#genshin impact x reader


Chapter seventeen of The Guide! I hope y'all enjoy it!

The Guide is a SAGAU (Self Aware Genshin Alternate Universe.) Where instead of [Name] being seen as the Creator, they’re seen as a god based off of the powers they can offer from the video game mechanics.

Oh my goodness this took a while to get out there. Sorry this took so long! Life was kicking me continuously! But hey, thing has been done.



Previously, after arriving at the Dawn Winery, [Name] and Paimon went off on their own to help [Name] adjust some of the world settings. [Name] turned on a few new buttons, not sure what they would do so but is curious as to the results.

The sun beating down but softened by the trees, Diluc’s frustration fading into the background as he watched their joy, Jean and Aether speaking quietly between each other with occasional glimpses towards the three tree dwellers.

They enjoyed the domestic feeling for a while before speaking up. “I need someone to practice some new skills on, any volunteers?" 

Every hand went up, even Razor in his tired state, causing them to stare in shock for a moment. "Huh… alright then. Wasn’t expecting that.”


So apparently, getting into the tree was the easy part, getting down would not be so simple.

For Razor and Kaeya, it was as easy as a jump, to [Name] on the other hand, a simple jump would likely become a simple broken leg… maybe two.

With that in mind, they simply waited patiently for the other two to get down before softly calling Kaeya’s name. 

“Oh Kaeya~ Would you be a dear and help me down?” Their voice carried downwards and a sly smirk slipped onto their face. Unfortunately,  it was mirrored by the man below them, his smirk making them begin to regret asking.

He looked up with one eye as he spoke “Is our oh so holy Guide unable of making a little jump?”

[Name] awkwardly looked to the side “Pretty much. Aren’t you supposed to do what I ask or something?”

Kaeya shrugged in response. “Not really. I kinda just give you respect for the strength and ignore you otherwise. Diluc here on the other hand, an absolute worshiper, never forgave me that I’m on your main team and he’s not.”

As he spoke about the older of the two, he reached an arm around the other’s shoulders, shooting Diluc an infuriating smirk which caused Kaeya’s arm to quickly be shrugged off.

“Damn. Whatever did I do to deserve that, Master Diluc?” [Name] asked, distracted from their original request.

Diluc grimanced. “Well. You do a good job of protecting Mondstadt, despite your rather immature attitude.”

[Name] nodded in response “In my limited defense, your world is one of the few places I allow myself the chance to be as childish as I wish.”

Diluc raised an eyebrow “Explain?”

They stared at him for a moment “No.”

Kaeya couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he stepped closer towards the tree. “Do you want help down, [Name]?”

They nodded, suspicious of his friendly approach. “Yes. I do… Are you offering?”

He smirked, “Why else would I be mentioning it?”

Aether simply watched, Anemo at the ready to catch [Name] should they risk hitting the ground. He kept a close eye on the two from him place beside Jean as [Name] stared down at Kaeya and placed themselves in a situation where they could either jump or step down into his grasp.

“If you drop me, I swear to Barbatos, I will take every artifact I have given you back and replace them with one star traveling doctors set. I don’t know how to do that yet but I’ll learn.”

Kaeya merely laughed “I’ll catch you if you need it, do you doubt one of your most loyal servants?”

As [Name] attempted to take comfort in his words, a thought struck them. “Didn’t you just tell me that Diluc is the follower between you two?”

A silence followed for a moment “Perhaps. Regardless, I’m the one you made stronger so get down here or I’m telling a certain Adepti from your normal rotation.”

[Name] rolled their eyes and began their attempt to get down, first lowering themselves on branches as much as possible before latching their arms around a solid piece of wood and lowering themselves closer to the ground, letting go and being caught bridal style by Kaeya, who decidedly to promptly drop them in a way where they wouldn’t hit their head.

[Name] now glanced up from the ground to glare at him before turning to Paimon. “How do I take away artifacts?”

Kaeya stiffened “Wait, that was just a joke, chill, you aren’t hurt or anything, right?”

[Name]’s eyes flickered to him before flickering back to the traveling companion. 

Razor and Diluc shared a look as they chuckled at the side effects of the Knight’s actions catching up to him.

Paimon only giggled “Same icon as before to pull up characters!”

[Name] smirked up at him, quickly darting out their hand to tap the Aether looking icon in the corner of their vision. 

The change of the world was strange though, flickering around them in different colors until it went black and then they were floating in what seemed like a purple void.

They couldn’t see the floor yet they were standing comfortably, looking down almost made them feel dizzy so instead they looked straight ahead.

Razor was standing there, a smile on his face “You look solid now." 

[Name] offered a look of confusion before looking upwards, seeing a familiar display of different characters, Razor in front, closely followed by Diluc and then Kaeya, then continuing on with other characters they had. 

So, this was the C button screen. "Huh… Well, I’m not sure what you mean but I have a thing to do so if you’ll excuse me.." 

They shifted onto their toes to reach up and tap Kaeya’s icon and they stumbled back when the purple display switched to a cool blue and Razor’s figure was replaced by Kaeya.

He looked side to side awkwardly. "Um.. Funny seeing you here.”

[Name] looked at him plainly before moving over to tap the artifacts display, resulting in each item floating in a circle around him. He reached out to try to grab one, only to move his hand back after a jolt of electricity hit his hand.

They looked curiously at the see through colored sphere around each item before holding out a hand to touch it themselves.

The first they grabbed was a headpiece. The color faded away, leaving only the artifact in their hands and they had to resist the urge to drop it when stats then appeared above it.

They didn’t focus on that though, instead turning back to Kaeya with a grin that then fell upon seeing his face staring at the item in their hands.

[Name] almost thought they saw hints of anger in his eyes, his fists were clenched, as was his jaw. 

It took them a moment to speak up but they spoke as calmly as they could. “Kaeya, is this taking the joke a bit too far?”

He took a deep inhale before speaking again. “Yes. Give it back.”

[Name] gently placed the headpiece upon his hair, offering a calming smile. “Care to talk about it?”

He closed his eyes, attempting not to glare and invoke their anger.

“It’s a source of strength… and do you know what happens when you take away somebody’s artifacts?”

[Name] furrowed their eyebrows and shook their head. “No clue but I bet you’ll explain.”

Kaeya scoffed. “You don’t even know the influence you have… they’re disgraced. Everything they were? Forgotten. Sure, you can switch out items, temporarily, and you give them back and they’re okay but losing your favor? Losing your gifts ruins their lives. Nobody wants to hire somebody who let you down, nobody wants to work for somebody who let you down.”

[Name] tensed and then frowned. “Why go so far? Just because I no longer have a use for them doesn’t mean they have no use.”

Kaeya smiled bitterly. “No use, huh? Those people have been my friends and I’ve watched how people treat them. Amber’s been degraded to just teaching others how to glide, nobody trusts her to handle their fighting anymore as she obviously didn’t do well enough for you.”

[Name] glared downwards, through the see through ground and into the icey blue void below. “They’re fools. Every last one of them! Has it never crossed their mind that I just have a certain way that I play?! I do physical damage, only switching out for catalyst users when I need distance, bows work weird on a slow computer, I don’t have enough of their constellation to make them worth while! That’s the way I do it but that doesn’t make them bad characters. Every individual has their play style and so what if they don’t match mine? So what if I only use them in specific scenarios?” Their rant turned into quieter but still frosted mumbling. 

A thought occurred to them and they looked upwards quickly. “Whose the worst about it?” They asked him.

“About isolating the disgraced?” Kaeya took a moment to think before speaking. “Some members of the church, most of the Knights, honestly Jean included as she worries you’ll fall out of favor with Mondstadt… And Diluc. He’s not upfront with his distaste but he can still make it known.”

[Name]’s eyes glanced up towards the exit button. “I need to speak with them in that case. I am not a god and I most definitely with not have them ruining others in my name.”

With a harsh slam on the X button, they returned to reality. Aether looked at them worriedly as Diluc glared heavily at Kaeya’s now smirking form.

When the character button is pressed, only the individual that The Guide was viewing disappeared but that didn’t mean the four, five if you count Paimon, weren’t aware of their disappearance.

The return eased the anxieties amongst them but [Name]’s viable anger and the now quickly changing weather replaced those worries with new ones.

Each of them were silent until Jean stepped forward “Your Grace… is something the matter?”

[Name]’s [eye color] eyes met hers. “I learned something very interesting. I’d love to hear your attempt to explain it.”

A mocking smile fell upon [Name]’s face as rain began. None of the group felt any sense of cold, once again only [Name]’s warmth but that didn’t make the rain much less uncomfortable. 

“What did you learn, Our Grace?” She asked, taking a step backwards and tilting her head in a mix of confusion and worry.

[Name] closed their eyes before speaking “What good does isolation do?” They waited for a response and upon receiving nothing but silence, they continued. “Kaeya told me this really interesting fun fact that people that I take artifacts away from often get their lives ruined, what’s the logic behind that?”

Diluc sighed a sigh of relief. Something he could explain. “As you’ve forsaken them, we forsake them as well. If they’re not worthy of your service, unwanted by the god who makes even the most useless become saviors…. Then what good would they do for Mondstadt?”

[Name] looked at him in horror. “What the hell are you talking about?!”

Aether winced at their anger and attempted to speak gently while explaining Mondstadts actions. Surely if anyone could calm them, it would be him, and that would cease this dangerous weather.

“You’re seen as the god of potential and of strength… Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma have developed the habit of ostracizing those who lose their favor as they hope you’ll continue to protect their nation..”

[Name] looked at Aether. “Aether, Darling, surely you see how ridiculous this all sounds? Why hasn’t anyone put a stop to this?!”

Diluc was the one to reply. “Why would we, Your Grace? They failed you and upset you and Mondstadt is so grateful for what you’ve done for us. Is it wrong to cease them from disgracing us even further?”

[Name] gave him a cold look. “Stop talking. If you are going to treat me as a god, know a few things. One, treat everyone with basic fucking decency! Two, the only people who should be having their lives ruined are those who cause harm to the innocent! Three, I will not stand for ruining somebody’s life because of my opinions on them!”

[Name] looked at each of them one by one before pausing. “Oh my goodness, did I just make my first three commandments? Is this my version of the ten commandments? Somebody quick, get this on stone tablets.”

The tense atmosphere lessened. “What the hell are you talking about?” Kaeya asked from beside them. 

They shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. Just, think through what I’ve said. I wanted to train some different types of control, where’s the nearest Hilichurl camp?”


Well, I wrote it but I’m not sure what I think of it.

Anyway, I don’t know where I’m going with this, don’t know what I’m thinking. It’s late and it’s nap time for me. I am too sleepy for proper brain function.

Tag list! (Closed for the foreseeable future.)


Chapter 16 perhaps? In the same night perhaps? For my own amusement perhaps? Perhaps.

This is another update in my The Guide series, which is SAGAU (Self Aware Genshin Alternate Universe) where instead of [Name] being seen as the Creator but instead seen as a god who cares for Teyvat that can offer great power.

Please enjoy my attempt at making my mental lore make sense and if you can’t tell from the way my speech patterns have dissolved, I’m tired.



Previously, [Name] set off towards Dawn winery upon deciding they would remain there while in Mondstadt. Upon arrival, they got to experiment with their ability to control their vessels inside Teyvat while waiting for Diluc to return.

Kaeya’s shifted his weight and placed a hand on his chest in mock offense. “I didn’t understand half of what you said but excuse me?”

“You’re excused, feel free to leave.” They told him with a teasing smile to which he shook his head.

“Hell no, I’m not leaving without an explanation.”

[Name] shrugged. “Guess you’ll be here forever then. In the meantime, I’ll be in the next chapter.”

“Next what now?”


“Next what now?” Kaeya asked again, cocking his head like he thought the other had gone insane.

[Name] smiled and waved their arms around them. “The next chapter. Now then, Paimon, what will the next thousand or so words consist of?”

Paimon chuckled “Really messing up the wall, huh? Why don’t we go off just the two of us?”

[Name] gave her a suspicion look before nodding. “You concern me, fairy looking child.”

Paimon giggled again, waving off the concerned quartet of Razor, Kaeya, Aether and Jean who stayed in place as Paimon lead [Name] further away from the manor.

“So! What do you want to know?” She asked with a smile

“What can you teach me? I would probably be able to learn how this stuff works on my own but I’d rather not risk hurting something.”

Paimon nodded. “Well why don’t you open the menu first?”

[Name] shrugged, that at least was something they knew how to do.

With a tap at the corner of their sight, a display entered their view as the world seemed to pause in its tracks.

ɴᴏᴛɪꜰɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ     ᴡᴏʀʟᴅꜱᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢꜱ

Qᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ      ʙᴀɢ   ᴀᴄʜɪᴇᴠᴇᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ

      ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴇʏᴠᴀᴛ

Paimon smiled “Pretty cool, isn’t it?”

They nodded “Which button should I press?” They asked with their eyes trained on each button and Paimon answered with glee. 

“Try the worldsettings option!”

With slight hesitation, [Name] tapped the button and a new display appeared, their sight changing once more to as though they were seeing through a blue filter and they entered a suffocating silence.

They took a moment to analyze the display


ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ <●~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

ᴀᴜᴅɪᴏ <~~~~~~~●~~~~~~~>

ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ꜱᴇɴꜱɪᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ 

<~~●~~~~~~~~~~~~> ʏᴏᴜ

<~~~~~~~~~●~~~~~> ᴛʜᴇᴍ

ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇɴꜱɪᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ 

<●~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> ʏᴏᴜ <~~~~~●~~~~~~~~~> ᴛʜᴇᴍ

ᴛᴇʏᴠᴀᴛ ꜱᴇɴꜱɪᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ

<~~●~~~~~~~~~~~~> ʏᴏᴜ

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~●> ɪᴛ

ʀᴇᴠᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ <~~~~●~~~~~~~~~~>

ᴠᴇʀʙᴀʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ [ᴏɴ/ᴏꜰꜰ]

ᴘꜱʏᴄʜɪᴄ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ [ᴏɴ/ᴏꜰꜰ]

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ [ᴏɴ/ᴏꜰꜰ]

ꜱᴜʙᴄᴏɴꜱᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ [ᴏɴ/ᴏꜰꜰ]

ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ ʙᴀʀʀɪᴇʀꜱ [ᴏɴ/ᴏꜰꜰ]

ᴠɪᴇᴡ ꜱᴛᴀᴛꜱ [ᴏɴ/ᴏꜰꜰ]

It took [Name] a few seconds to read through, each confusing them more than the last however upon taking note of the language barrier option, they reached out a hand to tap the Off button

They felt something round and solid as they did, pressing down they heard a click and the button light up as it changed the display from on to off.

They then decided to take the time deciding which of these they felt comfortable editing.

The buttons looked relatively safe and their meanings made a lot more sense than any of the sliding knobs, status bars? [Name] wasn’t quite sure what they were called but they knew that the descriptions of those things made no sense.

Like, [Name] didn’t even want to know what they meant by sensitivity, instead they tapped a few more buttons.

They turned on the buttons offered to them. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to experiment with the options and what harm could it do? [Name] paused that line of thought, that was exactly how horror movies started.

With that in mind, they kept off subconscious demand, that seemed like a recipe for disaster.

Once that was complete, they glanced towards the bars. Turning up their sensitivity probably wouldn’t hurt, right?

They reached out for the character sensitivity knob, laying their hand on it, it felt like cold round metal. They tightened their grip and pulled downwards, it clicked into place where they wanted and they pulled away satisfied.

ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇɴꜱɪᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ <~~~~~~~●~~~~~~~> ʏᴏᴜ

As a final action, they turned the audio up two notches and turned the music on one. A gentle flow entered their ears, quiet but not too vague to be heard.

With a nod, they tapped the X, returning to their previous screen.

Paimon smiled at them “Happy with your adjustments?”

[Name] nodded, she seemed a bit louder but not horribly so. “Anything else?”

Paimon shrugged. “Nothing you won’t learn on your own, but Paimon is happy to answer questions!”

With a nod, they chose one of several questions on their mind. “What does the Speak with Teyvat button do?”

Paimon froze in place, her smile falling from her face as she shook her head. “Paimon thinks you shouldn’t press that one. Even powerful things can’t always work without permission but once you give them the go ahead, you can’t get them to stop.”

[Name] shifted their weight uncomfortably. “So you’re saying it’s a bad idea?”

Paimon nodded “You want to be normal right? Humans like challenges?” Before receiving a response, she continued. “Teyvat wants you to have fun… but it has a twisted version of fun. But that’s not important! If you don’t press the button, then we can have fun!”

[Name] jolted slightly at her quick tone change, noting the worry etched into the corners of her face, and so they nodded in an attempt to ease her worry. “Of course. That makes sense. One more question, how many quests can I set and do they give rewards?”

Paimon’s smile returned as she did a small twirl “As many as you’d like!” She told them with glee “Teyvat choses the rewards so they might be a bit different than you’re used to but we’re sure you’ll enjoy them!" 

"What kind of rewards are offered?”

Paimon smiled “Weapons, mora, friendship, pets, Even things from earth! Anything you’d like!”

A thought struck [Name] “What about Primogems?”

Paimon laughed condescendingly at them “Oh silly! You don’t need those anymore, you can have any vessel you’d like!”

[Name] felt their heart stop and then begin to race. ‘Any character? Like, anyone? No more saving? Just… Character?' 

Paimon smiled at their obvious happiness. “Primogems are pretty though, so if you want some for decoration then that can be done!”

[Name]’s eyes light up “So you’re saying… Primogem collection?”

Paimon nodded “If you’d like!”

[Name] smiled. “Perfect. Now then…. What guests should I set?”

Paimon giggled “I can help with that. I can set them too if you’d like.”

[Name] realized they weren’t exactly sure how they set that first one and nodded “Yes please?”

With a happy twirl, Paimon seemed to open her own screen. A screen of familiar blue and buttons that [Name] couldn’t read.

“What quests are you setting?”

Paimon smiled “Some basics about exploring Mondstadt and experiencing the world, meeting Mondstadt characters, going on commissions. You can get more… challenging things later.”

Paimon lifted her head to look [Name] in the eyes and they felt every nerve in their body go on edge, the look wasn’t anything special, a glance that they might have brushed off but it took hold of their mind, freezing them in place.

At least until she spoke up again “Why don’t we go back? You should get all settled in and I’m sure Kaeya is getting sick of holding your bag.”

[Name] inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to push away that anxious feeling as they turned to walk back towards the group. “I’d like to try out my new settings on some enemies before settling down tonight… And is that where my bag went?! Kaeya I’m gonna fucking kill you, I was looking for that." 

Paimon laughed as she moved to float in circles around [Name]’s head "Your fault for not noticing.” She told them in a sing song tone. 

As the duo returned, they laid eyes upon a clearly exhausted Razor who had curled up on a tree and a very annoyed Diluc attempting to convince him to come down.

Kaeya had also decided to make himself comfortable on a tree branch, much to the chagrin of the red head.

Upon noticing their arrival, he gave a wave with a smirk on his face. “Welcome back [Name]. Care to join us up here?”

'Well’ [Name] thought to themselves. 'If they’re gonna be stuck somewhere, Mondstadt could be worse…’. As they grinned and ran over to the tree, doing their best to pull themselves up and accept Kaeya’s outstretched hand to assist, they realized they could get used to this.

The sun beating down but softened by the trees, Diluc’s frustration fading into the background as he watched their joy, Jean and Aether speaking quietly between each other with occasional glimpses towards the three tree dwellers.

They enjoyed the domestic feeling for a while before speaking up. “I need someone to practice some new skills on, any volunteers?" 

Every hand went up, even Razor in his tired state, causing to stare in shock for a moment. "Huh… alright then. Wasn’t expecting that.”


I’m not super happy with how this chapter turned out but it is what it is. TWO CHAPTERS IN 24 HOURS BABY!  Anyway, I have a life, I promise.

Please enjoy this chapter, feel free to like, comment, reblog, follow, send in an ask or even just ignore this if it makes you feel more comfortable! I hope you had fun reading!

Tag list! (Closed for the foreseeable future.)


Hold up, part fifteen? How the heck did I get here? Not sure but I’m thankful that y'all have been reading my stuff.

So! Part fifteen of The Guide. The Guide is a SAGAU (self aware genshin alternate universe) where instead of being seen as the creator of Teyvat, [Name] is seen as a god who cares for the world as a result of their actions as the player.

Maybe I should make a list of characters [Name] has… idk.

Also someone requested it so I’m gonna try out putting quick summaries of the previous chapter in the beginning.



Previously, [Name] returned to Knights of Favonius headquarters to discuss how their stay in Teyvat would go, eventually deciding they would be staying at Dawn Winery while the Knights research what brought them here. 

[Name] nodded. “Sounds good to me. You did say something about needing to teach me how to change vessels so maybe have some others come with as well?”

Kaeya raised his right hand “I volunteer.”

Jean placed her face into one of her palms. “Of course you would. A chance to infuriate Diluc and spend time with The Guide. What could be better?”

Aether raised an eyebrow “Wherever Paimon goes, I’m goin’.”

Razor nodded “I follow Guide. Not leave Guide.”

[Name] sighed and leaned back into the seat. “I guess we’re all going then. To Dawn Winery I suppose?”


The walk towards the winery wasn’t as bad as [Name] was anticipating and honestly they had Aether to thank for that, the godsend had decided to stand in between Kaeya and Diluc in order to prevent the two from arguing and while it didn’t stop verbal disagreements, [Name] could rest easy knowing they wouldn’t be able to be physically violent.

Razor and Paimon had flanked their sides, Razor on their left and Paimon on their right. The teenager kept a rather brisk pace and he kept himself alert, eyes constantly checking the treeline for any unnatural sign of movement, while Paimon spoke in quieter tones than expected for her about the things she could teach once they had arrived.

Jean simply watched from the back of the group, her eyes occasionally darting around for any hint of danger but mainly focusing on the peaceful familiarity that had fallen over the group.

This wasn’t exactly a normal adventuring party but they didn’t stop anybody from falling into their own roles and Jean brushed back a stray piece of hair as she thought of benefits The Guide could have, especially if this silent comfort was part of it.

From their first introduction, [Name] had filled the knight with a feeling of ease, that warmth washing away the tense muscles and aches, it was amazing what [Name] could offer Mondstadt, what [Name] offered their vessels in general.

But Jean supposed she never truly knew what they offered, not in the same way. She had been blessed, yes, given gifts and strength but that comfort, the feeling of safe vulnerability only lasted so long, fading into obscurity and instead being overshadowed by her day to day life.

But Jean had felt their pull, not much but on occasion, had felt injuries soothed by the feeling of cold cloth on a burn, the pain fading away and instead of being crippling, leaving her unable to fight as she once was, each injury blends into the background, healed when The Guide finds the time but unnoticed until then.

She vaguely wondered if [Name] understood the danger they were in. Each nation knows what they can do, knows of each second chance at life they grant their vessels, the unmatched strength and gifts and passage of time bending to their will. Mondstadt would benefit from a partnership with this God, all they had to do is stop news of their arrival from reaching more desirable nations, easy enough, right?

Well, it didn’t matter. She could ponder the opportunities presented to her homeland some other time, they had arrived.

The main building was imposing, each perfectly shined stone glistening in sunlight shining down from a clear blue sky, but even more impressive were the vineyards as far as the eye could see. The game truly didn’t do any justice to the scale of this place, which made sense. considering it was supposed to be one of the most revered wineries in Mondstadt yet you don’t see much more vineyard than what looks good with the design.

