definitely looks like a model. much like the man who had been occupying your mind these days.

it surely does look like him. maybe next time you see each other you‘d tell him about this person who looks like him. you smile to yourself hoping that you’d see him again, though you hold that though and look at the person once again.

wait a minute.

“… megumi?”

surely it‘s him. you cannot be mistaken. how could you be? it‘s the infamous fushiguro megumi from your wednesday and friday math class, the one who got assigned as your project partner for the last semester‘s project, the very same man who has been in your head all day long.

“hi,” shyly he responds to the uncertain call, his eyes avoiding contact with yours. you raise a brow as you wonder what could be wrong with him. just a few weeks back, both of you would have been chatting at a nearby café, yet here he is looking away, not even greeting properly.

“how‘re you?” you strike up the conversation starter, hoping to talk with the pretty boy before you leave for your stop and never see him again. yet your attempts fall in vain when he does not even speak a word to you, simply nodding and muttering silently to himself; not even to you.

a frown makes its way to your face as you wonder what had happened between the time you weren‘t together for him to not even speak a word to you. had you doke something wrong? or something to upset him? you do not know.

as thoughts clog your head, you don‘t notice how a certain dark haired man looks at you. he too, is mesmerized by the way you look. it hasn‘t been too long since you haven’t seen each other, yet megumi thinks it‘s been centuries.

after having spent time with you, he can‘t seem to forget the way your eyes glimmer when you look at him. or the way you purse your lips and furrow your brows when you make a mistake, and most especially the way your eyes shine bright like stars when you‘ve done something right.

and it doesn’t help that earlier this morning he had thought about bringing you your favourite sweet— that you had mentioned before— to class tomorrow, and here you are right in-front of him in the most awkward position possible.

“‘m sorry if i‘m cursing to much,” he can‘t help the apology that falls past his lips. meanwhile you don‘t know what he‘s apologizing for. so with a cocked brow, you look up and show a confused face.

“i‘m a bit too close and this train is too tight, so— uh— our situation really isn‘t the most comfortable one.”

“wait, too close?”

and then it dawns upon you. you look down and around to see the amount of people around, it actually is crowded in the train. but that is not where your attention lies at. you attention lies in the proximity between you both.

you hadn‘t noticed earlier, but now you have. you‘re back up against the door with megumi standing right in-front of you. you‘re caged between him and his right arm and left as he tries to back up a bit to not be so pressed against you, but it does him no justice as the train moves too much, and with every little movement the more he is pressed against you.

“oh.” in realization of the situation, you mutter. megumi can‘t help but chuckle at the face you make as your cheeks heat up and so does the tip of your ears. suddenly, you‘re hyper aware of what is going on. “haha.. don‘t— worry..”

“i hope its fine—”

“more than fine!” you say, albeit too loud. your eyes go wide once more and then you finally realize what you had said, immediately you start to ramble every excuse that pops into your head. “i mean— it‘s okay. don‘t worry like it‘s natural the train is packed, like don’t apologize really! there’s nothing to be sorry for, this proximity does not disturb me. in fact, we can even go like to a date after this—”

“you want to go on a date with me?” megumi cuts you off mid ramble and you look up at him, meeting his eyes as you once again realize you had spoken without filtering your words. but now, there is no taking it back anymore, you‘ve gone to far in and there‘s no way of return.

“.. i mean‘t what i said..” you nod slowly. and then, when you least expect it, a smile makes its way to his face. there‘s a glint in his eyes as he nods at your words, leaning in a bit more as he presses his lips softly against your cheek.

“i‘d love that.”

i didnt edit this.

before i knew you — megumi fushiguro

  • megumi x f reader
  • 6k
  • in every life, you find that your efforts are just not enough.
  • reincarnation au. mentions of death, different types of aus for each life, angst, pining, fluff, (kind of very) suggestive but nothing explicit. idk how to feel abt this i just wanted to finish this to get out of a writing slump so Please be gentle with me. inspired by dean’s D (half moon) This Song Is So Beautiful

Theveryfirst time you met Megumi, you asked him and his companion what they wanted to drink and if they were ready to order. He asked for water and his friend ordered something that was alcoholic, and in turn, you asked to see his ID. The man playfully scoffed, throwing out some corny joke about looking so young and charming, and you had to force a laugh. You hear the same sentiment almost every day.

After confirming his age and walking away to get their drinks, Gojo faced Megumi.

“Real pretty. You should ask her out.”

It took all of Megumi’s strength to hold back a groan, but he made a show of rolling his eyes so that Gojo knewhe wasn’t in the mood for this right now.

“You say that about every single girl we pass by. I’m not interested.”

“No, really,” Gojo starts, glancing back behind him to see if you were anywhere in sight. “This one’s different– call it intuition. Just give her a chance.”

His eyes sparkle. Megumi scowls. “No.”

The rest of the night is only slightly awkward with Gojo’s comments and questions about how old you were and whatnot, trying to retrieve information for Megumi so that maybe he would feel more inclined to ask you out. It didn’t work. Everything that spilled out of Gojo’s mouth almost made you wince, and Megumi was aware that you were taking it the wrong way (He couldn’t blame you).

At the end of dinner, Megumi quietly scolded Gojo to stop being a creep.

Burdened by guilt, Gojo gave you a generous tip that nearly made you squeak as you held the cash close to your chest, forgetting your duty to wish them goodbye and to have a good day.

Megumi wanted to wait behind and apologize to you for Gojo’s weird behavior, but you looked far too excited, stuffing the cash in your apron pocket before collecting the dishes and wiping down the table. A little smile lingered on your face the whole time. He figured he should let you be.

That was the first and last time the two of you ever saw each other– in that life, at least.

The second time you meet Megumi, the both of you are eight years old on the playground and you’re trying to beckon him to make a castle with you in the sandbox.

He’s awfully shy, staring at you with wide eyes as you literally plead for him to help you.

“Go on, kid,” Toji says gruffly, patting Megumi’s shoulders with such heavy hands that the little boy almost topples over. “Make some friends and play.”

He drags his feet over there, cautious but curious as you scoop all the dry sand into the bucket, trying to flip it over before it can all spill out. And when he finally sits down across from you in the sand, you clap and give him his own bucket to work with.

When the two of you find out that you can’t make castles purely out of dry sand, you suggest cops and robbers instead. Megumi agrees. He’s really complacent.

The truth is, Megumi has never seen anyone so bright and eager to talk and play with him in his life. Even though he’s barely eight, he’s not nearly as conversational and outgoing as other kids his age are, so when he finds that you are actually excited to be in his presence, he really doesn’t want to say No. It feels nice to be accepted by you.

You drag him along around the playground, starchy hands from the sand in his as you pull him down the slide with you, as you show him how to properly climb up the rock climbing wall, as your fingers brush against his arm in a game of tag. It’s the most his heart has ever raced.

Toji sees Megumi get along with you. He thinks that he can stay at the park and watch over you guys for just a little longer.

But as soon as the sun starts heading to bed, finding itself lower and lower in the sky, Toji stands up and calls for Megumi so that they can head home.

Before he gets the chance to run back to his dad, you tackle Megumi in a big hug, thanking him for spending time with you.

And again, after that, the two of you never see each other again.

And even as Megumi gets older, he never forgets you. He thinks back on that day, thinks about you, sending silent wishes to the universe that you were safe and well.

He found that you were part of one of his core memories. It’s one of those things that as he ages, it’s not at the front of his mind, but at random times, your chubby little eight year-old face flashes behind his eyes, and a feeling of appreciation swallows his chest.

He wonders where you are.

You are head over heels. Unabashedly enamored, ridden with lovesickness. All your smiles are shy and your skin heats up so quickly under his gaze– in any other case, you’d think you have a fever.

He watches with a smile as you duck your head down, keeping your eyes trained on the overgrown grass as you playfully groan, “Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

Looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” He teases further. God, you have an iron grip on him and you don’t even know it. Megumi would do anythingfor you.

“Like– like—”

Like you love me.

Both of you know it. You love him and he knows it. He’s in love with you and boy, do you know it. It’s something that neither of you have confessed yet, burdened with irrational worries and fear.

Megumi wants to say it. He wants you (so badly).

But the world is kind of facing a crisis, and with the threat of war lingering on the corners of everyone’s mind, he’s not sure. He doesn’t want to promise you something and then be taken away from you. He is of age, after all. He cannot refuse to go.

So the two of you keep chasing each other, and although it is a little painful, it’s the type of pain that hurts so good. The two of you are in this masochistic cycle of getting so close– so close to a kiss, to a confession, and then one of you draws back, and you two spend your nights alone and dreaming about what ifs.

So you resort to something else, something that’s lame and obviously just a lie to hide your feelings.

“Like there’s something on my face.”

He wants to laugh at how avoidant you are. He knows what you’re itching to say, and you’re just so cute about it that he wants to scoop you into his arms and smush your face, kiss your cheeks and your lips and—

“Yeah,” He says breathily, “Lots of things on your face. Eyes, nose, mouth,” He lists, a smile growing when you look up at him with a scowl. You’re about to cut him off and tell him to quit being a smartass, but he takes your breath away before you can.

