#fusion food





much like the way the Italians exported pizza and the Americans ruined/perfected it for the Italians to import it back again and then re-export the “authentic” product back to America, so the British took tea from Asia and ruined/perfected it by adding milk and sugar then Asia took that and ruined/perfected it by adding tapioca bubbles and even more sugar and exported it back again.

So what you’re saying is, food is a conversation between cultures.

“your food sucks ass but I can fix it”

As both a TCK and a new cook, I’m open to trying new things. Just recently, one of those things is chocolate gnocchi. During the height of my parent’s vegan phase, I ate a range of desserts: raw pies, sweet kale smoothies, creamed banana ice cream, and (most interestingly) a chocolate pudding made from mashed potatoes.

It was the latter that inspired me to try making chocolate gnocchi. Potatoes…

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