#garashir podfic


It’s been quite a while since I contributed anything to AO3, but after receiving some kudos and comments on a podfic I recorded some years ago, decided I wanted to go back and (finally!) record the third part of an incredible series set in the Deep Dish Nine AU.

“Complementing Baggage” comes after “Disconnect”and“Splice” in the “Rewiring” series (link to storiesandpodfics) and like those two, packs a powerful emotional punch. (If you’re a fan of “The Wire,” this series is required reading, even if you’ve never delved into the AU.)

I have so far posted 2 chapters of the story’s 16 (original fic is 36K words) and will post another soon. I will be adding chapters every few days.

TW: mention (no explicit details) of past childhood abuse.


P.S. Thank you VERY much to @tinsnip@kittyknowsthingsand@ladyyatexel for allowing me to recorded and of course for their amazing writing. This series is honestly one of the most powerful DS9 fics I know of.

More baggage!

I’m finally in the home stretch on this! Length so far: 3 hours. And this is the -third- part of this series I’ve recorded. I think the whole thing together must be about 10 hours. You could do a road trip with me, Garak, Julian a whole lot of angst.

Anyway, this latest chapter is lonnnng! It basically consists of two major scenes, each a chapter’s worth, and a shorter one at the end. My favorite part about doing this chapter was voicing Miles. I do his voice in a way that it sounds like him without doing an Irish accent. I’ve apparently got “gruff” down.


Hard to believe, but yes, I’m actually going to finish this podfic recording. I dropped off a couple of months ago, no doubt because of the major work promotion I received in late June which put a monkey wrench in a whole lot of things. But I did keep the fic as an open tab on my iPad the entire time, nagging me, and finally it worked. Enjoy!