“Makes you real pretty.”


“Make me?” He tests, leaning down to try and catch the look in your eyes as you shyly turn your head away.


He laughs softly and makes the bold move of pressing a kiss to your forehead. You’re all frozen up and at a loss for words when he says let me walk you home.

He takes your hand in his and leads the way. You rest against his arm the entire time.

Weeks later, Megumi gets a notice– one he’s been dreading. His time is running out as he contemplates what to do, what to saywhen he finally faces you.

It’s a blur when he tells you he’s been drafted, your throat burning as tears cloud your vision. Megumi tries helping you breathe, holding your face so softly, whispering into your hair.

“I love you,” He says finally, closing his eyes when you hold onto him a little tighter.

“I love you so, so much– I’ll be home before you know it,” He promises; something that he was initially scared of doing.

I’ll come home. I’ll be back for you. Please wait for me.

The two of you spend the rest of his remaining time together before he leaves, drowning each other in whispered confessions and gentle touches, kisses, longing looks. A part of you loves it all the way the two of you can let it out at last, but you wish it didn’t have to be under these circumstances.

The both of you exchange letters while he’s away, and you find yourself staring at his handwriting with yearning. You also try to send him care packages as much as you can, tucking in things you think he’d like into the box before sending it away.

You send him a few polaroids of yourself. He sends back a letter saying he keeps his favorite in his pocket (right near his heart).

You almost cry. You miss him so much.

It becomes routine and soon you know exactly which days his letters should be arriving but for a while now, he’s been silent. You reread the last few letters he sent for any indication that he’ll have to pause for a while, or if there’s somewhere he has to be, but he hadn’t left any warnings or clues. So instead, you keep rereading what he’s already sent, a loving smile never failing to find its way onto your features. You daydream often about the life the two of you can start once he gets home.

A concerning amount of time passes and Megumi is still silent. You write him another letter, reminding him that you love and miss him, and that you always wish him the best, along with other little things about your days that he would typically ask about. Maybe, you think, if you send this one out, he’ll be reminded to write back (even though it’s a little odd that he forgot in the first place).

A few days later, a man in uniform shows up at your doorstep and delivers some heartbreaking news. You’re so shocked that you cannot even find it in yourself to cry, but you finally break when he tells you that when they found his body, he was holding a picture in his hand.

It was the photo of you.

“Your Highness,” Megumi calls out, trying to remain impassive.

You give him a disapproving look at the formality, but with his eyes, he points to the other people in the massive hallway, and your shoulders relax.

“Yes, Megumi?”

“The seamstress has requested to see you today.”

You don’t know how he does it. You don’t know how he can hide his emotions so well, how he keeps his voice calm and steady despite the way his heart falters inside his chest. You swallow down the lump in your throat– you know what you’re being requested for.

“Okay,” You say just for the sake of responding, waiting for everyone else to leave so that you can talk to Megumi in private.

Once it’s just the two of you alone, your weak composure falls. “I don’t wantto.”

He looks at you, eyes ridden with heartbreak.

“Megumi,” You plead, making your way closer to him and catching his fingers in your own. “Please. Please make it go away.”

Guiding his hand further up your body, you plan it right on your heart– right where it hurts.

It’s how the two of you end up in your bedroom, a verysacred space that usually no one else but you steps into, but Megumi’s been in here plenty of times. You always beckon him in, with your pretty smile and soft promises, and he just can’t deny your advances with the way he feels for you.

He noses at your neck, spreading kisses and soft little bites that make you gasp, his hands running up and down your arms, brushing against the sleeves of your elegant gown.

You remember that in the beginning, he was scared to touch you, like he’d be burned for laying his hands on someone as precious as you.

Now, he touches you with need and want, without a care in the world for your differences.

“Megumi,” You sigh out as he moves to cup your face, forehead pressed against yours.

“I’m yours,” You declare. “Only yours. My heart belongs to you.

He stares at you, his face a mixture of sadness and love.

“I want to be with you,” You say, your voice cracking just a teeny bit. Megumi hates thinking about it, about the fact that you must leave him.

He knows he can’t promise you anything. He knows he cannot fight the man you are to be betrothed to, for he is only a humble knight in a castle full of royals. The both of you know that at this rate, you can neverbe together.

So instead of wasting his breath by telling you sweet lies that would only appease the pain for a limited time, he catches your lips in his and lets you melt into his touch, backing you up to sit on your bed.

Someone knocks on the door and you freeze.

“Your highness? The seamstress called for you this morning. Is everything alright?”

You’re about to swallow down your pain and give a strong Yes, but Megumi doesn’t stop at his actions, kissing up your neck and biting softly at the lobe of your ear, so your Yes comes out a little weak and choked out regardless.

“Your highness?” The voice asks with worry, leaning in closer to the door, “Are you sick? Do you need help? Should I come in?”

“No!” You cry out, grip tightening on Megumi’s sleeve as he bites down at your skin. You can feel his lips curl up into a smug little smile despite it all.

“I’m fine!” You insist, trying to hold back the gasps that beg to escape. “I’ll be there in a minute!”

You hear the person on the other side of the door walk away, the sound of footsteps growing quieter as you look up at Megumi with eyes that say You’re in trouble.

He laughs and dips down to kiss at your lips, softer this time.

“I love you,” He confesses against you, gently pushing your hair from your face. “Always.”

Your stern resolve crumbles once again and you let him kiss you over and over and repeat himself as he whispers to you, In every life, I will love you.

You replay his words in your head, heart aching to say the same thing now as you stand in front of the carriage you’ll be leaving your home kingdom in.

Megumi holds your hand and helps you up, thumb running over your fingers in a soothing manner, but he avoids your eyes. When you see him turn his head away from you, his eyes shine in the light.

You watch him from the carriage window as the door slams shut, craning your neck as far as you can to see him as he grows smaller and smaller the more the carriage is pulled away.

He wipes at his eyes with the back of his wrist before turning on his heel and walking back up to the castle.

As soon as he gets home, Megumi is greeted by the sound of traffic outside his window and his two big fluffy dogs that excitedly follow his every step and press their heads into his legs, asking for pets.

Despite the fact that he has two pups and a new plant every few weeks to keep him company (they always die, and he solemnly finds himself at the garden section again and again, silently promising to himself that this time it won’twither away), he feels a bit lonely.

It’s something he will never admit to his friends; Nobara has been excited recently over her steady relationship with Maki, and Yuji has been going on dates every weekend yet recently announced that this time he thinks he’s found the one– Megumi just thinks that this really isn’t the time to rain on everyone’s parade and say that his apartment feels much too cold and empty, and that perhaps his bed might just be a little too big.

He slinks down into his sofa and catches a soft light peering in from outside his window, following the trail of it till he sees the moon, sitting in the sky all pretty.

It’s a half moon– one side that glows softly, provides a gentle light that’s nearly drowned out by all the city light pollution.

Megumi knows there’s another half to the moon, concealed by the darkness and tucked away from everyone’s sight. He knowsit’s there. Everyone knows it’s there. It just can’t be seen, yet.

He wonders about the other half to his moon.

Your relationship with Megumi is… complicated.

It’s more like a situationship– that’s what Nobara calls it, anyway, when she gets angry on your behalf and tells you that he’s not worth it, it’s not even a relationship, baby– I hate to say it, but he’s just stringing you along.

You got upset at her; you knew she was telling the truth.

(When she saw your face fall, she apologized and kissed your head and told you she just didn’t like seeing you get hurt like that.)

You both want each other, that much is clear.

Although, sometimes, with the way Megumi acted, you really weren’t sure if he actually wanted to be with you or not.

He tells you he wants to be with you, but he’s just not readyyet.

It’s been months. Some days, you feel like you’re wasting your time, and then he ropes you back in with his fingers digging into your thighs and his unlimited knowledge of everything about you.

The two of you were best friends until you tumbled into this weird phasethingsituationship. You know him like the back of your hand and he, you. It’s hard to not fall for him– he can read you like a book, he can tell what you’re feeling and thinking without you needing to even say a single word. And when he can read you so easily, he knows what to do, and he’s always helping patch up your heart in ways that no one else can, because you’re just thatclose.

The dynamic you two share is something that takes years to cultivate, and you grip onto that fact so tight, you refuse to let it go. You want him; you wait for him. Even as the days blended into weeks and then months and nearly half a year– half a year of waiting for him and making uncomfortable jokes about how funny your little… thingis in hopes that he gets the hint and finally just makes you his.

The thing is, Megumi is painfully aware. Some days he wakes up and sends you long messages apologizing for how long he’s taking and how you deserve better. But you don’t want better, you want him.The two of you are so emotionally invested and codependent on one another that you do not dream of leaving him, and even if he encourages you to find someone better, he really doesn’t want you to.

It’s a weird, toxic little game, and Megumi hates himself for it.