Diluc felt his heart beat with both pride and amusement at [Name]’s reaction, their awe palpable and written across their face.

“You’ve been here before, have you not?”

[Name] nodded “Of course. Several times, but the screen does not do it justice… doesn’t properly convey all the sensory details as well.” ‘Something I forgot for my list’ they thought to themselves 'the winery is full of all sorts of sounds and smells.’

Diluc raised an eyebrow “Sensory details?” To which [Name] nearly shrugged.

“Sound and smell ow. Now then, Paimon, lessons perhaps? You have a room you need to prepare, yes Diluc?”

He nodded. “Of course. I will return to you as soon as I can.” He gave a stiff goodbye before heading inside while [Name] simply turned their attention to a certain floating creature with a remarkable grin on her face. “Lessons?”

She nodded, grabbed their right arm and began to pull. She seemed very keen on leading the group to the lakeside so [Name] dutifully followed, confused but excited nonetheless.

Upon their arrival, [Name] noticed some remarkably familiar cryo slimes and glanced towards Paimon “You got a plan?”

She merely grinned. “Physical contact is great for switching vessels and all you need to do is give a command. Verbal control is less detailed than manual but it’ll do the trick.”

“Any reason they can’t just do it themselves?” [Name] asked her and she shrugged in response.

“You know how domestic dogs can’t hunt because you feed them? Same thing. Also they would be fighting without the respawn function and we don’t want that.” A grin decorated her face as she spoke but [Name] had to resist the urge for their own face to twist in disgust. Had they truly effected the characters that much? and what the fuck did she mean by respawn function?

Regardless, [Name] turned towards an on edge Razor whose eyes stayed trained on the moving cryo masses.

“Razor, Kiddo, can I use you as my vessel for this?”

That brought Razor away from his concern and he nodded “Guide can always use Razor.”

[Name] muttered a thank you and tried to figure out how to handle this bit they settled on a hand on his head as they laced their words with intention.

“Razor, go kill those cryo slimes and stay safe.”

The effect was visual this time, his Claymore which had previously been unnoticeable found its place in his hands as his eyes glazed over, a bored look overcame his face as he began to approach the slimes.

The effect was also internal. This feeling was different, instead of the hunter guided by a whisper in the wind and his mind feeling free as his body left his control, he was the prey, dancing and guided by instinct and adrenaline, not fear, he knew he was safe. It wasn’t a bad feeling… simply different. 

As claymore cut through gel and electric claws infested icy surfaces, Razor decided he preferred the original. He hoped they’d figure it out soon. Razor prefers fighting with you rather than fighting for you.

[Name] watched in awe as the skill with which each creature was destroyed from each attack. A feeling of guilt settled in their chest but those creatures would be back, right? They always were.

It was only when the last slime was crushed into pieces that Razor’s stance returned to normal, his back slouching once more and he turned on his heels to face the group once more, his eyes searching for any hint of approval which [Name] was happy to show him, opening up their arms to offer a hug as they showcased a brilliant grin.

A grin Razor reciprocated as he ran into their hold. The protective warmth of The Guide’s influence only growing as [Name] brushed hair out of his face. “That was brilliant, Razor. I’m proud of you.”

Razor’s smile softened and he closed his eyes, valuing this moment until [Name] pulled away.

“Wow I didn’t think it would be that impressive but you did great out there, kiddo!”

Kaeya snickered. “Kiddo?" 

[Name] shrugged "Emotionally, he is my baby brother. As are Bennet and Xingqiu. Old teenagers yes, but still children and as such, older sibling instincts kick in. Besides, who doesn’t like being told good job kiddo? I know I don’t mind.”

Razor tilted his head “Brother is family, yes? … Saying Razor is lupical?”

[Name] smiled gently. “Yeah. I see you as part of my family, my lupical.”

Razor’s grin returned, nodding. “Lupical. I said before, I say now, you are my lupical.”

That comment made [Name] pause. He’s said it in his voice lines… does that imply they’ve all actually said their voice lines? It technically wasn’t a mind blowing idea… but still interesting. Regardless, [Name] tried not to focus on it too hard and it left their mind when Kaeya spoke up.

“If they’re your little brothers, what does that make me?”

A smirk made its way onto their face “You know that guy you meet during senior year who thinks he’s the shit and is Captain of a team but is failing all of his classes so he can’t actually play?”

Kaeya’s shifted his weight and placed a hand on his chest in mock offense. “I didn’t understand half of what you said but excuse me?”

“You’re excused, feel free to leave.” They told him with a teasing smile to which he shook his head.

“Hell no, I’m not leaving without an explanation.”

[Name] shrugged. “Guess you’ll be here forever then. In the meantime, I’ll be in the next chapter.”

“Next what now?”


Mhm. Chapter. I read far too many fanfics while writing this so it kinda went from a dramatic thing to ending it off by fucking with the fourth wall.

This fanfic has a life of it’s own so I honestly never know when the next chapter is gonna be. Wouldn’t it be funny if I put out two in one night

Tag list! (Closed for the foreseeable future.)


MUAHAHAHA PART 14 OF THE GUIDE! I shall thoroughly corrupt this site with my random posting schedule and desire to receive validation from strangers on the internet!

The Guide is a SAGAU story where instead of being the Creator of Teyvat, [Name] is a player who is seen as a God. 



Kaeya resisted his urge to smirk at The Guide’s obvious annoyance with the floating… Pixie? Fairy? He wasn’t sure but wow was she being glared at with the highest level of annoyance the Captain had ever seen, well, other than that which was often directed towards him.

[Name] rolled their eyes before shifting their gaze to a confused Jean and muttering “I’ll interrogate you later, you main character wannabe.”

Jean lifted an eyebrow but [Name] waved her off. “Don’t worry about it. Now then! Proper conversation about why I am here and what’s gonna happen until I can get home… please?”

Jean nodded “Yes. Of course. If we’re being honest with you, we ourselves aren’t sure how you came to be here. I was aware Albedo was working on a project he hoped would bring you to us but it hasn’t yet been completed and such we also haven’t figured out what would happen to you while you’re here.”

[Name] resisted the urge to make a comment regarding the inefficiency of the Knights but restrained themselves, simply nodding slowly. “So the answer is… you have no clue what the answer is to either of those questions.”

Jean sighed “Yes. Correct.”

[Name] inhaled slowly and exhaled, resisting the urge to yell, knowing Jean likely truly didn’t have the answers. 

“I see. So, I suppose we should start theorizing, yes? I know for a fact that my computer glitched before I came here, saying some shit about how Teyvat welcomes me and then I passed out and ended up here, that’s all I know… well, that and that it felt like my world didn’t respond to me. I had to work harder to open cabinets or zippers, or powder wouldn’t come out of my spice containers… maybe it’s like I lost connection to my world and because I had Genshin open, it connected me here?”

[Name] paused at their own explanation. Honestly they weren’t sure what was happening, they weren’t sure about their own theories. It kinda just felt like it happened because some story writer had an idea and didn’t think through all the logistics before writing the early chapters.

Aether spoke up first “We’ve had displays of something beginning in Teyvat as well. Natural disasters and the like, but last night a meteor shower began that nobody was ready for, similar to before you claim a new vessel.”

A glimmer of confusion made its way onto [Name]’s face before it clicked. Stars in the sky similarly to when they do pulls and gain a new character.

They nodded in response “So we’re still confused on what happened… Why don’t we leave the why for later while we figure out what’s gonna happen in the meantime?”

Jean nodded, this was where she could redeem her previous behavior.

“Of course we can. You’re welcome to stay in Mondstadt and Diluc has already offered to house you at Dawn Winery but we could also prepare you a place at Knights of Favonius headquarters.”

[Name] contemplated the options. Dawn Winery was distant from the main city and that had both positive and negative effects, they would have to have someone travel with them back to the main city and they’d likely feel lonely unless they could befriend some of the NPC’s they didn’t know well, on the other hand they’d likely get a nice room with privacy, they wouldn’t need to worry about someone, most likely Kaeya, barging in, they’d be living at Dawn Winery for archons sake and they’d have more of a chance to slip away and explore.

Now with the Knights, They’d be near some of their favorite characters, be able to truly experience Mondstadt in its entirety and get quicker updates on the progress of research into their return home, but once more there were downsides, little to no privacy as it was in the headquarters, people who expected them to be a god, the sheer number of people in Mondstadt and the noise that comes with it, the fact that they would likely be under constant surveillance and unable to explore on their own.

Quite frankly, based on sheer number of negatives for the headquarters, Dawn Winery seemed like the proper decision and it was so so cliche that [Name] had to avoid picking it purely for the vibes when they finally spoke up.

“I’m guessing either way I would spend most of my time in the city?” They asked. They vaguely registered Razor shifting his seat and noticed he had settled on staring directly at them in a vaguely unsettling manner.

At Jean’s nod, [Name] answered “Dawn Winery. I’d like the peace and quiet in the evenings if I’m going to be here day. Although I wouldn’t mind spending weekends on occasion.

Kaeya smirked "You just wanna see us sleep, don’t you? With the amount you stare and look closely when controlling us, I wouldn’t be surprised, it’s almost endearing.”

Diluc and Jean’s heads both snapped to glare daggers at the blue haired man but [Name] only chuckled.

“Obviously. I really thought we had something from the things you’ve said to me in the past and how could I ever go without your arrogant handsome face? And even at rest? With your permission, I’d love to keep you company while you sleep.”

Their voices were both laced with amusement and a teasing lilt that matched one another, either way it was worth it from the look of horror on Diluc’s face which caused both parties to laugh.

It did take a moment for [Name] to recover enough to speak “Don’t worry, he talked like this to me all the time, at this point it’s part of his charm.”

Diluc balked, his horror only growing as he turned to Kaeya “Have you no respect? They’ve done nothing but serve and assist Mondstadt, even doing your job.”

Kaeya shrugged “And openly simping over half the people they meet. Besides, we’re friends, right [Name]?”

[Name] smiled and nodded, giving a stupid thumbs up as they struggled not to sport a stupid looking grin on their face from joy. “Totally. You’re not getting rid of me that easy considering how much effort I put into you.”

Diluc shuddered and turned back towards [Name]’s smile as they sat, still seated in a surprisingly comfortable chair.

“Regardless of your… familiarity. I thank you for this opportunity to repay you for your service upon Mondstadt and will have a room of your choice prepared for you, however you may like.”

[Name] straighted in their back as they looked around awkwardly. “That…” they struggled while searching for the right word, feels wasteful? Is way too much effort for them? Seems so incredibly privileged? Eventually they settled on something socially acceptable. “Is unnecessary. Any room with a comfortable bed would do, especially considering I’d likely only be sleeping in there.”

Diluc’s face seemed to stiffen. “If you’re sure, Our Guide.”

[Name] nodded “I’m sure.” They told him, turning back to Jean. “Anything else?”

Jean looked between Diluc, Kaeya and the now semi-focused [Name]. “So, you’d like to stay at Dawn Winery while we do our research on what brought you here, yes? That’s the information I needed.” If Jean was being honest with herself, she wanted to leave the meeting as unfinished as possible, perhaps then she could speak with [Name] one on one and get some more personal questions… like why so many of her knights were chosen so early but not herself.

The cocky motherfucker with the eyepatch was the first to speak up. “Do you plan on continuing to assist your vessels? I’d hate to adventure alone after all.”

Arther nodded. “I’m also curious. Commissions are much more enjoyable when you’re here.” And Kaeya chuckled in response. “Oh please, My Guide doesn’t even use you for the commissions themselves, only using you to cash the check of our hard earned work and bonding.”

Arther opened his mouth to speak when Razor finally spoke “Guide only fight with you. Guide travels with me.”

[Name] shook their head. “I’m not doing this argument right now. I would love to come on commissions but first I’d like to get a grasp on my newfound superpowers.”

Paimon grinned and flew directly in front of their face. “Paimon can help with that! We can go to the winery and Master Diluc can have the maids get the room ready while I teach you everything you need to know!”

[Name] nodded. “Sounds good to me. You did say something about needing to teach me how to change vessels so maybe have some others come with as well?”

Kaeya raised his right hand “I volunteer.”

Jean placed her face into one of her palms. “Of course you would. A chance to infuriate Diluc and spend time with The Guide. What could be better?”

Aether raised an eyebrow “Wherever Paimon goes, I’m goin’.”

Razor nodded “I follow Guide. Not leave Guide.”

[Name] sighed and leaned back into the seat. “I guess we’re all going then. To Dawn Winery I suppose?”


Hiya! The response I got was that people wanted it to be romantic which I’m game for, however please request which character you’d like to be included in the harem this will likely turn into

So far I have







•Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax (I’ll figure out what I’ll call him in this story.)








•Raiden Shogun

And these are characters I can think of that are (at least according to google) over 18 but if y'all have suggestions that are 18 or above, I am open to said suggestions.

Please let me know if you really really don’t want this story to be romantic, in which case I will re-evaluate my plans and talk with you about how I can best make it work for everyone who reads this story.

Feel free to leave a like, comment, reblog this, send in an ask or even scroll away if it makes you feel more comfortable but thank you so much for all the support you have given me.

Tag list! (Closed for the foreseeable future.)



Like a week ago I was celebrating 50 followers! NOW IVE GOT 250 HELLO?!

But, as a thank you, here’s an event.

Event is now closed.

How shall we admire you? Our dear Guide.

My idea for this event is as follows.

Send me a basic self/personality description and for those who don’t know what to include, I’ve made a list below


•Some habits (ex. I randomly blurt out insert phrase. I do everything two’s, I stim in this specific way. I do insert thing when anxious.)

•Likes and dislikes

•Positive and toxic traits (two or three of each.)

•Your zodiac sign or MBTI personality type (only if you think it’s fitting for you. It’s just to give the writer a basic grasp of your personality.)

along with some things specific to this event such as

•Your main genshin team

•Your highest genshin kin

•Favorite genshin character

•What kind relationship you want to have with the characters you’ve listed

•If you want your request to be written when you’re inside or outside the game.

And from that I’ll write headcanons and/or scenes of those characters interacting either with you and with each other in a Guide AU setting!

This event runs from May 27th 2022 to June 3rd 2022 so send in a request between now and then.

Feel free to send in your request via an ask (I’m struggling to figure out how anon works so you can absolutely ask me to not show your username) or DM it to me!

Thank you all so much for all the support you guys have continuously shown me and I’m so thankful you all seem to enjoy my content. The likes and comments and interactions as a whole make me so happy to log on and leave me very motivated to make more content, so again, thank you.

PART 13 MY DEAR READERS! Sorry I haven’t posted, I am sick again, but that said! Have part thirteen of The Guide!

The Guide is a SAGAU (Self aware genshin alternate universe) where instead of [Name] being seen as the creator of this world, they’re seen as being a god who helps the world and it’s people flourish.

Also I have a bit of a question for my readers at the end of this chapter so please check that out (just don’t wanna put it here and take up too much space.)



Sun trying to shine through leaves is a pretty sight. It decorates the road in golden light and shines on your face everytime you turn your head up towards the sky. 

It caused Razor’s face to light up as he walked down the path as he lifted his face up and sunlight got into his eyes. 

It reminded them just how real everything felt… No, not felt… Was. How real everything was. They still couldn’t fully wrap their mind around that but they’ll try.

Their thoughts were stolen away by a hand on their shoulder which caused their eyes to drift away from the happy Razor to Aether’s worried gaze.

He took a second to make sure he had their attention before he began to speak. “What were you even thinking, vanishing like that? I was right next to you! You could have woken either of us and we could have kept you company. Do you understand how much you worried everyone back at headquarters?" 

Each word was quiet and hissed out with an emotion [Name] wasn’t quite sure how to translate from his tone but it made them shiver with anxiety and a hint of anger. Just who did he think we was? They thought. Everything he’s done, I’ve guided him through, and for him to think I can’t handle a trip through Mondstadt? How weak does he think I am?

However another portion of their mind made itself known, reminding them of the sheer panic they felt from those Hilichurls, the stinging pain of the Wolfhook in their skin. He’s in the right, their mind whispered, you’re not safe alone. You can’t travel Teyvat alone, take someone who will help you.

They didn’t respond to him during their inner monologue, continuing to walk down the path out of Wolvendom and looking anywhere but Aether.

Eventually his grip on them tightened as he waited for their response which caused [Name] to twist away from his touch and reply. "Ow… Jeez man, emotional instability much? Whatever. I understand it wasn’t the smartest idea but I’m a curious little brat. Hey, I found Razor so I could have been a lot worse.”

Aether shook his head “No, see, that’s the problem. You could have been in great danger if you hadn’t found him. This is Wolvendom! You could have gotten gravely injured…”

“Chillax, Aether. I’m fine. I’ll ask someone to go with me the next time I wander off so I don’t die like Ghostbur.”

Aether raised an eyebrow in confusion but moved on quickly. “That’s not all of what I meant… Do you think we can’t protect you? Is that it? You have made us more than strong enough that your safety is guaranteed.”

[Name] paused for a moment. Made them strong enough? They supposed that made sense, especially considering all the work they’d done for increasing levels and farming ascension materials, not to mention artifacts but [Name] never thought of how it must have looked from their perspective.

“I… I’m sure you all could keep anyone safe, that was part of the purpose after all, but… things just aren’t the same when other people are around.”

Aether only shook his head. “You’ll understand what I mean.. Let’s hurry. Acting Grandmaster Jean is waiting for us.”


It didn’t take long for the quartet to arrive, Razor had moved towards the rear of the group but continued inside with [Name]’s gentle encouragement. 

About an hour after they left Wolvendom, [Name] found themselves in Jean’s office, staring down at Razor who had curled up in one of the seats in a way that made [Name] sure he had back problems. Whatever, their job was to wait patiently for Jean and whoever she decides to bring with her to show up and then decide what’s next in life.

Simple? Right. Right. Of course. Simple is something [Name] values.

But no. Nothing is simple. Everything stops being simple when Jean walks through the door, accompanied by Kaeya and fucking DILUC.

You know those stupid fanfics you can find on Tumblr? You know, the Isekai ones written by chronically online individuals during global pandemics? That’s what this looked like a scene from.

Kaeya and Diluc were sharing glares between each other behind Jean’s back as Razor was curled up on a chair in the corner with Aether standing beside them as Paimon had made herself welcome to the pasta that had likely gone bad but didn’t seem to effect her.

This was very much a Genshin Impact lover’s fever dream and [Name] simply pinched their arm for good measure while Jean took a seat at her desk.

An awkward silence followed before [Name] did what they did best and channeled their years of experience regarding being a social anomaly and simply turned to face Diluc directly.

“Well then, I see my request for you to go back to the manor and stay there wasn’t very well received based on that glare on your face. You know, your hair is more of a wreck than usual, did you get any sleep Oh great Darknight Hero?" 

Perhaps their friends were right when they said [Name] would get themselves decked for their snarky mouth.

Luckily for them, today was not that day.

Diluc turned to look at them and the glare melted off his aggressive face.

He stared only for a moment before quickly dropping to his knees, causing Kaeya to roll his eyes and Aether to stiffen beside them.

Diluc didn’t dare risk a glance upwards as his spoke. 

"Your Grace, Our Dearest Guide, The Greatest Protector of Mondstadt.” Ax Diluc began his speech, Kaeya lifted a hand and moved it as though he was controlling a sock puppet, making his head mouth along with Diluc’s words and Kaeya’s face mocked the monologue.

“There is no proper apology I can offer for how gravely I treated you. I behaved as though you may be a common criminal and I can only pray you forgive my trespasses and continue protecting Mondstadt despite the transgressions I have played upon you.”

It took [Name] a second to respond, trying to make it make sense in their own head and not laugh at Kaeya’s dramatic interpretation. 

“First of all, wow that sounds like a bible verse. Second of all, what the fuck are you talking about? Dude you were doing your job, I looked more suspicious than a boss battle room that has yet to load the enemy. Third of all, Greatest Protector of Mondstadt? Bitch, what am I? An Avenger? A Game of Thrones character? Enough with the titles.”

After about five seconds, Diluc still had yet to stand and [Name] rolled their eyes to the ceiling, muttering under breath for the first sentence.

“Gods give me patience. Diluc, stand up, now.”

They laced their second phrase with as much command as they could and watched in awe at themselves as he stood, well, stood isn’t the right term.

You know how games sometimes glitch with the phrase and suddenly you’re halfway across the room?

One moment he was on both knees, his hands clasped together and eyes likely shut and the next he had stood up to his full height, his eyes wide open with admiration perhaps as he stared into their own eyes.

A giggle and a clap echoed through the room from Paimon as she grinned.

“You’ve finally learned the basis of verbal control!” She exclaimed with joy.

Everyone else in the room had simply paused so [Name] took this chance to finish their original sentence as well as they could.

“Regardless. You have nothing to apologize, you haven’t changed my view on Mondstadt, my name is [Name] so please use it and unless you are going to help explain my situation, please leave.”

[Name] glanced in the direction of the Calvary Captain.

“You too. If all you’re gonna do is mock your not brother brother and drive me slowly insane, then begone thot. I have things to do and worlds to return to you.”

It took a moment for the room to settle down, Kaeya, Diluc and Aether remained standing as Jean offered [Name] a seat and [Name] noticed Razor had sat up and was watching the situation closely.

It then was another few seconds of silence before Paimon spoke up, floating behind [Name]’s surprisingly comfortable chair.

“Well, You’ve figured out verbal control so I guess the next thing we teach you is how to change your vessel, huh?”

[Name]’s head turned to face her once more. 

“What the hell do you mean? And you better not just end the chapter here and make me wait days for no explanation.”


WELL! I LIVE! Still sick so not quite alive but close enough. 

Question for you guys, you can answer by sending in an ask(if anon isnt working, feel free to request I don’t show your username. I haven’t figured out how to get Anon to work.), DM'ing me or leaving a comment, should this story’s overarching character relationship theme be platonic, romantic or unspecified?

Obviously there will be characters that have a platonic relationship with [Name], such as Razor and Klee and Bennett and so on and so forth, but depending on the shift the story takes, the relationship may be a different kind of family relationship. 

I don’t want to write something with romantic tones and have a majority of my readers be uncomfortable because they are aro or they headcanon [Name] as being too young for that character or they just want to have a completely non romantic story, but I also don’t want people waiting for romance to develop that will never develop or growing bored of the fanfic or just flat out really wanting romantic content with Guide AU.

Anyway! Feedback of any kind is appreciated! Feel free to like, comment, reblog, send in an ask or even just scroll away if it makes you more comfortable.

Tag list! (Closed for the foreseeable future.)


(If I spelled your name wrong, you have full permission to send me some sort of meme of violence upon me while fixing my inability to spell. Also for the people who have asked recently, I’m sorry but the taglist is closed.

Well, chapter twelve, genuinely didn’t think I’d get this far. So! Part 12 of The Guide!

The Guide is an SAGAU (Self aware genshin alternate universe) where [Name], instead of being the Creator of the world, is seen as a god who cares for Teyvat from their actions as the Player.

Also, I am closing the tag list for now. I may open it again in the future but for now, it’s closed and I am free.



If [Name] decided not to spare their pride for a moment, they would admit the fact that being in Razor’s presence was a bit awkward but luckily, or unluckily, depends on who you ask, [Name] was an expert in awkward situations.

“Thank you for helping me.” They told him which caused his head to jolt up and shake rapidly. 

“No, no, Guide helped Razor. Razor do the same!”

