#general grievous backstory

inonibird: “Welcome to your Beginner’s Basic Learning Course!”—And we’re back! Chapter 1 of Part Fou


“Welcome to your Beginner’s Basic Learning Course!”

And we’re back! Chapter 1 ofPart Four - Collector of the Sahuldeemseries is up!

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Oh boy! Here we go!
(questionsbold; answers italic)

Do Kaleesh pups drink milk from their mothers or are there differences between humans and Kaleesh?
Heh, so I HAD thought of this some time ago in my brainstorming of Kaleesh biology, but decided not to write about it in the story itself. I headcanon Kaleesh as mammal-like reptiles, and when it came to the matter of nursing I looked to modern day monotremes for inspiration and reference. Monotremes do lactate from mammary glands, but don’t have nipples—they just sorta secrete milk onto patches on their fur/skin and the babies lap it up. So, uh. To answer your question, yes and yes.

Does Dalibor know anything about Ronderu´s backstory? How much time did she spend with the pirates anyway?
Dalibor never learned as much about Ronderu as Qymaen did, but that’s not to say he knew nothing. And I always imagined she spent a few years pirating. It’s questions like these that cement my desire to someday write a Ronderu-focused fic in the Sahuldeem setting, starting back at Mir-Haz and leading up to the day she met Qymaen. Someday… :’)

Sometimes I remember the name of Grievous’ starfighter and cry
Good! Let the tears flow through you!

Will you ever do a tutorial on how you draw Kaleesh?
If there’s a significant demand for it, I suppose I could?

i finally got around to reading theough salhudeem, after it being on my to-read list for months haha. oh my gosh i love it so much, its so great to see kaleesh culture actually developed! small question, are we going to get to see grievous and gor interact? i was always sad we never got more elaboration on how grievous saw and treated his pet, i mean, he seemed pretty devastated when gor died… anyway, keep up the amazing work :D!!!!
Thank you so much for reading!! All right, now is as good a time as any to make a confession (and maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but ah well): I’ve always thought the idea of Grievous having a pet was pretty hecking silly. In my original script (back when I was plotting Sahuldeem out as a comic), Gor only showed up in one panel during a Clone Wars montage, more as acknowledgement than anything expository. The plan has been to expand a little bit on “so where’d that thing come from and why does he care” in prose, but don’t expect a whole chapter dedicated to the cyborg general bonding with his pet Roggwart on Vassek 3.

I’d be surprised if noone asked you this before, did you intentionally come up with the term Sahuldeem to parallel Saladin? See, I always identified a lot with Grievous as being very Middle East, which comes from both the writers appropriating (as they do a lot) but also from his incredibly deep and poignant story resonating with the colonization the west has done to the middle east for centuries, the cultural anger we have. So I think its dope to give a nod to Saladin, even if its unintentional
Thank you for this perspective! The specific parallel of the term was unintentional, I must admit. (I explain a bit about where the name Sahuldeem comes from here.)

Are you able to tell us anymore about Qy’s wives?
Hm, I can give you names + order of marriage:
Zena kal Nitzelka
Vykalla san Nisina
Kirizal nun Shandana
Ninurisa bal Zimah
Siduri qam Ushbar
Ashme nab Surhlavi
Mahulena tir Kizurra
Tila sul Khamaji
Peshanu saj Anugi
Ilona dae Zubaru
(something I wrote in my original script when he interacts with one of his wives: “We won’t meet them all or learn their names. They exist on the periphery of what remains of Sahuldeem’s heart at this time…and when perhaps he finds himself caring again, it will be too late to matter.”)

How common is the letter Q in the Kaleesh language?
Honestly? It’s rarity is in perfect correlation with how often I forget to use it, lol. Sumerian doesn’t have a ‘q’, and I don’t often remember to swap out a ‘k’ instead. It’s easy enough to handwave it as “oh ‘q’ IS a very rare letter in Kaleesh”. Qy’s just lucky!

I would just like to say that your work has inspired me so much that I am writing my own fanfiction.
It would be a slight rewrite of the clone wars, but Grievous is more like his 2003 interpretation than his 2008 one.
I have come to ask if I could borrow some things, like names of characters or places.
Once it get the first act done I could send it to you to beta read, if you want.
Hell yeah, that’s awesome! I appreciate you checking with me. When it comes to someone using any of my Sahuldeem-specific creations in a fanfic (vs. the official Canon/Legends material that’s already out there), I would prefer if you credit me and/or provide a link to the series on AO3. I’m afraid I can’t commit to beta reading any works—I can barely keep up with my own project(s)!—but am fine with folks linking me to anything they do post if it took inspiration from Sahuldeem. :)

Mentally shrieking because once the banking clan becomes involved, the end is nigh.
There may be more yet to come than you expect, but you are correct: this is the beginning of the end.