He wants to be with you, he’s just scared.

He’s scared of the type of commitment that comes with a solid relationship. He’d grown up watching his father go through women like cigarettes, and with a perception of relationships so warped, he’s scared that he’ll hurt you.

(He already is. Has been for a while, really).

It’s so easy to ignore the pain when the two of you are together, shyly sharing sweet nothings or biting at each other’s lips to muffle your sounds. Megumi does spoil you rotten with lots of attention and trinkets and things you mentioned you liked oncebefore he made sure it was in the palm of your hands. You never worried if you were the only one in his life— you definitely were.

He was just so flakey sometimes, avoiding you when he knew that you’d pop the infamous question of what are we?

It lingers on your tongue now, as he cuddles into your side and calls you sweet things like babyandprincessandmy love. He tells you he loves you, too.

And then he subtly reminds you that he’s still not ready yet.

“Missed you today,” He says sleepily into your sweater, hand coming up to caress at your face, thumb running along your jaw. “You’re on my mind all day when I’m at work– you make it real hard to focus.”


“Yeah,” He sighs dreamily, “Always thinking of you. My favorite girl.”

Your heart twists as if it’s protesting, don’t give me false hope.

You only hum in response, and he looks up at you confusedly. Usually, you’d get all bashful and tell him to stop it, and he’d only go further, loving how vulnerable you get with him.

“Something wrong, baby?”

“No,” You breathe out softly, carding your fingers through his hair. “Just a little tired. Missed you, too.”

Megumi offers a tiny little smile, but his heart knows that something isn’t right.

His heart also knows what exactlyisn’t right, but he doesn’t want to face that right now.

You keep putting up with his antics before you start getting yourself ready to cut things off. When you think about it, it seems easy and painless– a simple confrontation that he’ll understand the reason behind, and then the two of you can go your separate ways.

But when you get ready to actually doit, you fold. You think it’s the hardest thing you’ll ever bring yourself to do.

You know you should end things now. He’s wasted months of your time and will probably keep at it if you don’t put an end to it. He’s held you back in so many ways– never intentionally, of course, but with his flakey promise of one day being yours, you find yourself a little less social and outgoing and eager to meet new people because, well, he’ll be yours one day and there’s no point in searching for others.

(You should’ve known that that ‘one day’ will never come).

Nobara hypes you up endlessly, sending you long paragraphs while she’s on break at work, telling you that you live for you and you’re the baddest bitch; always something along those lines. Truthfully, it does help you feel better, and when she sends you a playlist full of Megan and Nicki songs, you think Yeah, fuck him!

And then he messages you that he was thinking of you today, that he misses you, he loves you, he wants to hang out soon, he got a little locket with his initial on it for you.

And oh, your heart plummets.

But you cannot backpedal your way out of this. You’ve already spent enough time asserting yourself and you would hate for Nobara’s motivational speeches to go to waste.

You should also hate for more of your time to be wasted and for your feelings to keep being played with, but for some reason you tend to brush that one off. Facing Nobara is more of a consequence than facing your own feelings.

When you meet up with Megumi, he’s got this endearing little smile on his face as he plays with the chain of the locket, the gold of it slipping in and out of his fingers loosely, the heart of it heavy in his palm. He catches you walking closer to him and lights up, sees how emptyyour neck looks, and thinks that yes, this locket and perhaps a few of his own personal marks on you should do good.

You’ve got a sad smile on your face when he holds it out to you and starts talking.

“Thought you’d like this,” He starts, and just the sound of his voice could be enough to reel you back in. “Let everyone know you’re mine.”

You’re mine. A few months ago, the phrase would’ve made your heart go wild and you’d actually believe that he means it this time, that the two of you are official and he’s finally making themove.

But now, you know better. You know he just wants to say it, you know he wants you to be his without the actual commitment and label and relationshipbeing part of it.

“You like it?”

Megumi steps closer, holding the necklace open so that he can clasp it around your neck, and you falter.

“Yeah,” You croak before clearing your throat, “Yeah, ’s really pretty, Megumi.”

He gives a little smile, arms nearly wrapping around you to get the necklace on, but you softly push his wrists away and step back, creating a little more distance.

“Actually…” You start, swallowing down your fear and hesitation.

“I kinda wanted to talk… to you… about something.”

His brows furrow and his hands lower, “What’s up?”

You replay everything Nobara has told you, all those song lyrics about letting go, and take a deep breath. You know you have the chance to change the topic or bring up something totally unrelated, but you cannot betray yourself now.

“I think we should end… this.This… thing. Us, I mean. We should stop.”

Your voice cracks towards the end, and you’re positive that Megumi can see the cracks through your ‘tough’ facade. He can see through anything.

He knows it’s killing you, and it’s killing him too. He thinks you’re joking at first, thinks you’re trying to pull his leg so that he can hurry up and make it official already, but you don’t say anything after, and with the way that you look like you’re about to cry; he knows you’re serious.

“Oh,” He lets out.

“Yeah,” You start, sadness transforming into frustration. “I’ve waited long enough. It’s been months,Megumi. Months of just sitting around waiting for you to finally be mine, but all you do is say you want it and then act dumb and tell me that you’re not ready yet– as if you’ll ever be ready. I’m tired of just, just—”

“Waiting for me.”

“Yes,” You breathe, pushing down the guilt you feel.

He clears his throat and avoids your eyes, fingers curling around the heart locket.

“Yeah,” He finally croaks out. “I understand.”

The night ends after the two of you awkwardly try to discuss (more like choke out) that maybe you can try again later. Maybe, with time, the two of you can come back to one another and things will reallywork out. Megumi means it. You just agree to alleviate the pain.

Megumi tells you, before you say goodnight and leave, that maybe in another life, everything played out smoothly. Perhaps everything went right– the way it should. You gave him a dry laugh and said yes, maybe, in another life simply to emphasize that it can happen in any timeline except this one.

You and Yuji simply look perfect together.

And it’s been like that for years– for forever, Megumi thinks. Even as all of you get older, as life gets busier and adulthood and age consumes all of you whole, Megumi will always think about how great the two of you are together.

When he was younger, it was harder to hide the love that came across his eyes whenever he looked at you. He thinks he’s mastered the skill of keeping it secret, of hiding his feelings, but they slip out sometimes.

He just loves you too much. He always has.

He hates that you never notice, and he hates that Yuji just trusts him so much. When he leaves the room and the two of you are alone— God, heaven forbid that Yuji finds out what runs through Megumi’s mind. His best friend just trusts him so fucking much that some nights, he wishes that he be a little more skeptical, a little more cautious of the distance between you and Megumi, that he’d make it a little more clear and firm that you are already in a happy relationship.

But Yuji’s so full of love and trust that he doesn’t mind at all; not when Megumi lets his hands linger on your arms, when he gets a little too excited at the opportunity to fix your necklace or your coat, the way he’s the first on his feet and volunteering to help you with anything you need. No, Yuji doesn’t mind any of it at all, and Megumi is always facing an inner battle of respecting unspoken boundaries or pushing it. Some days, he wonders how you would respond if he made a move. A sliver of his heart truly, intuitively believes that you’d reciprocate.

Yuji’s face flashes in his mind and he reminds himself that it’s wrong,and then he reprimands himself and goes on some mental lecture on morality and all of that other bullshit that Megumi really wishes didn’t matter. The darkest parts of him don’t really care, but they’re dark and hidden away for a reason many reasons, really.

He loves you, he loves Yuji. He is boundlessly thankful for the dynamic you all share, for the loyalty that has remained strong throughout years of friendship, for the way you two still think about him and include him in things and invite him over and share news with him; he’s thankful for the sense of safety and family that you two provide, and he cannot ruin it all with his feelings. It’s something he has to deal with.

Deal with it, he reminds himself when he can overhear the two of you giggling and whispering to each other in your kitchen, trying to keep quiet out of courtesy. Megumi appreciates it, but it still hurts when Yuji whispers something about loving you into your ear and Megumi hears it loud and clear. He always pretends he’s not paying attention; he deals with it.

He deals with it when he calls your phone and Yuji answers instead, sounding breathless and joyful but also slightly impatient like he interruptedsomething. He deals with it when Yuji asks if only the two of them could hang out, only to be lured into the jewelry store and asked for help in picking a ring. He deals with it when you call him and squeal into his ear about your engagement, deals with it when you ask what color you should get your nails done for the big day. He so badly wants to say his favorite color; he knows you’d go through with it, after all. But with an ache in his heart, he mutters Yuji’s favorite color over the line and in return gets a big happy thanks from you and what sounds like a kissy noise before you hang up. He deals with the fact that that’s the closest to a kiss from you he will ever get.

He deals with it when you invite him into the dressing room and ask him if the dress is okay.Megumi deals with not being able to sneak up the long, pretty skirt and give you the orgasm of your life and then kiss you so sweetly afterward. He deals with saying Yeah, so breathless and awestruck that it’s all the confirmation that you need.

That’s all his life consists of– dealing, dealing, and dealing with it. Yearning day after day, always from afar, alone with his wishes of you by his side.

