#fyfw event

Preview #8:@bajillionkittens-checkpleaseThe look Kent was giving him was equal parts confused and an

Preview #8:


The look Kent was giving him was equal parts confused and angry. An unspoken, What the hell, Jack? left hanging in the air.

Embarrassment threatened to flood his face—the fringes of panic tickled in his chest. “It’s just—I mean—you’ve collected them for years, and—“

“Zimms,” Kent cut him off, his voice overly soft. He put his hand on Jack’s knee, giving it a light squeeze. He was giving him that overly understanding, sickeningly sympathetic smile that told Jack he’d again fucked up at being a regular human being. “They’re juststickers.”

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

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Preview #7:

@tapdancinglorax (AO3)

“Welcome to the Haus,” a voice from above them says. They jump a foot in the air. Ollie looks up, and another boy with matted hair and crazy eyes is perched in a tree. “It’s where they keep us.”

“What do you mean?” Ollie asks. “We’re here to train.”

The boy laughs, and it’s crazy. “Bull. Shit. We don’t train. This is where they keep the powerful ones, the ones who can do shit. The dangerous ones. The other kids get to fuck the fuck off home or stay and join the military and be heroes. Us, we get to sit on our asses and try not to die every five days.”

“Who are you?” The other kid asks, voice small and insecure.

“Name’s Shitty,” the boy says, and swings down to the ground. His hands are bloody. “Welcome to Samwell.”

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

Preview #6:

Universal guide on how to set your friends up together


“Fine, you know what. I’ll leave.”


“As soon as you tell me to leave.”

“Derek,” he says softly, but shaky at the vowels, like his heart is too full to take in anymore love, or maybe it’s not used to it.

Nursey steps into Dex’s space, because if they’re ending whatever they had in the first place—which was just nothing but malice that could turn into something else—he’ll be the one to do it, “tell me to leave. Tell me to fuck off. I’ll make it easier for the both of us and I’ll leave the team, you’ll find someone a new d-partner to hate and you will never have to see me again.”

“Fuck you,” his voice is now shaking, he takes Nursey’s turtleneck and grabs a handful of it, knuckles going white, veins showing.

“Tell me to leave,” Nursey says, a faint smile on his lips, because he thinks that he’ll never ever get tired of this bastard, “and I’ll go.”

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

Preview #5:


Dex was about to just give up and launch something at random when an icon catches his eye.
The text is in a white flowy font on a black background, the sides crowned by matching twigs of laurel, and Dex recognizes the name of that show from the flyer he was given. He snorts a bit at the punny name. It’s a Shitty-level pun, in all sense of the term. But, well… A late night show sounds like just the kind of thing he needs right now.

Dex clicks on the icon and picks the latest episode, “Dark Matter Coffee,” settling back down on his pillows as the intro plays and sponsors of the campus radio are listed by a chirpy female voice. Then suddenly he hears it.

“Good evening my fellow night wellies and welcome to Nurseyng your soul, the chillest show on the campus radio. Tonight, we will travel through space and see stars…”

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

Preview #4:Paradise Found@wrathofthestag (AO3) Summary:  When Jack met Bitty at the Paradise Found c

Preview #4:

Paradise Found


Summary:  When Jack met Bitty at the Paradise Found club, he thought he had found a perfect dance partner—then one misunderstanding caused things to fall apart.  A story about what happens when you misjudge someone but eventually open yourself up to friendship and love.

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

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Preview #3:

Never Forget You


“How’m I doing, doc?” Holster asks.

“You’re looking great for someone who just hit his head.” Justin smiles at him. He’ll need a head CT and they’ll have to keep an eye on the ringing in his ears, but with any luck Holster will go home tonight with nothing more than a headache and a good story to tell.

“You’re looking great.” Holster raises one eyebrow in an uncharacteristically smarmy expression.

Huh. Holster might be a little loopier than Justin had realized. “Uh, thanks?”

“There’s just one thing I don’t understand,” Holster continues. “How did I get lucky enough to get the hottest doctor in the hospital?”

“Um… my resident paged me when you came in?” A horrifying thought occurs to Justin. He slaps his hand over his name badge. “Adam? What’s my name?”

Holster glances at Justin’s chest where his name badge should be and then back to his face. “Uh… Dr. McDreamy?” 

Justin slowly drops his hand, his mind reeling. “You don’t know me?”

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

Preview #2:


But once Shitty told Bitty in front of half the team that he should get his forehead signed, they were quick to all pressure him into it, making him promise to have the sharpie with him when he asked.
“I am not doing that,” he insisted in the moment, handing the sharpie back after Shitty had forced it into his hands.
“Come on, Bitty, if you don’t we will pick on you forever for it,” Ransom said.
“Y’all already pick on me.”
“How ‘bout this?” Shitty said, handing the sharpie back. “I’ll bet you 20 bucks you won’t do it.”
“You’re trying to bribe me into makin’ a fool of myself in from of Jack Zimmermann?”
“Is it working?”
“No!” Bitty tried handing the sharpie back one last time, but Shitty moved his hands away.
“Alright, how’s 40 then? Holster will pay 20.”
“Hey, I didn’t agree to that!” Holster said.
“I’ll add some, too,” Ransom added, and soon enough, there was $100 waiting for Bitty if he could just get Jack Zimmermann to sign his forehead.
He couldn’t just let $100 go down the drain.

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

Preview #1:Mic Check, Please! an OMGCP inspired album written/performed by @b1ttle​Mixing by Alec Fe

Preview #1:

Mic Check, Please!

an OMGCP inspired album written/performed by @b1ttle


  1. eighteen
  2. closet story
  3. you and me
  4. honey
  5. this boy
  6. matters to me
  7. sweet tooth
  8. it started here

First track “eighteen” will be posted for this event, with all other songs being released throughout OMGCP Anniversary Week!

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

Post link

The previews of the works will start to be posted very soon ! 

Hoping it’ll give you something to get your teeth into, until the posting of the works starting on the 5th of April !

The email for the second check-in has been sent, with all the informations regarding the sharing of the previews ! Check your inboxes, you have until next Sunday to reply :)

- Mod Emi 