[Name] jolted at the level of anxiety in his voice and frowned before speaking again with as gentle a tone as they could. “I didn’t do very much, Razor, but you helped keep me safe, just like you always have… so thank you.” They gave him a smile in the hopes of easing his tense shoulders.

He only looked back at the cooking pot and frowned to himself before letting out a low rumbling sound. 

[Name] wasn’t sure where the information came from but they knew the feeling he was trying to get across, a feeling of debt and loyalty, but nothing was owed and [Name] had only ruined his life, hadn’t they?

But that didn’t stop them from trying to comfort or distract the teenager. “Well then, what are you working on?”

He gave a slight smile “Razor makes human food for Guide. Doesn’t know what you want…" 

They simply nodded, realizing communication would be a bit of a struggle. "Any kind of food sounds good and I’m sure it’ll taste good. I trust you on that.”

The mention of trust seemed to be what helped him the most, his formerly taut shoulders loosening and moving backwards as he moved himself in some sort of prideful upper body movement that [Name] wasn’t sure how to describe.

“Yes. Razor is trusted. Razor trusts Guide. We… friends?”

[Name] smiled. “Of course we’re friends if you want to be.”

Razor nodded, apparently satisfied with the development, as he adjusted something the pot that [Name] couldn’t quite see.

It was then that [Name] took his opportunity to ask some questions.

“How did you know where I was, Razor?”

“Teyvat told pack, pack told me. Teyvat told all that listen.” His response was mildly concerning but they supposed made sense, the system glitch or whatever that brought them here was likely felt by those in the world.

“What did Teyvat say?” They asked him slowly and winced at his reply.

“Said Teyvat’s owner here. Said Guide need be safe.”

Need be safe? [Name] thought to themselves. I’m always safe, when I’m actually faced with danger myself… my team can handle that.

“So Razor made Guide safe. Hilichurls are danger so stay with Razor.”

Razor’s voice shook them out of their thoughts but also caused some worry, the last thing they’d want now is to cause harm to any members of their team, especially on their behalf, so they shook their head.

“I hate to say it but I can’t constantly stay with you. You can visit me while I’m here but I really want to meet new people and staying in Wolvendom won’t let me do that.”

Razor seemed to take a minute to process that before speaking again “Razor will be with Guide. Guide need not be alone.”

[Name] chuckled at that. “You can’t go with me everywhere but I’d love to travel with you." 

He grinned a toothy grin and then redirected his gaze to the cooking pot. "Food almost done, then Guide eat.”

They sighed in resignation and nodded. “Yes. I’ll eat. I swear though, y'all have some plan on feeding me good food so much that I physically cannot eat anything else.”

Razor didn’t seem to be listening, instead going through the work of putting out the fire he was using to cook.

[Name] was half convinced people who cooked outdoors and made good food were the gods, not them, but they ignored the amusing passing thought and only watched in silence.

They took the time with Razor distracted to think through their game plan for the day.

‘One, I need to eat with Razor and get him relaxed enough that I can either bring him into Mondstadt or have him leave me be. Two, I need to return to Mondstadt and speak with Jean and Aether about how I’ll return to Earth. Three… See about completing the well this won’t be awkwardquest.’

Speaking of the well this won’t be awkward quest, [Name] was pulled from their thoughts to Razor offering them the now cooled down cooking pot.

“Wait, were you not gonna eat?”

Razor shook his head “Razor will not eat, food for Guide.”

[Name] groaned in annoyance and shoved the pot back at him. “Eat your fair share and then I’ll eat, you need food too. You’re a growing teenager for gods sake!”

Razor flinched back before slowly pulling the meal into his hands. “Thank you..” he told them, sounding a bit hesitant.

[Name] waved him off and instead focused on the sounds of the forest, with the sun coming up over the trees, the birds began their songs while other animals either started or ended their day depending on their habits.

It was beautiful to listen to, each chirp chiming together and relaxing them, they were almost certain they could understand the meanings of the sounds, as if they were in a crowd and making out conversations.

“Did you hear what the Windrise squirrels said?" 

"The Player! Teyvat calls for you!”

“ Aww, I understand Teyvat cares but why can’t we keep them?”

“Stupid two-legs, always stinking up the air with smoke.”

“I’m not explaining to Bluestar what I’m doing.”

“Wolf Child meets The Guide… How could you not enjoy the sight?”

Each conversation felt real, instead of imagining it, they felt as though they were truly understanding the conversations that they always wanted to.

It took a moment for Razor to finish eating but upon looking up, he gave a gentle smile at the sight of their confused expression.

“You hear them?” He asked, slightly amused.

“Hear what?” They questioned in return and glared slightly when he laughed.

“The creatures. The world. It likes you. You hear it?”

Realization dawned on them. They weren’t imaging their understanding, they honest to goodness could understand the words of the animals around them.

“Holy shit… Maybe I am a Disney princess after all.”

Razor tilted his head and opened his mouth to voice his confusion when a voice rang out from behind them. 

“Your Grace! Why on Teyvat did you run off?!”

[Name] turned to look behind them only to see a very worn out and panicked Aether with an exhausted Paimon floating behind him.

“[Name]… Please… Never run off like that again. I had to ask Teyvat where you were.” Paimon whined out her complaints as she reached [Name]’s side.

[Name] couldn’t help themselves from giving a full chested laugh. “HAHA! PFFT. It- hahah- its your fault you- pfft- didn’t wake up- hehe.” Their laughter slowed as they looked him in the eyes and saw just how concerned and frazzled he truly seemed.

Eyes wide without his scarf and his hair an absolute wreck, his clothes were twisted the wrong way and his shoes seemed to be moments from falling off his feet.

They stood slowly and walked over. “Aether… Hey, I’m sorry I worried you but I’m okay now, Razor kept me safe.”

What [Name] didn’t notice was the self assured grin Razor gave the blond.

Aether straighted his back and grabbed their hand. 

“We should head back to Mondstadt. Now. Acting Grandmaster Jean is ready to meet with you whenever you’re ready.”

[Name] grinned and turned back to Razor.

“Brilliant. Razor! Why don’t you come with us? You don’t have to if you don’t want and I promise I won’t leave you to your own devices!”

Their smile caught both of the boys off guard and the two quickly found themselves agreeing.

Paimon simply snickered before flying towards the path. “Well then, what are we waiting for? A yes? It’s not like Teyvat will ever tell it’s master no.”

[Name] glanced in Paimon’s direction as they followed the floating being down the road. “What do you mean by that? You keep referencing Teyvat as a living being.”

Paimon chuckled once more and sped up her flying, leaving the trio to attempt to catch up.


Okay so, this was a bit boring but I got it out there so chapter thirteen can some fun scenes.

Now then! Feel free to like, comment, send in an ask or even a request or reblog, or just click away if it makes you feel more comfortable. Just know I love seeing what you guys think of my work and thank you so much for reading!

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synopsis:Dilf Kaeya. That’s it.

pairing: Kaeya x fem!reader, feat your daughter

tw:fluff, a little bit suggestive at the end, established relationship, people try to hit on your husband.

word count:1.5k+ words

author’s note:Dilf Kaeya was sitting in my head for weeks now, I just want this man to have a daughter…


Dilf Kaeya who aged like a good wine both in looks and personality. The man many didn’t believe would ever start a family, yet here he is, happily married and with a child, a sweet princess with his blue jay hair and your pretty eyes. The girl, whom adores the whole Mondstadt from the common citizens to the knights at the Favonius headquarters.

Dilf Kaeya who often takes her with him to work whenever she misses him too strongly, and lets her roam the building with the promise she won’t bother busy people much. He is so proud when Lisa tells him his daughter helped her in the library or when Jean praises her for organizing some papers in her study. He himself is always happy if she decides to stay with him, climbing into his lap and curiously watching the quill in his hand moving across the papers.

Dilf Kaeya who carries her home in his arms if she falls asleep, her head resting on his shoulder, looking like an angel. Who carefully passes her body into your arms and watches you kiss her forehead, softly smiling and murmuring how hard she must’ve worked.

Dilf Kaeya who brings you closer into his side with an arm wrapped around your waist as you two quietly close the door to her bedroom. His lips touch your temple and you giggle at the affection turning to him and kissing him properly.

Dilf Kaeya who laughs embarrassed when you remind him of a story from the times your girl was but a baby and tried to latch onto his chest in search of milk. His chest did become bigger and wider as the years passed, adding to him being freaking hot, and becoming an object of your teasing jokes of him actually being the mom. He always argues, saying he’d never be a better mommy than you, starting a playful banter with you no matter where you can be.

Dilf Kaeya who draws attention to himself even more now, looking all ravishing and sexy as a grown man, though his own flirting has decreased considerably from the moment he married and started a family with you. However, there are suitors that still try to catch his eye and some can be really… persistent.

Dilf Kaeya, who finally has his horses back in stables and can take his princess out for the rides. Sometimes you join the two, but often you let them have father-daughter bonding moments. Kaeya is thrilled to have the alone time with her, especially after almost a week of being swarmed with paperwork and neverending patrols. Her small body is pressed firmly into dad’s chest and she keeps her hands on top of his arms as the man holds the horse’s reins. He can tell she is having great fun, turning her head from side to side.

Dilf Kaeya who gets concerned when she points to the left and says she sees hilichurls surrounding someone. His first instinct is to ride away to assure her safety, but he is a knight, he ought to help people. So, he leaves the horse hidden in the bushes and asks the girl to wait for him, to which she nods in understanding, promising to not move an inch from her position. He is so lucky, the Cavalry Captain thinks, as he smooches her cheek and rushes to help whoever is in trouble.

Dilf Kaeya who gets hit on the moment the young woman is saved. The man smiles through her blubbering of ‘thank you’s and ‘you are my hero’s, not batting an eye at her attempts to flirt with him. He literally offered her a hand, the one with the wedding ring on it, to help stand up, clearly it should be enough to show he is taken.

Dilf Kaeya who again and again tells the woman he is not interested, as he turns around and tries to walk off and back to his daughter, ignoring the offers of the woman’s company who is following him all the way back to the place where he left the horse and the girl.

“Daddy, is that a woman you saved?” she asks curiously, playing with the braid you made her in the morning. Kaeya gives her a loving smile, brushing his own thicker and longer braid over his shoulder. The manloves matching with her.

“Yes, my lily, and she is leaving already. Wanna go home to mommy?”

The girl hums, brushing her fingers through the stallion’s mane, pondering his offer over.

“I want to, but can we ride for a little bit longer?”

“Of cour-”

“Oh, that’s great! She can go and have fun, while we have ours!” Kaeya almost forgot about the other human’s presence, that is until she wraps her arms around his and squeezes it to her chest.

Dilf Kaeya whose eye turns icy cold as he glances to the side, piercing the stunned woman with a glare. What? Does she really believe he’ll take her offer and decieve you? The woman who accepts his past and his imperfections, the woman to whom he willingly gave his heart and received her in return, the woman who loves him to the point of accepting his marriage proposal and having a cute little girl? And all of that just to hook with someone he barely knows? Does she think he is an idiot? No one has ever been this bold and something inside the ever patient and collected man snaps. He is annoyed now.

“Lady, I tell you once again, I am not interested. And please, be appropriate, my child is right here.”

His voice is very calm but alarmingly chilly, the touch is firm and freezing when he pries her from around him and grabs the horse’s reins, ready to leave.

“The fact my wife isn’t present doesn’t mean you have a chance and right to hit on me. This,” he lifts his hand and shows his ring “is here not for fancy, it has purpose. Now, since I can clearly see you have no other issues, we’ll excuse ourselves. Goodbye.”

Dilf Kaeya who doesn’t pay much attention to the situation, only glancing at you the moment your daughter mentions the strange encounter in her description of the walk. Busy with tending to her, brushing her hair and listening to her stories curiously, you only hum and say that her daddy is a real hero and that you are very proud of him. No further questions, comments or worries.

Dilf Kaeya who kisses you deeply, silencing your sinful moans which he himself is drilling out of you with his cock. It’s the dead of the night, he can allow himself to relax, holding your trembling body in his embrace. Kaeya is aware there are people who could think of him being unfaithful, but he is also aware they are dead wrong. He knows you know he is devoted to you and only you in the sense of heart, body, mind and soul, however damned they can appear to be.

Dilf Kaeya, who takes your hand in his and kisses the back of it, not halting the thrusting of his hips for a moment. Smooth lips brush over your lovely fingers in a soft murmur.

"Thank you for trusting me, love.”

To which you breathlessly chuckle, giving his hand a squeeze and bringing the other to cup his check.

“You’ve been nothing but loyal to me, Kaeya. Of course I do trust you. I married an amazing man after all.”

Amazing, huh? Hearing your speak so fondly of him and gazing at him with nothing but adoration in your eyes, he knows, it’ll be okay. You always call him brilliant, smart, beautiful, lovely, handsome, sexy, witty, sometimes crazy, pouty, irresponsible, silly, in recent years you even picked up after Lisa and started to call him a dilf in a teasing manner, and honestly, your words are the only opinion he takes and considers in regards to your relationship. He knows you know he is all of the things you name him and you equally adore each part of him and he feels the same about you.

Dilf Kaeya whose fingers intertwine with yours in a comforting manner, whose lips meld with yours in a passionate dance, whose body presses incredibly close to yours in the deepest form of intimacy. There is no way he’d ever abandon what he has with you, you give him too many things to treasure, the greatest ones wrapping around your ring fingers in the form of golden bands and one more soundly sleeping in her own room.

Dilf Kaeya is the man who has always been desirable in the eyes of others. He is aware that many people find him alluring now specifically because they view him as a sexy dad. Does he care about having the appeal of being a hot parent? Not really, but it does become irritating when people get too handsy. After all, he is reserved only for his wife and daughter and for you two he does care.

Ropes of red – your help in bed

synopsis:Diluc is a selfless lover, always putting your needs before his and neglecting himself in the process. Fortunately, you learned how to deal with it…
pairing:Diluc x fem!reader
tw:smut, bondage, dry humping, slight breeding kink, established relationship
word count: 2,7k+ words
author’s note: you can all thank @umiwu​ for thirsting in the comments of my headcannons and accidentally giving me a brainrot with that, which resulted in this smutty piece. Enjoy!

“You are being unfair.”

Tense muscles push against his pale skin in attempts to gain freedom for the arms. The failure to do so causes a soft chuckle of yours and a feather-like touch, tracing each scar – fresh and long faded – with delicacy and affection. You gaze down at your husband with amusement, not even hiding how much fun you have with having him tied and under you.

“Says who?” You hum, fingertips running down his arm and to his jaw, to rub a thumb against the bone softly. “The man who held me down by these strong arms and licked three orgasms out of me? Who is the unfair one here, hm, love?”

Your poor overstimulated pussy is still aching and pulsating after his tongue and fingers abused your clit and walls in the best way possible. Even now his lips shine with your juices – a proof the man made you see stars for three freaking times, not giving you a second to rest. It is truly a wonder that you managed to wrestle him down and tie his arms eventually.

You swipe your thumb across his lips, feeling the wet flesh and experimentally pushing on the bottom one. Just staring at them makes you clench around nothing and it’s rightfully annoying. Not only can this man make you lust and crave for him on a daily basis, but he was being unfair by depriving you of his cock!

Which is curving on his stomach, hard and throbbing, clearly denied the pleasure of release. Diluc is a passionate and selfless lover, he always prioritizes your needs over his, be it any mundane thing or sex. It may seem sweet, and it is, but you are so mad at him sometimes for not letting you do the same to him.

Or actually were. These days it’s gotten better, after years spent together and, moreso, being married now. Diluc learnt to accept affection and pleasure, but he is still a giver through and through, so he does tend to go overboard while bringing you to cloud nine, yet keeping himself from a much needed release. This is why you introduced him to the concept of bondage, with his explicit consent of course. Luckily, your husband absolutely has a soft spot for you, so it was relatively easy to convince him to at least try. It is nothing too extreme, usually just his arms tied to make it quick and immobilize him as soon as possible, but sometimes you take your time, wrapping delicate red ropes around his body, creating the most intricate patterns with it.

Now you practice it quite often. Even if Diluc acts annoyed every time you secure his wrists to pay attention to his body properly, you are extremely good at reading your husband to know he actually enjoys it. His body speaks for him.

You glance at his dick again. He is pulsating, the vein on the underside looks so delicious and his angry red head is leaking pearly beads of precum. You need to feel him, to feel his length pushing against you, the heat of his body consuming you whole. He radiates it so intensively, you think he is going to burn the ropes to get his hands on you. But you know your husband keeps his word. If it’s your turn to caress and love him – he’ll comply.

Your clit throbs at the realization that the man, who is strong enough to wield a claymore, to keep you safe, to keep the whole Mondstadt and its people safe, is at your complete mercy, with arms tied above his head and chest rising and falling in anticipation for what you are about to do. It’s you who makes him feel like that, it’s you at whom his loving gaze is cast, it’s only you who makes his heart drum in his chest, and it’s only you to whom he’ll always succumb without hesitation. 

You want him so badly, it is hard to not abandon teasing and just ride him on spot. But you want to take it slow, to build up the tension, so the release will feel mind-blowing. A little caress of his cheek, fingertips ghosting over the pinkish skin and then traveling down his throat, feeling the Adam’s apple bob. Then giving a small scrape of your nails on his hard shoulders which always makes his breath hitch, and splaying your palms over his wide chest. The heart is beating so tangibly, as if it is trying to jump out and into your loving hands. You are taking such good care of it along with his soul and body, Diluc is happy for entrusting them to you and he couldn’t wish for more. Well, maybe only for the ability to touch you.

Bracing yourself against his chest you bring your thighs closer to his. Your gazes lock, flames in his eyes flickering, igniting desire, and then you push yourself against him. Diluc throws his head back as you grind your hips and rub your pussy along the length of his dick, biting your lip and whining when your clit catches on his veins or head.

Diluc feels like he is burning. The proximity of you, his wife, his beloved, is excruciating without an ability to touch you, to feel you, to caress you. To bring you closer to his eager mouth and kiss every part of your perfect body, to hold you against him so tightly that your heartbeats would merge and raspy breaths become one… But he can only watch you using him to stimulate yourself, to drag your wet slit along his shaft, giving it just enough pressure to make Diluc clench his jaw as pleasure courses through his body. You look so beautiful on top of him, skin glowing with sweat, head slightly tilted back, mouth agape as soft pants leave it and fill the air with sexual tension. The redhead always thinks he is ready to snap at times like this, to tear his restrains or burn them to ashes just to free his hands and put them on your breasts, outline the perfect swell of them, or glide his wide palms over your hips, sensually grabbing the backside and helping you move… Yet he always holds himself back. The pleasure is about both of you, and you made him understand and remember it.

“Why, mmm, so quiet?” You ask breathlessly against his collarbone, a teasing lilt in your voice sending a shiver down his spine. Your hips are rocking back and forth, coating him in the juices escaping your sopping cunt, and lips are kissing all over his chest and up to his neck, leaving small lovebites to decorate his skin. Diluc wills himself to focus on reality, fighting through the fog in his mind and lifting his head to look at you again.

“Just admiring my wife, who looks so ethereal on top of me,” he doesn’t mean it to sound so cheesy, but in his dreamy state he simply speaks the truth. The blush that creeps on your cheeks and a giddy smile makes him realize you are fluttered. By his words. “And thinking,” he adds with a strain in his voice, “that she is going to make me cum pretty soon.”

Your movements falter, hands accidentally squeezing his pecs, making him bite his lip. Panting, you still completely, slightly lifting yourself to glance between your bodies. Oh Archons, you’ve made such a mess of him.

“O-oh, it seems you are right… We wouldn’t want your seed to go to waste though, right, love?” You hum as if in thought, softly wrapping your fingers around the shaft to pump it a couple of times and line it with your needy hole. Ah, so you want him to cum inside… You truly are unfair, awakening his desire to fill you up and hopefully succeed in what you two have been dreaming of for months now.

He has to grit his teeth once more when you slowly but surely slide down his girth, whining and moaning at how full he is making you feel. Free hand slides down to his stomach, fingers curling in a fist as you sink lower and lower. By the time he is fully snuggled between your tight walls, the temperature in the room has gone up tenfold compared to the moment when you just started. You are not bothered in the least as you bend down and practically press your body to his, catching his lips in a searing kiss. The man tugs on the restraints impatiently, leaning forward as much as he can, marrying your mouths like his life depends on their union.

“Please… move…” the prayer is almost inaudible against your mouth, but you heed. You kiss him deeply one more time and, digging your knees into the mattress, start to rock your hips again, fucking yourself on him. Soon you are bouncing on his cock, back arched and mouth producing the sweetest moans only his wife can make.

Diluc’s head hits the pillow, all muscles strain and mind goes almost blank with the sensation of your tight walls wrapping around him. He is fucking close to reaching his high, each time you lower yourself all the way down and tighten on purpose he has a hard time not to curse. His mouth must sing you praises, yet there is only one prayer swirling on his tongue.

He loves you so much, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you-

White bliss enters his vision as white paints your velvet walls. Diluc is twitching and groaning as release washes over him like a wave, with your pussy milking him of everything he has to offer. But he is still painfully hard, you can feel it, slowing down until your movements stop completely.

Suddenly the ropes are loose around his wrists. Long wide fingers catch yours, thumb feeling the metal band on a ring finger, while the other hand reaches right to your hip, red strings still clinging onto his skin. He looks lovely though, red hair, messily splayed on the pillow, red eyes, clouded with desire as they gaze at you, red cheeks and neck, and these pretty red things loosely hanging off of his arms. The sight only you have the privilege to witness, and Archons do you feel like luck adores you.

“Your legs must be tired,” he softly murmurs, voice a bit hoarse, but so sexy. You feel your ass being lifted by his legs being positioned to give him enough support. “Please, let me help you.”

‘Help you’, not 'handle it’. You love it when your husband cooperates. You are not tired at all, but when your lover offers to aid you so sweetly, you do not have a heart to tell him no. With a soft nod of yours and a kiss pressed to your knuckles, the Pyro user starts to move. Pressing a hand onto his chest, the one that is not occupied with holding his, you are trying your best to find a perfect pace to work in sync with your husband, and very soon you succeed. Room fills with filthy sounds of skin slapping against skin, your uncontrolled sounds and Diluc’s loud grunts, vibrating out of his chest and all the way to your core.

“Ah! Like this! Ooooh, yes, mmm, Diluc~” you mewl and moan as your husband relentlessly snaps his hips and thrusts his cock into your tight heat. He is on a mission to bring you to your fourth orgasm, but this time he’ll make sure you’ll finish together. He knows he is close again, he needs to make you approach your breaking point faster.

With a hand still firmly planted on your hip he keeps your body in place and continues fucking into you, ignoring how your nails bite into the back of his other hand, as you try to ground yourself at least somehow.

All is thrown out of the window when he manages to reach a thumb to rub your clit, adding more pleasure to what his dick is already giving you, hitting all of your sensitive spots. It’s so easy to snap like that and you happily give in, throwing your head back and gushing around him with a sweet scream tumbling from your lips. Your orgasm triggers his own and he empties himself inside with a quiet moan.

Your groin is glued to his as you struggle to overcome your high. It feels like fireworks in your tummy are exploding, blinding you and it’s a bit too much for you to handle. You register a reassuring squeeze of your hand though, fingers still intertwined and tightly so. Diluc helps you lower yourself on top of him, welcoming your weight gratefully, pressing his lips to the top of your head and wrapping an arm around your waist. You are lying like this, sweaty and hot, heavily breathing and trying to calm down. Right now you feel no desire to get out of this embrace to prepare a bath, and your lover shares the sentiment, lazily grazing your spine with his fingertips.