And he knows his fate is sealed, that he has to deal with it just a little bit more, as he watches from the side– watches as you tear up and recite all your sappy little vows to Yuji, as the ring slides onto your finger and two of you go in for a kiss.

Deal with it.

Megumi finds that he experiences deja vu often; a little too often. Often enough to be concerning, often enough for him to actually delve into the spiritual twitter threads that read ‘different types of psychics!’ with a bunch of sparkle and glass ball emojis trailing after. He swears (to himself– he never tells anyone else) that he has dreams of the days ahead, and they play out exactly how they went in his sleep. It’s odd, but gives him some sort of confidence in his intuition (or whatever it is), and he’s good at predicting lots of events. It comes naturally to him.

He sees a memory of the present moment flash in the front of his mind again as he sits across Gojo in a restaurant booth. The colors, the feeling, the smug little look on Gojo’s face as he watches the waitress approach the table from behind him. He sees this sort of sparkle in Gojo’s eye and, suddenly, he sees that something very bad and embarrassingis going to happen.

You approach the table, ask them what you can get them to drink. Megumi asks for water, Gojo asks for something with a hint of alcohol. Megumi senses he’s gonna pull something corny, and he does.

I guess I just look so young and charming, he chimes after you ask for ID.

You laugh; it’s forced. Megumi knows.

When you walk away, Megumi nearly tells Gojo to not start,but the man beats him to it and lets his comment slip anyways.

“Real pretty. You should ask her out.”

Right, Megumi thinks.

Gojo makes another comment about how he should reallyshoot his shot this time calls it intuition.

Yeah, intuition.

What happens next is a series of events that could not only be predicted by Megumi because of his weird little psychic moments– no, anyone who knew Gojo could easily guess what would happen.

The white haired man starts prying,asking you old you are, if you’re studying. You give him a weary smile and glance towards Megumi as if he’ll do anything, or maybe to just check out the duo, see if they’re both a little… odd.

You see Megumi give his friend a death glare of sorts, and when you walk away, you swear you hear a faint Will you knock it off? You’re freaking her out.

When you come back to collect all their dishes, you see a hefty tip tucked under one of the napkins as if to hide it. You’re appreciative of the sneaky move; you’re sure that if anyone else got a peek at the wad of cash, they’d snatch it from your table.

Unknowingly, a sound of surprise slips out of your mouth as you hold the cash close to you as if it’ll disappear, poofing into a bunch of little sparkles and leaving you emptyhanded.

But it doesn’t; it’s real, it’s cold hard cash that’ll help you generously,so you smile all bright and stuff it in your pocket, looking around to make sure no one sees.

As you turn your head, you spot him looking at you. The cute boy with dark hair, the one that told his weird friend to knock it off. And you catch him smiling, even though it’s soft and easy to miss because of the awful lighting.

You make your way towards him, and Megumi freezes up, already stuttering before you can even get to him as he glances to the exit and sees that Gojo is already gone. He still has a chance, a chance to leave, to slip past all the people walking in and being one of those “good samaritan” people that you meet only a few times in an entire life.

You catch him before he goes and he opens his mouth as soon as you do.

“Thank you—”

“I’m sorry—”

You laugh and gesture for him to go first, since what he had to say seemed far more important.

“I, uh,” He starts, dumbfounded at how pretty you look.

“I’m sorry for his behavior, he’s just… getting old, I guess.”

You laugh again and Megumi thinks that if he has to make jokes at Gojo’s expense just to hear it, then he’ll do it again. (And again, and again.)

“It’s fine. Kinda worth it, I guess.” You say with a knowing smile, patting your apron pocket.

“I was wondering,” Megumi starts before he can stop himself, and he wants to eat up his words so badly,wants to say just kidding! wants to say oh, nevermind, before granting you a goodbye and leaving the eatery.

“Do you… Are you…?”

You nod and lean forward a little to show him that you’re listening, you’re ready for whatever he’s gotta say, but the way you come in closer has his mouth drying up.

“Can I… have…?”

You’ve got that knowing smile again, and Megumi knows that you know how much he’s struggling and what he wants to say. You’re teasing him, he thinks– the look in your eye, that pretty but sly little smile– but with the way it makes his stomach feel like it homes the sun, he doesn’t mind. In fact, all he can think about is how he mustget you back. This little game here cannot end tonight. He hopes that sometime later this week, maybe he can make you feel the sun in your stomach too.

“Yes,” You suddenly say, having mercy on him and pulling a pen from your apron. “Do you still have your receipt?”

“Huh?” He blurts, but pulls the crumpled piece of paper out from his pocket anyway, handing it to you.

Pressing the paper to the palm of your hand, you jot down your number. And although it’s a little wobbly, and most definitely crooked, it’s clear enough so that he can read it and type it into his phone later on.

“So,” He says as he takes the paper and stuffs it back into his pocket. You can feel how nervous he is; he avoids your eyes, keeps clearing his throat, opens and closes his mouth over and over again like he’s scared he’s gonna say something to drive you away.

“So,” You repeat, eyes searching his face in hoops that he’ll look at properly.

He does, as soon as you say I’ll see you soon. And oh, his eyes are full of delight and surprise and he really does look so lovely.

“Yeah,” He starts, sounding like he’s thinking of something else, like his mind is elsewhere. “Yeah.”

After that, Megumi finds that he can’t exactly predict how things will go anymore. He no longer has dreams about the days ahead, he doesn’t go through vivid cases of deja vu– meeting you was like jumping into the unknown, as if in his past lifetime, he’d done something different.

But as he looks at you now, sleeping next to him after you had insisted on cuddling and looking at the moon through his window, he has no regrets about stepping into that new territory, the unexplored corners of his life. You help him light the way, after all; his half moon.

Bodyguard Megumi: nothing

A/N:My babies I promise I was completing more requests you guys sent, but then my inner intrusive thoughts won Anyways enjoy the angst! <3

  • You will no longer be going into campus for college, you’re going to move to online studying”
  • You stared at your father in unconcealed shock and disbelief, as you envisioned your freedom collapsing right in front of you.
  • “But why? I’m- I’ve literally done nothing wrong! I’ve been focusing on my education and-“ you defended incoherently.
  • “Well clearly you haven’t been focusing enough since I’m hearing things from other people. Have you ever thought about how your actions could affect the reputation of our family?” Your dad cut you off, his eyebrows crossed in anger, making your back shiver and your knees grow weak.
  • Suddenly you hear shuffling from upstairs, you glare as you watch your cousins gathered around the staircase, watching your humiliation like some form of entertainment. The sly smiles on their faces was everything you needed to know on who the “other people” were.
  • Fuck you.
  • You felt angry tears build up in your eyes, but they were yet to spill. You knew they would get their way, they always did. How could a non sorcerer like you possibly win?
  • You can hold my arm if you’re scared
  • Megumi’s words were the only words that played in your head as you felt yourself shake with fear.
  • You quickly turned around to face the tall, dark haired bodyguard who looked stern as he stared straight ahead, but you paid no heed to it.
  • You grabbed the pale hand of your bodyguard, who held yours in return, and you stared up at him desperately.
  • “Megumi you gotta tell him! Tell dad how good I’ve been! You’re always there! You know how I’ve done nothing but focus on my-“
  • Your father is right y/n”
  • The rest of your sentence died in your throat as you stared up at him in disbelief. His dark blue eyes never met yours.
  • You blinked once. Then twice. Hoping you heard him wrong, you stood silently next to him as you processed his words, your hands slipping out of his.
  • He’s not on your side.
  • The angry tears that were once suppressed finally ran down your flushed cheeks. Desperation taking over as you pressed your body against Megumi’s and grabbed his fitted black blazer, shaking him, punching his chest but he did not retaliate, only staring down at you blankly.
  • “Megumi you’re supposed to be on side! I thought we were-“
  • We’re not” he cut you off sternly, his dark eyes finally focusing on you, but with an unimpressed glare. “We’re nothing, so stop it” he scolds firmly, making you feel like a pathetic child.
  • Oh. We’re nothing.
  • You take a step away from him, and look back at your dad with misty eyes, who is already staring at you. You look away in shame, exiting the room and heading upstairs.
  • “Megumi make sure she actually goes to her room please”
  • “Yes sir”
  • You felt his heavy steps follow you behind silently, and it halts as you reach your room.
  • “Y/n”
  • Don’t ever talk to me again” you snap, slamming the bedroom door to his face.



REPOST! because I think I got shadowbanned

❀ Summary: First Date with Megumi

❀ A/N: sorry if this is bad, I still have to learn how to write headcanons lol

❀ Warnings: Grammar Error / Fluff / Milk – Coffee

❀ Published:25.02.2021


✧ I love this boy so much

✧ but let‘s be real, Megumi would be too shy to really ask you out

✧ it would be more like “Hey (Y/N), you wanna catch some coffee?”