In the next part of Sahuldeem, will Grievous ever get to appear before the Galatic Senate? (At least before the Clone Wars?)



you might know this already but i feel like telling you that fun fact grievous kills t'chooka d'oon in the 2005 grievous comic (yknow, the one where he captures a bunch of younglings and plans to build them cybernetic bodies, complete with masks like his that he designed himself). do you think he remembered
You’d be hard pressed to find something about Grievous that I don’t know! I’m familiar with the comic; had to look it up to figure out what T’chooka D’oon looks like, after all. And yes—I do think he remembered, in spite of everything that happened in the intervening years.

Oh boy! Here we go!
(questionsbold; answers italic)

Do Kaleesh pups drink milk from their mothers or are there differences between humans and Kaleesh?
Heh, so I HAD thought of this some time ago in my brainstorming of Kaleesh biology, but decided not to write about it in the story itself. I headcanon Kaleesh as mammal-like reptiles, and when it came to the matter of nursing I looked to modern day monotremes for inspiration and reference. Monotremes do lactate from mammary glands, but don’t have nipples—they just sorta secrete milk onto patches on their fur/skin and the babies lap it up. So, uh. To answer your question, yes and yes.

Does Dalibor know anything about Ronderu´s backstory? How much time did she spend with the pirates anyway?
Dalibor never learned as much about Ronderu as Qymaen did, but that’s not to say he knew nothing. And I always imagined she spent a few years pirating. It’s questions like these that cement my desire to someday write a Ronderu-focused fic in the Sahuldeem setting, starting back at Mir-Haz and leading up to the day she met Qymaen. Someday… :’)

Sometimes I remember the name of Grievous’ starfighter and cry
Good! Let the tears flow through you!

Will you ever do a tutorial on how you draw Kaleesh?
If there’s a significant demand for it, I suppose I could?

i finally got around to reading theough salhudeem, after it being on my to-read list for months haha. oh my gosh i love it so much, its so great to see kaleesh culture actually developed! small question, are we going to get to see grievous and gor interact? i was always sad we never got more elaboration on how grievous saw and treated his pet, i mean, he seemed pretty devastated when gor died… anyway, keep up the amazing work :D!!!!
Thank you so much for reading!! All right, now is as good a time as any to make a confession (and maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but ah well): I’ve always thought the idea of Grievous having a pet was pretty hecking silly. In my original script (back when I was plotting Sahuldeem out as a comic), Gor only showed up in one panel during a Clone Wars montage, more as acknowledgement than anything expository. The plan has been to expand a little bit on “so where’d that thing come from and why does he care” in prose, but don’t expect a whole chapter dedicated to the cyborg general bonding with his pet Roggwart on Vassek 3.

I’d be surprised if noone asked you this before, did you intentionally come up with the term Sahuldeem to parallel Saladin? See, I always identified a lot with Grievous as being very Middle East, which comes from both the writers appropriating (as they do a lot) but also from his incredibly deep and poignant story resonating with the colonization the west has done to the middle east for centuries, the cultural anger we have. So I think its dope to give a nod to Saladin, even if its unintentional
Thank you for this perspective! The specific parallel of the term was unintentional, I must admit. (I explain a bit about where the name Sahuldeem comes from here.)

Are you able to tell us anymore about Qy’s wives?
Hm, I can give you names + order of marriage:
Zena kal Nitzelka
Vykalla san Nisina
Kirizal nun Shandana
Ninurisa bal Zimah
Siduri qam Ushbar
Ashme nab Surhlavi
Mahulena tir Kizurra
Tila sul Khamaji
Peshanu saj Anugi
Ilona dae Zubaru
(something I wrote in my original script when he interacts with one of his wives: “We won’t meet them all or learn their names. They exist on the periphery of what remains of Sahuldeem’s heart at this time…and when perhaps he finds himself caring again, it will be too late to matter.”)

How common is the letter Q in the Kaleesh language?
Honestly? It’s rarity is in perfect correlation with how often I forget to use it, lol. Sumerian doesn’t have a ‘q’, and I don’t often remember to swap out a ‘k’ instead. It’s easy enough to handwave it as “oh ‘q’ IS a very rare letter in Kaleesh”. Qy’s just lucky!

