#inoni talks


Hi, hello, I’ve been awfully quiet lately, I’m still here! It’s just been a pretty hectic month (and, for that matter, year). Two Sahuldeemupdates:

1. Remember how I said I would resume posting on May 2nd? Haha, are we surprised that I’m going to push that date out a bit? :’) Sorry, I know I did this with the start of Part Three, as well, but hey, I’d rather give myself more breathing room and make sure I’m happy with my writing/edits rather than just start churning stuff out to meet a self-imposed deadline. Doesn’t help that I’m suddenly traveling the last week of April for work! x_x I think rather than give y’all a definitive date, I’ll say: expect Part Four to begin in the month of May for certain, but not as early as the 2nd!

and2. Holy crap, I checked my backlog of messages and realized I’m well overdue for a Q&A post! Sorry for the delay on some of those asks folks have sent me; time is a vacuum and my brain has been mush. Now THAT post might happen closer to the 2nd!

…actually, let’s throw in a 3. Y’know, I’ve never made a pinned post before (almost 10 years on tumblr and I still feel like I barely know how to do anything on this glorious hellsite), but I should probably make something for Sahuldeem, huh? Like a link to the series page on AO3/links to each individual part/links to Q&A posts/list of common tags/etc.? Something! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hey guys! I’m going to be taking an extra week to polish the final chapter of Part Three of Sahuldeem (really want to nail it, y’know? and a lot of the editing time I ought to have had was eaten up by migraines and a complete lack of energy, bleh). So I’ll be posting that on 3/28…and then I believe I’ll be taking the month of April to prep Part Four (and beyond?), which means a tentative start date of 5/2 on that one! Going to be making a few substantial tweaks/deviations from the original script, which is a good thing, I promise. :3c

I’m going to need an extra day with the next chapter of Sahuldeem before I post. It’s definitely one of the…um, darker chapters, and I think I ought to spend a little more time editing and making sure it feels…okay. Hopefully will post Tuesday!

Here, have a picture of my goofy cat in the meantime.
