#gay cousin


Went to a family reunion

Great uncle pulls a weed

I notice it’s yellow wood sorrel (lemon clover)

I go “hey that actually tastes really good!”

Great uncle “what”

Me “yeah, it’s edible”

He hands it to me and I start eating it

Within ten minutes every person on the porch (like 6 people) has tried it

they all agree it tasted very good. at least two people asked if it could be made into a tea (I did not know)

For the rest of the reunion every time I ate a cracker or something someone would comment “not eating more weeds?”

Conclusion: I have made a grave mistake and am never living this down

I get complimented on my blog often, and I’m really happy that you guys like it I am but let’s make this blog better. I am asking that you guys submit pictures and videos of you your friends your brother’s or cousins. All that I ask is that you add your \ there name and age please let’s make this great. My Kik is gaytumblrporn030 let’s do this.
