#gaming in real life



Friend: “How does D&D work?”

Me: “You need to buy a shitload of dice and then pretend like you know what you’re doing.”

Don’t forget the part about spending most of every session reading/referencing/triple checking the rule book.


darkersolstice: Do you know what the worst part of having a uterus is?

HobbitGuy1420: I don’t. What is?

darkersolstice: When you’re upset about something, to the point of crying, and you go to the bathroom, and there’s blood on the toilet paper, so you’re like “Oh, of course I’m upset, I’m hormonal and whatever was wrong must not really be a thing at all.”

HobbitGuy1420: I’m sorry you have to deal with that.

darkersolstice: It makes me doubt if my upsetness is all…wrong. Fake. Not real.

HobbitGuy1420: I think it’s real. It might be hitting you harder than it would normally


HobbitGuy1420: If you excuse the analogy, just because you’ve temporarily lost 10-again on Composure rolls doesn’t mean that there isn’t something calling for a roll


HobbitGuy1420: You aren’t weak, you’re just suffering a situational modifier

darkersolstice: That’s…really, really useful to hear.


girls don’t want boys, girls want a sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

I always rainbow my elementals in Gloomhaven!