You glance at him only when you feel a movement. Diluc straightens his legs and brings one hand to push his wet bangs away from his face, and it looks so hot. You draw a small heart on the left side of his chest with your finger, and joyfully see him smile and then feel the same heart being drawn on the small of your back. 

The man hums, running the hand down his face, massaging his eyelids a little. To his surprise the first thing his eyes focus on after is a smirk tugging on your lips. He lifts an eyebrow in question and your smirk only grows bigger.

“Hey, love, want a funny story?”

“Really now?” He groans, throwing an arm over his eyes. You are definitely up to something and he is not sure he is ready to deal with it right now.

“Oooh, believe me, you are gonna like this one. Remember that strange rumor going around the manor?” You notice him peek at you from under the limb. Oh, so now he is interested and listening to you. Good. “Yeah, the one about a man with his helpless wife. And guess what? I caught two maids talking yesterday and it appears that the main characters of the rumor are…” you pause dramatically to create an intrigue, but fail when Diluc pinches your buttcheek and you yelp in surprise. Giving him a dirty look and receiving only an innocent smile, you roll your eyes. “Okay, okay, you, impatient man. It’s us. These,” you tug at the ropes abandoned on the bed after Diluc completely shook them off, “were somehow discovered and they assumed I am the one getting tied! At the complete mercy of my big and strong husband, so poor and helpless. Oh, if only they knew the passion I deal with and the girth I manage to fit inside, they wouldn’t think I am so fragile. I wonder how to make you moan loudly for them to get the opposite idea…”

You don’t fail to notice the blush creeping back onto his milky skin as he hides behind his arm again. Giggling and cooing, you litter his chin and nose with small kisses and hear him murmur quietly.

“Now it makes sense why they’ve been looking so strangely at us…”

“Aw, it’s not that bad. Honestly, we are lucky the rumors haven’t gotten to one particular Cavalry Captain yet,” you hum, playing with a wedding band on your husband’s finger. “He would not let you live it down if he knew you partook in some kinky stuff.”

Please do not word it like that,” Diluc groans, bringing his arms around you to carefully grab your rear and slide his softened cock out.

“Or what?” you challenge him, holding onto his shoulders and gazing right into his eyes. In your peripheral vision something red flashes, and before you can react your wrists are brought together in front of your chest and the ropes are securely wrapped around them a couple of times. Oh, this hasn’t happened in awhile.

“Well, my dear helpless wife…”

You can find out.


synopsis: the story of a man through the eyes of his falcon

pairing and characters: Diluc x fem!reader, feat Diluc’s falcon aka the Narrator. Crepus and Kaeya are mentioned

tw: unusual form of narration, angst, kind of hurt/comfort, character’s death.

word count: 2k words

author’s note: this work is one of my expirements I really wanted to try and write. As a fan of the film “A Dog’s Journey” I just couldn’t pass the opportunity to make a narration of Diluc’s life from the point of view of his lovely bird. How it became angst along the way? I have no idea.

Off note but falcon’s lifespan in captivity can be up to 25 years! Since there is no information of when Diluc got his bird companion, I headcannon it around ten or so years.


There always were flames in her life. At first there were two - a big one and a small one. When the big one made noise, the sound seemed to come from deep within, while the small one sounded much higher, cradling her in the warmth.

Hands, she learned quickly, growing accustomed to being held by those tiny soft things, not looking like her wings at all, with five strange sprouts each. Hands were good - they gave her food, they gently petted her, they carried her around. She felt so dependent on them, being so small and fragile, and not once had they failed her trust.

As she was getting older and her eyes were becoming sharper, she started to observe more. That flame, that she first saw as a flash of fire, didn’t feel like flame at all. It strangely spread down and not up and was very soft. Maybe those were feathers? They must’ve been, they were on top of the head and she saw a lot how both big and small preened them strangely. Maybe she could pluck one and see? 

Indeed she once tried to grab it with her beak and tag - the small one holding her yelped, hands reaching to press to the side of the head. The sound surprised her and she flapped her wings, ruffling the red and trying to fly up.

Ah, right. Red. She saw a lot of that, with two humans who regularly tended to her. There was red on top of their heads, there was red in their eyes and they sometimes carried some red things on their bodies. It didn’t burn.

Out of the two the smaller human spent more time with her and soon he started to make things with her. He’d let her fly off his hand and then call back with a piece of delicious meat prepared for each time. Weeks later he’d start to make her do more difficult stuff, but she didn’t mind at all - he was being nice to her and the bond was growing.

Ah, there also was another small human with him at all times. While he didn’t look like one of the flames, he resembled the dark sky before the thunderstorm. His skin was colder and limbs were trembling a little when he tried to hold her for the first couple of times, but her human’s presence calmed him down gradually, she could sense it.

Her human… The realization came naturally. One moment he was simply the one who provided her with means to survive and then he became the one she started to treasure and consider a part of her flock. It felt nice actually, and, as much as a bird can enjoy another creature’s company, she did.

Then suddenly there was only one flame left. The thunderstorm was not there anymore too, and the shift she felt in her human worried her. One day he whistled and made her follow him, far far away from their home to somewhere unknown. Soon, her master’s pale complexion and red feathers started to associate with snow and blood, seeping through the cold unforgiving whiteness as bodies - one looking like the other - laid here and there. 

During these wanderings it was the first time she witnessed the vicious wildfire burn in his eyes and it didn’t cease for years. There were now more commands to follow given by a stern and cold voice, yet, in the times of short-lived peace, with her he was the same, same petting, same praising tone of his voice coming back whenever she did good, same warmth, even if it all felt on edge.

She had no idea how much time had passed but they finally returned home. It was nice to soar in the same skies and see familiar faces around. The blazing in his eyes shifted to a calm campfire, flaring up only if annoying “wood” was put into it. Her master started to spend much more time inside but never forgot about her. For that she felt thankful.

The human of a thunderstorm appeared in their lives again. He changed, he felt much colder and hurt, and in his eye she saw nothing. At times when her master and that human communicated, the first was very tense, something that never happened between the two before. She couldn’t ask questions, and even if she could, she wasn’t sure she’d dare to.

It was like that for some time, she’d usually be outside, flying and hunting, and he’d be cooped inside the house or in the city. Only when the night fell would he actively roam the streets within the walls, being closely followed by her. 

No changes were happening, until one day she saw her master close to another human. You looked different from him in physique, but similar to those humans that tended to try and cling to him in the city or that one with feathers of wheat color and eyes of clearest lakes he used to interact with a lot.

She saw you more and more together from her position high in the sky, but she never approached the two of you, not sure what to do with you and not being trained to. It all changed when one day you said something to her master and then pointed at her. Red eyes darted to look up too and soon a piercing whistle tore through the air. With a resounding cry of acknowledgement she redirected her route, dark wings swooping down to the two. However, much to her surprise, her master was holding your arm for her to perch on.

Without any objections - not like she could possibly think of one - she flew right to the offered limb and gracefully landed, being very mindful of her own claws.

You… felt soft. While her human felt solid and rough, you were very soft and smooth. Later she’d find out that many parts of your body were very soft, as she found herself cradled in its warmth a lot. Your voice was so calming and soothing, with some kind of emotion to it. Later she noticed the same emotion in her master’s tone too whenever he talked to you.

Once the initial surprise of meeting and having you around faded, time started to pass as usual once again. You became a part of her master’s life and that meant hers too. Changes were happening though - she could sense the stiffness in his body lessen, the edge in his voice becoming smoother and all of that positively intensified if you were right by his side. She thought that was a very good thing. Her master started to feel like her human once again and she couldn’t be more content.

Not only the changes within occured - you moved into the house her human shared with those black and white people only; that thunderstorm dark-feathered man started to visit again and it finally didn’t feel like a string of a bow was about to snap; the ever silent building where you now were residing was beginning to fill with more noise and vividness. 

After one of such times of vivacity, her human and you started to wear strange metal things on your hands - the sun would reflect in them and never fail to catch her attention. Having zero idea about human customs she still somehow knew that you were mates now. Accepting you to her flock and sharing her human with you didn’t feel all that bad. You were special.

A couple of years after she noticed a new strange thing - your middle area got bigger and as time passed you got rounder and rounder. She saw you a lot outside: alone, with humans of white and black or with her human. The latter always had his arms around you, as if helping you to walk. The line under his beak - his nose - was stretched more often, she hadn’t seen it a lot since the times when there still were two flames.

The general mood within the winery shifted and she knew - something new and exciting was coming and both of you were very eager for it to finally happen.

Until there was only one left. You. 

You were still big in your stomach area when she flew through the window of your bedroom that evening. You were shaking, face hidden behind your palms and you were miserably whimpering as the dark-feathered man rubbed your shoulders in attempts to calm you down. He was kneeling beside your armchair and she couldn’t see his face, but the atmosphere was oppressive.

Not understanding what could’ve possibly put you in a state of despondency, she moved her head from side to side trying to locate the source of your stress. There, in the corner closest to the two people in the room she notices him - snow white and almost transparent her human was standing.

Something about seeing him like that and noticing how longing his gaze was, cast upon you, made everything click in her mind. 

She moved towards you at the very moment he made the first step. She perched on the armrest when he stopped in front of your still shaking body. She tagged on your sleeve when the tips of his finger went through your hands. She waited for you to draw them back and watched as her human bent down to press a kiss to your tear-stained cheek, and then she pressed her beak to the other.

Stunned but genuinely touched you asked something sweetly through your sobbing, hand coming to ruffle her soft front feathers. Little did you know, it was the delivery of his last declaration of love and silent apology for leaving you like that, for his flame dying out and for no match being able to light it again. It hurt, it hurt so much when she turned to look at him one last time, but he was already gone.

Though not used to it, that night she spent in your bedroom, perched on the headboard and guarding your sleep. Your soft whimpers broke her heart and more times when one she found herself jumping down onto the pillow to comfort you with her company and, once you were back asleep, flying back onto the headboard. It was a hard night, and many nights after that were too, but she was always there for you, following you around just like she used to do with him. And it helped. Both of you.

Years have passed, she’s never seen him ever since. She continues flying in the skies, circling the area she has known her whole life, wings stretched and wind caressing each feather. All of these but without him.

But now there are two flames again! They are small, much smaller than her human and the one that had been there with him, but in them she senses it. She senses how his warmth is nestling inside, the same fire flickering in their red eyes and feathers of searing color swaying in the wind.

She sees you outside every day - you are always looking after the two little humans running around the wineyard. She feels you in them too and with how your eyes always trace over their heads she knows you miss him too, dearly.

However, he isn’t coming back. He’ll never come back, you both do not deny it, but you are learning how to heal and move on, finding solace in each other.

With a cry she draws your attention. No surprise, no hesitance - an arm is bent to offer a perch in a heartbeat. Within seconds there is an always welcomed warm weight on it. Two brown sharp eyes gaze into your shiny ones and a mutual understanding once again is reached. You are the one taking care of her now and even if she’ll never forget the man with whom she began her life, she feels like you are very close to becoming her humantoo.

She’ll look after the three of you. For him. And when time comes she’ll be flying through a different kind of sky to meet him again.

And now they know…

synopsis: someone accidentally finds out that you and your lover use things, that make your sexual life less boring.
pairing: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli (separately) x fem!reader
tw: established relationship, pretty suggestive, mention of sex toys, shibari and pegging, very suggestive in Zhongli’s (usage of toys in public)
word count: 3.5k+ words in total
author’s note: let’s just imagine that their level of technical development allows these things to exist in their world ;D
Btw if you want to see the same scenario with other characters, you may suggest it in my askbox and we’ll see if my imagination decides to provide more


  • Usually it is Adelinde who tends to the master’s bedroom whenever the time comes. Being the head maid and serving first your husband and then you too, she has your absolute trust and whatever things she’d stumble upon - she’d never question.
  • Not to mention you do not need to be a genius to know about your masters’ active sexual life with all those dirty sheets. If anything she is happy that you two share passion for each other not only as partners but as lovers too. 
  • Either way, it should’ve been the usual day as always until it isn’t. There is a disaster in the kitchen that should be cleaned before you return from both of your shifts in Mondstadt and Adelinde has to be present to coordinate the process.
  • That’s why she has no other choice but to send two of the younger maids to clean the master’s bedroom.
  • Adelinde gives clear orders: change the bedding, bring the old one to the laundry along with any dirty clothes left in the basket, swipe dust and sweep the floors. Nothing difficult, the girls should be fine, she thinks.
  • The girls are fine indeed for a few first tasks. The bedding is changed, laundry is collected in one heap and one of the maids hurries to bring it to the laundry room. The other meanwhile decides to start sweeping the floor
  • And all is good until the broom hits something under the bed. Confused, she carefully bends down and spots a box hidden there.
  • Curiosity killed a cat but not a maid. Working for the Ragnvindrs is a wonder itself, not only because the payment is amazing but the two masters are incredibly neat, so there is usually no extra work to do. But a box discarded under the bed? Doesn’t sound all that neat.
  • Assuming one of you could’ve accidentally knocked it under the bed and forgot to throw it away, she decides to ask Adelinde what to do later.
  • Right when she wants to set it aside the other maid returns. This one is even more curious than her colleague. The only difference? Her need to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong is uncontrollable. When else can you get a glimpse of the estimated couple’s privacy? That’s a chance worth a shot.
  • With little persuasion done the lid is off and curious gazes are met with intricate red ropes of smooth but thick material laying there tied in a pretty bow.
  • At first they are puzzled. Why would one keep ropes hidden in a box and under their bed? But then the realization hits. Not uttering a word they exchange glances, and almost as if on cue their cheeks start burning furiously. Their fantasy has gone wild.

“I-is that what i think it is?” The finder squeaks, eyes back on the ropes. “D-does Master use these to tie Lady’s wrists to the headboard and, and…” she swallows and then whispers, “d-do explicit things to her?”

The image of you with hands above your head, legs spread for your husband to fit in, fills their minds and provokes a more furious redness on their cheeks. That’s definitely not the thoughts one should have about their employers but it’s too delicious and scandalous to pass! Both of you are easily considered hot people, but being a married couple who involves some kinky stuff in the sex life? Oh Barbatos, that’s juicy.

“M-maybe he ties her whole body? These are long and I heard about that shibari technique from Inazuma…” says the other, carefully touching the ropes to test their strength.

“And what’s with it..?” The girl’s eyes widen in awe, mind trying to paint the picture of it.

“Well… her body’s immobility should allow Master to have her at his complete mercy. I’ve read it once in the novel "I was no one, but now I own the castle”. The male lead had the female lead all tied and sitting in his lap.“

"Ah! That can’t be!”

“It can! I also heard some people install hooks in their ceilings to hang the tied person in the air.”

As words are spoken, two sets of eyes dart to the ceiling. Nothing, and it almost feels disappointing.

“B-but why? It isn’t comfortable..?” the confusion is written all over her face as she once again tries to imagine it and has a hard time doing so.

“Um, I assume the man has the woman at his groin level, so-”

“Ahem, girls, are you done cleaning?”


  • Adelinde’s appearance spooks them to death and they hastily close the box, pushing it back under the bed. Getting an earful for not having finished the cleaning yet, both are sent out, so their superior can do it faster.
  • On their way down the hall girls can’t stop fantasies of all the possible ways those devilishly looking ropes could be wrapped around their Lady’s body.
  • Little do they know though that these ropes are more often used on your husband than on you, because at times you have to hold him back somehow in his vigorous attempts to pleasure you neglecting his own needs.
  • Expect some strange rumor going around the manor about some alpha man and his helpless wife. You and Diluc only exchange glances full of perplexion whenever you hear the hushed whispers touching the topic.


  • Strangely enough but your lover gave in to your pleas to do some redesigning of your shared apartment. Frankly speaking, it should’ve been done a long time ago as the man changed little to nothing from the times of the previous owner. Your reasoning of “our home should feel more like us” was quite convincing, so after making sure you budget allowed it, you went for it.
  • Of course in the end you both were extremely proud of the result of months of your hard work. Working your normal jobs and spending most of the free time on your apartment was tough, but you absolutely nailed it.
  • It totally deserved a celebration. To present your renovations you invited your closest friends such as Rosaria and Venti. Diluc also promised to stop by (with more than one bottle of fine alcohol as your boyfriend and his two friends hoped), but was going to be late with no one being able to look after the tavern.
  • Meanwhile the sister of the church and the deity of the said church are led by you from room to room, showing the major and minor things you’ve changed. Venti is actually pretty curious asking about this and that, and Rosaria simply observes, but does give a couple of compliments for your and Kaeya’s choices.
  • Things go like this until you hear a ‘babe, come here for a moment!’ from the kitchen and have to leave the two in your bedroom, giving them permission to roam further if they’d like to.
  • Well, the bedroom is definitely not a room they’d like to get more looks at, though the new bed you’ve gotten looks pretty nice and comfy. Venti, being the shameless person he is, doesn’t think twice and falls back first across the bed, bouncing a bit from the impact with the mattress.
  • Rosaria can only shake her head at the bard’s happy giggles and praise of how the bed felt. She watches him squirming further and further until his head almost hangs on the other side of the furniture. And his beret starts to fall.
  • Throwing his arm back and trying to catch it, Venti arches a little and his gaze lands right under the wardrobe. With eyes wide he suddenly sits up, alerting the rosewood haired woman, and hops off.
  • In confusion Rosaria watches him round the bed and fall onto his knees in front of the wardrobe, crouching and reaching for something under it. Her eyes widen too when she sees the source of Venti’s excitement.
  • That is the box used by Dawn Winery to pack one of the most exquisite wines. The 'cost me a fortune’ wines! Just how the hell did Kaeya manage to get his hands on something like this!? And never telling his friends? Outrageous.
  • Venti seems to have the very same thoughts. Aside from that his fingers tremble and eyes shine with figurative stars in them.
  • The silent mutual understanding is reached: they have to at least take a peek at the treasure they’ve stumbled upon.
  • So, the lid is off faster when one can say the word 'wine’.
  • What they didn’t expect to see was quite a big collection of sexually entertaining tools. Blindfolds, nipple pins, gags, ties and a proudly lying diagonally massage wand vibrator.

“… am I seeing things?” Venti pokes the ball gag with his forefinger to make sure it isn’t a hallucination. He is aware he hasn’t even touched alcohol today yet, but who knows…

“You most definitely not,” the woman looks over the box’s contents, noting the wand is from a seller prouding himself for high quality of the goods and rightfully so.

“I feel betrayed though.”

“Me too.”

Who would’ve thought to put sex toys in the wine box!? Well, apparently you two, appearing in the doorway of your bedroom.

“Venti, Rosaria, we’ve been calling your names for some time now, have you gone deaf-”

Your words are cut short when you notice what has them so occupied. As Rosaria lifts the vibrator your cheeks flush red and an embarrassed squeak leaves your mouth.

“What’s this Kaeya? Don’t tell me you can’t satisfy your girl anymore. I thought that a silver tongue of yours can do more than talking.”

“It most definitely can, Rosaria. Now tell me,” and he flashes her a teasing smile, “isn’t it unholy to hold something made for sin, huh, sister of the church?”

“Isn’t it stupid to put your stuff into the box like that!?” Venti knocks his knuckle against the lid with the logo of the Dawn Winery and the wine’s name. “Is your brother even aware of how you use the remnants of his production?”

There is a pause that makes you glance at your lover. You are met with a rare version of Kaeya - an embarrassed Kaeya.

“…don’t tell Diluc.”

“Oh no, we will.”


  • Your relationship with Lumine is…interesting to say the least. She fights the man you date on a weekly basis, you treat the said man’s wounds and bruises after said fights and listen to his excited summaries of those 'sparring sessions’ as he calls them.
  • How much in common you and the blond Traveler have - a whole ass Snezhnayan man. Why not try for a friendship then? Or whatever was your reasoning when you first approached her with a welcoming smile and introduced yourself as Childe’s girlfriend.
  • The Harbinger’sgirlfriend.
  • Needless to say both Lumine and her floating companion were pretty much alerted and for the longest time extremely cautious around you. They couldn’t wrap their minds around how that menace and epitome of destruction of a man could have such a patient and lovely significant other. At one point Lumine even straight away asked you if you were being held hostage by the ginger, to which you only snorted and laughed, assuring her you were fine and free.
  • When being asked if you held any grudge against her for getting in fights with your boyfriend you only roll your eyes. 'If he enjoys his butt being kicked, so be it’ you simply shrug your shoulders. You know Childe’s limits and you know he is going to be fine anyway. Honestly you can thank Lumine, because when the ginger comes home after having been knocked around by her he becomes so clingy and seeks your attention which is always cute. No need for her to know though, you are not that mean to ruin Tartaglia’s Fatui image.
  • Time flies by and eventually Lumine warms up to you gradually, even Paimon learns that it’s okay to consider you separately from your boyfriend. In the end both are impressed that there were no hard feelings on the plate and you’ve managed to befriend them.
  • One time you decide to bring them over to your house for lunch. Childe was sent on a mission that’ll last for a couple of days, so you can peacefully invite your new friends without your boyfriend picking a fight with them (there were occasions when the four of you were out together and you and Paimon had to physically stop the blond and the ginger from drawing their weapons out. Sometimes you really wanted to bonk your man for being so adrenaline thirsty).
  • Giving your guests a quick tour around the house, you apologize for having to leave them to their own devices so you can finish the cooking and let them roam the rooms as they please.
  • Paimon being Paimon quickly suggests searching for mora. To Lumine’s disapproving gaze she only shrugs her shoulders. 'C'mon, this Fatui bastard’s pockets run deep! No one is gonna get harmed if we lend some’.
  • And she starts roaming on the shelves. Lumine can already imagine how much she’ll have to apologize in front of you for Paimon’s behavior. Knowing that her traveling companion is stubborn and hard to convince otherwise unless food or, well, morais included, the young woman averts her eyes to rid herself of guilt.
  • That’s when she notices a suspiciously looking box. It pretty much could be some Fatui related stuff, some plans, some schemes or anything to harm people.
  • Lumine does trust you now but she doesn’t forget who you are sharing the house with. Stealing isn’t good but if it is something dangerous, she can grab it and dispose of it later.

Making sure no approaching steps are heard, she quickly and quietly walks to the box and without any noise opens it.

“What the-” she chokes on her own words almost immediately, staring at the box’s contents with heat rising to her cheeks. While not involved in a relationship she is (thanks to certain connoisseurs from Mondstadt) aware of what the things inside are. 

A strap on, butt plugs and cock rings with a couple of bottles of lube are laid neatly on the bottom of the box. At the moment Lumine has millions of questions she is not sure she wants to hear answers to.

“Hey, girls!” The voice startles her, head jerking to the room entrance where you are standing with a cute apron over your dress. “Food is ready, we can start.”

“Food!” Search and everything else forgotten Paimon is out of the room in a second. Meanwhile you fix the still clutching the box top Traveler with your eyes and then warmly chuckle.

“Oh, so you found our little fun box? Sorry you had to see that, I probably forgot to put it away to a safer place.”

Lumine has finally snapped out of her stupor, rushing to close the box.

“Wha- why is it you who apologizes??”

“Because I invited you and should’ve paid more attention to cleaning,” you are not phased at all, walking to her and accepting the box from her trembling hands. “No big deal though, I kind of expected you two would explore this place.”

