#german stuff



fuck this

*entwackels your pudding*



english speakers wishing you good luck: break a leg!

czechs and slovaks wishing you good luck: break your neck! :)

German speakers wishing you good luck: break your neck and your leg! :D





Meine Lieblingsfiguren? Natürlich Samuel und Dieter Wuppertal aus “Übernatürlich”…


Johann Wuppertal, Karla Bratburg und der Engel des Herrn, Karsten.


malevolence-engine:Perpetrator with “strikingly ugly tie” confesses in courtThe 21-year-old has conf


Perpetrator with “strikingly ugly tie” confesses in court
The 21-year-old has confessed to robbing several banks. His motive is said to have been “need of money”.

The crimes had caused a national stir because witnesses had described a young man with a “conspicuously ugly tie” to the police. It is said to have been a tie in the “style of the 80s”.

Jailed for bankrobbing and fashion crimes smh

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‘Sophisticated hinge technology’ as the Guardian put it.



Falls ihr euch fragt, wo die 6 Punkte im Publikumsvoting für uns herkamen: Von zwei unserer Nachbarn und aus irgendeinem Grund Estland.


Du hast Recht, im Hafen von Tallinn liegt gerade die AIDAvita


Es gibt nichts demütigeres als durch den ganzen scheiss Bahnhof zu joggen weil der R-schlagmichtot heute von Gleis soundsoviel fährt. Look at me running around like an idiot just because ze german announcement voice told me to.

mypling: Ambiguities in German morphology: Hühnerkebap ‘chicken kebab‘ 2.5 EUR vsKinderkebap ‘childr


Ambiguities in German morphology:

Hühnerkebap ‘chicken kebab‘ 2.5 EUR


Kinderkebap ‘children kebab‘ 1.1 EUR

(Source: I don’t remember where this picture was from)

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the Bahn experience is carefully planning out your four-stop journey, only for the very first train to be delayed so much that you’re now left freestyling a route through half of germany that ends with you stranded in a small town you’ve only heard of in your aunt’s Ostfriesenkrimis


You know I still want Germany to go full on stereotype in Eurovision and just send Helene Fischer and Florian Silbereisen in a Dirndl and Lederhosen singing Schlager while some guys in beer costumes dance in the background





it will forever confuse me that the german tumblr app now says “… hat deinen Eintrag gelikt” and not “… hat deinen Eintrag als Favorit markiert” which is just shortened and very nice but I don’t read gelikt as [gelaikd] but as [gelikt] and that sounds as if someone licked my post and i really wish i could unread/unhear that

Man nennt mich Kuh
In tiefster Nacht
Liegt all zur Ruh
Ich trapse sacht
Auf deinen Blog
Den Hals gestreckt
Und habe schon
Den post geleckt


my name’s tumblr
and when you peek
upon your blog
where stuff you keep
I’ll tell you what you like the most -
a friend came by

and licked your post

german stuff

Google translate being so straight, it’s gay

langernameohnebedeutung:langernameohnebedeutung:not-a-sidekick: langernameohnebedeutung:langernamelangernameohnebedeutung:langernameohnebedeutung:not-a-sidekick: langernameohnebedeutung:langernamelangernameohnebedeutung:langernameohnebedeutung:not-a-sidekick: langernameohnebedeutung:langernamelangernameohnebedeutung:langernameohnebedeutung:not-a-sidekick: langernameohnebedeutung:langernamelangernameohnebedeutung:langernameohnebedeutung:not-a-sidekick: langernameohnebedeutung:langernamelangernameohnebedeutung:langernameohnebedeutung:not-a-sidekick: langernameohnebedeutung:langername







I just realised that the rest of the world doesn’t know about one of my favourite New Year’s Eve in Germany things:

Angela Merkel getting out her shiny blazers for her speech.

They’re only for New Year’s Eve. The shiny Merkel is very rare and can only be spotted on the 31st of December.

This year we got shiny with some sort of rococo pattern.

Silvery Merkel of 2018.

Shiny Merkel of 2019! I really enjoy the color this year.

An adventurous duochrome!

shinier than ever for 2020

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germanlanguagerocks:Die deutsche Werbung zeigt sich von ihrer Schokoladenseite. germanlanguagerocks:Die deutsche Werbung zeigt sich von ihrer Schokoladenseite. germanlanguagerocks:Die deutsche Werbung zeigt sich von ihrer Schokoladenseite. germanlanguagerocks:Die deutsche Werbung zeigt sich von ihrer Schokoladenseite. germanlanguagerocks:Die deutsche Werbung zeigt sich von ihrer Schokoladenseite.


Die deutsche Werbung zeigt sich von ihrer Schokoladenseite.

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No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder


Screenshot of an article reading "This dish has another name — herrgottsb'scheisserle or 'Fool the Lord' – because of the story of how it first came about." An image of a ravioli is shown and the text continues below it. "One of the most popular theories is that the Cistercian monks of Maulbronn Monastery (hence the name Maultaschen) didn't want to go without meat during Lent observance. So they concealed the forbidden food from the sight of the Lord by enclosing it in pasta dough."ALT

Ravioli Of Lying To God

No matter your sexuality or gender, your trains are all equally delayed. Love wins <3

There’s a lot going on here but my favourite part is that tumblr is giving me the option to reblog z

There’s a lot going on here but my favourite part is that tumblr is giving me the option to reblog ze german erectile dysfunktion ad.

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Bin kurz davor ein Uquiz mit dem Titel “which of these german TV-Persönlichkeiten are you?” zu erstellen. Assigned Barbara Schöneberger via uquiz.

the Bahn experience is carefully planning out your four-stop journey, only for the very first train to be delayed so much that you’re now left freestyling a route through half of germany that ends with you stranded in a small town you’ve only heard of in your aunt’s Ostfriesenkrimis

Es gibt nichts demütigeres als durch den ganzen scheiss Bahnhof zu joggen weil der R-schlagmichtot heute von Gleis soundsoviel fährt. Look at me running around like an idiot just because ze german announcement voice told me to.

You’re not really getting the full experience of being invested in german politics unless you feel yourself going through all stages of grief whenever this cunt shows up:



[Begin video ID:

Someone driving a car pulls up to a McDonalds drive-thru in Germany. The intercom podium reads “[handwritten script] Wilkommen bei [McDonalds “M”] [typed script] ich liebe es] (translation: Welcome to [McDonalds “M”] I’m loving it)

transcript of conversation:

Driver: Hallo

Employee: Hallo

Driver: Guten Sie English? (Is your English good?)

Employee: Yes

Driver: Stahbiell. Ich bekomm bitte einmal ein Doublepack menu. (Cool. I’ll have a [menu item], please.)

Employee, in heavy German accent: I don’t understand German.

End ID]


girl im rawdogging hohes c mildes frühstück