I would just like to say that your work has inspired me so much that I am writing my own fanfiction.
It would be a slight rewrite of the clone wars, but Grievous is more like his 2003 interpretation than his 2008 one.
I have come to ask if I could borrow some things, like names of characters or places.
Once it get the first act done I could send it to you to beta read, if you want.
Hell yeah, that’s awesome! I appreciate you checking with me. When it comes to someone using any of my Sahuldeem-specific creations in a fanfic (vs. the official Canon/Legends material that’s already out there), I would prefer if you credit me and/or provide a link to the series on AO3. I’m afraid I can’t commit to beta reading any works—I can barely keep up with my own project(s)!—but am fine with folks linking me to anything they do post if it took inspiration from Sahuldeem. :)

Mentally shrieking because once the banking clan becomes involved, the end is nigh.
There may be more yet to come than you expect, but you are correct: this is the beginning of the end.

In the next part of Sahuldeem, will Grievous ever get to appear before the Galatic Senate? (At least before the Clone Wars?)



you might know this already but i feel like telling you that fun fact grievous kills t'chooka d'oon in the 2005 grievous comic (yknow, the one where he captures a bunch of younglings and plans to build them cybernetic bodies, complete with masks like his that he designed himself). do you think he remembered
You’d be hard pressed to find something about Grievous that I don’t know! I’m familiar with the comic; had to look it up to figure out what T’chooka D’oon looks like, after all. And yes—I do think he remembered, in spite of everything that happened in the intervening years.

Hi, hello, I’ve been awfully quiet lately, I’m still here! It’s just been a pretty hectic month (and, for that matter, year). Two Sahuldeemupdates:

1. Remember how I said I would resume posting on May 2nd? Haha, are we surprised that I’m going to push that date out a bit? :’) Sorry, I know I did this with the start of Part Three, as well, but hey, I’d rather give myself more breathing room and make sure I’m happy with my writing/edits rather than just start churning stuff out to meet a self-imposed deadline. Doesn’t help that I’m suddenly traveling the last week of April for work! x_x I think rather than give y’all a definitive date, I’ll say: expect Part Four to begin in the month of May for certain, but not as early as the 2nd!

and2. Holy crap, I checked my backlog of messages and realized I’m well overdue for a Q&A post! Sorry for the delay on some of those asks folks have sent me; time is a vacuum and my brain has been mush. Now THAT post might happen closer to the 2nd!

…actually, let’s throw in a 3. Y’know, I’ve never made a pinned post before (almost 10 years on tumblr and I still feel like I barely know how to do anything on this glorious hellsite), but I should probably make something for Sahuldeem, huh? Like a link to the series page on AO3/links to each individual part/links to Q&A posts/list of common tags/etc.? Something! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

inonibird:Chapter 13 of Part Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeem series is up! That’s it! That’s the inonibird:Chapter 13 of Part Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeem series is up! That’s it! That’s the


Chapter 13ofPart Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeem series is up! That’s it! That’s the final chapter of Part Three! Phew!


(I wanted to doodle ALL THE THINGS from this chapter and I feel like this is only the beginning; since the next month is a hiatus month before I begin posting Part Four, I may be doodling MORE stuff from the parts I’ve written up until now~)

Post link
Chapter 13 of Part Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeem series is up! That’s it! That’s the final chapChapter 13 of Part Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeem series is up! That’s it! That’s the final chap

Chapter 13ofPart Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeem series is up! That’s it! That’s the final chapter of Part Three! Phew!


(I wanted to doodle ALL THE THINGS from this chapter and I feel like this is only the beginning; since the next month is a hiatus month before I begin posting Part Four, I may be doodling MORE stuff from the parts I’ve written up until now~)

Post link

Hey guys! I’m going to be taking an extra week to polish the final chapter of Part Three of Sahuldeem (really want to nail it, y’know? and a lot of the editing time I ought to have had was eaten up by migraines and a complete lack of energy, bleh). So I’ll be posting that on 3/28…and then I believe I’ll be taking the month of April to prep Part Four (and beyond?), which means a tentative start date of 5/2 on that one! Going to be making a few substantial tweaks/deviations from the original script, which is a good thing, I promise. :3c

inonibird:“But Kalee is reaching its breaking point, and…I think so are you.”~“Wait. Please. You caninonibird:“But Kalee is reaching its breaking point, and…I think so are you.”~“Wait. Please. You can


But Kalee is reaching its breaking point, and…I think so are you.
Wait. Please. You can take me. Just take me.

Chapter 11ofPart Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeemseries is up!
(like last chapter, doodled a couple of moments)

Post link
“But Kalee is reaching its breaking point, and…I think so are you.”~“Wait. Please. You can take me. “But Kalee is reaching its breaking point, and…I think so are you.”~“Wait. Please. You can take me.

But Kalee is reaching its breaking point, and…I think so are you.
Wait. Please. You can take me. Just take me.

Chapter 11ofPart Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeemseries is up!
(like last chapter, doodled a couple of moments)

Post link