✧ will definitely act like it’s not a date, but deep down he really wants to ask you out properly

✧ his excuse would be that he wants to talk to you about the upcoming mission

✧ he would take you on a walk to a really nice and rather small coffee shop

✧ the walk would be quiet at first, Megumi has some problems talking to you because every time he glances over to you his ears would turn red

✧ he’s just not trusting his voice right now

✧ so it’s your mission now to start a conversation

✧ I see Megumi as a milk-coffee kinda guy, so when you two enter the coffee shop he gets two milk-coffee’s – he insists to pay (he wants that date feeling… poor buy is just so shy)

✧ “wait! do you even like milk-coffee?”

✧ “yes, that’s totally fine” you said while trying to hide a small giggle

✧ it would be so obvious that Megumi is nervous, pls just go with the flow and take the milk-coffee

✧ after you two got your order you sat yourself at a small table with only two chairs in a rather quiet corner

✧ it would be up to you again to start a conversation because poor guy Megumi is just starring at his coffee, grabbing it with both his hands

✧ do be fair, the conversation wouldn’t be that romantic – you both would probably talk about different fighting styles, Megumi would tell you about that new cursed weapon he borrowed from Maki

✧ he would love to just sit there and listen to you talk about life, so when you told him a story about that one prank Yuuji and you pulled on Satoru last week he zoned out, starring at your hands laying on the table

✧ he just wants to grab and hold them so so bad

✧ decides not to, because he doesn’t want to ruin the situation

✧ (just tell him that you like him so he can hold your hand damn it)

✧ when you both finished your coffee the sun already started to set

✧ so on your walk back to school it got kinda chilly

✧ “are you cold?” he’d ask you, eyeing you up and down

✧ “nah it’s fine”

✧ but he could see that you tried to warm up your hands by sliding them under your arms

✧ sadly Megumi couldn’t offer you a jacked because both of you are only wearing a hoodie (boy should have been prepared)

✧ “give me your hand” he said surprised by himself

✧ you hesitated for a second but stretched out your hand that’s on Megumi’s side

✧ but instead of holding it, he grabbed it and put it in the pocked of his hoodie together with his own hand

✧ now it was your time to turn red “t-thank you” you stumbled over your own words

✧ he didn’t say anything but the smile on his face said everything – still insecure he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand

✧ back at the dorms you just looked at each other, not knowing what tho say

*should I just say “bye”?* (no Megumi you should not)

✧  you wrapped your arms around the boy in front of you, hiding your blushed face in his chest

✧ he instantly tensed up, but after a few seconds he was able to slowly hug you back

✧ tomato Megumi

✧ “so… was that a date?” you mumbled in his chest

✧ “ a – a date?”

✧ “yeah, a date”

✧ “do you want it to be one?” he asked you quietly, still hugging you

✧ you just nodded you head, not trusting your voice

✧ so he just hugged you even harder and put his chin on your head

✧ “well… then I guess it was a date”


I hope you liked this headcanon. If you know things I could do better, feel free to DM me. I always want to improve myself and my writing.

Have a nice day! ♡


Summary: Megumi was hurt on his last mission so you took it in your own hands to take care of him!

A/N: If I mix up the names I’m sorry, I watched Jujutsu Kaisen in three different languages and the names get mixed up a lot. I’m not a native English speaker speaker so there will be mistakes (feel free to correct me)

Pairings: Megumi x Reader

Warnings: Grammar Error / Fluff / Blood / Bad Language




You couldn’t believe it.

Megumi just came back from a mission that Gojo gave him a few days ago but he won’t let you allow see him. He came back a few hours ago and went straight to his room, not even looking you in the eyes. You just wanted to know if he was fine but he kept blocking every social interaction.

All you knew was that the mission included a grade 1 curse while Megumi was a grade 2 sorcerer so this shit didn’t even make sense. You were really worried, not knowing what happened.

“Megumi? Can I please come in?” it’s the fifth time now that you are were standing in front of his closed door. Shifting on your feet you waited quietly until you heard his stern voice replying.
“No you can’t. Now please leave me alone.” Wow that hurt.
A frustrated sigh leaving your mouth. Your best friend could be so stubborn its incredible.

Deciding if you should go to your room or just try again you saw Yuuji approaching you.
“Yo!” he waved at you “He won’t let you in either?”

“No, I don’t know whats going on with him. So you also tried to talk too him?” you sigh, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. Looking at Yuuji you noticed that he also seemed kind of worried. You remember how happy he was when you first met him, this boy has definitely changed a lot.

“Well he told me to fuck off.” he said laughing. “HE SAID WHAT?”

Yuuji let out a loud laugh. “I guess he’s just really exhausted, we should give him a break and try again later”
Thinking about what he just said you bit your lip.
Maybe he was right and Megumi was just really tired. We’re probably just annoying him right now.

“You’re probably right. If he was really hurt he would have went to Shoko. I’ll look after him again in the evening.” you said in a monotone voice.


After the sun began to set you found yourself in the kitchen, brewing some soup.
“If he won’t let me in this time I’ll pour this shit over his head!” you mumbled while stirring the soup.
Grabbing a bowl of the freshly made soup you made your way to Megumis room again.  Hesitantly you knocked on the door again.
“Megumi? I made you some food. I haven’t seen you the whole day, you must be hungry…”
You waited nervously, biting your lip.

What if I just woke him up? Oh shit this punk will kill me.

“Leave the food in front of the door, I’ll get it later.”

Wait? Is this idiot serious right now?

You couldn’t remember the last time you were this angry at your best friend because this shit just reached a whole different level.
“You know what? I give a shit if you don’t want anyone to see you. Get the fuck ready because I’m coming in now”

“Y/N I dare y-”
You stepped into his room, making his words die on his lips. He was laying in his bed while holding an ice pack to his lips.

Walking over to his bed and putting the soup on his nightstand you could make out some bloody tissue papers in his trash bin.

Now inspectating his face more closely you were able to see a big cut over his eyebrow and a dark purple eye. Now grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand with the ice pack away from his face, revealing a bruised lips.

“You could have just told me you were hurt.” you pressed out quietly. “You should go to Shoko”

“It’s really not that bad” he mumbled, pressing the ice against his lip again.

“That bloody shit in your trash says otherwise.” you pointed at his trash bin. “I’ll be right back, just don’t run away.”

“Where do you think I would be going looking like th-” again he was cut off by you leaving his room.

A few seconds later you came back bursting into his room again, in your hand a little package.

“Okay I guess I’ve got everything I need. Can you sit up? And put that damn ice to the side.”

Megumi put the ice on his nightstand and sat himself on the edge of his bed looking around his room. He looked everywhere but definitely not at you.
After you positioned yourself in front of him you grabbed his chin softly, not wanting to hurt him any further.

“You look like shit” you said while getting out the bandages and the alcohol.

“Yeah Sherlock you don’t say” you chuckled at his stupid remark.

Putting some alcohol on a cotton wrap you padded it on the cut over his eyebrow. This angle gave you a chance to have a better look at his eyes. They were so dark, almost like obsidian. They were so deep, you almost got lost into them but Megumis hissing made you snap back.
Ah right, the alcohol.

“I’m sorry, does it hurt that bad?”

“No, its fine. Just hurry please” You nodded, putting the cotton wrap away and grabbing a big band aid to put it over the cut.
“This should stop the blending for now.”

“Turn your head a little bit, I need to see how badly your lips look.”

He turned his head to the side. His lips where mostly bruised but you could make out a little cut.

I can’t really patch that up but I can at least disinfect it.

Grabbing your alcohol and cotton again, you began to press it on his lips.

“Sorry this must hurt a lot”

Megumi kept quiet and just looked at you. His stare made you nervous.

Damn this boy and his beautiful eyes.

“I guess that’s all I can do for now. Do you have any more cuts or bruises I should take a look at?”

you immediately regretted your question.

“I actually got some more wounds, but I guess I can take care of them myself, it’s fine.”
Oh no. If I do my job I do it correctly.

“Can you at least show them to me so I can see how bad they are. They should not get infected, you know right?”

Megumi let out a loud sight. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.
Damn it, I wasn’t expecting it to be on his rips. I thought they were on his arms or some shit like that. So this was the reason why he had troubles getting up. Makes sense now.

You immediately became flustered by the pure sight of his upper body. Luckily Megumi was busy trying to not look you in the eyes.

I have to touch him. Oh please no.

You quietly did your job of disinfecting and cleaning up his wounds. His skin was pale and cold to your touch. Your eyes staring right at his upper body, not daring to look him in the eyes for just one second.
Megumi was just as nervous as you were but after some minutes of acting like all of this didn’t happen, he was able to look at you cleaning his wounds. How careful you were to not hurt him.

“Y/N?” he spoke softly. You instinctively looked up, becoming even more red.

“Thank you for doing this.” he said, still staring into your eyes.

You hectically looked away, fixing your eyes on his almost patched up wounds again.

“You don’t have to thank me for that. I’ll always take care of you. No matter what.”