“You peg Childe?” The question is out before Lumine can stop herself. You watch in amusement how she realizes what she’s done and covers her mouth with her hands.

“Well, yeah. Even though this man treats the bedroom as a battlefield too, sometimes he turns into a huge sub.”

“What? How? But he is-”

“Tough, strong and intimidating Fatui Harbinger, yes, you are correct. But once he returns home he becomes a completely different person, desiring for nothing more than to cuddle or to get the stress fucked out of his body. Sometimes he has me. Other times he asks me to peg him and destroy him completely. Ah, yeah, the cock rings are for punishment. Comes in handy every week when he provokes you for a sparring session… again, sorry that you have to deal with it.”

Lumine only nods absentmindedly as you lead her to the dining room, eyes blank and thoughts swirling around the image of theTartaglia being bossed by his girlfriend in the bedroom…


  • Having dinner with your husband and either his boss or his friend (?) isn’t an uncommon thing. This time however you agreed to meet as the company of four. There’s been a lot of stuff going around lately that is absolutely worth sharing with each other.
  • As you and your husband discuss your plans for the evening you reach an agreement to succumb to the passion of lovemaking right when you come home from dinner. It’s been awhile since you had a night to spend together doing more than just cuddling in bed. Work has been exhausting and one of you usually falls asleep before kisses could lead to something more.
  • With this fact taken into consideration, you come to a realization that by the end of the evening either you or Zhongli is going to be impatient to get into bed. But you haven’t been penetrated for quite some time and you are oh so tight for Zhongli to dive right in. So to prepare you beforehand, your considerate lover suggests an idea.
  • He is well-versed in creating things, so making a nice smooth dildo with his geo powers, just a size or too smaller than him, was nothing to the man.
  • His hungry eyes are drinking in the sight of how the lubed cool toy is fitting inside of your pussy, walls constricting and you producing the sweetest little pants and whines. It is so hard not to throw the dinner out of the window and have you right there and then.
  • However the stoic man manages. Now the toy is snuggly filling you, keeping your walls stretched and prepared for what is going to come later. Zhongli has warned you though that since the toy is made from a high-quality mineral (the fanciest stuff for his beloved wife), he is able to control it with his geo powers and is going to use it to send some vibrations to keep you wet and lubricated.
  • You would’ve never guessed your husband could be this perverted but the thought makes you clench. Not to mention you have been dying to try something different from your usual lovemaking, and this is a new sexual experience, should be a safe one too.
  • Until it isn’t.
  • You do not have problems with sitting here, enjoying your meal and conversing with Hu Tao and Childe. Occasional vibrations in your core are not something you can’t handle. They keep you excited but not to the point where you’d start squirming in your seat uncomfortably.
  • However pretty soon your husband seems to get lost in some topic. You are not sure how exactly his geo controlling works, but it appears to be by some hand movements, because the more he starts gesticulating the stronger and faster the vibrations become.
  • It gets hot, unbearably so and you tug on the collar of your attire. Thighs squeeze together and tremble with how intense the pleasure is.

“Y/N?” You practically bolt in your seat when the ginger sitting close to you calls you quietly not to ruin Zhongli and Hu Tao’s heated discussion. “Are you alright? You are pretty red and, pardon me, sweaty. Is it the spices? Do you need me to accompany you outside for some fresh air?”

Oh, it is very sweet of him and normally you’d thank him and accept the offer, but you just know, if you try to move more than an inch, you’ll have a very hard time.

“N-no, Childe, everything is fine!” You answer as quietly, fearing your voice will betray you. “Just need some time, nothing more, I promise,” you try to smile at him, desperately ignoring the shiver rolling down your spine and how soaked your panties have gotten. You think you convinced him, you think you can manage it through the dinner, you just need to touch your husband’s shoulder and ask him to-

And then Zhongli snaps his fingers. Your face first pales and then bursts with a crimson blush, quickly covered by both of your hands. And even like that you produce a pretty audible whiny moan.

Oh Geo Archon, you’ve just came. In a public place, with your friends nearby and from a toy.

Childe’s eyes stare at you shocked, but it’s not like you see it with your eyes closed shut. Zhongli finally notices the state you are in as his sensitive ears catch your sexy sound and nostrils breathe in the sweet scent of your arousal only he can sense.

The vibrations instantly stop and a strong arm in a brown coat sleeve is wrapped around your shoulder. You hear his soft hushes near your ear, that try to break through the fog in your mind and you absentmindedly lean into his body, desperately desiring him close.

“Well, well, Mr Zhongli…” Childe has a shit-eating grin on his face. He waits for Hu Tao to leave with a promise to get you some water and chuckles, watching the two of you with his dark eyes. “I didn’t take you for someone who would use toys and in public no less… ah~ that’s a story worth retelling you in the future to see your embarrassed faces again.”

  • Needless to say you leave earlier, because the dull ache in your core and Childe’s dirty glances are impossibly hard to ignore.

Dawn without you

synopsis:Dainsleif watches as the new day begins and relishes in the memories he shared with you five hundred years ago.
pairing: Dainsleif x fem!reader
tw:bittersweet fluff and angst, established relationship in the past
word count: 1.1k+ words
author’s note: the idea came spontaneously, when i heard a small bit of a song and translated it into English to use somehow later. So yeah, here it is, heh

I am taking pictures of the dawn…

“Hey, Dainsleif, do you find dawns beautiful?”

That was a strange question Traveler once asked him. Throughout those long five hundred years as Dainsleif has been cursed with immortality he has seen how the sun rose and set thousands of times, and the beauty of it has long but faded in his eyes.

Dawns mean the beginning of a new day, a world basking in a warm light that reaches earth and saves it from night’s darkness. But his nation lived in that darkness for a long time. In Khaenri'ah there were no dawns, nor were there sunsets - it was underground realm mostly barren of natural life. However they had science, they could create life, they could create light, they could create everything to live happily.

For the longest time they did, they lived happily, and he was among these people, those who knew what it meant to be joyful. His memory is fading, and he doesn’t remember his human life before his nation’s fall in miniscule detail, however some things stay unchanged within the confines of his brain. Many faces were wiped away and he can’t imagine them no matter how hard he tries, but yours is still clear. 

He remembers your smile - soft lips, he married so many times with his own, stretched delicately. He remembers your eyes - two shining gems that looked at him with nothing but devotion and love. Light was captured in them, illuminating his path. Path to you, no matter where he was, no matter how busy he was, he always found his way back to your loving embrace, to your soft gaze cast upon him, to your lips pressing against his cheeks, murmuring sweet nothings and everythings.

Your hand would brush against his, and he’d feel relief as a cold metal band touched his skin, the similar wrapped around his ring finger. You were everything a man could wish for, he was so incredibly lucky to have a wife like you. 

He remembers how you’d drop by his headquarters, effortlessly passing right into the palace since everyone knew you - they loved your presence. Everyone would turn a blind eye and let you and your husband slip out in the early hours of the morning - the only time you managed to be alone for the most cases. Knights knew the mission put on their shoulders and could carry on with their duties immaculately even with the supervisor absent for a couple of hours. They were aware of how hard their commander worked, so a small walk with his wife must’ve been a blessing. Halfdain would always cast a glance at your linked fingers and smile, nodding as you passed by. ‘I’ll take care of your duties, don’t worry.’

And Dainsleif didn’t. Holding your hand, being led by you in the gardens he felt tension from night duties leaving his body. He’d happily listen to your voice, telling him about your day before, and smile guiltily once you’d start lightheartedly complaining about your shared bed not being shared again. He knew you didn’t really mean it, you married him with a full understanding of who he was and what his job was, which he greatly appreciated it.

He’d bring your hands to his lips and kiss every knuckle as you cooed about his chivalry behavior. You’d escape his hold for a moment with a soft chuckle, running forward to make a distance. Then you’d turn around, skirt twirling and hands clasped behind your back as your lips formed a smile - you were beckoning him to chase you in the early hours of the morning, the artificial light slowly brightening your homeland and you looked beautiful in it. He never could fight the attraction and always made his way to you.

You did the same for him. If he had to leave for a relatively safe mission, he was always taking you with him and you followed happily, not minding one bit the nights spent in a tent, if only it meant they were shared with you both wrapped in each other’s embrace.

That was one of those times when the two of you witnessed the dawn for the first time together. Dainsleif can’t remember why his troops were out of Khaenri'ah in the first place, but he remembers being out there with you. How you woke him up disgustingly early on his only day when he could sleep in with someone else taking care of guarding duties. Excitement and joy was written all over your face as you impatiently tugged on his hand.

Abandoning his attempts to dress in armor, he let you drag him out in only his pants and a shirt, as he tried to rub the sleep out of his tired deep blue eyes.

And then he felt it first rather than saw - a  light, caressing his cheek and trying to creep into his sight with its annoying blinding brightness. Getting eyes used to it was a bit of a challenge but once he did, he couldn’t tear his gaze off of the view. 

You, a couple of steps ahead already, with your arms spread and head thrown back, were twirling in place with the colors of rich red, orange and yellow as your background. You were looking like a perfect picture, and if it wasn’t for your movements and soft giggles falling and taking their flight from your lips, he would’ve thought it was a painting.

And your eyes… How precious the look of them was, with the real burning sun reflecting there, creating the prettiest loveliest gleam…

He swore he lost his heart in them and found it again.

Dainsleif knew he’d have to thank you for convincing him to purchase a recent invention that allowed to memorize a moment in the material form of an identical picture. Having retrieved it from his bag, he returned to you, ready to capture that morning, that dawn and you, his precious wife, the love of his life.

He brings Kamera - a replica created in Fontaine this time and given to him by the Traveler - closer to his face; a starish eye is looking straight through the lenses, watching the skies change their color as the sun is taking them in its possession. He knows you’d like that view even hundreds of years later. He knows you’d still look magical, rightwith this five hundred years old dawn as your background.

He imagines your figure, wind caught in your hair, slightly ruining flowers woven between strands, loose sleeves and long skirt fluttering around your arms and legs, and you smile. You smile, lips stretched wide, eyes, with sun captured in their depths, semi-closed and cheeks rosy, caressed by warm rays. He can almost hear his name leaving your phantom mouth, echoing in the soft click as his finger presses the button.

I am taking pictures of the dawn

Just like many years before

Without you

Without you

Without you


synopsis: your lover spends too much time under the sun and gets cute freckles!
pairing: Childe x fem!reader; Diluc x fem!reader
tw: pure fluff, established relationship
word count: 1.2k+ for Childe, 1k+ for Diluc
  • Childe

*moyá tsarévna - from Russian “my princess”, since basically tsarevna is a daughter of tsaritsa (hystorical analogue for queen). No relation to Tsaritsa though, simply a term of endearment!

“Should’ve worn a warmer sweater under,” you grumble, shivering a bit when the chill of the late morning seeped through your coat and creeped under your skin.

Lately, you’ve found yourself taking walks in a grove not so far from your house, enjoying the crunching sounds of the snow with every step you take and whiteness taking over your vision.

The grove looks like a perfect picture worth being drawn - pines, firs and larches clad in pretty dresses of the purest color and frozen crystals shining in the light of the pale sun - that’s Snezhnaya in all its natural beauty.

This fairy tail atmosphere, that morning walks let you bask in, helps to keep your mind relaxed before diving into daily routine. Usually you take a whole hour to wander among the trees, thinking of everything and nothing, occasionally feeding squirrels and trying to hit the farthest trunk with a snowball.

However today it seems to be colder than usual and you have to shorten your walk - coming down with something later would do you no good.

Readjusting your scarf to cover mouth and nose, you scurry out of the grove and to the buildings of your district.

It is when you are walking down the street two gloved hands appear in your sight and your body instantly stiffens for a moment, but it’s enough for the person to cover your eyes. Dread sets in your heart and your only just relaxed mind is put into frenzy and screams to escape, to turn and punch the assaulter in the stomach.

He, and you are sure it is a ‘he’, appears to have guessed your thoughts and one hand leaves your face, snaking under your arm and securely embracing your waist, pressing your back to his chest. The other hand is big enough to keep both of your eyes covered.

As you are ready to scream and twist your body a hearty chuckle brushes against your ear and you stiffen again. However this time you almost immediately relax.

“Guess who~?”

Heart is thumping in your chest like crazy and you want to hit him so badly - who would willingly give their lover a heart attack!? Yes, you are extremely happy to know your lover has just returned from his stay in Liyue but still, he could’ve been nicer about his appearance!

“Childe!” you exclaim angrily, lifting your hands to lower the scarf - dump from your warm erratic breath - and then reaching to pry his hand from your eyes. But he doesn’t budge, only pressing his chest closer to you.

“Wrong answer, my little menace~”

You are sure he can feel how you roll your eyes through the material of his warm gloves.

“Alright, Ajax, stop-”

“Wroooong,” he whines, and you feel how something cold touches your slightly warmer cheek. Oh no, he is making that 'squish your cheek to your lover’s’ and make them melt. More like annoyed.

“Babe, I am not calling you that-”

“But why not?” You are sure he pouts, nuzzling you with his nose, which is also cold. “I’ve just returned and you don’t want to call me that one word? Why?”

“Maybe because we are not married yet? And we are not gonna if you keep pressing your palm to my eyes!" 

With this little threat (that you actually didn’t mean at all) he finally draws his hand away and softly grabs your side, twirling you around and trapping in his embrace again, but this time with both arms snuggly wrapped around your waist.

You gaze into his deep blue eyes and suddenly all of the anger disappears, being replaced with longing that has been tugging on your heart for the months he was away.

"Hey,” you say almost shyly, reaching your arms to his neck

“Hi,” he smiles, and then presses your foreheads together, sighing in bliss. “I missed you.”

“I missed you more, gingerhead.”

“You did?” he stares into your eyes and you can care less for anything else except these two voids of endless ocean.

“Mhm,” you hum, rubbing your forehead against his. “You owe me kisses, cuddles and stories from your several months long trip to Liyue. But first, we are going inside, I am starting to get cold.”

“Your wish is my command, moyа́ tsarévna*.”

The nickname draws a bigger smile on your face, which quickly dissipates into a gasp and a squeal, when he effortlessly throws you over his shoulder and turns around to march straight to your house.

Only when you are inside, undressed from layers of warm clothes, with Childe out of the bathroom, clean and fresh, you settle down on the couch in your living room. You cannot pass the opportunity and almost instantly reach for his face, cupping it with both hands, to bring it closer to your eyes so they can drink in every little feature.

That’s when you finally notice something that wasn’t there the last time you saw him, and it makes your eyes widen.

“Ajax, you have freckles!” Squishing his cheeks a little, you draw his face even closer, looking at each ginger spot, adorning his nose, cheeks and, oh Tsaritsa, even his neck!

“Ah, right, my brothers and sister said so when I went home to tell my family that I’ll go fetch you first and bring you over. Though I wanted to spend some time alone with you first,” when he sees you are not listening, your attention fully absorbed by his face, he pouts. Here he is, declaring how much he missed you, willing for once to put a lasting visit to you before one to his family, and you are not even focusing on his words!

“Come on, it’s nothing special. Spent too much time out under the sun of Liyue probably,” nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders, lifting his hands to pry yours off of his face.

“You are so pretty like that,” he freezes. The eleventh Harbinger may be a cheeky cocky bastard, but once you give him a non-flirtatious genuine compliment, he loses his composure. Meanwhile your thumbs caress his cheeks fondly, an adorning smile plastered on your face.

“You know we usually don’t get a lot of bright sunlight here in Snezhnaya, right?” That was true, natives usually have freckles only if they are passed with the parent genes, like in Teucer’s case. “On you it looks like you have been sun-kissed! It’s super cool, Ajax." 

"Sun-kissed…” he murmurs and then chuckles, shaking his head and reaching his arms to grab your waist. With a new squeal of yours he drags you in his lap, situating your legs on both sides of his hips as your arms wrap around his shoulders.

“Oof, what was that for?” You glance down when he buries his face in your neck, lips pressed to your skin.

“Well, the sun has kissed me but my girlfriend hasn’t, that’s not fair. I want my kisses, give them to me!”

  • Diluc

Giggles ring in the living room as he falls on his back, dragging you even closer on top of him. Ajax feels nothing about the ginger dots littering his skin but your reaction amuses him. Maybe next time he’ll take you to Liyue with him. That way he’ll get to kiss you and be kissed by you every day.

There are many reasons why you like summer and look forward to it every year.

Warm breezes that feel like blessings after days of scorching sun; flowers and trees blooming with birds chirping on their branches; seeing children of Mondstadt running and playing outside… Nature feels so inviting with warm grass under your bare feet, the way the sun warms your skin and pools of cool water being a relief after hours of walking.

Yet the main reason is the beginning of the grape harvest season. While it brings much more work onto your plate, and it’s been so ever since you said 'i do’ at the altar and became Mrs Ragnvindr, you do not mind as it gives you opportunity to help and lessen your beloved’s workload.

The prize is oh so sweet, when you return home after days in Mondstadt, tending to the papers and occasionally checking on Angel’s Share, and spot your husband in the wineyard among his workers. Rolled up sleeves and pant legs bare his strong arms and legs, you can even see how muscles move under the skin from afar. His long hair is tied in a rather quick but secure bun with only a couple of strands sticking out. But even those are glued to his sweaty forehead as he’s spent hours under the summer sun, inspecting the fruits of several months of work and giving orders to his people.

In moments like this you can’t help but stop and admire him. How appealing your husband looks with that concentrated look on his face, eyes fixed on yet another bunch of grapes resting on his palm, wrist twisting and turning to give a better look at full juicy berries to detect any sign of unripeness.

Not to mention that his pale, almost snowy skin finally gets some color in places not covered by his clothes. Diluc pays no mind to it but usually huffs in amusement when you trace your finger over the lines in places where one shade goes into another.

Sometimes you get particularly lucky and get a chance to ogle him with his upper body completely naked. Of course you’ve seen the view before, you’ve seen much more than just his naked torso, but seeing him in a minimal set of clothes out of the house isn’t something that happens a lot. More than once have you been caught by Adelinde eating your husband with your eyes, the maid always giving you a teasing smirk and passing you a jug with cool water she was meant to bring to her master. But receiving it directly from a loving caring wife is much better, no?

The best thing though, that happens every year without fail, is Diluc getting his skin littered with freckles. Nose, cheeks, neck and even his wide chestreceive the sun’s attention and, as a result, yours too.

You practically become glued to him whenever you have a break. It doesn’t matter if it’s scorching outside, you are still going to be not so far from your husband either simply sunbathing or holding a conversation with him. If he moves further down the yard, you move your lounge chair too, if he turns to address his workers, your gaze travels over the expanse of his back, and if he takes a break…

You have a hard time not to pounce on Diluc. Is it really possible to fight the temptation? When he smells like summer: fresh, hot with the lingering scent of grape and birch wood from the baskets they use to collect grapes. You inhale him with eyes  closed in bliss, nose pressed to his exposed neck, fingers holding onto the sides of his almost completely open shirt.

Then your lips start pressing kisses to his skin, trying to cover as much territory of his neck and chest as you can, and that’s when Diluc’s cheeks start to burn. He is very thankful for his back being turned to everyone else and his physique being big enough to hide your body and not let them see your sudden loving attack on him.

“Darling…” he hoarsely murmurs and you kiss his bobbing Adam’s apple. “What are you doing?”

Your pretty eyes he adores so much slowly flutter open and you gaze at him as if he has just asked about the most obvious thing (and he has). But it’s hard not to tease him, when his cheeks flush such a pretty color, blush spreading to his neck. 

“Mmm, who knows… maybe your wife is jealous of the sun for having kissed your skin for days I was away doing work and trade. Giving you kisses is my job and no one else’s!”

You open his shirt and, before he can react, snake your arms around his torso, fingers instantly drawing patterns on his back, gently running over each scar met on their way.

“You know, I can feel how wet your shirt is against the backs of my hands. Maybe you should shed it completely and let me kiss you all over your booodyy,” you almost whine, rubbing your nose between his pecs.

Getting redder and redder Diluc puts his hands on your shoulders, but doesn’t really try to push you back.

“Love, I am sweaty, you shouldn’t be pressing your body to mine like that…”

“It’s melting hot, 'Luc,” you state, not taking your face away from his chest, “and I am sweaty too, so I don’t really care.”

The man sighs, defeated, fingers on your shoulders softly squeezing them.

“You do this every year, I should’ve gotten used to it already…”

“Heh, yet you have not. Every year you get these magneticfreckles, every year I do this and every year you enjoy it. Am I not right?”

Diluc sighs again, knowing that you are absolutely right. It strokes his ego that you find everything about him appealing and have this radiance in your eyes whenever you gaze at him even after years of marriage.

“Let’s get inside the winery. It looks like you are not going to let me work anymore today.”

“Mmmm, alright! Go give your men orders, I’ll ask the maids to draw a bath!” you smooch his freckles-littered check and, after unwrapping your arms from around him, hurry to the house.

Diluc watches you fondly, fingertips barely grazing the kissed patch of his skin.

With you in his life, he started to love summer too.

The bitter aftertaste of what could’ve happened

synopsis:Zhongli does not have any regrets giving up his gnosis. But only because he was right on time to gift the last immortal life of an adeptus. To you.
pairing:Zhongli x reader
tw:kind of hurt/comfort, you two are at some point of an established relationship
word count:1,3k+ words
author’s note:this drabble is an outcome of a sudden thought i had at night. I assumed that once lost his gnosis Zhongli is no longer capable of things he was while being the Geo Archon and Prime Adeptus. He still can do things like other adepti can, but not ones like creating mora and new adepti. And i am a sucker for an immortal someone being with another immortal, less drama with mortality in my life pls

“…Oh, it seems that some of your friends have arrived.”

As patient and reserved as Zhongli is, he wishes for this farce to finally be over.

Signora’s voice, laced with an almost friendly lilt, holds power and authority. She almost sounds mocking, but in her thoughts she surely means to be.

Rid of any emotion amber eyes observe the scene in front of him: the Traveler who gets angrier and angrier by the mention of what happened in the land of Barbatos, which is of no interest for the one who looks after Liyue; Signora, who finds great pleasure in reminding the events and, as a result, driving the Traveler up the wall; Paimon, whose face turns from stunned to shocked to curious and then back again; Childe, who tries not to show how hard the defeat hit him both in his failure to destroy his, Morax’s land and in disbelief that his own colleague kept him in darkness for so long. 

He could’ve felt pity for the ginger if his heart wasn’t filled with pure rage, rage he hasn’t felt since the times of the Archon War when every day could be the last one but every new enemy wasn’t. Now the land he helped to mould and maintain for almost four thousand years has nearly been destroyed by a stupid Snezhnayan boy. Because to the immortal being he is nothing but a baby who was given a ticking bomb to play in the abode where among all the people resides someone the stoic man holds very dear to his heart.

But Zhongli knows how to keep a stone face - as the Prime Wielder of the Geo powers it is his nature. So he silently listens to the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger complain (as a child he is), until Signora has finally had enough of him. She is a woman of quick and efficient business and that the dark-haired man can respect.

His fingers uncurl, presenting a chess-looking intricate piece. Gnosis, the god’s heart. The thing that allowed him to have power that humans can only dream of and pursue in their wildest fantasies, the thing that was nestled in his chest during all his life, through the horrors of the Archon War and beyond, the thing giving up which he is going to be Zhongli forever, not Morax, not Rex Lapis, just Zhongli, the Wangsheng’s funeral parlor consultant, a tea and a good story enjoyer, an almost human being if not for the hundreds years more that he can live peacefully.

