#game programming


It feels weird when you create a concept for a game and as time moves and it develops more; the themes and things you have to say change. I often wonder if design should be like a picture of emotion, a frozen view. For me, it gets harder writing/designing. Specially, when you don’t think like you did when you first conceived the idea & theme for the game. 

I’ve been enjoying doing Jams~ here’s another one I helped with :D

Dice rolling

Very simple click and click again, you can quit the cutscene at anytime by clicking and the number that you roll is put into a variable (which was trickier to code than I thought xD)

I may update it so it pops up on the screen what you rolled too, but it was just a quick coding exercise

Dice are from here, I didn’t use the scripts that came with it though just the model itself

It’s like the boos from super Mario

They follow you when you’re not look, there is some variables I could tweak with this such as the enemy’s movespeed and the amount you need to be looking at him to stop

But it’s a very simple little thing :)

Slimes are here:

Some bow shooting and stuff, I’ve just been doing a bunch of little mechanics and getting challenges from friends of small things to code :)

This one is unfinished (the physics need work) but I’m proud of how it turned out, the asset for the bow and arrow are here:

I shrunk it down in my game but it’s the exact same asset

And the crosshair:

I’m going to start posting my coding things here, just small things I’ve coded since I’ve gotten used to using unity and am finished school

So if you enjoy that stuff feel free to follow :) I’ll be posting more wips maybe even eventually making a small game ^^

I know I’ve been quiet on here but I’ve been just busy working on June and started practicing some unity code~

It’s not too exciting yet but I’m just getting familiar with unity

Meet the Basking Shark a wip mini boss for our game!

Made this adorable whale shark! I love how he turned out

I’ve been doing mostly bug fixes and tweaks but I added falling rocks today! Woo

I made some decor pieces the colourful coral and sea urchins as well as the background is my work :D

I forgot how much I love sprite art xP this is for our game Lil'Thulu~

A gif of our game Lil'Thulu! It’s an Ecco the dolphin inspired game! :D

I’ve really been enjoying in creating the sprites for this game :B using the c64’s colour palette and making sure every 8x8 sprite has only two colours at most I’m incredibly proud of those trees :D

I have been working away at this! It’s just sprites right now no code but I’m so pleased with how it looks :D

again it’s not fully accurate to commodore 64 it’s more of an homage~