After you finished patching Megumi up, you packed your things together, strands of hair falling in your face. Megumi pulled his shirt over his head, being fully clothed again. The situation was awkward and even tho you really like Megumi, you wanted to get out of it.

“Guess my job is done here. Text me if you need something and I’ll come over. And eat your soup!” you said smiling at him, pointing at the soup that was still on his nightstand.

You were about to turn around, when Megumi spoke up.

“You know you could just stay here, then I don’t have to text you if I need something” he mumbled while scratching the back of his neck, not even looking you in the eyes.

You heart hammered so loud, you were scarred he would be able to hear it.

Was he serious? He wants me to stay with him over the night. This boy is joking right?

“Are your sure? Like… you want me here to stay?” you mumbled. Not really knowing what to say. You’ve gotten so nervous it’s getting ridiculous.

“Only if you want to, I thought that would be the better option” he shifted around, not knowing if what he said was wrong.

“Yeah, yeah. I guess that would be better.” you agreed by rapidly nodding, almost stumbling over your own words.

This was everything Megumi needed to hear. He lifted his blanked up to signalize you to get your ass into his bed.

Hesitantly you crawled into the bed, now laying next to him.

Megumi was laying on his back. You turned around to face him.
“Can I….. you know. Can I maybe lay my hand there?” pointing at his stomach. You felt ashamed for asking to literally cuddle him, but you just couldn’t help it.

Everyone can sleep better when they cuddle something, right?

Megumi looked at you, surprised that you even asked him that.
“If it helps you sleep, sure.”

You slowly slit your hands up his stomach and rested it right under the wound you just patched up before. Curling into his side you breathed his scent in. He smelled so incredibly good, it gave you butterfly’s in your belly.

“Am I not hurting you?” you asked, referring to the position you hand was in.

“You could never. Now go to sleep, you had a troublesome day with me acting like a completely asshole.” he chuckled, patting your head once, letting his hand rest on your back.

“I guess your right.” was all you where able to say, before slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

Megumi watched you a bit longer, questioning how you both ended up like this. He always had liked you since he first laid his eyes on you. Seeing your sleeping form curled into him, made him realize how much he cared for you.


I hope you liked this imagine. If you know things I could do better, feel free to DM me. I always want to improve myself and my writing.

Have a nice day! ♡




⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.


⁰⁰⁶.taglist:@mrsbrandoxxx@sanemishina@meliii0@kiiraes@gumiresque@uwiuwi@5sos-wdw@purpi-narwhale@bakugous-princess@hirugummies@markleepooh@nicci08 @siyas-map@mukagentropy@cosmonettica@dukina@that-levi-kenma-kinnie@uxavity@ffsg0jo@uravichii

⁰⁰⁷.join the list



⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.


Pairing:Megumi Fushiguro/Female Reader

Summary:Milky puddles of darkness and shadows plaster the empty halls of Jujutsu High. The wind howled a solemn sound outside the building, the melody haunting the halls. Everyone residing inside the school was under the spell of rest. Except Megumi. He was possessed to stay awake the whole night and day, for a week now. Ever since the death of Itadori Yuuji. Megumi didn’t even know why he was so upset over that idiot anyways, he barely knew the kid. But his heart was still heavy. Instead of nightmares he was stuck with constant thoughts of it. He wandered the halls like a ghost. The last few days, watching you sleep, despite how awkward it may be if he was caught, was therapeutic. This night in particular, he catches you crying as he peeks into your room, and you sense your boyfriend’s eternal pain.

Word Count: 2761 Words

Authors Note: Wowzers, this took forever to finish for absolutely no reason. I’ve just been busy, as always, with school, work, and debate club. But oh, don’t worry, I’m still in love with writing and not planning on abandoning this blog anytime soon. Just look at my Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist, look at all the wips Anyway, CommentsandReblogs are always appreciated. Join my Taglisttoo!

Tags:@yinco (Thank you for the support Yin!)

Milky puddles of darkness and shadow plaster the ghost halls of Jujutsu High. The wind howled a solemn sound outside the campus, the melody haunting the dormitory. Everyone residing inside the school was under the spell of rest, but Megumi, unfortunately, was possessed to stay awake the last few moons. He’s been under this curse of no rest for a week now, and his mind didn’t seize him a break.

Itadori Yuuji was on his mind, someone he hardly could even call his friend due to how short they had known each other. Megumi didn’t even know why he was so upset over that idiot anyways, he barely knew the kid. But his heart was still heavy. Just from the few encounters they had spent together, he felt a spark of friendship develop. He had met Itadori when he was in a state of loneliness and dread. Instead of nightmares he was stuck with constant, possessive thoughts of the tragic event of Itadori’s death that he witnessed through his bloodied eyes. And because of…this he wandered the halls like an eclipsed spirit.

In the beginning, he was the sole first year, beside you, his girlfriend, at Jujutsu High. Until Itadori showed up. To also add to relevance, recently another student, Nobara Kugisaki, had also shown up soon before Itadori’s unfortunate, and juvenile death. But the side reason he had this hole in his chest, a hole of weighted dread, was because of your lengthy absence. You had been sent on an internship of sorts a month before the Itadori Yuuji and Sukuna situation. The ‘internship’ was for you to join experienced Jujutsu sorceries on a long-time, long-distance mission outside of Japan.

Somewhere in India, he remember you telling him. Through your constant text from him while out on this trip, you told him happily how you promoted a grade up due to your helpfulness and proof of development and confidence in your technique. He was proud of you of course, but your success also made him question himself. Question himself on what he wanted to accomplish, that he was destined to succeed and produce things great, like you have so far and young. You were a model student, it probably wasn’t best for him to compare himself. But he couldn’t help it.

In the beginning of the week, you had come back to the school and unpacked in your dorm. You arrived back at the school right after Itadori’s death was announced and arrived from your trip…to a solemn environment. Megumi offered to help but you were persistent. He had honestly felt bad for your underwhelming arrival home. He had issues…expressing his emotions for you.

Expressing how happy he was when you walked through the door, how lonely he had been when you were gone. He had desperately desired you. And the first thing that came to his mind when he learned of Itadori’s death was for your physical comfort. But even when you arrived, he found himself not wanting to speak of his tragedy. He didn’t want to upset you when you arrived home. What Megumi wanted then, was for things to just go back to normal.

Back to just being content with you, and not worrying about other first years or depressing drama. He knew in the back of his mind that you all had to move in cause time and life would not stop to let him cover his feelings. The Goodwill Event was happening sooner than he would like and all of you had to prepare instead of sitting on your asses with a frown. He knew this…but couldn’t change how he felt, and the lack of motivation in his step.

Megumi walked the hall, passing spare dorm rooms in the process, barefooted. The carpet scraped his feet, and the moonlight’s flow showered through the connected windows that followed the hallway to the very end. His steps begin to falter before coming to a slow stop. He stopped in front of a particular room. Reaching for the door knob to check up on your sleeping figure, he hears a timid hiccup. His hands flinched away from the knob, as if it had shocked his pale hand away. His brows curved. Are you crying? The halls were still, and the silence embodied him in full. He stood as still as a mannequin in front of your dorm door, waiting for an itch of a sound to escape the four walls. One second goes by and no sound emits, then another, and another, just a paused silence.

Megumi was getting anxious. Was he hearing things? He pulled at the loose strings of his grey sweatpants as he waited a second longer for a noise, a sign of anything that he wasn’t going mad. The string twirled in his hand as he twisted and turned his sweatpants strings knot.

He must’ve been hearing things, he thought as he turned away. Maybe he was going crazy from lack of rest. Before he could think further a hearty sob transmitted through the door and to his ears, making them twitch ever so slightly. He shook his head, causing a tornado to form, and making his dark hair even more disheveled.

Fuck it.

He curved the knob, and the door slightly creaked open. He peeked his head inside of the dark, but familiar room. Megumi knew your dorm better than he knew his own. The mid-opened closet had various pictures of you and him, some with Satoru and the other second years. It was a bit dusty due to your lack of appearance as of late, so your window was left open, bringing in a melodic light from the moon, and a cool sigh of wind. His eyes shifted onto you, primarily. Moonbeams stained you, and crystallized tears poured from your eyes.

You had yet to notice his sudden appearance, so you continued to cry your song, and drain your tears. The wind shivered the leaves and tree branches outside your window. Megumi wasn’t sure if it was the wind or your presence that was bringing a chill up his spine. Your abrupt sob brings him back to attention. He scratched the back of his hair before suddenly making his presence known. He calls out your name gently so as not to startle you, causing the tears you allowed to fall down your face to come to a sturdy stop. You turned to him, processing his appearance. Half his body was peeking in through your opened door. Your eyes were startled like a shocked kitten; they glistened from your youthful tears, and twinkled in the moonlight.

Your heart had backflipped when you had suddenly heard your boyfriend’s voice. Your stifled cries quickly came to stop as you stared from your bed, at your boyfriend of years, gripping your bed comforter. He questioned you, gently. “Why are you crying?“ You hiccup before responding, wiping your stained face. "It’s nothing to worry about Megumi, I just had a bad dream,” you mustered. Subconsciously, you scoot over, making room on your bed for Megumi. He walks in fully, closing the door behind himself. He asks. “Oh? What about?”