Years he can live peacefully with you.

As he passes the little, seemingly idle thing to the woman in front of him he can’t stop himself from thinking that the timing played in your favor. If it was just a couple of weeks later…

His attention is once again occupied with his surroundings and he forces his mind to clear. It helps to stop thinking about a dreadful possibility that was left in the future that would never happen. He made sure of that.

As he explains his plan, as he praises his people, Qixing and Adepti, as he expresses his satisfaction with how everything has played out, he can’t stop the unwelcome feeling clawing at his chest, at the stone of his heart, leaving tiny ugly scratches.

He is glad everything is finally over. With Fatui Harbingers leaving his land finally and the announcement made by Qixing he can excuse himself and part ways with Traveler. 

It has been a simple day, nothing much done in comparison to the times of old when he carved mountains with bare hands and rearranged the land as he pleased, as his people needed for comfortable living, yet he is exhausted, the energy sucked out of him completely by a whirlwind of concealed emotions.

Walking the streets he is so familiar with he indulges himself in the memories. Memories of months even years prior to now that he spent among humans still as an Archon. To observe, to make conclusions, to prepare himself to his new future life properly (though there still are aspects he is very bad at, but you two are working on that). That’s when he met you.

If an older version of himself, Morax, had been asked, the Geo Archon would’ve scoffed and said that any kind of companionship not sealed with a contract had nothing of interest to him.

Yet here his newer version - Zhongli is, loving a human so passionately and indefinitely to the point where he is willing to postpone the one possible contract between you - marriage - for as long as you need.

He pleaded with you only one thing. Revealing himself to you completely with every wall taken down, he pleaded with you to give him an answer - would you be willing to spend eternity with him, in any form of the relationship that’ll bloom later on. He wasn’t going to pursue you further, he was ready to give up those years of his courtship and your reciprocation of his feelings, if you chose to stay mortal and a life where you weren’t trapped by immortality, there you wouldn’t carry it as a burden.

He knew even years of dating was not an indicator of a future stable, centuries long relationship, but for you he was willing to do everything, to accept any answer. And when you sat him down to talk everything through his heart found it extremely appealing - how thoughtful and enterprising you were. 

In the end, with all things discussed you smiled at him and said “if I am to have hundreds upon hundreds of years to live, I will gladly accept it. We can take our relationship step by step, take breaks if needed, go travel separate ways to reunite later. I will be sincere,” enveloping his hands in yours, you squeezed them, looking him in the eyes. “I am very fond of you, Zhongli, and I will never betray your trust. If you are willing to wait for my heart to finish its path from fondness to love, I’ll be happy to have you and give myself to you in return.”

And it was perfectly fine with him. You are an intelligent person and if you say you are sure, then who he is to question you. After all you helped him figure out mortal life, now it was his turn to assist you with immortality. Plus honestly? If you never fall in love with him in the end, he’ll be happy to be by your side as a friend.

The only problem is he can’t get the dreadful understanding out of his head: was he later with using his power of the Prime Adeptus to turn you into one, giving up gnosis would be a point of no return for both of you, since he lost the power to ascend as well.

As his contract prescribed he couldn’t tell a soul about what was going on. So the thought was gnawing at his mind whenever he held you in his arms and pressed his lips in a modest kiss against your forehead. 

Now, he hopes, he can tell you and have comforting proof that the adepti markings adorn your body and you are not going to slip through his fingers like sand.

When he comes home you do not take long to walk out of the kitchen to greet him, to welcome his stiff and tired body into your arms. Your lips are pressed to his temple and you sweetly murmur.

“You have finished your duties, dear. Please, rest now.”

And like that, with your loving smile, with the soft glint in your eyes that are on him, with your palms rubbing the expanse of his back and words of idle chit chat leaving your mouth, the aftermath of what could’ve but will never happen tastes less bitter.


synopsis: Teucer can’t wait for his brother’s return and you happily volunteer to accompany him to the docks.
pairing:Childe x fem!reader ft Teucer
tw: pure fluff, established relationship, usage of Childe’s real name 
word count:1.3k+ words

“Look, look, it’s coming!”

You softly smile at the boy perched in your arms. Teucer has one arm wrapped around your neck, the other pointing forward, at the ship from Liyue approaching the docks. His cheeks and the tip of his nose are rosy from the cold, as you’ve been waiting here for some time - the boy was too excited to be the first one to greet his older brother.

Initially the plan was to wait for Ajax at home, since it was quite the frosty afternoon, and you came over to help his parents and siblings with preparations. His mom and dad absolutely adore you and are always happy to have their eldest son’s girlfriend over. It wasn’t once or twice when you stayed with them and watched after the kids. It was actually really comforting to you, playing with them and listening to different stories about your lover (doesn’t matter that some stories have been told for the 10th time, you still loved them like the first). Ajax is away a lot, unsurprisingly, given his occupation as the Fatui Harbinger, and sometimes you can’t help but feel lonely. His family is more than glad to help you cope with that.

But he doesn’t forget about you: he always makes sure to send at least one stack of letters a week, so there is always a letter to each of his family members, you included.

Thus, when the last letter came in which he notified you about his return to Snezhnaya, Teucer wouldn’t stop talking about how excited he was (of course Tonya and Anthon were thrilled too, they haven’t seen Childe for a couple of months, but to Teucer big brother seems to have such a special place in heart, for which he always gets teased by his sister). That’s why the ginger-haired boy nearly cried when his mom said he couldn’t go to the docks since both her and dad would be busy with the preparation, and there was no way they’d let him go unsupervised with a chance of a blizzard coming.

Your soft heart ached by one look at two eyes, so similar to your boyfriend’s, on the verge of tears. So you offered to accompany and watch him, assuring the worried woman that he’d be completely safe with you. Always was and always will be.

For a couple of moments she was reluctant, but seeing the hopeful look in those big bright blue eyes, she gave up. She made him wear layers upon layers of warm clothes though. You too, of course, and for that you are very grateful.

The wind seems to pick up and you carefully bounce the happy child in your arms to warm both of you with at least some movement. His gleeful laughter makes you smile, hand reaching to readjust his scarf. From the corner of your eye you see the big ship come closer and closer.

“Big sis, big sis, are you excited!?” Teucer turns to you, eyes wide and shining. “Oh, your cheeks are so red! Like a bullfinch breast!”

You chuckle. True, the cold has been biting on your skin for awhile, and now it hurts to smile widely. You have no idea how Teucer manages to still do it.

“Yours too, baby. Like a ripe ashberry,” the boy scrunches his nose and shows his tongue.

“Ashberry is bitter!”

“But bullfinches loooove ashberry,” you reason, pressing a kiss to his scrunched nose. “Just like I love you. Maybe I should get a bite!”

“Nooo!” hands in mittens dart to cover his nose and you both giggle. Ah, he is too adorable for his own good. You wonder if Ajax was the same when he was little: lively, giggly and absolutely cute.

A loud sound draws your attention back to the ship. While you two were busy being dorks, it has finally docked and anchored. As a ramp is being arranged for passengers to get off the ship, you make your way closer. Legs protest a little after being stuck in one place out in the cold, but you make them move by your own excitement bubbling in your chest.

A moment passes, people start to step onto the wooden boards, the last thing before they can finally stand on solid ground.

Another moment passes, Teucer stirs impatiently. People go and go but you don’t see the oh so familiar mop of ginger hair-

Ah, you finally spot it. Its owner doesn’t rush, as he doesn’t expect anyone to meet him before he reaches home. Alas, he should have more faith in his brother. 

Teucer twists and turns in your arms and you finally lower him on the ground.

“Please, don’t run, you can slip!” but he doesn’t listen to your words, already sprinting right to the tall lean figure clad in a thick grey warm coat.

“Biiiig broootheeeer!” at first Childe doesn’t understand what hit him in the legs as the commotion is too sudden to register the nearly battle cry. When he does understand his eyes first widen, then crinkle a little at the corners, arms dropping his travel bag and reaching down to scoop the boy up.

“Teucer! Isn’t it my cute little brother? I sure missed your face!”

“Big brother!” throwing his arms around the young man, the boy buries his face in his neck, tightening the hold.

“Oof, easy, easy. Now, tell me, did you run again from home alone?” even if he makes sure his voice is teasing and is not laced with worry he is worried. He still isn’t over that story when his little brother came all the way to Liyue just to see him. 

To his great relief Teucer shakes his head a no.

“Mama didn’t want to let me go! But then big sister Y/N said she’d come with me and mama agreed!” at the mention of your name, Childe’s heart skips a beat. Deep blue eyes start searching for you in the crowd and when they land on you, warmth spreads through his whole body. He missed his family, a whole lot missed, but without you by his side it was even more awful. Going to sleep and waking up without you by his side felt colder in Liyue than doing so with you in Snezhnaya. Going on and about his day without your soft scolding or teasing at times felt wrong, and lacking your affection… god, was he touch-starved.

Securely holding Teucer with one arm, he grabs his bag with the other and makes his way to you in long fast steps.

Before he can realize it you wrap yourself around him, mindful not to crush the boy. Childe is grateful he still has his face pressed to his neck, because the man can’t control himself at the moment. 

Lips connect in an almost desperate kiss and the ginger tries his best to maneuver the bag onto his wrist to wrap an arm around your waist. He nearly forgot how soft and warm you were, he nearly forgot what home really felt like.

“Hey there, wifey. I missed you,” he grins when the ‘too-forward’ petname, as you call it, flusters the hell out of you. But what can he do? He doesn’t see anyone except you as his 'partner for life’ candidate, you better start getting used to it.

“Missed you too Ajax,” oh your sweet angelic voice, he’s gonna make your talk a lot this evening; his stories can wait, he craves to hear more of that melodic sound.

“Aw, not gonna call me your hubby?” he laughs at your poor attempt to punch his shoulder. “Okay, okay, Ajax would suffice. Now,” he lets you take the bag, a now free hand wraps yours in a secure hold as you stand by his side ready to go, “let’s go home. It’s cold and I missed you all.”

You squeeze his palm, making the first step.

“Yes, love. Let’s go home.”

TW: Mentions of death

Characters:Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Venti


Red string of fate

    Perhaps one of the rarest forms of soulmate connections was the red string of fate. It was a red string that only the two soulmates could see, tied to their pinky finger. They didn’t feel it, but they could see it. They couldn’t break the string, it was a sign that they would be together no matter what.

    Albedo wouldn’t have expected someone like him to have a soulmate, but once he learned what the red string that only he saw was, he knew that his thoughts were wrong. There was someone who was destined to be with him, even if he was an artificial human being. Doubt plagued his mind. He would question whether he would be good enough for them. After all, who would want to be with a human that wasn’t even human? Yet, the red string was comforting at the same time. It showed him that he would find love eventually, he was human enough to have a soulmate.

    He twirled the red string around his index finger as he worked. It had become a habit to help him focus and he needed to focus on his work in that moment. There were some supplies he was running low on, ones that he didn’t have time to get, so he put out a commission for them. He bit his lip in thought, he knew he couldn’t go forward with the project just yet, there were specimens he needed to collect, but those specimens wouldn’t be available until the late summer, which was months from the current cold winter.

    “Pardon me?” a voice spoke, causing Albedo’s head to snap up and face the direction of the voice.

    There they stood, a beautiful young human with a box in their hand. The box was filled with the supplies that he needed, so he was sure that they were the person who accepted his commission. But what caught his eye was their pinky finger. Wrapped around it was a red string and on the other end of it was him. That person was his soulmate, there was no denying that fact.

    “You’re Albedo, right? I got the supplies that you requested.” they said.

    “Thank you.” Albedo thanked them, his bright teal eyes shifting to focus on the box as he took it from them. “Dragonspine is cold and you’ve had a long journey, would you like to stay by the fire for a while?” he asked.

    “I would appreciate it if you let me.” they said.

    A small smile graced Albedo’s lips, “Of course.”

    It wasn’t long until Albedo brought up the red string attached to their finger, to which they eagerly responded. They talked about how they hadn’t expected to meet their soulmate while out on a commission, to which Albedo let out a small huff of laughter, saying that he didn’t expect to meet his soulmate by commissioning somebody to get him supplies. The two indulged each other in information about themselves, telling each other their likes and dislikes, their hobbies, anything that they could think of.

    They took it slow, starting out as friends to see if it would really work between them. Eventually that friendship blossomed into romance.


You can’t see color until you meet your soulmate.

    Diluc went decades of his life without seeing color, the world was just black and white, shades of grey. When he was younger it had bothered him, he’d always ask his father to describe color for him. He spent his teen years just hoping that he’d come across that one person who would let him see life to the fullest, but after his father died, it didn’t matter as much to him. Maybe he just didn’t deserve to be happy. Somebody he loved already died, he’d rather not meet his soulmate and risk the possibility of losing them. At least, that’s what he told himself.

    When he met (y/n), his world burst into color. He was able to see the color of trees, the color of the drinks he was pouring; more importantly, he could see the color of (y/n)’s eyes and hair. They were absolutely stunning in his eyes. He was in love the moment he saw them, but as he grew to know who they were, he just fell even harder.

    They spent their lives together happily, enjoying each other’s company and the new view of the world that their existence gave them. His love for (y/n) never stopped, not even after they died. He could remember the day clearly, he was simply tending to some customers at work when his world suddenly went back to being shades of grey. He dropped the glass he was pouring, dread filling his lungs.

    “Get out, everyone.” he ordered the people at the tavern. Those who tried to stay only received a sharp glare. Soon he was left alone in the tavern. After locking the door he collapsed, sliding down to the floor and hugging his knees to his chest. He had experienced the pain of someone he loved dying before, but it would always hurt no matter how many times it happened. His eyes welled up with tears, tears that he didn’t wish to cry, but ones that still escaped. “(Y/n).” he let out a muffled sob.

    Once again, his world was black and white. That was okay though. He preferred that it be void of color. The world didn’t deserve to be as bright without (y/n) in it.


It’s impossible to lie to your soulmate

    Kaeya could clearly remember his first words to (y/n). How could he not? He found the situation quite embarrassing. His eye was trained on them when they looked his way, arching an eyebrow in confusion. “Why are you staring at me?” they asked him.

    “I just think you’re the most gorgeous person I’ve met.” he replied instantly. He internally cringed at his words, wanting to bite his tongue. That’s not what he wanted to say. He wanted to brush it off and say it was for no reason, but he couldn’t manage to lie.

    “I think you’re attractive too.” (y/n) stated. Their posture stiffened and it was easy to tell that they didn’t mean to say their words, at least not so bluntly.

    “You can’t lie to your soulmate, huh?” Kaeya said, a small grin finding its way to his lips.

    He was aware how soulmates worked. Well, at least how they worked for some people. Kaeya was well aware that it was impossible to tell lies to one’s soulmate for certain people, and he just happened to have that as how his soulmate connection worked.

    He was worried, there were things he didn’t want people to know, whether they were his soulmate or not. So as soon as they were comfortably in a relationship, he suggested one thing, “Let’s not pry into each other’s lives, okay? I’m sure there are things you want to keep a secret, just as there are things that I’d rather keep to myself. I want this relationship to be healthy, and I know forcing information out of each other isn’t a way to do that.”

    “Kaeya, I just want you to be happy. I won’t pry into your life.” they told him.

    “More than anything in the world, I want you to be happy too.”


Being able to hear each other’s thoughts when you’re near each other

    Venti lived a majority of his life without his soulmate existing. He began to doubt that he even had a soulmate. Maybe he was one of the unlucky few that wasn’t meant to find love. He had always felt sorry for those people, but sometimes he found himself feeling sorry for himself.

    That was until a voice filled his mind while he was at a market, trying to convince somebody to let him buy some food with less money. One phrase entered his mind, ah, I don’t have enough money. He looked up and looked around, trying to see where the voice came from, but found nothing. Nobody had spoken. He felt giddy in that moment, relieved that he did have a soulmate, happy that he had one.

   Hey, you’re my soulmate? he asked in his thoughts, discarding his conversation with the merchant to look around.

   Holy crap I did not expect to hear somebody in my brain. Yeah, I guess I am. they replied.

   Where are you? he questioned them.

   By the apple stall.

    If he recalled correctly, that wasn’t too far from him, Stay there, I’ll meet you.

    And so he did. He rushed to the apple stall to see a few people standing there. It was impossible to tell who was his soulmate.

   I’m the one with braids. he told them.

    A person turned to face him, a smile rising to their face as they gave him a small wave. That was them, that was his soulmate.

    “You’re stunning.” he breathed out.

Characters: Gorou, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli


-Gorou likes Halloween, but he’s extremely busy and doesn’t usually have time to celebrate it.

-He makes time for you though.

-He’ll agree the moment you ask him to spend Halloween with you, no hesitation.

-He enjoys dressing up in costume, but this is his first chance to dress up in a couples costume with you.

-You two debate on dressing up as things like the wolf and little red riding hood or eggs and bacon, but you two decide on Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. He doesn’t mind who is wearing what costume, so he lets you pick.

- “Peter Pan never grows up, but I think I’d like to grow old with you.” he suddenly confesses as you two walk through the streets hand-in-hand.

-He’s always so honest with his words, so you know that he means what he said.


-Kazuha had celebrated Halloween before, but stopped as he got older. He’s busy with other things.

-He still understands how it can be enjoyable though, so that’s why he agrees to celebrate it with you when you ask him.

-He has one condition though and that condition is that you two do a couples costume.

-It takes you two some time to decide on one, but you eventually agree on the theme of royalty.

-Call him your Prince Charming and he’ll let out a soft chuckle before pulling you close to him, “Does that mean that you’re my happily ever after?”

-In the end it will result in a quick kiss on the lips before you two continue on with your plans.

-He doesn’t mind if you just want to dress up, go trick-or-treating, or go to a party. He finds them all enjoyable in their own way.

-He uses the costume as an excuse to flirt with you, showering you in the sweetest words, kissing the back of your hand and asking for a dance.

-Halloween was enjoyable when he was younger, but he finds himself preferring it a lot more by your side.


-Scaramouche has never celebrated Halloween and he hadn’t planned on celebrating it until you came into his life.

-When you show interest in it, he starts to become interested in it.

-He doesn’t get the point of dressing up. He’s already feared, so what’s the point?

-Nonetheless, he’ll agree to dress up for you as long as it isn’t anything silly. He’ll go for something gothic.

-His costume isn’t scary, but he still manages to scare people.

-You decide to match him, also going for a gothic look. A light blush will raise to his cheeks. He expected you to do your own thing, not match him. But the reason he’s blushing is because of how stunning you look.

- “Is that your costume?” he’ll ask as he tears his gaze away.

- “It is.” you respond, only to get a nod in response.

-He’ll go wherever you take him to, but he’ll complain. He tells you that parties are complete nonsense and trick-or-treating is childish.

-He might not enjoy his time all dressed up in costume, but he doesn’t hate it either.

-You’re lucky that he loves you, or else he never would have agreed to this.


-Tartaglia usually volunteers for events on Halloween.

-He enjoys seeing families together, parents taking their children trick-or-treating at the events he participates in.

-Once you’re in a relationship with him, he’ll convince you to join him.

-He buys you a costume with his own money. It’s a steampunk one to match his own.

-Despite the fact that he knew what the costume looked like, he’d still be in awe when he sees you.

- “You look incredible.” he’ll tell you with a beaming smile on his face.

-You two work together at the events, handing out candy to children or prizes when they win a game.

-He absolutely enjoys spending this time with you.

-If you didn’t originally want to go, you find that it’s not as bad as you had expected.

-Tartaglia makes sure that you’re having a nice time too. He knows that it can get boring standing around all day.

-Loves dancing with you to Halloween music, no matter how silly the dancing looks.

-People are jealous of your relationship, that’s for sure.


-Thoma is a busy man, but he always finds the time to celebrate Halloween.

-He enjoys seeing people’s smiles as they celebrate the holiday. It’s nice to see some peace.

-He has always dressed up for Halloween and once you’re in a relationship, he’ll try to convince you to dress up with him.

-He wants to do a couples costume, he has been looking forward to the day where he could do one for a long time.

-He’d like to dress up as a pirate with you as a mermaid, but if you’d prefer it the other way around, he’s more than willing to comply.

-Plays the part. If he’s dressing up as a pirate, he’ll speak like one. “Aye, I never thought somethin’ from the sea could be so mesmerizing.” he’ll compliment you.

-If he’s dressing up as a mermaid, he’ll pretend like he got captured by you, only to fall in love. “I never expected to fall in love with a human, but I’m glad I did.” he’ll dramatically say as people walk by. He might even throw in a “glub glub” to try to get you to laugh.

-Has his arm wrapped around your waist the whole time.

-He usually goes to events instead of parties or trick-or-treating, but he’ll let you decide on what you two will do this time.


-Xiao has never once celebrated Halloween despite all of his years of living. He knows what it is, but he doesn’t see a need to participate in it. He prefers staying on the sidelines anyways.

-When you come along, he’d be willing to get off of the sidelines and celebrate Halloween with you.

-He won’t go to parties, those are a bit too much for him to handle.

-However, he will be able to experience his first time trick-or-treating and it’ll be right by your side.

-He’d dress up as a vampire. It’s basic, but it’s the only thing that he could think of.

-He stays silent as you say “trick-or-treat” for the both of you. He’s a bit too embarrassed to say it himself, but that’s okay since you’re there with him.

-Despite how much candy he gets in the end, he’s not satisfied. Sure, candy is nice, but it’s not important to him. What’s important to him is you. So at the end of the night when you tell him that you enjoyed your time with him and you give him a kiss, he feels like he can finally relax.

-Maybe Halloween wasn’t so bad.


-Zhongli rarely celebrates Halloween unless it’s giving out candy. He can’t help but smile when those who visit him look so happy with their reward.

-However, when you two enter a relationship together, he’s the one who suggests celebrating Halloween together.

- “I believe that it’ll be a nice experience for the both of us.” he tells you.

-You agree and the first thing you two do is decide on what you two should do for Halloween.

-He claims that he’s much too old for trick-or-treating and doesn’t want to take candy that could go to somebody else who’d prefer it more than him.

-He’s not too into parties either, but he wants to do something different, something other than staying in.

-So you two agree to go to a small party, one with people you both know.

-Then you two decide on costumes. He definitely wants to do a couples costume with you, so he’ll suggest Frankenstein and the bride of Frankenstein. He’s perfectly comfortable in either costume, so that’s the one you two settle on.

-No matter which costume you’re wearing, he’ll tell you that you look gorgeous.

- “I’m literally dressed up as a monster, Zhongli.” you’ll tell him.

-He’ll only smile, “But you’re my monster, as I am yours.”

Characters: Albedo, Cyno, Diluc, Kaeya, Venti


-Albedo is indifferent to holidays. He doesn’t particularly mind them, but it’s not as though he really cares about them either.

-He always celebrates them with Klee though. Halloween is probably one of her favorite ones because she gets to dress up.

-She dresses up as something different every year, while Albedo always dresses up as a lab worker. Sometimes he’ll spice it up and bring some goggles, claiming he’s dressing up as a chemist specifically.

-When you come into his life, he’s more than happy to celebrate the holidays with you too. He wants to spend his time with you and the holidays are just another way to do so.

-He gets you your own lab coat so you can match him, but this time he also buys two stethoscopes, one for you and one for him.

- “We can be doctors.” he says as he gently presses the diaphragm of the stethoscope against your chest to listen to your heart. He smiles at the sound of your heart beating in your chest.

