#gender flip

 Equally Objectified: Felicia *As someone who always gravitated towards monsters, I loved Darkstalke

Equally Objectified: Felicia 

*As someone who always gravitated towards monsters, I loved Darkstalkers, but…what can you say about a cat-girl that wears something so skimpy it barely passes as an outfit? As a young male queer adolescent in the 90′s, I obviously wasn’t Felicia’s target demographic. 

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Here’s my entry for #ChoicesCreates48 : Gender Flip!


Wilhelmina = Liam (Wilhelm is German for William)

Bertha = Bertrand

Click to enlarge.

Clockwise:Wilhelmina(Liam),the Princess of Cordonia. Her mother was poisoned, and her sister ran away from her responsibility to the kingdom to “find herself”.

Maxie breakdancing (Maxwell), the youngest daughter of House Beaumont. She’s full of fun. She invited you to Cordonia on the spur of the moment to sponsor you as a candidate to win the hand of the Princess Fair.

Oliver(Olivia), the Princess’ childhood best friend. He’s been in love with her all his life, but she sees him as a little brother.

Han(Hana), another suitor for the Princess. He’s shy and quiet, but once you get to know him you realize he’s your brother from another mother. He takes his duty to his family very seriously. He has feelings for you and you might have them back.

Draca(Drake), the best friend of the Princess. She’s a commoner (like you), and she loves sarcasm and hard liquor. She’s insecure but you could never resist a damsel in distress… Or a train wreck. She says she’s been in love with you since the night the two of you met.

Bertha(Bertand), the Heiress of House Beaumont. She’s had to claw her way to the top. Regal and proud, she doesn’t suffer fools gladly. She loves Maxie, but resents her Millenial Entitlement too.

Wiggles(corgi), the street dog you adopted. Maxie likes to spoil her.

Leona(Leo) , the Princess Who Left. She gave up her right to be Queen to travel the world searching for love and adventure. You’ve only heard of her in passing, but you admire her already.

Riley - You were a waiter in NYC when you meet a Princess one night…

This didn’t age well.

Today in TeaandSpite spends half a show thinking about how to make it more queer, I submit to you that the role of Anthony in Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street could absolutely be played by a woman, and his character actually works better as a disaster lesbian. No, this isn’t just me looking for a part in my range. What did you have against altos, Stephen Sondheim?

Just- oh look, pretty girl who smiled at me? And her dad is a creep that keeps her locked up? And he wants to WHAT? Say no more, babe, I’m bringing the U-Haul around. 

Also, it adds an extra layer of meaning to the lyric Oh look at you looking / so sad so queer and I am but a simple soul who likes wordplay. 