He places his hand in his sweats pockets as you stutter, the cause of your tears picking back the pace. “Well, I-It was,” you hiccupped. The dream now was sort of a blur, at this point you didn’t know how long you were crying for. Megumi stood in his spot, in front of where you laid on your bed, hand tense in his pocket, anxiously waiting for your answer. He assumed it was something awful that happened on your mission out of the country, and he felt bad that he hadn’t asked you when you’d first arrived home. The things you must’ve seen, and the experiences you went through, must’ve been traumatizing. His eyes narrowed. And he wasn’t there for you. Megumi looked down on himself. Calling himself a bad boyfriend internally.

You shook your head, tears spilling everywhere on your comforter as you exclaimed the reason for your wave of sadness. The cause of the pain in your heart and dread. Megumi listened. Your voice was higher in pitch, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the entire school had heard you state your ridiculous, depressing, dream.

“It was about Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!!”

His mouth went dry. “What….?” His eyebrows curved, and pine eyes emptied. You’re crying over an anime of all things? His mind was slowly processing the information as you explained your dream in further detail, wiping the tears forming. “After my internship in India, I rewatched that Stardust Crusaders episode where they traveled to India before bed and I guess I had a dream about it. The character’s death always makes me cry!” You lean against the wall and your eyes water as you recall the characters that didn’t make it to Diamond Is Unbreakable.

Megumi stared at you, unimpressed. That’s what you were crying about?“ His eyes squinted. You whined. "Don’t judge! It was sad, okay!” You reach and dig your hands into his right pocket and pull his hand to hold. Megumi didn’t protest. He still, however, stood in front of your bed while you rested your back against the wall against your bed. The only thing keeping you both connected was your entwined hands in the moonlight. His hands were so warm, you couldn’t replace it with anything.

Megumi didn’t say anything. You pouted at his disregard of a depressing scene of an anime you loved! You pull on his hand, pulling him closer, making his knee now touch your mattress. He stared into your eyes, while you stared up into his from your bed. You looked so cute pouting up at him, he thought. He squeezed your hand, and you soon squeezed back. A wave of calmness crossed you. You stared at Megumi. It was nice to see him again, see him in person. To touch him, and to really comfort him. Especially now, when he needs you the most. Your time wavered. “Why are you up anyway, Megumi? Bad dream too?“

Megumi’s was quiet again. He didn’t even get the chance to dream. He looked away from you, his eyes shifty. You sit up straight and pull him onto the bed beside you. The impact of his fall onto the bed makes it bounce for a second, and now he sits beside you, back against the wall. He was still quiet though. You rubbed the hand you held with your other. Leaning your head on his shoulder, your brows slump down as you stare at his perfect face, trying to read him. To get him to say something to you. You rested your chin on his shoulder. You ask again.

“Megumi? Why are you up anyway?” Your question wasn’t answered. Instead of an answer or words, he abruptly kisses you, shutting you up also. You freeze, his lips moved against yours passionately. You squeezed his hand as your eyes fluttered closed, your heartbeat began to accelerate. You turned your head to the side for a better angle. As he slowly pulled away, he rested his free hand on your cheek, blush spread on his face like cotton candy. When your eyelashes fluttered open, his dark green eyes boldly stared back at you, and a warmth filled your cheeks and stomach.

However, he still didn’t say anything, but his action spoke louder than any words. You whisper. "Is it about Itadori?” Megumi sighed, and turned away from your eyes, and instead now found your locked hands more of an interesting sight at the moment. A second passes, and a breeze comes inside. After half a minute, his lips begin to move. “I haven’t been able to sleep,” he admits, still staring at your entwined hands. You look down, biting your bottom lip. What could you say? You didn’t know Itadori, but you weren’t out of the loop either. Megumi never told you how close he was beginning to feel towards Itadori. You honestly hadn’t witnessed your boyfriend develop a friendship with someone in a very long time. You were told by the second years how it was suspected that the higher ups got Itadori killed, and you believed them, because Satoru didn’t try to dismiss your questions on the rumor.

"I didn’t know Itadori as well as you did but, his death still upsets me,” you sympathized. “I would hate to lose you. I would hate to lose everyone! My parents, friends, teachers, everyone. I wouldn’t be complete without them. Especially without you Megumi, I would be far too upset.” You allowed your heart to spill. Before you could tear up further, suddenly, Megumi begins to chuckle, rubbing your tense hand he held. "Everything upsets you, even anime character’s deaths,” he teased.

He smiled at you. Your eyes soften at his expression. His dark eyes were exhausted and humble. It was dark inside, but the moonbeams on his face made him glow. You smiled back, bopping your noise with him. You bark at him. "No teasing!” You weakly punch his shoulder. Megumi does his fair share of teasing, he can be stoic at times but anyone who knows him knows he’s more than that. But you like him this way, you love when he allows himself to be vulnerable just for a tiny bit. Megumi however, liked how you expressed your emotions and thoughts so easily. How it was as easy as breathing for you to admit…that you’d miss him if he died. He loved how much you cared…

You slouch your shoulders. “But seriously Megumi. You can talk to me about anything, you know. I’m always here to listen to you,” you remind him, laying your head back on his shoulder, pouting. Grabbing his hand with the one he isn’t already holding, placing it on top of your entwined hands. Megumi sighed. He stared straight ahead at the wall in front of your bed. He nodded. "I know,” he said, barely audible. He leans closer to you. For a second there was an eternal silence that stared at the sight of two. You snuggled your face further into his shoulder, and soon he ends up just wrapping his arm around you. In return you wrap your arms around his torso, unlinking your hands from his. Your eyes were getting heavy, and your throat was a tad dry but you didn’t want to end Megumi’s embrace.

You look up at his ghostly face.

"Do you want to stay the night? And risk Gojō-sensei’s teasing once he catches us. Am I worth that big of a risk?” You teased him. Satoru had a habit of teasing you both, mostly Megumi, really only a Megumi, from any sign of intimacy you both showed. Rarely did you both do public displays of affection. Not only because of Satoru however he did play a minor role. You leaned up to sleepily kiss his cheek. Megumi’s face was content and he didn’t fully react to your kiss. His thoughts were calm for once, and his heart wasn’t as heavy as before. Half of the dread he carried, dispersed. You were so lovely, he thought. Itadori was still on his mind however, despite him being blessed to be in your embrace right now. But for now, he’ll enjoy life, and allow himself to feel and accept the pain and remorse he feels for his fallen…friend.

“You’re worth every risk.”

You smile lazily at his response. Lack of rest and love behind your clouded eyes. You rest them before whispering right into his ear, paralyzing him. “I love you, Megumi.” Your weight pulled at his shoulder. He leaned his head back against the wall, fluffy hair acting as a cushion. He pulled you closer to his warmth, embracing you as lovingly as he could. “I love you too,” he murmured, eyes shadowed. “I think…I’ll stay the night,” he whispered. He gazed at you, but you were already fast asleep on his shoulder. The sight eased him to slumber.

Thank you for reading.

© All rights reserved - @UNDERSCAR

not to be nsfw but I wanna hold megumi fushiguro’s hand

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

8 hellevator


fun facts:

  • today chap isn’t fun, so no fun facts :(


in my final weeks of school and it’s a miracle to find some time and motivation to work on this smau aaaaa but i have the story laid out, thank god, so i will have an easier time uploading now. i think my upload schedule will be every other day? (๑•̀ᴗ-) thanks for reading!

i think my posts are completely removed from tags now because i don’t see any of them appear when i look in the tags heh thanks tumblr! i wish i knew how to fix this because it rlly sucks

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.



fun facts:

  • megumi is curious of what y/n looks like, he just a liar
  • miwa got a picture with gojo! he actually waited there for her after y/n left
  • megumi isn’t aware of how loud he laughs (his laugh is contagious though bc i said so)


please tell me if you prefer shorter reads or longer ones like this chapter? because i can’t seem to control myself when i make these so they turn out so long T-T. i know the pacing here is starting off rlly slow and it’s getting nowhere. yuuji is gonna die next chapter though! then it picks up hehe thank you for reading

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

6 sweet chaos


fun facts:

  • megumi was force fed tomato juice by gojo so it stuck with him

notes :

double upload today because i couldn’t get it out the other day :( thank you for reading

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

5 days gone by


fun facts:

  • y/n’s priv twitter is basically a noritoshi kamo fanpage with a side of ranting
  • megumi thought it was nice that y/n asked about his well being
  • hanging the text on her wall was a joke, but y/n keeps that ss in her gallery tho


hello!!! i am so happy from the support that came out of nowhere >< did tumblr finally show my post in the tags haha the pacing will be picking up from here so the time skipping will be quite often! i’ll try to get another update out later ! thank u for reading

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

4 fly


fun facts

  • megumi was in fact smiling at your texts.
  • mai cannot stand todo, she barks his head off at least once a day
  • toge really showed up at 5am to spar with maki for 2 hours before the others came.
  • you are able to float and fly around to spectate the event


im honestly getting super discouraged because tumblr isn’t showing my post in the tags when i look at it :/ plus it says i have comments off on my posts but i don’t aaaa if this keeps up i might just stop this smau because it feels like im writing for myself to read rn thank you to those who supported this smau by liking and reblogging!!

