#gerard pitts





What normal people sleep on:

What the DPS fandom sleeps on:




Headcanon: Gerard Pitts gets a girlfriend who makes it her mission to cut his hair nicely and get rid of the flat top


Okay so I know that this is a liiiiiiiittle off topic from what I normally post but I wanted to advertise a Dead Poets Society server!!! Pretty new, super duper friendly, we simp for all the characters, and have lots of fun roles lol. 

PM me for the link! I do not bite

Hey y’all just so you know the server is popping we all gave ourselves unofficial DPS names based on characters everyone thinks we are like and the interactions are just… *chef’s kiss*

PM IF YOU WANT TO JOIN! WE HAVE SPACE FOR MORE CHARACTERS AS YOU CAN SEE!!! Also we have fun shit to do and we need more people.

PM me if you need the link!

pitts: todd

todd: yea

pitts: you know when you feel awkward and everything around you just seems awkward


todd: i definitely know the feeling, yes.

i love the fact that the dps fandom considers pitts as some kind of super hero

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.

where would the dead poets be after welton?Todd “good god, boy, there’s a poet in you after all”stwhere would the dead poets be after welton?Todd “good god, boy, there’s a poet in you after all”stwhere would the dead poets be after welton?Todd “good god, boy, there’s a poet in you after all”st

where would the dead poets be after welton?


  • “good god, boy, there’s a poet in you after all”
  • studies the classics in columbia university
  • writes poetry during breaks and on the subway
  • thinks to himself “carpe diem” every time he goes to a terror professor’s class
  • is part of the over 75% of welton graduates who move onto the ivy league
  • drinks wine when having to study core subjects he does not care about
  • misses classes way too much
  • overanalyzes for poetry classes, almost fails college-level math
  • just goes along with how neil wants to spend date night
  • he loves suits because he gets to blend into the crowd even if he is the most frightened college student that has ever existed
  • his parents buy him ugly suits and he pretends to like them
  • studies at the coffee shop until 2 AM, unless neil is studying a role because he joins neil at the diner and withstands the terrible coffee
  • exam season breakfast is either nothing, or something while on the subway (he tries to be as discreet as possible)
  • constantly forgets where he put his metro card so he keeps buying new ones because he’s almost always late for class
  • brings huge bouquets to neil’s performances
  • owns lots of shoes but only wears one pair because it’s his most trust-worthy one (feels somewhat comfortable even after hours of walking)
  • is comfortable around neil all the time, except for when he’s writing poetry because neil might steal it because he’s done (walt whitman chasing part 2)
  • speaks as confidently as possible when called on by a professor but still undergoes stuttering moments once in a while


  • an nyc actor
  • his friends invite him to chill at the Paramount Hotel a lot, he only goes because he’s too afraid to tell them he can’t afford it so he just avoids spending money while he’s there
  • estranged from his father, who needs a lot of time to accept his career decisions
  • goes to the ticket booth in times square for last-minute musical tickets on sale
  • still memorizes lines from a midsummer night’s dream
  • goes to a small unknown university in the city, just in case acting doesn’t work out
  • shares an apartment with todd, the love of his life (todd also pays for the apartment but it’s okay todd doesn’t mind)
  • absolutely loves times square in the day but todd hates it so they only go when it’s 4 am and there’s less people
  • when todd is stressed, he tends to blurt out musical songs to make todd laugh (”come on babe, why don’t we paint the town?”)
  • never learned how to drive
  • when the rest of the dead poets visit, they complain about how much neil makes them walk without noticing it (new york means walking ALL THE TIME - meeks hates it)
  • is a sucker for breakfast bagels on sunday mornings
  • learns roles in the local diner 6 minutes away from their apartment (“hey neil, up for an audition again?”)
  • is friends with the diner owner and the coffee shop barista


  • a pre-law student at yale
  • “mr. future lawyer”
  • he and chris are still together but chris goes to a liberal arts college far away so knox goes on road trips just to see her
  • writes a poem for chris every time he visits
  • he ADORES the snow in new haven because it reminds him of happy days in vermont
  • his favorite places to eat apart from the dining hall are shake shack, taco bell, and the chinese food store beside it
  • has a poetry notebook whenever he feels like his soul being sucked into a passionless profession (other people are passionate about it, he just isn’t)
  • has a lot of friends but chooses to hang out with pitts a lot because pitts also went to yale, enrolled in a different course (engineering)
  • he refuses to wear suits unless required because he is so tired of that welton uniform
  • his dad visits him more often because he decided to follow the path he was set out to take
  • has a secret dream of writing award-winning poetry
  • sits on the grass way too often that upperclassmen give him the stink eye because he tends to play loud romantic songs when he studies
  • would die for Insomnia cookies (his favorite cookie shop in the world)
  • has a lot of money but doesn’t want to spend it so he drives all the way to the nearest walmart or target to buy things
  • eats way too much cupped noodles
  • spills coffee on his lecture notes

Post link


I feel like Meeks and Pitts are the type of couple to never get tired of each other or being by each other

i fr hope no one else has done this, imma be so embarrassed

dead poets society is quite literally a work of art. it’s so perfect i love it so much.