-Klee dresses up as a heart this time. It’s not a realistic one, rather it’s one you’d see in love letters or cartoons.

- “Albedo hearts (y/n).” she says as she stands between you two, causing a blush to rise to both of your faces.

- “Yes, I do.” Albedo agrees with a smile on his face as he looks at you. “Now let’s go get you some candy.” he says to Klee. Klee is quick to grab Albedo’s hand and your hand, dragging you throughout the streets to go door to door collecting candy.


-Cyno isn’t one for holidays like Halloween, but will spend them with you regardless.

-He’ll tell you interesting facts about the history of the holiday, telling you its origins and different ways it’s celebrated.

-He has no desire to go to parties or go trick-or-treating, but if you’re insistent on it, he’ll agree to.

-He doesn’t dress up and won’t for the first few years you convince him to go with you.

-When he does finally agree to dress up, it’s as things such as mummies or plague doctors, something more realistic than your average costume.

-He’ll always compliment you on your costume, no matter how absurd it looks on you. “You look wonderful.” he’ll tell you as he moves to hold your hand.

-He prefers trick-or-treating over partying. More than that he prefers just dressing up with you and giving out candy to children.


-Diluc hasn’t celebrated Halloween since he was a child. He could remember celebrating his Halloweens with Kaeya well. There would be times where Kaeya would pull pranks on him, claiming that it was in the spirit of October. He was never fond of those pranks.

-He usually works on Halloween due to the fact that many people come into the tavern on those nights.

-Once you come into his life, he’s a bit more willing to take time off to spend it on the holidays.

-He prefers not dressing up, but he will if you ask him to.

-He’ll dress up as a bodyguard, saying that he doesn’t want to wear a costume that’s too extreme.

-He’s not just any bodyguard though, he’s your bodyguard.

-He’ll be right by your side the entire night, making sure you’re safe.


-Kaeya enjoys Halloween when he can celebrate it.

-As a child he used to spend Halloween with Diluc, but now it’s just him.

-He likes celebrating the holiday by going to parties.

-Once you come into his life and show an interest in Halloween, he’ll be thrilled.

-He absolutely wants to do couples costumes with you, but his ideas are always absurd.

-Tries to convince you to dress up as toast while he dresses up as an avocado.

- “Would you be the mustard to my ketchup?” he asks you.

-You usually shoot him down on his more absurd ideas, but that just makes it easier for him to convince you into other weird ones as long as they’re not as extreme.

-He doesn’t mind how revealing your costume is as long as you’re by his side. It doesn’t matter whether or not you can protect yourself, he prefers being around you just in case.

-Once he dressed up as a vampire and proceeded to try to nip at your neck. This was in Angel’s Share so Diluc was quick to scold him for you.


-Venti absolutely loves Halloween. He enjoys how lively people are on the day and seeing all the different costumes.

-He always goes trick-or-treating, whether it’s by himself or he’s taking a few children trick-or-treating for their parents.

-He won’t pressure you into spending Halloween with him, but if you do he’ll be ecstatic.

-He enjoys couples costumes where one of you looks normal and the other looks silly.

-Usually you’re the one wearing a normal costume while he wears something more extravagant to match it. It’s mostly because he’d rather make a fool of himself than have you be embarrassed.

-This time around, he went as a blank canvas while you went as an artist.

- “I might be the canvas, but you’re the work of art.” he jokes as he intertwines his fingers with yours.

- “Hey, Venti.” you start, “I can’t draw hands, can I hold yours as reference?”

-Venti giggles at your own pick-up line before giving you a kiss.

-Halloween was always fun, but he preferred it when it was spent with you by his side.

Pairing: Yandere!Frankenstein!Scaramouche x Reader

Pronouns for reader:They/them

TW: Yandere, stockholm syndrome, blood, death

Other warnings: Not proofread

    Scaramouche was an abomination, something created by a woman desperate to bring back somebody she loved. What she got instead was him, a person that people were afraid of, that people hated. Could he even be considered a person? Yes, he was made from human parts, but he did not come into this world like the others in it. His creator sewed him together, as if he were some sort of puppet. She brought him into this world by forcing him to get struck by lightning. The first thing his body felt was excruciating pain of the lightning against his skin, his nerves crying for help as he desperately tried to free himself from his restraints. He was created in a way that he’d consider to be inhumane.

    His creator made him oh so beautiful. His face was fairer than any other, his skin free of any flaws, his eyes like two gems. He was perfect. Yet, he was still tossed aside by his creator. He was perfect, but he wasn’t perfect enough.

    At first he had doubted himself, wondering what was so wrong about him. Where were his flaws? There were none as far as he could tell. But as time went on, he began to learn. His creator simply didn’t love him as much as the one that she lost. He began to resent her. Who was she to create life and then toss it aside like some ragdoll? She was disgusting in his eyes.

    People in town were aware that he was created by unnatural means, so they stayed clear of him. He began to resent people. They treated him coldly, not once allowing him shelter, forcing him to wander through the night. So, he decided to leave town and change how people saw him. He acted perfectly, charming people into giving him what he wanted, only to stab them in the back. They didn’t know any better, they were so gullible. It was honestly pathetic how quick they were to trust him over a few simple words.

    There was one person who never got mad at him for using them was a person named (y/n). They always welcomed him back with open arms, helping him in any way they could. Whenever his personality turned sour, they’d give him a smile in understanding, allowing him to leave once more.

    They were so unlike his creator. While his creator threw him out, they accepted him every time he came back. While his creator brought him into this world in the most agonizing way imaginable, they helped him live in it in peace. They might not have been nearly as intelligent as his creator, but he found himself preferring them by a landslide.

    He spent a majority of his time at (y/n)’s house, he was practically living there by now. It was the one place where he felt like he could be in control while being himself, it had become a place of comfort. Their house wasn’t in the best shape on the outside, it was crooked and dark, but it was absolutely stunning on the inside; one could say that it was the opposite of Scaramouche’s personality.

    His indigo eyes locked with theirs as they entered the room with a stack of books in their hands. They must have been out in town again. He personally never saw the point in such interaction unless it benefitted him, but it was something that (y/n) enjoyed.

    “Scaramouche, I brought you back some books.” they told him as they walked over to him.

    Ah, the name Scaramouche; he loved hearing that name, it was a reminder that he chose his own life and not his creator. He was grateful for (y/n) for suggesting he pick a name of his own and even more grateful that they always referred to him by it. He was no longer Kunikuzushi, no, that version of him was dead. He was Scaramouche now and he was living.

    He enjoyed it when (y/n) brought him back books. It would be something to pass the time with when he was bored, something to boast about in the future. He could remember each word of every book he had read cover to back. He wasn’t just perfect in appearance, he was perfect in mind too.

    He let out a hum in reply as he took them from their grasp and moved to the table to set them down to get a better look at them. There were a variety of genres in the new collection of books, but what caught Scaramouche’s eye were the books on science. There were books about the science of the mind and books on medical science. He enjoyed those types of books because he felt like he could actually use what he learned. Fiction wasn’t his cup of tea, he claimed that it wouldn’t help anyone get anywhere in life. He could remember when (y/n) first gave him a book with a fictional plot, he just scoffed as he set the book down, “What good are books of fiction? You don’t get anything from it. Maybe some people get a brief sense of happiness, but that’s all it will ever be. It won’t help them in life.”

    Since then (y/n) had gotten him a larger variety of books, keeping the pieces of fiction for themself to enjoy. They noticed his interest in books containing mentions of science, so they aimed to get them more books involving it. Sure, he still got a few other non-fiction books, but books about science were the main thing.

    “Were you out in town again?” he asked them.

    “Yes, I was. I had to run a few errands and thought I’d pick you up something along the way.” they informed him.

    Scaramouche didn’t bother with a thanks, only giving them a nod to show that he acknowledged their words. It was always like this, he never dared give them a compliment or thanks. But (y/n) never minded it, instead taking his silence as a sign that they picked books he was interested in. No long talks and insults meant that they did something right.

    Scaramouche hated his hair. It was a constant reminder of why he was created, to replace something that was taken from this world. It didn’t do anything good for him, the long locks just continued to get in his way. So, he decided to cut it himself, taking a knife and chopping off a good portion of it.

    When (y/n) arrived home that day, their eyes landed on Scaramouche who sat down at the dining room table, reading one of the books they had gotten them. They noticed his hair the moment they walked in, but waited until they were done putting groceries away to say anything.

    “You cut your hair.” they stated.

    “And what of it?” Scaramouche bluntly responded.

    “It suits you.” (y/n) said before they left the room.

    That was another thing about (y/n) that he appreciated. They’d never insult him. Maybe they didn’t think he was perfect, but they never treated him as anything less than perfect. They treated him like how a friend should be treated, and he enjoyed that. Maybe he wouldn’t admit to being friends with them, but both of them knew that they were.

    “(Y/n).” Scaramouche called out to them as he entered the house. It had been a long time since he had been out and he could easily say that he did not enjoy it. The people were far too lively for his taste. What had irked him today was the stories that were being told of his creation. People talking about a mad woman who created a monster. He had been called a monster hundreds of times before in his hometown where people knew what he was, but it felt different hearing it from an outsider’s perspective. It bothered him when people joked around about how the monster that was created would be lonely, friendless, how nobody would ever love it. The last part hurt the most, because he found himself yearning for the love of a certain somebody.

    “Yes, Scaramouche?” (y/n) responded to his call as they entered the room.

    “What do you think of me?” he asked.

    (Y/n) furrowed an eyebrow at his unusual question, but gave him an answer nonetheless, “I think you’re amazing. You’re not only handsome, but you’re smart too. When you want to be, you can be the kindest person in the world. But I think you prefer being you. Even though you’re not the nicest, you’re not the worst either. You’ve used me to get what you want multiple times, yes, but you’ve never harmed me. Eventually you stopped using me too. Maybe you don’t see me as an equal, but I think I know you well enough to not be considered worthless anymore.”

    Scaramouche chuckled at their answer, draping an arm around their shoulder, “So you don’t think I’m some sort of monster?”

    “Even if you were, I wouldn’t like you any less.” they informed him.

    The male gulped, not expecting a response like that. He lightly shoved them away, careful not to hurt them in the process. “You’re weird.” he told them, earning a shrug from them. “I’m going to my room, don’t bother me.” he spoke before heading off, leaving them behind.

    He needed time to think about their words and how they made him feel. So as he laid on the bed in his room and stared up at the ceiling, his mind drifted. He was well aware his feelings were that of love, he wouldn’t have been so concerned over what (y/n) thought of him otherwise. The opinions of the townsfolk were nothing to him, he didn’t care if they thought he was a monster. They certainly weren’t wrong about that. He was perfect in every way, but he was still a monster.

    He couldn’t quite comprehend (y/n)’s words, how they’d like him even if he was a monster. Their words made his heart swell in his chest, they made him lose his breath. It was silly of him, but he wished that they would have replaced the word like with love. He wanted to hear them say that they loved him. But he knew that if they really knew what he was, their words would prove to be a lie.

    (Y/n) watched as Scaramouche scanned page after page of the book in his hands, the two of them sitting in the living room. They barely caught a glimpse of the cover, but that glimpse was enough to know that it wasn’t the type of book Scaramouche usually read.

    “Why are you staring at me?” Scaramouche asked, his voice as blunt as ever.

    “Oh, I just never usually see you read books on things like love.” they stated.

    Scaramouche’s grip on the book tightened at their words. They were right, he never read books like that. He always claimed that they were stupid, but here he was now, reading one on the science of love. “I wouldn’t have to resort to reading these types of books if you got me better ones.” he sneered.

    They hummed at his words before shooting him a smile as he looked up at them, “I’ll get you some more books tomorrow, okay?”

    He hated that smile, he hated how fond he had grown of it. He hated how he wanted to see that smile, make that smile happen. It seemed that despite how cold he acted towards (y/n), they were still willing to grace him with the smile he loved so much. Scaramouche could only wonder why they were still so kind to him even after he stopped pretending to be nice. He cleared his throat before mumbling his response, “Thanks.”

    (Y/n) froze, this was the first time they had heard him say thank you to them when he wasn’t trying to get something out of them. “No problem, I’ll let you read in peace.” they said as they got up, leaving the room with a smile on their face.

    Scaramouche groaned once they left, dragging a hand down his face. He really couldn’t believe himself. He must have been getting weak if he was thanking them for something as simple as getting him books. He felt pathetic enough reading books on love, but he found himself wanting to read them more than his other books. There was always the option to stop reading altogether, but that would leave him bored and that was something that he didn’t want.

    He knew why he was reading books on love. Scaramouche wanted nothing more than to understand how to get one to return anothers feelings. In this case Scaramouche wanted (y/n) to return his feelings of love. Yet, he couldn’t find anything that gave a definitive answer on how to make that happen. He was on the verge of giving up on his search for answers, deciding to retire to his room for the time being.

    Scaramouche’s indigo eyes gazed at his scars in the mirror. He who claimed to be perfect in every way had a few imperfections. The scars were from the areas where body parts were sewn together as if he were some sort of doll. They had long since healed, but they still reminded him of the past.

    “Scaramouche.” (y/n) called as they opened the door to his room, only to be meant by the sight of his bare back and arms, his scars that wrapped around his shoulders.

    His eyes snapped to theirs in the mirror, “Get out!”


    “I said get out!” he shouted as he turned to face them, the feeling of panic filling his body as he looked at them. He didn’t want them to see his scars, he didn’t want them to see him as the monster he was. He was afraid, he was terrified and his fear caused his outburst. (Y/n) was quick to leave the room, leaving the male alone once again.

    His heart beat rapidly in his chest, his fear beginning to overtake him. He didn’t want (y/n) to toss him aside when they figured out what he was. They said they’d still like him if he was a monster, but he doubted that that was true. Nobody ever liked who he was, not even his creator. They probably figured it out, they probably figured it out. repeated in Scaramouche’s mind.

    They did figure it out. With the rumors that had been going around and Scaramouche’s scars, along with him being deathly cold, it was hard not to put the pieces together. They didn’t know what to do. (Y/n) didn’t want to lie and treat him differently because of what he was, but fear bubbled in their heart.

    (Y/n) had done their best to not treat Scaramouche any differently, but he noticed a few things that were off about them. He noticed how they hesitated when resting a hand on his shoulder, or how they’d avoid going anywhere near his room. He knew that they knew what he was, that he was an abomination, a monster. Yet he still loved them, all he wanted was their love. He did his best to combat their fear with affection, wrapping his arms around them and nuzzling into their neck. But it would only result in their body stiffening in his grasp.

    “(Y/n).” Scaramouche spoke as he grabbed hold of their hands, a soft smile on his face.

    They hesitated to face him, but did nonetheless. “Yes, Scaramouche?” they replied. Not only were they not used to Scaramouche holding their hands, they were a bit afraid of him.

    His smile turned into a frown at their hesitation. It was to be expected, but it still hurt. He was glad at the same time though, he knew that if it was anybody else they’d tell others and have him hunted down. His sweet (y/n) was too kind to do anything like that. They really were too kind for their own good. “Can you get me some more books next time you go out?” he asked.

    “Yes, of course.” they agreed to his request, being quick to take their leave once he let go of their hands.

    He let out a sigh as he watched them leave. The books he had read didn’t have information on how to make them love him back, but maybe what he had read was right. “Be yourself.” he chuckled, maybe who he truly was was a monster and he was fine being one if it meant making (y/n) his.

    Weeks had passed and (y/n) had seemed to calm down a little. It was that or they had gotten good at hiding their fear of the man. Scaramouche on the other hand had become more and more affectionate, to the point he was babying (y/n). He didn’t want them doing anything by themself, so he’d be right by their side the whole time. He’d gladly follow them while they made food or walked about the town, as long as he was able to keep an eye on them to make sure nobody got too close. His eyes would settle into a glare each time somebody had walked too close to (y/n) for his liking, foul words being spoken under his breath, low enough for just him to hear.

    Scaramouche wrapped an arm around (y/n)’s waist once they entered a carriage. His lips brushed against their ear as he thanked them, “Thank you for coming to see my creator with me.” At this point he wasn’t trying to hide that he was created by abnormal means. They were already aware and he had no desire to pretend he saw his creator as his mother. No, his creator was nothing more than a piece of trash that he needed to dispose of.

    “I’m looking forward to meeting them.” (y/n) said, although they themself didn’t even know whether or not that was the truth. Somebody who dared to create something like Scaramouche had to be mad. They were more scared of meeting Scaramouche’s creator than they ever were of him.

    “You’re nervous.” Scaramouche stated, noticing how they were messing with their hands. He pulled back from them, moving to hold their hand instead, “I’ll be right by your side the entire time, there is no need to be nervous.”

    They didn’t know what Scaramouche had planned, but whatever it was wasn’t helping their nerves. They knew he was up to something.

    “I’ll protect you.” he cooed.

    It was a day ride, the two of them switching carriages multiple times in order to get to the town Scaramouche was created in. It was a dark town, the skies were grey and filled with lightning, the clouds pouring rain down on the earth.

    Scaramouche took (y/n) hand once they exited the carriage. He led them through alleyways until they got to their destination. It was a decent sized apartment, one owned by none other than his creator. “We’re here.” Scaramouche informed (y/n) before he knocked on the door. Minutes passed until the door opened, a woman with long braided violet hair and purple eyes greeting them.

    “Kunikuzushi.” the woman said, her eyes focused on the man beside (y/n).

    “It’s Scaramouche.” he said, his eyes narrowing upon hearing his original name.

    The woman hummed in response, her eyes finally landing on (y/n), “And you are?”

    “Their name is (y/n).” Scaramouche responded for them.

    “The least you can do is let them speak.”

    “You have no right to be telling me what I can and can’t do.” the man growled in annoyance.

    “Why are you here?” his creator asked, quick to cut to the chase.

    Scaramouche let out a hum as he squeezed (y/n)’s hand, “I’ve read that when you love somebody, you’re supposed to introduce them to your parents. You’re the closest thing I have to that.”

   Of course it was because of something he read. his creator thought. He was a blank slate when he was created, afterall. He was nothing more than a hollow shell, but he was quick to pick up new things. It didn’t take him long to form a personality of his own. But he wasn’t her, he wasn’t the sister that his creator had lost. He just wasn’t good enough.

    His creator let out a sigh as she moved aside, “Come on in.”

    The two did as told, entering her home. It was practically spotless, as if his creator had no need for mortal possessions. Scaramouche’s eyes landed on one of the doors, his eyebrows knitting together at his annoyance. He hated the room that door led to.

    (Y/n) shifted uncomfortably on their feet once they entered the apartment. They weren’t sure what to do. While they were briefly distracted by Scaramouche’s confession of love, it didn’t change the fact that they were nervous. “Uhm, what should I call you?” (y/n) asked as they turned towards Scaramouche’s creator.

    “Ei.” she responded.

    “It’s nice to meet you, Ei.” (y/n) said.

    Scaramouche’s grip on their hand tightened. He didn’t like the two of them interacting, especially not with how kind (y/n) was. Ei didn’t deserve that kindness, nobody did, not even him.

    “Aren’t you going to offer us some water or a meal?” Scaramouche questioned Ei with a smirk on his face, “Or have you forgotten your manners?”

    “I have no reason to offer you food or water. You’re capable of making food yourself, are you not?” Ei retaliated.

    Scaramouche let out a few curse words under his breath before he turned towards (y/n). His gaze softened upon looking at them, he always felt at peace when he saw their face. “I’ll make us something to eat, alright?” he said, earning a nod from them. He was hesitant to let (y/n)’s hand go, but he did nonetheless, leaving them and Ei in each other’s company as he went to the kitchen.

    There was no conversation held between Ei and (y/n) as Scaramouche worked on their food. Ei did nothing more than analyze them from their seat on the couch, while (y/n) sat fiddling with their fingers due to their overwhelming nervousness. It wasn’t long until Scaramouche peaked in, letting them know the food was ready. He had even made food for Ei, despite how much he hated her.

    The three of them sat down at the dining room table in silence for most of the meal. That was until everyone was almost done with their meals, that’s when Scaramouche finally spoke up.

    “(Y/n).” he cooed as he gazed at them.

    “Yes, Scaramouche?” they replied.

    “You know I’d do anything for you, right?” he said.

    (Y/n) gulped. They didn’t know where this was going, but they weren’t sure they liked it, “Yes, I know.”

    The sound of tableware clattering caused (y/n) to jump in their seat, their head whipping to the forward to see the source of it. Their eyes landed on Ei, her body slumped forward onto the table.

    “Ei? Ei, are you okay?” (Y/n) asked as they started to get up from their seat, only to be pulled back down by Scaramouche.

    He let out a sigh as he looked into their eyes. Even when they were terrified they were stunning. The man got up to move closer to (y/n), leaning down to be face-to-face with them still in their chair.

    “Scaramouche, what did you do?” they questioned him, not daring to try to free themself from his grip.

    He hummed in response before gently pressing his lips against their’s, something they didn’t reciprocate. He didn’t mind it, they were just scared after all. “It was just some fast acting poison. Nothing to worry about.” He continued, “I think it’s time we moved, let’s start a new life here. You see, I don’t want you to leave my side and Ei has–well, had, past tense for the dead–everything necessary to bring you back once you die of old age.”

    “You’re a monster.” they hissed out.

    “And you said you’d like me even if I was one. Now you just need to learn to love me.”

    It was the perfect plan in his eyes. Everyone in that town knew what a monster he was, there was no way they would try to protect a stranger like (y/n) if it meant getting on Scaramouche’s bad side. He’d treat (y/n) with love and care, never daring to go too far. Afterall, he didn’t want them to hate him. It wouldn’t be such a bad life, no, Scaramouche was sure that they’d learn to enjoy it.

    “Watch where you’re going.” Scaramouche hissed out as he pulled the person who had bumped into (y/n) by the hair before pushing them into the ground. He pulled the person’s head back only to bash it into the ground, again and again.

    “I swear, I didn’t mean to!” the person yelled as they desperately attempted to escape Scaramouche’s grasp to no avail.

    (Y/n) and Scaramouche had lived there for years, (y/n) slowly learning to accept Scaramouche and his ways. If they tried to put a stop to things like this, the person would only get a worse punishment, so they’ve learned to just keep quiet at times like these. Everyone was well aware of who–what–Scaramouche was. They all knew to stay away from him, but more importantly they knew to stay away from his lover. There were a few times such as now where somebody would slip up, earning Scaramouche beating them until they were on the brink of death. The townspeople were sure that if it was more than a small slip-up and they deliberately caused (y/n) any trouble, they’d be dead.

    “I didn’t say you could speak.” Scaramouche said, pulling them back by the hair to reveal their bloodied face, “Apologize to them.”

    “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.” the person cried out, they gaze barely focusing on (y/n) as they spoke. “Please, tell your husband to stop.” they begged.

    Scaramouche paused his actions. Husband? he thought. It did sound good, he liked the idea of referring to (y/n) as his spouse. The man let out a hum as he pushed the person’s face back into the ground, putting a fair amount of pressure on their skull. His indigo eyes looked at (y/n) as he spoke, “(Y/n)? Will you marry me?”

    They knew that he’d allow them to decline, but they still found a small smile on their face as they replied, “Of course I will, Scaramouche.”

    Scaramouche was right, they learned to love him just as he thought they would. He swore he’d treat them right, he’d make sure nobody else ever touched them, he’d make sure no harm would come to them. They’d be together until the end of time.