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

3 wake me up

prev|masterlist | next

fun facts:

  • yuuta still keeps up with the group despite the time difference being abroad
  • though he can’t really speak irl, inumaki is unstoppable over text. this man is ruthless.
  • yuuji always make an effort to make sure megumi feels heard :)
  • maki has a soft spot for nobara shhhhhh


hello everyone! something important to know is that i will be making yuuji’s ‘death’ before the event starts but the students would already know about the event. (unlike the anime) this chapter is just a little filler to show the tokyo school students and introduce the goodwill event. thank you for reading

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

2 knock knock


fun facts:

  • megumi unblocked y/n a few minutes after he blocked her but don’t tell
  • momo’s number neighbor is just a lonely man with too much money to spare
  • megumi is a fast replier ;) notice how he instantly replied??


i only put knock knock because it’s their most underrated title track aaaaa sorry if you don’t listen to kpop or twice :”( i’ll try to be more inclusive of other genres or make it self inserts. thank you for reading!! and extra thanks to those who leave a like idk why tumblr isn’t letting people leave replies :( the setting is set to everyone..

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

1 who dis?


fun facts

  • although you’re the youngest (first year) in your friend group, you all treat miwa as the baby. she needs to be protected ‼️
  • megumi could’ve ignored your message but he chose to reply because no one ever called him baby. yeah he’s seeking for some affection.
  • megumi blocked u!! congrats


first chapter is done. i hope it wasn’t so cringe aaaaa thank u for reading <3

megumi fushiguro x f!reader smau

genre: a little of everything (mostly fluff)

warnings: mild manga spoilers (anime only please proceed with caution!), cursing, sexual jokes (no smut because i am a minor)

summary:after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.



1.who dis?

2.knock knock

3.wake me up


5.days gone by

6.sweet chaos



9.my friend

10.missing you

11.good night

12.run away

13.meow meow

14.ring ring ring

15.cat & dog

16.swimming fool

17.be my baby

please do not copy my work. message me if you have any concerns regarding this smau.

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

17 be my baby

prev|masterlist | next

fun facts:

  • megumi was in fact very flustered and caught off guard by the greeting text
  • no, little meow meow doesn’t mean best friend, y/n just wanted to call him that
  • nobara wants you to go stretch and move your body, also stay hydrated!!

notes :

my eyes are barely opened as im typing this. hopefully there were no errors ( ;ᯅ; ) i hope everyone is doing well!! stay safe and take care ❤️

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

16 swimming fool


fun facts:

  • when they don’t know they’re talking about each other
  • if you’re a genshin player, gojo wishes you the best of luck if you’re pulling for ayaka !!! win the 50/50 !!!


i can’t believe i forgot to post this it’s been sitting in my drafts collecting dust for a few days. i hope you’re all doing well!!

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

15 cat & dog


fun facts:

  • y/n paid more attention to megumi’s dogs than him because his dogs are adorable have u seen them!!:?::?
  • gojo wants to remind you to drink some water !! stay hydrated
  • the romance and pining will only increase from here


i won’t lie, i was losing motivation to write that’s why i went mia but i forced myself to write a few chapters in one sitting so i won’t push them back ‍ i miss you all thank you for reading >V<

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

14 ring ring ring


fun fact:

  • megumi definitely thought of himself the moment questionable hair was brought up,,at least he’s self aware!!
  • yuuji is unstoppable


here i go again with disappearing for over a week and then do a double upload!!! regarding tag list, i don’t think it will be something im comfortable with doing >_< i feel bad but i hope you don’t mind! thank you for reading and make sure to drink some water

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

13 meow meow


fun facts:

  • yuuji sees things…
  • when his two friends are not so subtly checking each other out, he sees
  • thanks to the movies gojo forced him to watch, yuuji learned some ‘romance’ from them!
  • the jjk first year trio wants you to stay hydrated! they also want you to move around and stretch your body at least once a day <3


hello!! >_< i am alive haha it’s been a weird week alright. i want to finish this series soon because i want to write another one before school start or else i won’t have time :’) thank you for reading!! i missed you all

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

12 run away


fun facts

  • megumi is more talkative with his dear number neighbor now
  • yuuji texts in a cute way but it’s very expressive heh, i also see bokuto talking like that awe


i hope you liked the double upload :0 we’re going to move into a lot more megumi interactions now that they’ve met irl ٩(ˊᗜˋ)و thank you for reading

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x f!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

11 good night

prev|masterlist | next

fun facts:

  • i can’t think of any hhhh
  • i hope everyone is having a good day though!


hello >v< i am finally done with school so hopefully i can pump out at least a few chapters every week :0 i hope i can compensate my lack of updates with a double upload today! thank you for reading

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x fem!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

10 missing you


fun facts:

  • megumi may or may not have grown a littttttleee soft spot for y/n

notes :

hello :0 i can’t believe how much interactions im getting with this series. im truly grateful with this support. i feel so bad because im half assing these updates because i want to get them out, but can’t really make them good :( im in my last few days of school so i will try to be more frequent with updates once it’s over! thank you for reading

hey baby

megumi fushiguro x fem!reader

summary: after seeing the trend of people texting their number neighbors, you wanted to try it out for yourself.

9 my friend


fun facts:

  • yuuji couldn’t lie himself out of it. he’s caught so might as well befriend y/n
  • y/n and yuuji are best friends now after binging movies for hours together
  • it took some time for y/n to take in the fact that yuuji was ‘dead’ but she’s cool with it now


hello! i have been swamped with school work but i still wanted to update. although this was such a half-assed chapter :( i will be finishing this smau for sure though, i don’t really care if tumblr doesn’t wanna show my posts in tags, i like making these :)

༚*✧•.⁎⁺˳✧༚wait!? we go again?!?༚*✧•.⁎⁺˳✧༚

ft. jjk men

what makes the boys go for a second round

#characters: gojo, geto, sukuna, toji, nanami, choso, higuruma, yuuji, megumi, inumaki, todo, yuta, noritoshi.

#warnings:nsfw content ahead, creampie, some praising and aftercare

Sukuna, Choso, Megumi - Seeing you bend over to pick up the clothes you threw around the room in the heat of the moment.

Your pussy still exposed and completely visible from the way you bend over. And the moment he sees his cum leaking down your thighs? That’s it for him.

Only seconds later he’s got you at the edge of the bed once again, a hand on your head keeping it still and the other one gently keeping a hold of your wrist as he’s roughly pounding into you for a second time.

“F-fuck.. Lemme just fill you again”

Nanami, Yuuji - Seeing you put on their shirt.

The moment they see you put on their shirt right after, something snaps inside of them. You look so beautiful and he doesn’t want to see you wear anything else around the house from that moment on.

So.. slowly getting up from the bed, he makes his way to where you are, wrapping his arms around you and placing kisses on the back of your neck and shoulder. You turn around to kiss him and slowly make your way back to the bed. In between the kisses, you attempt to remove the shirt, but he stops you.

“Hmm, keep it on.. Good girl.”

Toji, Inumaki, Geto - hearing your voice being all fucked up.

Nothing is turning him on more than hearing you struggle to let out some words. It’s a boost to his ego, honestly. Fucking you so well your voice cracked from all the screaming? Nothing sexier than that.

You can be sure he’ll be over you for a second time. Capturing your arms and restraining them above your head while devouring that pretty mouth of yours. All he wants is to make you scream some more.

“Yeah… scream for me, doll”,

“Tuna mayo”

Gojo, Todo, Noritoshi - You make them understand you don’t want it to be over just yet.

Doesn’t matter if you push him back on the bed or simply tell him directly that you want a second round. He’ll be happy to oblige. He likes it when you become bossy from not having enough of his cock. For a second he may even let you think that you are in control.

Getting on top of him, hands placed on his chest, you try to ride him, but before you even realize it he’s on top of you again. He leans in for a quick kiss before he starts fucking you the way you want and need.

“How about you let me take care of it, princess”

Yuta, Higuruma - The aftercare.

He is very sweet and insisted on cleaning you up himself. You spread your legs open and get the chills when the wet towel touches your inner thigh. Seeing you clench your legs at the occasional feeling of his fingers brushing your skin is turning him on. And when a moan escapes your lips?

He tosses the towel aside and assaults your mouth, tongue fucking it while his hands are once again playing with your boobs.

“I’m sorry, i promise i will clean you properly after this..”

@cursedmoonchild the absolute best as usual ty for proofreading this for me <3

© do not repost, plagiarize or translate my works on any media platform, such as tiktok, ao3, wattpad etc.
