

Do you like nerdy fashion? Would you jump at the opportunity to wear an avant-garde inspired fashion look? Look no further! Kathryn Henzler Costumes and Designs is looking for models! Please contact the email in the graphic or contact us at [email protected]

Please be sure to check out her socials

Instagram @fullmetal_flamingo


SDCC lineup! Thursday: Jokers New Look with a different skirt so I can fit in the chairs better at t

SDCC lineup! Thursday: Jokers New Look with a different skirt so I can fit in the chairs better at the @heruniverse Fashion Show! Friday: Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker. Sunday: Handmaiden from the handmaidens Take. (Saturday is undecided) excited and can’t wait to make it to the con! #sdcc #sdcc2017 #cosplay #costume #costumerlife #costumedesign #heruniverse #heruniversefashionshow #geekcouture #geekfashion #thejoker #dccomics #starwars #rotj #lukeskywalker #jedi #handmaiden #thehandmaiden

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