“ ? .”


character(s): diluc ragnvindr / gn!reader 

synopsis: you and diluc are walking to the winery in the early hours of the morning, when you start to get cold. diluc can’t find it in his heart to see you shivering like that and he takes matters into his own hands.

warning(s): none. sfw, fluff, established relationship

word count: 567


stars were arranged in their constellations amidst the wash of blues, purples and black that the sky had darkened into, by the time you and diluc had begun walking back to the winery. knowing that your partner had to close angel’s share on his own, you had decided to stay behind and keep him company; it was a sweet sentiment at first, but you quickly began questioning your decision when you were shivering, hairs stood on end as you trekked back to your shared home in the early hours of the morning.

Keep reading



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18+ Only - MDNI

well I never planned on writing for Genshin, but since I couldn’t find an in universe Thoma smut fic, I wrote my own. also for @gg9183

thoma x f!reader, did not proofread, not really slow burn but you have to read to get to the smut, pwp, pwf, lightly possessive, dry humping, slight angst, hint at aether x ayaka, some spoilers for the inazuma arc, (3.97k wc)


Perhaps it’s because you come from a small clan, living a life closer to that of a commoner than what one would expect of a family in power, but you always come to the Kamisato estate with a critical eye. It’s not that you don’t like your meetings with Ayaka (a roundabout plan by your parents to raise the clan’s status in hopes that one day she’d have the pull to suggest to her older brother that he marry you), but the perfection you observe makes you wary. They could try to hide it with their immaculately clean halls and rooms, or Ayaka’s drilled manners, but you know that nothing is perfect.

Certainly the housekeeper they call Thoma is no exception to this knowledge.

However, despite your reservation to believe in perfection, the blond foreigner has yet to prove he’s anything but so. He seems to be friends with just about everybody, and all that know him do nothing but revere him for his skills as a housekeeper and business negotiator. He’s kind in a genuine way, and you can’t find a hint of hidden motive behind the offers of his hand to help you up or down any stairs, running after you with an umbrella if it rains on your journey back home, or his jacket if he catches a hint of a chill in the air.

Oh, and he’s handsome too.

As the case may be, he is an exception and he really is perfect. And almighty archon, is it ever so annoying.

But you know you should not concern yourself with agonizing and irritating thoughts of Thoma’s perfection. You know the real reason you’ve been cultivating familiarity with the Kamisato clan is for none other than the man himself, Kamisato Ayato. You’ve only been introduced and had quick greetings before he’d retreat to take care of his duties with the Yashiro Commission. He’s handsome as well, sharing the same genteel beauty as his sister. You wonder if the suggestion he marry someone from such a clan as yours would even be suitable. He’s supposedly a fearsome fighter and strategist, and perhaps would be better suited for the Kujou clan’s military general daughter.

At the very least, you like to think that your friendship with Ayaka is meaningful enough to give your clan a stronger voice when you eventually take over one day. Back when you were kids, you were only allowed to converse through a screen divider, making your visits a little awkward. However, with the years, she was finally able to meet you face to face, and though shy and reserved at first, you’ve noticed in the last year or so that she’s become more relaxed and excitable.

“Excuse me if this is uncouth. I couldn’t possibly talk to Thoma about this, but I-” the icy-haired girl fumbles around uncharacteristically with her words one day over tea at the estate. “I was wondering you had any experience with, um, love.”

The inquiry throws you off and makes your brain go wild with the thought of why she would be asking, and ultimately who she could be seeking advice on. Thoma is the only one who comes mind, seeing that they spend a considerable amount of time together and he dotes on her with the same kindness he shows to everybody - if you were her age, you’d also be charmed. You take a deep breath, mentally composing a respectable response.

“I’m afraid I don’t know much when it comes to romance, other than the stories,” you admit as you nervously take a sip of tea. You do know a little more than you’re willing to let on, but you’re not sure what would be appropriate to share. Certainly you’ve found people attractive, but never enough to distract yourself from your duties as the future head of your clan. However, Ayaka is a few years younger than you, any normal teenager would begin to think of such things in a serious manner. “If may be so bold as to ask, why?”

Her cheeks turn an endearing shade of pink as she lets her gaze fall to her hands in her lap.

“I made a friend recently. Perhaps you have heard of the traveler who helped to end the vision hunt decree,” Ayaka answers shyly.

Your mouth hangs open just a bit before turning into a smile at the revelation. The esteemed Ayaka-dono falling for a foreign traveler? This is very exciting news.

“And you’re in love with him?” You exclaim, although not too loudly, knowing that Thoma and some others are right outside the room.

“No! I mean, he and I are friends. He helped me learn more about my mother, and we also went to the festival together, and after-” She cuts herself off.

“And after?” You prod. This is the most she’s ever opened up to you, and the topic is quite stimulating.

“We, um, shared an intimate moment.”

You go silent, eyelids pulled back high in shock. You find it hard to even blink, but you manage to at least clear your throat and not drop your tea cup.

“By intimate, you mean like, kissing?” You ask, hoping for nothing worse of an answer.

“Eh?! No, no! K-Kiss? I meant- Not kissing! Th-That’s- We- I just-” She stammers in embarrassment and covers her face with a fan.

The conversation must have gotten a little loud, because the door slides open to reveal Thoma looking in. You meet his stare. For a split second, you notice that it lacks the usual lightness, but quickly a bright smile takes over when he asks, “Can I get you two anything?”

“We’re fine Thoma,” Ayaka tells him as she lowers her fan, quickly putting on her usual demeanor with impressive turnaround.

“Well if that’s the case, my lady,” he says turning towards you. “Your room is prepared for your stay. Might you accompany me to help you settle in?”

It’s not unusual for him to ask, being too considerate to move a lady’s things without her being present. Ayaka nods toward you as if to say she’ll find you later to continue your discussion. Before you can even shift to stand up, Thoma is by your side offering his hand. Again, nothing unusual, but there’s something in the back of your mind that tells you to be more on guard. You take his hand though, and rise to your feet, bowing towards Ayaka who gives you a small smile.

Thoma offers his arm to you as you walk through the expansive estate. He’s talkative as per normal, pointing out the new artwork from Liyue now that trade restrictions are starting to lift, and chatting about how they’re expecting more foreign visitors in Ritou. It’s hard not to marvel at the well kept grounds at his doing, and you wonder if there truly is a future for you live in such a perfect place.

You feel comfortable at his side, walking arm in arm like this, even if there is something keeping you a little on edge. The split second look he gave you when he interrupted your conversation with Ayaka makes your throat feel strange when you think about it. But he seems relaxed and carefree as he recounts a his most recent run in with a tanuki, and you find yourself more at ease and giggle at his story.

“Here we are! Same room as usual, though we finally got enough silk in to have new sheets and pillowcases made,” he says as he opens the door for you. There is a sense a familiarity, coming to stay here a few times a year since your early teens. Though but a guest room, it’s nearly as big as some of the homes in your village. It’s conflicting, feeling so appreciative and admiring of the work done to accommodate you, yet also knowing that there are people you know with so little. Still, you can’t help but to run your fingers over the fine silk and imagine sinking into the softness come nighttime.

You thank him for making such arrangements for your stay, but insist that the previous Sumerian cotton was more fine than anything you’re used to.

“One good night’s rest under these sheets and you’ll never want to sleep in anything else,” he insists.

“Then I cannot allow myself to get used to it,” you say cheekily, and seat yourself on the soft mattress, smoothing the high quality materials of the duvet.

“You will have to if you are to marry Lord Ayato.”

The words cut the lightness in the air, and suddenly that strange feeling is back from how he looked at you earlier.

“I am not inclined to be expectant of such an offer,” you say, turning your head away. Part of it is true, though you know that it’s also the whole reason for your visits.

“Who’s to say you shouldn’t be? You have Lady Ayaka’s favor,” he tells you in earnest, though his tone changes when he continues, “And you have mine as well.”

You go warm at his words, though he means it not as flattery, but as fact. It’s no secret that despite being a housekeeper, he is Lord Ayato’s closest friend. Thoma’s good word has just as much power as Ayaka’s in this regard.

“I’ve done nothing but let my family impose my presence to earn such favor,” you state, still refusing to look his way.

You can hear the rustle of his clothes as he takes a step towards you. Your eyes slowly trail over to him, though you can’t bear to look at his face.

“We host dozens of others with the same intentions, though none quite like you. You don’t seek luxury, in fact, I don’t think you like it all that much. But you have a strong connection and sense of duty to your people,” he says and your eyes shoot up to meet his.

You’ve never felt so seen than under the softness in his green eyes. Something heavy sits in your throat, rendering you unable to respond to his analysis.

“Lady Ayaka senses this as well. I don’t think she would have opened up to you in such a way if she didn’t.”

“You were-” You go to call him out for eavesdropping, but he stops you.

“I’m glad she has another friend in you. Just,” he sighs, “Just be easy with her if she brings up the traveler again.”

You harden your stare at him now. Now you understand the look he had given you when he intruded. You know the reason behind the concern, but-

“Just because she’s an ojou-sama doesn’t mean she isn’t allowed to have a crush,” you state plainly. You’re not nearly as high of status, but you understand the position she’s in, what’s expected of her, and how it’s humanly impossible to fight the way she must truly feel.

“I didn’t mean-” He starts to defend himself, but you quickly stand up and take a step towards him, making him back up.

“Can’t a girl fantasize? We already have to sacrifice our desires, our spirits, our freedom just for being born into our positions. Is it so much to be a little selfish and think about love for ourselves?” You lament as you keep moving towards him until he’s backed into the wall. He meets your hard gaze, his eyes quickly taking in your expression. He seems taken aback, yet there’s an understanding as he reads you.

“But you wouldn’t know anything about being selfish: Thoma the kind. Thoma the chivalrous. Thoma the magnanimous,” you say almost tauntingly as you relent your stance and move back to allow him the air. Of course someone like him wouldn’t be able to relate-

“You’re wrong.”

Your heart stops at the staunchness in his voice. In all your years, you’ve never heard him speak with such roughness. He takes a long stride away from the wall and back into your space, the usual softness in his face replaced with something darker. There’s still a hint of his usual playfulness, but something about his demeanor sends a chill up your spine.

“I’m envious. I could be selfish, too,” he tells you without breaking his eyes from yours. He doesn’t stop his movement towards you. You step back. He steps forward again. Again, and again until the back of your knees hit the bed. He doesn’t stop, looming closer to your face until you’re forced to sit, and still, he does not stop.

“Iwant to be selfish,” he declares in a low voice.

He finally halts just an inch away from his nose touching yours. Your breath moves fast and heavy through your chest, speeding up the accumulation of heat taking over your body. Though just as you start to lean up towards him, he pulls away.

“Sorry, I-”

“Show me,” you say in a small voice, almost like a plea as you pinch his jacket to keep him getting further.

“I shouldn’t. You’re- I’m-” He hesitates, still the dutiful Thoma after all.

You give a light tug, beckoning him closer. His sight drops to your lips, and finds himself locked into your gravity.

“Be selfish,” you permit, the words ghosting his parted lips.

And he submits. Claiming your lips for himself, he slots into you, taking in a moment to connect with you in such a way. His knee slides up onto the bed and next to your hip as he grabs the sides of your face, pulling you and pushing himself closer and closer until you have to wrap your arms around him to stay upright - A futile effort, as he leans into you more, dipping his tongue into your mouth and brushing the tip against yours. You fall back on the bed, bringing him flush against you as you continue your heated kiss, enjoying this feeling being trapped between him and the mattress.

He moans into your mouth, making you whimper as your hips squirm beneath his weight. You’ve never felt anything quite like this. The books you’ve read have always described kissing as something sweet and sacred, but this- this feels much more frantic, like you need so much more. Thoma’s thumbs brush against your cheeks as he moans into you again before pulling back.

“We should-”

But you don’t let him speak, pulling him by the jacket back to your lips and greedily chasing his tongue with yours. Your knees wiggle out from under him, drawing your legs out to hook around his thighs and squeeze his lower half closer to you.

Mmmph!” He groans and forces himself to stop kissing you, much to your annoyance. He struggles against your pleas for more, breath fast and heavy as he stares at you closely.

“We can’t. I can’t,” he says, though you know that’s not what he wants.

“I told you: show me. Show me more,” you demand, moving your hands to tangle in his golden hair and loosening the tie that holds it back. Your fingertips graze through his roots, making his eyes flutter shut at the sensation.

He drops his head to the side of yours, breath rousing the sensitive skin of your neck and heating up your ear. You feel his lips brush against the lobe, and you squeeze your legs just a little tighter around him.

“I won’t be able to stop,” he says right into your ear, the waves of his voice sending a tremor all the way down to your core. You gasp, arching your chest to him as you grip into his hair.

“Then don’t. Please, just this once.”

You want to tell him to be selfish again, but there’s no need. He lifts himself up, and you realize just how much heat you’ve generated between the two of you when the air hits you. Perhaps a result of his Vision, but your body feels like a forest catching fire, slowly building more and more until it’s unbearable. He must be feeling it too when he strips off his jacket and peels off the black shirt beneath, giving you a front row view of his lean muscular body, arms and shoulders defined by his work with the polearm. He drops his belt and leather tasset, and throws off his gloves, leaving him just in his pants when he leans back down to kiss you again.

Surely you’ve seen men bathing and frolicking in the rivers before, but you’ve never been so close to one so bare. Your arms encircle him when he settles his bare chest against yours, lost in the savor of your lips. His skin is smooth and smells of ginger scented soap when his kisses trail down your chin and to your neck. You gasp at the torturously pleasurable jolts you get when his tongue teases your pulse, exposing more of the vulnerable skin to him as you bury your face to his shoulder. Your fingertips grip into the muscles of his back, desperately clinging on as you let the heat consume you.

You whimper his name over and over, encouraging him to give you more of whatever this is. You’re no stranger to touching yourself at night, but your own fingers have never felt anything quite like his hips settled between your legs, moving the hardness in his pants against your barely covered sex that’s been nearly exposed by the shifting of your robes. Your own hips move as well, seeking pressure and rousing on that one spot that makes your voice come up high and airy.

“Does it feel good?” Thoma asks against your collarbone, pulling at the gap between your robes to expose more skin.

“Yes,” you rasp as his lips get closer to the valley of your breasts.

“Can I?” He tugs more at the opening of your robe.

You shut your eyes, feeling shy, but wanting more of what he’s giving. You utter your consent and cover your face with your hands when he pulls apart the fabric and reveals your bare chest to him. He makes a throaty sound and runs his hands down the sides of your sternum, thumbs brushing over your nipples in passing, making you gasp and shiver. He does this again and again until you’re whimpering and writhing beneath him, and ultimately settles his hands to continually roll your buds under his thumbs.

Eventually, desire and pleasure takes over your shyness, and you drop your hands in favor of once again tangling themselves in his hair. Your fingers move fervently through his loosened locks, knocking his headband off place until he takes a second to fling it to the side. He looks down at you for a moment, blonde hair wild and pushed around, showing a little bit of his forehead to you for the first time. Your cheeks go impossibly warmer at the sight.

“You’re beautiful,” you say with a light smile, and giggle when his green eyes change from drunk and heavy, to wide in surprise.

“I should be saying that to you first,” he says back, matching your smile. His gaze softens and he move his face to kiss you again, though cut short when he speaks again.

“Can I be even more selfish with you?”

You nod, wanting nothing more.

He smothers his face into your neck and molds his body to yours, taking a moment to memorize this feeling.

“Even if we just pretend,” he whispers and trails off, a little apprehensive as to what he’ll say next. You stroke his hair to coax him into saying whatever prehensile thing he has on his mind.

“Don’t marry my lord,” he tells you. “Don’t marry anyone.”

Your heart swells and thumps at the plea. You squeeze him with your arms and kiss the top of his head sweetly.

“Okay,” you agree quietly.

“Be mine. Just be mine,” he mutters and presses his nose even harder into your skin.

“All yours,” you assure him and continue to run gentle touches up and down his spine. He inhales long and deep, then shifts to hover above your again. Sincere green eyes study your face as you stare back at him, a silent understanding passing in the intentional and meaningful look.

Then he indulges, letting his head drop down to your chest, taking one of your sensitive pebbled nipples between his lips. Your mouth falls open, unable to hold back the breathy moans as flashes of need sear your core. He teases the other bud between his fingertips, and you swear your body might break from how much you’re trembling from the tightness in your belly. Your legs kick and squirm around his thighs, feverishly searching for relief by rubbing your aching clit on his hardon in his pants.

His name comes out in strings from your lips, begging for something that you’re not quite sure of but he has you believing in. Your eyes roll and flutter with each flick of his tongue and jolt of his hips against you. You grab at his back, stifling him into your chest as he sucks even harder at your teat.

He fights your hold to come up for a breath, but instantly dives back into kiss you. He shifts his body, and finally you find that sweet reprieve you had been so desperately seeking. His hips rut against you, moving in rhythm with yours as you stimulate yourself on his hard, covered cock. The friction has you whining and begging muffled pleas into his mouth, though he’s also using your kiss to suppress his own voice.

He groans into you, tongue messily teasing yours. The pace of his hips pick up, grinding himself against the heat between your legs. Both of you tremble and heave. You can feel the head of his cock straining through his paints and catching against your swollen, aching nub.

“Thoma, p-please. Something is- If you keep moving like that,” you stutter between moans.

“Gonna cum for me? Please cum for me. Gonna make me cum too,” he huffs and moves his hips even faster, determined to hear you cry out even more.

“I think- Ohhh! Oh!

You don’t know what’s coming, but when it does come, you know. Your eyes screw shut, your own hips jerking up to meet his and ride out your peak, shockwaves of ecstacy rippling through you again and again with the friction of your movements. He lets out something between a grunt and a growl, shoving his face back into the crook of your neck as a sticky wetness soaks your underwear. His body shudders against yours, making you whimper from the sensitivity and his hot breath at your skin.

Eventually, he relaxes his weight onto you, placing a light kiss to your neck without moving his head. He’s a little heavy, but it feels nice. Your hold on him lightens, though you still keep your arms around him, and return his affection with a kiss to his forehead.

“I like the selfish side of you,” you mutter softly, breaking the quiet afterglow.

“I can be worse, you know,” he says, voice a little groggy.

You believe him, smiling to yourself when you tell him, “You’ll have to show me.”

He lifts his head to kiss your lips, only breaking to say, “When you’re all mine, for real.”

“When I’m all yours,” you promise.

You both are tired from the experience. Some time passes by before you move to lay on the bed properly. The Liyuese silk feels just as Thoma had described, though your head seems to much prefer the comfort of his chest than the luxurious down pillow. He sleepily strokes your hair and murmurs sweetness on your crown. There will be out-turns to follow this yield to desire, but right now, everything is perfect and for once, you’re okay with that.


reacting to you confessing love

genshin impact edition pt.2

characters: kazuha, venti and xiao

warnings: spoilers for the 2.7 quest in xiao’s and my terrible original haiku…along with my unedited work LMAO.

a/n: yeah- uh please ignore the bad haiku…i tried my best + if the hcs seem kinda wonky or chunky *shrugs* that’s…that’s just my style ehe


  • Blinks at you for a moment until your words process in his mind 
  • And there we go! Kazuha has his one and only smile brightening up his face 
  • His cheeks are a little flushed but shhhh we’re not mentioning that to him ;)
  • Eyes crinkling around the corners as he replies to your confession with a haiku. 
  • Hisoriginalhaiku:

Those three words you spoke,

Weigh heavy around us both,

But my heart feels light.

  • “No wonder you were acting strangely these past few days. I feel the same. “
  • You guys go on a celebratory date to that street food stall in Ritou and eat salted braised fish :D
  • Somehow Beidou and the Crux family hear the news and are ecstatic for Kazuha!
  • Little did you know, Beidou and the others were shipping you two for quite a while
  • Waiting for WHEN THE HECKERONI you’d get together :< kids these days are so shy… just say it!! JUST SAY ITTTTTTTTT AHHHHHHHHHH
  • Also, Kazuha’s Crux family forces him to go on breaks and spend time with you
  • “I just wish they’d stop prying me about our…dates :(“
  • Lies.. He doesn’t mind it one bit
  • You’ll find yourself invited to The Crux often for partying


  • His hands stopped plucking at the strings of his lyre as his head turned to face yours…. Green eyes widened as the realisation set in.
  • That’s when he tackled you to the ground with a hug TvT <3 (the two of you were sitting side by side on Starsnatch Cliff btw)
  • “You have no idea how thrilled I am!” 
  • The surrounding wind blew gently, a little warm but had the heartwarming scent of cecelia flowers to it. 
  • Speaking of cecelias, he picked a few and tucked it behind your ears :”D now both of you are matching
  • You bet every Mondtstater knew about your relationship by the very next day.
  • Let’s be honest, we all saw that coming- come on, it’s Venti! 
  • “Hehe, I dedicate this song to my beloved! Listen up everyone~”
  • Diluc is tired of him coming to Angels Share and talking about you on the daily… He has a deadpan expression every time you arrive at the bar to pick up drunk Venti…
  • Nevertheless, Diluc is actually happy for the both of you and in reality doesn’t mind too much about him getting drunk now and then; after all, someone’s got Venti’s back now ;)


  • He turned around to look at you with his thinking pose.
  • Ehem (Xiao bestest boy)
  • “Hmm… Mortal emotions are something that I do not fully comprehend but- since it is you, I do not mind experiencing this… love… with you” 
  • He’s trying, okay? Give the poor boy some slack. He’s never dated his entire life and never thought about it too deeply, unlike his other yaksha siblings. 
  • This is the best reply you’ll get from him at the moment. Later on though, he will slowly become better at expressing his feelings with you :”D <3
  • He escorts you to his room back in Wangshu Inn 
  • Since it was getting pretty late for you to return to your place, Xiao allowed you to take his bed.
  • He slept out on the roof though :( 
  • But dear oh dear, Verr Goldet saw the entire scene. Don’t you worry, Wangshu Inn and their workers dare not disturb the two of you the next day, ahh~ sweet love.
  • Xiao often gets relationship advice from Zhongli… He calls the young adeptus for drinking tea now and then but- the god of Liyue has taken quite an interest in him and your relationship???
  • “So… I heard from Ganyu that you were on a flower picking date”
  • As for his yaksha siblings- well… they just tease him (in good humour, of course)
  • Xiao acts grumpily afterwards, but seriously? He loves it :”D (actually misses their teasing when his family doesn’tdo it)
  • “Hmph… they act like a bunch of kids”


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☁️just like a hentai! |feat arataki itto (wc: 2.1k)

cw: gn!afab!reader (pussy, cunt, clit, cervix are used to describe genitalia), hentai-esque dialogue/ tropes, heavy mutual dumbification, explicit consent, pussyjob, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, penetrative sex

synopsis:arataki itto has a dirty little secret. don’t worry, though. he’ll share it with you, over and over and overagain.

minors, i DO NOT CONSENT to you interacting with me. 18+ only, please.


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pairings: all x f!reader

characters: zhongli, kaeya, itto, xiao, childe, albedo

cw:modern au, unprotected vaginal sex, somnophilia, mommy/daddy kink, exhibitionism, sex toys, spitroasting, period sex, breeding kink, bondage, humiliation, impact play, dacryphilia, noncon, roleplay, facials, voyeurism, loss of virginity, ball worship, pussy worship

a/n: there is a fair amount of dark content in here, you’ve been warned. inspired by the lovely @svgarslut

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