#gay activist

 Jeanne Manford, American gay rights activist.

Jeanne Manford, American gay rights activist.

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People of Pride #14: Harvey MilkImportant historical clarification:While Harvey Milk is often incorr

People of Pride #14: Harvey Milk

Important historical clarification:

While Harvey Milk is often incorrectly regarded as the first openly-gay candidate to be elected to public office, the actual first openly-gay elected official was Kathy Kozachenko (from my city of Ann Arbor, Michigan!), who (while virtually unknown) won a seat on the Ann Arbor City Council in 1974. You can read more about her election here

Harvey Milk fought for the respect and representation of all citizens. He encouraged LGBT+ people around the country to come out of the closet and to bring the support of their friends, families, and neighbors to the fight for equality. Harvey Milk was assassinated on November 27, 1978, and the community’s response is regarded as one of the most peaceful reactions to violence a community has ever expressed. In the years since, there have been hundreds of openly LGBT public officials in America but the fight continues. To read more about Harvey Milk and to learn about the foundation created in his name, click here.


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